Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. U.S. opposition to breast-feeding resolution at World Health Assembly. US Army quietly discharging immigrant troops. Trump administration freezes billions in Obamacare payments. New Jersey woman on oxygen dies when power is cut off. Deputy DA Michael Selyem put on leave after Maxine Waters comments. Cop ignores woman being harassed by stranger for wearing Puerto Rican flag.
Maybe this is a bit over the top but I can’t help but wonder if they are pruning the army so there will be less potential objections should they decide to start use the army to round up immigrants or god knows what else.
Cenk/Ana/John keep making the same mistake that the Dem Establishment is making — every time they rant against Trump, they are solidifying his base.
Nothing brings more joy to the heart of a Trump supporter than the rants and gnashing of teeth by libby-libs. You are giving them great satisfaction, every damn day, with these endless rants.
Every anti-Trump rant is a blissful reminder to Trump Supporters of why they are happy to have voted for him.
At what point will Cenk/Ana/John figure that out?
Never, sad to say.
They should take a look at the interview MORNING JOE did with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez the day after her primary win. At the end of a 6-8 minute piece, Mika suddenly made the realization: “You haven’t mentioned Trump once!” EXACTLY. As Alexandria said, there are more important things to talk about, and no one should be wasting their time reacting to tweets.
The expression “don’t feed the trolls” applies to Trump in spades. Stop. Feeding. Him. And his nasty followers. Stop making them so happy.
When Trump deliberately screws something up, Cenk decides to go out of his way to blame Obama. After 8 years of “thanks, Obama! The criticism goes to Cenk. I say “of course!” in Cenk’s voice. Just 1 minute ago, Cenk blamed all the Republicans (not just Trump) for racism. Thanks, Ana for pointing out Cenk’s wrong blame!
On the people who enlisted just to get citizenship, I say fuck them all.
Only citizens should get in not foreigners.
How long have you served?
That being said it does not disqualify me from having a say.
You have had your say so sec86379 please FUCK OFF you ignorant bigot! Anyone willing to sacrifice their life (paying the highest price) for United Corporation of America in order to become a citizen, many of whom out perform natural born citizen soldiers, deserves to serve and shouldn’t have to do one damn thing more for citizenship once their commitment is over. Now I have had my say.
I am not going to fuck off.
I am as much entitled to my opinion as you are.
There is a name for non-citizens who fight for other countries, it is called mercenaries, and these people are in effect mercenaries.
Then if they are mercenaries, they ought to be paid what they were promised. My fuck off was me acting as a surrogate for the “them all” that you said “fuck them all” to. Me personally, I don’t care what you tell yourself to make yourself feel good about your xenophobic tendencies.
The promise was given to them by a man who can’t deliver and expanded by another man who can’t deliver and the promise was none biding.
The article was clear cut, there is no law behind the program. The lack of a law is what caused this mess in the first place. If you want to do good by these mercenaries you should have passed a law first.
I super disagree. If you are willing to give up your life to defend this ountry, you should absolutely be able to stick around after you have served. These are exactly the kind of people we want here! I am glad we have a volunteer based system and no longer implement a draft, but sometimes I wish we still did so the likes of you had no choice but to step up and serve.
Clearly you have no idea the dedication of service members and the sacrifices they have to make, and zero regard for people who aren’t born in America. Check yourself.
They shouldn’t have been allowed in the the first place. They are not citizens and allowing people of dubious allegiances to serve in the military is risky.
Furthermore Congress had no say in this particular subject, it was an executive decision and congress should have had a say.
Citizens can have dubious allegiances too ya know…
So, if that is the whole of your “argument,” (if not, then all that’s left is you’re a bigot) it’s a super weak one.
What a weak ass argument. Again, do you know anything at all about the military? You make these unsubstantiated claims and don’t have any evidence or good reasons to back them up. The people being discharged are not dubius. Do you know how much vetting the military does on their recruits? A LOT. I know because I’m a mil spouse.
You’re either stupid/racist, or just a troll, or AOTA.
My problem is with recruiting non-citizens in the first place not about security or background checks. The army is recruiting fucking criminals because they are the only fit people it can find in this fat nation (something I also oppose).
Even if their blood was red, white and blue it still does not matter. A military NCO/officer in the US army, or any army for that matter, must be a US citizen who never wore a uniform of another military. This is not WWI when 20% of all young men were not citizens but were here since they were children nor WWII when we needed 18 million soldiers in a nation of 100 million citizens.
The wars were wars of choice and there existed plenty of native born citizen recruits who were rejected.
Hey, asshole. I’ve been in the Air Force for 10 years. Any immigrant who wishes to serve as my brother or sister in uniform deserves citizenship. If you’ve not served then I suggest you keep your ignorance and hate to yourself. If you are a veteran or currently serving then I’m ashamed of you and you’re a disgrace to the service.
I don’t think this moron is or was a military member… It appears he or she or it, is a bot…
As I said above I never served in the military but it shouldn’t mean I have no say in what is going on there.
Sadly, not a bot. There a quite a few genuinely ignorant, hateful and bigoted members here.
Hey, thanks for paying for a membership…
Yeah, thanks to y’all; but especially sec86379…
Your welcome! I only pay for things I believe in and I believe in TYT and occasional differences like these shouldn’t stand in the way.
They’re not occasional differences.
spoken like the supporter of Hillary Clinton that you are.
lookout, Deb is slinging her “shill” webs at people who don’t stand in lockstep with her idiotic positions on things. You’re a shill, and you’re a shill. Everybody who disagrees with me because I’m wrong is a Hillary Shill! The world is so simple when you’re this stupid.
Hillary belongs to the party of DACA and the party that supported this policy in the first place and she defended it.
If my opinion on this matter makes me a Hillary shill then this is some sort of weird mental gymnastics.
Was it just me or did the crazy, stupid racist in the last story drunk? Not that it makes it better, but it seemed to me he was slurring his words a bit (it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere folks!). Also, great to see Cenk & Ana back!
Breast milk is far more than formula. There are antibodies and beneficial bacteria there and many other “immune system starters”. Evolution didn’t get this wrong. We are mammals and need our mother’s milk. A second choice for a woman who can’t breast feed would be another woman’s milk. Even if she can’t pass her own genetic benefits, the other woman’s milk is still human milk. People used to even have “wet nurses”.
Michael Selyem, is now under investigation for rants targeting U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Mexican immigrants and the victim of a police shooting.
Some women choose not to breast feed. They also should be allowed that choice and not pressured.
This isnt about denying choice.
Its about acknowledging reality, and the reality is that formula isnt healthy, and can cause a cascade of metabolic diseases. Formula is definitely a bad choice, its just better than some alternatives. The issue here is having the freedom to state both of those truths. Oligarchs trying to deny the right to speak truth. We’ve heard this story before with climate change. All the world hates a bad sequel.
Yes they should and literally no one was taking that choice away from women.
However if women are going to make this choice simply making sure they are aware of what the consquences of that choice are is a perfectly reasonable thing. You still have the choice to smoke, you just have a label on the packet that tells you what that choice will do to you. You would still have the choice to breast feed you would just be told what the consquences of that choice were. There is no defense of what we did with this don’t try to spin it
Yes, the army discharging immigrants is highly racist, but what I see here is Fascism. They are white washing the military. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Hitler may have done similar.
I’m a fan of TYT, but why did you leave out an important point? As I understand, the decision to freeze adjustment payments from low to high risk insurers was brought on by a court case in New Mexico by an insurance company that claimed that the formula was unfair and needed tweaking. The court ruled in favor of the company, and the hope is that the issue will be resolved and the program will resume. Was there unilateral action by the Trump administration involved? Perhaps so, and I am still trying to understand this thing. But how can I trust TYT to help with our investigation and analysis when the central court case is completely ignored? I love you guys, so don’t make me lose faith through incomplete reporting. Please complete the picture in your next show. Thanks.
Yeah they should have mentioned the court case in NM. But to be fair (or less fair), they also didn’t mention the court case in MA. The legal fight is ongoing because another court in MA upheld the formula so the fact the Trump did this is still completely idiotic. Petulant fuck not understanding or caring about how his actions will hurt Americans.
Thanks for the info, bears.
US Army quietly discharges immigrant recruits despite promise of citizenship
Some foreign soldiers told they were considered security risk because they have relatives abroad
Chris Baynes
Friday 6 July 2018 18:07
A Pakistani recruit, recently discharged by the US Army, holds an American flag ( AP )
The US Army has been abruptly discharging immigrant recruits and reservists who enlisted through a programme that promised them a path to citizenship, it has emerged.
Some of the recruits said they were given no reason for their discharge. Others, after pressing for an explanation, were told they were considered security risks because they have relatives abroad or because the Defence Department had not completed background checks on them.
“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the army last week after being unexpectedly discharged.
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“Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.
“Now the great feeling I had when I enlisted is going down the drain. I don’t understand why this is happening.”
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Foreign nationals have served in the US military since the 1775-83 War of Independence, when Irish and French soldiers were deployed by the rebels against the British.
It is unclear how many service members who enlisted through the immigrant recruitment programme have been thrown out of the army because of their status.
However, immigration lawyers said they were aware of more than 40 enlistees who have been expelled from the forces in recent weeks, jeopardising their futures in the US.
More than 5,000 immigrants were recruited into the programme in 2016, with an estimated 10,000 currently serving. Most enter the army, but some also go into other military branches.
Eligible recruits are required to have legal status in the US, such as a student visa, before enlisting.
To become citizens, they need to have an honourable service designation, which can sometimes come after just a few days at boot camp.
This process – known as Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) – was brought in by then-president George W Bush in 2002 to swell troop numbers.
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Margaret Stock, an Alaska-based immigration lawyer and a retired army reserve lieutenant colonel who helped create the immigrant programme, said she had been inundated over the past few days by recruits who have been abruptly discharged.
All had signed enlistment contracts and taken an army oath, she said. Many were reservists who had been attending unit drills, receiving pay and undergoing training.
“Immigrants have been serving in the army since 1775,” Ms Stock added. “We wouldn’t have won the revolution without immigrants. And we’re not going to win the global war on terrorism today without immigrants.”
Mr Calixto said he was kicked out of the army soon after being promoted to private second class and was given no specific grounds other than “personnel security”.
The 28-year-old, who moved to the US when he was 12 and now lives in Massachusetts, said he had joined the army out of patriotism.
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He has filed a lawsuit in Washington DC alleging the Defence Department did not give him a chance to appeal his abrupt discharge.
A Pakistani recruit who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity said he learned in a phone call a few weeks ago that his military career was over.
“There were so many tears in my eyes that my hands couldn’t move fast enough to wipe them away,” he said. “I was devastated, because I love the US and was so honoured to be able to serve this great country.”
The 22-year-old’s military file, seen by the Associated Press, states that he is so deeply loyal to the US that his relationships with his family and fiancee in Pakistan would not make him a security threat. Yet the army cited those same foreign ties as a concern to justify his discharge.
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Another discharged recruit, an Iranian, said he had enlisted in the programme to gain medical training after coming to the US to study engineering.
He said he had felt proud that he was “pursuing everything legally and living an honourable life”, before he was thrown out of the army a few weeks ago.
“It’s terrible because I put my life in the line for this country, but I feel like I’m being treated like trash,” said the recruit, who did not want to be named because he fears his involvement with the US military could put him at risk if he is forced to return to Iran.
It is unclear how being discharged could affect the recruits’ status as legal immigrants.
In a statement, the Defence Department said: “All service members (ie. contracted recruits, active duty, Guard and Reserve) and those with an honourable discharge are protected from deportation.”
However, lawyers said many of the immigrants let go in recent weeks were given an “uncharacterised discharge”, neither dishonourable nor honourable.
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George W Bush introduced “expedited naturalisation” for immigrant soldiers in 2002 in an effort to boost military recruitment. Seven years later MAVNI became an official recruiting programme.
Since 9/11, nearly 110,000 members of the armed forces have gained citizenship by serving in the US military, according to the Defence Department.
MAVNI came under fire from Republicans when Barack Obama added young immigrants who were brought into the US illegally to the list of eligible enlistees. In response, the military added additional security clearances for recruits to pass before heading to boot camp.
Donald Trump’s administration has added even more hurdles, creating a backlog within the Defence Department.
Republican Congressman Andy Harris, who has supported legislation to limit MAVNI, said the programme was established by executive order and never properly authorised by Congress.
“Our military must prioritise enlisting American citizens, and restore the MAVNI programme to its specialised, limited scope,” he added.
The Pentagon and the Army said that, due to the pending litigation, they were unable to explain the discharges or respond to questions about whether there have been policy changes in any of the military branches.