The News with Dan Rather: June 18, 2018

In The News with Dan Rather - On Demand by Zoe J39 Comments

Dan Rather reporting on children being separated at the border; Paul Manafort sent to jail; Andrew Wheeler to be offered the deputy administrator position at the Environmental Protection Agency; What has changed since Parkland?


  1. Can we please get Dan Rather back!?! He’s bright, articulate, intelligent, insightful,….everything our current president is not.

    Come on TYT! You’re missing out on a great opportunity here. Dan’s shows were my #2 pick behind the main TYT show and now Dan’s shows are gone? This sucks….

  2. WHAT>>>, Officials are sexually raping a 4 year old girl… HOLY SH1T!!! Why do we let this happen? How have they not taken care of this terrorist.

  3. I love this show and have not experienced any volume issues at all! I watched Mr. Rather doing a show from Vietnam while bullets were flying. For a generation he embodied truth and accurate reporting. The Nation trusted his judgement then as it should now. I implore TYT to please bring him back next season!

  4. I’m gonna be honest, I like this show but most weeks I don’t get time to time in and often didn’t go back and watch it later.

    Looking at the number of views on the YouTube clips I can see I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t watching as vigilantly as I should have been. I get that the show could easily be costing more to produce than it wasn’t generating in revenue. So I’m not that surprised to hear it’s been cancelled (for the moment at least).

    As a side note I’ve never had any issues with the audio for this show, however people are viewing it to cause audio issues I don’t think the problem is on tyt’s end or we’d all be experiencing it.

  5. This was a fantastic show. I was looking forward to it every Monday! I watch TYT’s main show every day, but Dan Rather had quickly become my favorite. I hope he will be back!

    BTW – I had no problem with the volume on my laptop. Never even noticed it was different from the rest of TYT’s program.

  6. I super want to watch and listen to these videos but they are so much quieter than everything else on Tyt. I can barely hear it at the highest volume on my phone. But everything else Tyt is great volume wise. Not nagging. Just adding my two cents. Would love to hear Dan Rather’s perspective while I’m making dinner or whatever around the house.

  7. I super want to watch and listen to these videos but they are so much quieter than everything else on Tyt. I can barely hear it at the highest volume on my phone. But everything else Tyt is great volume wise. Not nagging. Just adding my two cents. Would love to hear Dan Rathers’ perspective while I’m making dinner or whatever around the house.

  8. Mr. Rather, sir, you are a national treasure. I am grateful for your news piece each week and for your many years of journalistic contribution to our country. Thank you for using your heart, humor and intellect to illuminate and disseminate the important issues we face. In my humble opinion, your impact will go down in history with other great men such as Fred Rogers and Jimmy Carter. Thank you for the weekly reminder to Stay Steady. ❤

  9. If you are looking for a different format for Dan Rather, then say more. I was excited that you brought him in. But if you just cut Dan Rather, you’ll probably lose me here. Cenk Uygur needs to address this openly and clearly. The sweeping under the rug thing, with a whimper, doesn’t work for me.

  10. I sincerely love this show! I watch it every week! It adds a nice touch of balance and class to the TYT net work. Why is it cancelled? and Whats with the sound TYT? I spent 20 min trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer until I read the comments.

  11. I love Dan too. TYT failed with his volume settings for multiple show, which folks have noted all along. Not saying that I don’t love TYT. If he is cancelled, please spend the bucks to improve the sound volume, He’s served us well for decades, show respect. Share his skills, he has a patience that must be taken forward, be the torch bearer. But why is the volume so low?!!!

  12. Hmm, at the end of this installment, he says that “this season” of The News is finished. Does that mean he’ll be back in the fall? TYT staff, a little communication would be helpful . . .

  13. Come on TYT!!! get it together. please hire competent people. Where is the Dan Rather show?
    I do whatever I can to get here — why can’t you?>????

  14. Where is this show going⁈
    Aside from the terrible audio, this show very much matters.

    Dan Rather is a national treasure. He’s the quintessential reporter. Rather’s perspective in this chaotic time needs to be aired.

  15. I heard you loud & clear, Dan. Love your show for the insightful, in depth news that touches on many topics. It reminds me of Bill Moyers who used to be featured on PBS for his educational, intelligent documentaries

  16. Gotta convert from m4a to mp3, now got to modify the file to increase the volume so I can even hear him, awesome

  17. Not sure why everyone is asking for higher volume on a show that’s canceled. I’ll miss you Mr. Rather! I loved this show.

  18. Love Dan Rather, and his commentary is really VERY important. Please hire a competent sound man to get this right… the sound has actually been goofy the past couple of weeks (like a very annoying hi-frequency boost). In NYC I’ll bet you could get a good engineer easily. PLEASE FIX IT!

  19. I love Dan! However, I wish I could hear him better. Could you turn up the sound on his microphone please?

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