TYT Hour 2 April 12, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson29 Comments

Ana, Mark, Ben. National Enquirer paid Trump doorman $30,000 to kill rumor about love child. Bank of America to not finance companies that make military-style firearms. Parkland teacher in favor of arming educators leaves gun in bar bathroom. 1/3 of Americans do not believe that 6 million Jews died in Holocaust. Mariah Carey opens up about bipolar disorder.


  1. Ana has been listening to Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan way too much. I think it’s great to get a different perspective but I think she is being swayed by their simple thinking masked in a reasonable discussion and she doesn’t think it through as much as she used to.

  2. Bipolar disease is more common than people realize. It causes the most problems in people’s lives because they will not accept that they have to take medication the rest of their lives. I hope that now that Mariah has accepted her disease that she keep an eye out for behavior in her children ..because it is hereditary.

  3. I totally disagree with Ana on the issue about banking. Her view that banking decissions should not be political is strange when TYT promotes a liberal bank that does not invest in weapens and fossile fuels. I think banking decissions are always political and custommers should use their choices as a way to pressure companies in the right direction.

  4. As generally understood, history is written by the winners of the thing.
    Recent, and some not so recent forgotten history.
    — Federal housing policy — The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
    — “Teaching a People’s History” — Zinn Educational Project

    1. Re: people not knowing about the holocaust

      The textbook companies are run by people who don’t believe in the holocaust or slavery so don’t blame millennials too much.

      Re: Mariah Carey

      Kudos for her. She has had a reputation of being an unreliable diva for decades. I wonder how much of it was due to her bipolar disorder.

  5. I skimmed the comments and I couldn’t find this on there. Admittedly I was NOT a history major but I have a healthy interest in it. I collect coins and that’s something my grandfather got me into. My earliest is a true United Kingdom penny from 1872. Approximately 7 years after our first and I hope only civil war. Anyhow Mark said the quote, paraphrased, I’m alluding to, “He who does not study history is doomed to repeat it” I’m paraphrasing as well I believe. That was said by George Santayana and it’s true Mark had said Iraq was another Vietnam, I’ve only heard that from my mother. He’s right and people in their comments here are also correct the Muslim community have become the new target of genocide. I would extend that to any non-white people in at least this country. So many stories of African American people, children sometimes, are being exterminated by our police and quite possibly John Q. Public. More people die reaching for a cellphone or a wallet than for a firearm. Okay my mini-rant is over. Ana also had a point firsthand memory fades all too often and we are left to the history books and people like Ben or one of the posters here or even myself who has that interest to tell us of what happened during thee times. Thanks for reading! Looking forward to tonight’s show!!

  6. Thanks for doing the bipolar disorder story. That representation and push for normalization is so important for us struggling with bipolar disorder.

  7. Ben, I was a history major for the same damn reason. It’s the doorway to every field, it’s the study of humanity in all situations – utterly fascinating. Unfortunately, too many people focus on the totally wrong things – memorization of dates and names and dry facts. It’s not that those things are unimportant – of course they matter, but they tend to be what is drilled down for testing purposes. I don’t care if you get the year of Pearl Harbor wrong, if you understand the importance of Pearl Harbor (I mean, not by, like, decades, but if you said 1940 instead of 1941, whatevs). History, when taught by a good teacher, is enthralling. ENTHRALLING. I will never forget how my Roman History professor in college made it come alive. Roman history can be dull and pedantic if just listed as dates and events, but I will never in my life forget the story of Agrippina the pearl diver because it was THAT well-told and I remember the greater context of the story as well. Historiography as a field is equally fascinating.

    But this is the sort of thing that standardized testing absolutely kills. Context isn’t tested – dates are. A range of dates, in chronological order with key facts. Not how the Missouri Compromise or Dred Scott fit into the greater picture of the lead-up to the Civil War. . .

    The reality though is that with greater time and distance, even the Holocaust will begin to fade. It will hopefully take longer because the atrocity was so well documented, as Mark said, but do we think of even (relatively) recent genocides as much beyond vague footnotes? I’m not sure we do. Are American students really taught the millions of Africans killed in the Congo Free State under Leopold? Even as a history major, I learned about that from freaking Trevor Noah in his book. I took at least 2 college level world history courses and never knew about it. There are estimates as high as 15 million killed. The fact that 500 years of European colonization wiped out up to 90% of the indigenous population of North and Central America isn’t really put into stark terms. Hell, the Trail of Tears isn’t well covered in your average history class, because it gets the gloss of ‘long ago, in a land far away . . .’

  8. Ben was overly generous to Ana during the bank segment. Was glad someone called her out on it because she had no leg to stand on.

    1. I have to agree I get where her fear is coming from but it’s foolish to believe that banks don’t already do this.

      And btw TYT is partnered with a financial institution and one of the selling points is what politics that group does and does not support

  9. Recommendation: Suggest Maus for people to read. It is about the concentration camps, but it is a graphic novel where the Jews are mice, the Nazi, are cats, the Polish are pigs, the Americans are dogs and so on.
    It is an interesting biography about that time, but it is less intimidating to read because it is a graphic novel. The author doesn’t shy away from the gruesome things that happened, even thought the drawing could be thought of as cute. My 10 year old recently read it and found it interesting.

  10. History is repeating itself, right here. Muslims are blatantly being targeted for extermination, and in my opinion so are young black males. Wake up, America!

  11. Ana ~ unnecessary party-pooper wet blanket.

    I never go to an event because of a gifty, but I am pleasantly surprised when I get a free doo-dad.
    Even if it is something I will never use or keep.
    I also love free samples in the mail, it’s just fun!

  12. Damn lying politicians!!! Governor Grittens promised me that all his thoughts and prayers would be about one thing and one thing only (day & night!): the prevention of any future mass/school shootings in this country! Without those thoughts and prayers more millennial and therefore non-conservative school children will die! Gun laws can’t help us! The only thing that will keep those kids safe is JESUS (unless they’re praying inside of a church in Texas where they were praying at that very moment)!

    Also, it’s a FACT that Trump sired a child out-of-wedlock that he doesn’t give a sh*t about, her name is TIFFANY!

  13. Hi, genocide scholar here. I’m afraid you have your statistics wrong, Lew. While exact figures are unknown, scholars estimate that about 25% of European Roma and Sinti were killed during the holocaust. You can read more about the genocide of Roma and Sinti here: https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/mobile/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005219

    There were no other racial groups specifically targeted for extermination by the Nazis that I can recall, though groups such as homosexual men, communists, Slavs, Poles, Jehovas Witnesses, handicapable Germans, Black Europeans, etc were targeted for inhumane treatment. The difference between these groups is that the Nazis did not intend to exterminate the entire world population of these groups (unlike Jews, Roma, and Sinti).

    It’s difficult to really explain the difference – they did not like these groups and persecuted them, but for reasons besides them being who they were. For example, homosexual men who were married to women and tried to have children were not necessarily persecuted. Jehovah’s witnesses who served in the army were not persecuted. Communists who perhaps changed their allegiance and joined the Nazis were not always persecuted. Poles and Slavs were not systematically rounded up into ghettos and then brought to death camps to be exterminated – if they were sent to camps they were most often set to work because the Nazis needed cheap slave labour for their war effort. Poles and Slavs, for example, were given special allowances in work camps, such as being able to keep their body hair, being given preferential treatment for positions of power within the camps (Kapos, Canada men, etc). Actually, the only group I think was probably the closest to ill treatment by Nazis was probably Russian POWs as they were considered Bolshevik and thus part of the Judeo-Bolshevik threat (aka working for the Jews). Funny how it all comes back to Jews, isn’t it?

    Also, the groups targeted by the Nazis during the holocaust – Roma and Sinti – prefer to be called as such. They consider the term “gypsy” to be derogatory. Please consider this when using that term in the future.

    These statistics were, frankly, shocking to me. Sometimes I forget, as someone who literally is buried in this topic chest deep every single day, just how much others don’t necessarily know. Lew, you are correct in saying that the figure of 6 million is an estimate of the number of Jews killed during the holocaust. This figure actually rises even today as more families do research and more mass graves are discovered. The reason for the unknown number of people killed is because often the Nazis didn’t actually record their deaths. Trains that would come into Auschwitz II, Treblinka, Sobibor, and other death camps (as opposed to work camps) might not register the passengers before leading them to gas chambers or shooting them, if they even arrived at these camps alive in the first place. 6 million is a more conservative figure. Many families who were killed are still undiscovered.

    I’m sorry Ana but history is still repeating itself over and over and over. There are currently 3 conflicts I can list off the top of my head that I would consider genocides (south Sudan, Myanmar, and Syria) and quite a few I’m on the fence about. Mark is correct in that the Holocaust is the most well- documented case of genocide and there’s no excuse to claim that scholars don’t know what they’re doing. I was really disheartened when TYT didn’t cover the recent holocaust survivor, in her 80s, who was stabbed many times and killed, and her apartment set on fire in Paris (just after another holocaust survivor in Paris was killed by literally being thrown over her own balcony).

    I encourage everyone and anyone interested in learning more about the holocaust, the genocide of first nation people from all over the world due to colonial expansion such as those in Australia, the Americas, and Africa, the Armenian genocide, and more modern conflicts and genocides to do your own research via reliable institutions like USHMM, Yad Vashem, etc. And get involved, get active!

  14. What the hell, Ana? Banks making decisions based on politics was not a problem when you supported the divestment movement…

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. I am having an increasingly hard time with Ana due to her hypocrisy that keeps emerging. Too bad because I really liked TYT initially because of her, but this happens too frequently. Anyway, many others on this show keep me tuning in.

  15. While estimates vary hugely, lowest end estimates are 8 million Native Americans (up to well over 100 million) were killed by settlers in the US. Yes, Anna, history does repeat itself.

  16. Frankly, I am far more worried about Americans who don’t know what George Bush Junior and president Cheney did than Americans who don’t know what Hitler did

  17. Never forget that while roughly half of the Jews in Europe were slaughtered by the 1930s Trump lovers, 99% of gypsies were slaughtered and 100% of many other ethnic groups. We don’t hear about those groups because there’s nobody left to tell their story. We the people must and I mean MUST completely in permanently discredit both the fascist GOP that runs the United States and the fascist DNC that hope the GOP loses so they can run the United States

  18. I have done extensive research on the Holocaust and the best educated guess is 6 million Jewish deaths were recorded but many many more died. The number is irrelevant and so is the Holocaust. We don’t need to prevent another holocaust, we need to prevent a government that considers ANYONE as “the world is better off without them.” We have failed.

    1. Yeah I was horrified by those numbers so I looked up the group that conducted the study and I’m unfamiliar with them. The group is called the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and they hired a consulting/research company to conduct the study.

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