
  1. Does Cenk U. periodically give the show to other hosts? I am a new member, and look forward to seeing him, specifically.

  2. I just find it odd that there are no other posts around the webs from TYT the last 2 days. It makes me weary of what it can be or what I hope its not. I know TYT is not a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and that is why it worries me. I hope Cenk and the entire crew are well and that they come back soon. TYT is a part of my daily information dosage, and not having them is like having an unbalance in my medication. ;)

  3. I worked in offices implementing new systems for decades. Something goes wrong more often than not with these upgrades. 2 days of downtime is not bad. Hope it is up and running tomorrow!

  4. If possible, I would like to see a short audio clip uploaded to the members feed just saying something to the effect of “we are sorry, but we’re having some technical issues and are unable to do the show today” or maybe an email sent to all the members?

    Just a little something so members know not to worry and it is a problem that is being worked.

  5. Best wishes on this major upgrade to your studio that you announced on the shows Thursday. I am disappointed it is taking a little longer than planned but there’s a lot that you have to do and sometimes Stuff Happens.

  6. Some members don’t seem to realize that you are not paying for a service to be provided to you. Your monthly subscription is a donation in support of the cause and the show. It gets you nice perks and some extra content, but nothing is guaranteed. They are not selling you anything. So quit with the outrage. If you think you are not getting your money’s worth and “are getting fucked” then quit being a member. TYT sometimes doesn’t run like a well oiled machine. Deal with it. Take it or leave it. I like the membership perks and and see the value in tyt, but I’m not under the impression that they owe me something. If I ever feel they don’t deliver in content or message, then I will retire my donation.

    1. Incorrect: as Cenk often says: the Members make the show possible. Well, at least until they got the $20 million :-) That being said, you get a ton of content produced by TYT for $10 a month; you gotta expect some bumps in the road. So give them a chance to finish.

      1. I don’t think the fact that the members make the show possible negates the fact that the subscription is a donation. Running on donations is not the same thing as selling a service or product.

          1. I’m not sure about that. Perhaps not. I know I see my membership as a donation, but I also see that is not true of other members. I feel like thinking about it as just “paying for a service” cheapens the whole enterprise. I like to think of it as giving money to a social cause. But that’s just me. Perhaps when they stop needing donations to run that will change.

  7. Cenk is one of the most honest men in media today. i trust him completely. I look forward to they’re return. You guys bring us the stories and context that is needed, more now than ever before. No matter what the TYT army is there for you.

  8. Let’s not act spoiled. They have difficulties, it happens. We are still getting 20 shows this months, instead of 22.
    A more prominent announcement on the main page would have avoided many grievances, though.

  9. Perhaps a banner on the main page that informs your subscribers that you’re down and out would ease the frustration level. That said, calm down, people! TYT has earned my member fee and has not F’d me over in the least, as several commenters have alluded. How can you not feel like you have received all of the value out of your subscription and how have they screwed you over short of this temporary outage? #TooQuickToCastTheFirstStone

  10. Thanks for this — unfortunately I had to find it from another person posting it, not on the main page as it should be.

  11. Cannot believe this is happening again. I got message on iTunes that my access is denied. Will I have to re-subscribe yet again?

  12. typical tyt shit. they’ve already got our money. they just focus on making their shows PG for whatever stupid cable tv channel they’re going to be on & the dozen people that listen to the show on sirius satellite radio.

  13. you can see Dan Rather…. So that is concerning… the love show and download for Dan Rather are available. so NYC works just not home office..LA???

  14. Darn, I should have called it. I did use the word “expect” in my tweets Friday regarding having a show today

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