The News with Dan Rather: March 12, 2018

In The News with Dan Rather - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan7 Comments

Dan Rather on gun control and the Cradle Act.


  1. Anyone notice how the description for the video says the “Cradle Act” instead of “Crapo Act”?

  2. Aaaaaahh!!! Dan Rather is SOO GOOD!! I can’t get over it!! Thank you TYT for making this segment happen. I loot coward to it every week

  3. Saying a gun company isn’t a technology company is stupid. The definition of technology is “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.” They say in the same statement that they are manufacturing company. Sounds like industry to me. Furthermore, when the first caveman, or woman, used a club to beat down a wolf to protect their offspring, the club was an application of technology. So on and so forth. So guns are technology, in many ways they many of them are high technology. So the whole premise of the argument that American Outdoor Brands makes here is idiotic. They are a mass manufacturer of technology. Maybe they can add other technology to it to make it safer, like mandatory bio-metrics to activate an assault rifle, like a retina or fingerprint scanner, so that someone can’t just take someone else’s gun out of their closet and use it, but whether they do or not they are a technology company. Man, they really must scrape the bottom of the barrel when they look for lawyers and administrative personnel. What a stupid statement.

  4. Mr. Rather is wonderful and speaks with such clarity of thought. Must admit that I had a sleepless night because it left me feeling very discouraged that America was on the same path as Puerto Rico and we will all be squeezed into poverty and bankruptcy by the unfettered greed of Wall Street. Wish Mr. Rather would tell us how to find hope and how to fix this wealth disparity before this all turns into a second American revolution.

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