TYT Interviews – Dylan Ratigan In Membership, TYT Interviews - On Demand by Gigi ManukyanFebruary 23, 20184 Comments Cenk interviews Dylan Ratigan about running for Congress for New York’s 21st Congressional District.
February 23, 2018 Log in to Reply Nerdtritious Dylan Ratigan is running in my home district………F**K Yes he has my vote!!
February 25, 2018 Log in to Reply CarefullyWatching volunteer for his campaign. knock doors and give a voice to his ideas. Turn your vote into hundreds of votes.
Subliminal message alert at 7:50! :D
Dylan Ratigan is running in my home district………F**K Yes he has my vote!!
volunteer for his campaign. knock doors and give a voice to his ideas. Turn your vote into hundreds of votes.
Love Dylan Ratigan