TYT Hour 2 January 17, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan39 Comments

Cenk & Ana. The Girther movement. Ashleigh Banfield insulted by Babe.net Aziz story writer. Trump to provide protections to healthcare employees who don’t want to perform care on certain people. NK and SK to march together in Olympics.


  1. They must have paid that doctor a million dollars to say all that bullshit. Trump is a walking heart-attack waiting to happen.

  2. What the Washington insiders mean when then say that Bernie will never be President, will never even get a nomination from the Dems is that the establishment WILL NOT LET HIM and they know that. It doesn’t matter how many votes he could get, they will use every underhanded (and illegal) trick in their very large playbook to shut him down.

  3. OMG! Congrats Ana on getting to host the Town Hall! Someday I hope I get to meet Bernie, in the meantime, could you please thank him from all of us for how hard he’s fighting?

  4. Please stream the Bernie Town Hall on YouTube and not just the fascist silo of Facebook … I can’t watch Facebook video on my television and there are A LOT of people who don’t use Facebook because of it’s bullshit spying on it’s users (and people who don’t use it if someone you know does and they mention you on the service) … don’t limit this to a service that is proprietary and exclusive vs open and inclusive

    1. I agree with most of your points but I really don’t get how Youtube (owned by google) is not involved with data abuses or is any less proprietary than Facebook. I’m totally onboard for open software and systems, but Youtube does not feel like one of them.

      1. Youtube itself doesn’t do much except store your searches/interactions and use easily blocked/disabled tracking cookies. Facebook, on the other hand…. HAHAHAHA They’re pure evil in terms of data privacy and profiteering off of it. Sure, Google owns Youtube, but Youtube is not Google’s primary tool for abuse.

        Now if you’re talking about phone apps (which is a whole other story here) then Facebook is even more terrifying, but we’re not talking about apps, we’re talking about websites and platforms.

    2. Yes, definitely this! Facebook video is absolutely disgusting from a tech standpoint, I refuse to ever use it. Totally un-optimized code, terrible UI, and an absolute hog on system resources, there is no need for it ever. Not to mention that Facebook is a terrible platform and an even worse corporation.

  5. By the way, I pretty much appreciate the Game of Thrones reference, but I can’t remember if ot’s a Tyrion or Varys quote … Cenk loves Varys tho so I go with him?

  6. There are two types of medical procedures, elective and emergency and there are two types of practices, private medical practice and general practice through hospitals.

    To my knowledge no one is proposing protecting doctors who refuse emergency care, the division is dedicated to protecting doctors who refuse elective care. That is perfectly fine with me.

    Like it or not gender transitioning is an elective procedure and so is abortion (in most cases) and artificial insemination etc. If the local doctor or the local hospital won’t allow you to do it then find another one who will and to be perfectly honest why the hell do some nutcases insist on forcing people who hate them to provide services because I will tell you, the quality of those services won’t be high.

    If you want to solve the problem from its roots reform the licencing boards on the state level because they, not the federal government, have the power to remove the licence to practice medicine.

  7. The Good Samaritan is the perfect story to counter these doctors who don’t want to help other people. If you look into who were the people who denied the man on the side of the road help compares to who Samaritans actually were at that time. It shows how these christians are not following Christ’s teachings.

  8. The Girther movement is just funny. It’s fun.
    Is it cause for genuine outrage?
    There are plenty of other things about Trump that are serious cause for freak-out.

    As far as the “heart disease” or possibly obese aspect or whether or not he has beginning signs of dementia…
    How many members of Congress (since many are heavier & BEYOND old) could this also describe?

    Given all that… Trump is a plug-stumpy blubber-butt who couldn’t draw a circle without asking directions.

  9. Cenk, Ana: I know that marijuana is your drug of choice, but Trump did have this exam with the doctor by appointment. And there are medications such as Adderal and Provigil that you can take ahead of time to temporarily boost your cognitive functions and performance if you wished to hide some of the signs of dementia. Also, even at 6’3″, Trump is *1* (ONE) pound below the criteria for OBESE. And for that test everyone knows you can cheat – take a strong laxative, caffeine pills to pee off water weight (sometimes while standing over a Russian hotel room bed that Obama slept in) etc to temporarily lower your weight. Also, the cognitive test given to Trump was a very basic cursory one with only 30 questions. To more comprehensively determine mental status the measure used is usually the MMPI that has over 600 questions. Add to this the fact that the letter issued by the doctor casts Trump in the best possible light, and the fact that the doctor apparently misspelled HIS OWN NAME when signing it then you can see why so many of us are concerned.

    1. I don’t think its even as complicated as all of that, with Trump taking ‘performance-enhancing drugs’ in order to pass his mental examination. It’s a lot easier to just say “Doc, this is what you’re going to say and present to the public, or else you’re fired as White House doctor.”

  10. I don’t know what the rules are in the white house but my husband is a nurse and last night we were discussing that because of HIPPA rules, doctors can only disclose what patients allow. Doctors can even lie on your behalf to a loved one if instructed. I don’t know if the actual test results were released or just the words of the physician.

    1. That’s a really good point too! I hadn’t thought about it from that angle, maybe he doesn’t see his lying as antithetical to his professional ethics, because of that. That would certainly be a good way for him to rationalize lying to the American people in order to keep Trump from firing him as the White House doctor.

  11. And pharmacies can’t ask people who apply for jobs if they’re religious. how the fuck do you screen for these crazies.

    1. Nope. It is the winter Olympics and ice hockey. Google up Sarah Murray. She’s a Minnesota – Duluth Bulldogs gal.

  12. Someone shd tell Trump that IQ scores are not out of 100. No Donnie, 99 is not a genius score, no matter what your daddy told you.

    1. Thing is, his daddy probably told him he is an idiot. Hence the insecurity and the need for bluster and self-aggrandizement.

      It’s all a fake veneer.

  13. Thank you for saying what you did about the girther thing. I think it’s stupid. I don’t give a shit how much he weighs. He’s an ass. There’s enough to criticizes him on.

    Second, let someone deny my trans son health care, I can’t even say what I’d do. He’s my baby no matter what his age and no matter what his gender assigned at birth. You will help my son or you’re gonna have one angry Mama to deal with.

    1. Do you care that the president is using this doctor to spew baloney about his mental competency as well? Because if that doctor wants to stay employed as the White House doctor, then he has to swear loyalty to Trump, and that’s why the doctor falsified everything on the medical report. I don’t give a shit about the weight either by itself, but if the doctor lies about one thing in the report, the whole thing is null and void, and I do care about proof that Trump is not mentally fit to be President.

  14. Here is what I don’t get about your position in the Aziz Ansari story… If he “had no idea”, “can’t mind read” and doesn’t get non-verbal cues (“turning cold”[!]), how can he think he got consent? I mean, you guys keep saying she didn’t make it clear that she didn’t want it, but then I assume she definitely didn’t make it clear either that she actually wanted it? Why is the onus on her? He undressed her, performed oral sex on her – why is the bar “getting non-verbal cues” so much lower for him, when it comes to decide to proceed or not? Why didn’t he, and other men, not demand a “clear statement” before doing anything? Going home with “blue balls” vs risking sexual assault or rape? That should be a no-brainer!

    You can, of course, disagree with any conclusion, but once you see it that way ( and that’s true for Grace and Kathy) a lot of statements look like victim blaming. Once you see it that way, sure she shouldn’t have talked about her physical appearance, but I saw every TYT host including Cenk and Ana attack a woman for her physical appearance before, if they thought that woman was a bad person. So again, I’m not saying I 100% agree, but for the sake of “having a difficult conversation” and not getting angry (looking at you there Cenk) shouldn’t we see their/her perspective as well? “Hell you get angry at me for talking about her looks, I’m talking about sexual assault for crying out loud” could be one of her justifications? By the way, the Jordan Chariton story sounds pretty similar to me, there wasn’t penetrative sex either, yet people called that rape…

    Last point, is it possible that the Cenk Justice Dem fallout influences your stance on this story? If it had broken 1-2 weeks before that, are you sure you would’ve come out the same way? Hell, if all the facts, all the details of the story had been the same, yet Ansari looked like Blake Farenthold or Roger Aisles, you 100% sure you would’ve come to the same conclusion. Never watched Girls, but remember that controversy first season when someone had sex with someone (again, never watched the show) doggy-style (couldn’t see her face / get her non-verbal cues)? How did people react to this, how did they feel watching it, how did they qualify his behavior? If a camera had been in the room, you’re sure you come out the same way? If she actually turned cold, lay stiff, not moving, body like a board, slightly shaking, cold, unable to move, frightened, shocked, skin slightly turning into green and blue colors shimmering through skin pale as glass… come on…

    1. You may have your own issues that propel you to deliberately miss the point. This guy did not commit sexual assault. He was attempting seduction, but the moment she actually SAID she didn’t want to do it, he immediately stopped.

      Bad dates happen. Sometimes the chemistry is not there. We get over it, we move on.

      This woman (who allows herself to remain anonymous, while crucifying this poor guy over her own inadequacies) has issues that come through loud and clear, in her own words, throughout her story. Beginning with the stupid wine at dinner. “I couldn’t even get the wine I wanted” she whines. Hey lady, its pretty simple — say “I’d like a glass of red, please” and MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. But she couldn’t do that. Clearly, she has a problem. That’s not his fault.

      1. Again, if he can’t read non-verbal cues, what gave him the impression she consented?
        Apparently she never said “yes” either?

        Pretty convenient, don’t you think? I can read a non-verbal yes, but I can’t read a non-verbal no.

        Apparently from now on, I can just invite women into my apartment, stick my finger down her throat, move her hand on my dick until she actually says no, then claim a bad date. Why didn’t people tell me that 20 years ago, would’ve made thing easier…

        Sorry for my cynicism, but I always thought we agree that consent has to be given before “trying” something

        1. She didn’t say no to taking her up to the apartment at the middle of the night, she didn’t say no sitting on the counter at his request, she didn’t say no to being stripped and participating in the act of stripping (since she was fully naked as per her account), she said no to intercourse but was perfectly happy with cunnilingus.

          Are these enough cues for you or should I continue?

          It takes two to tango and she tangoed for a long time.

          A spoiled millennial who probably was disappointed with either the lack of wealth or lack of attractiveness (Ansari is no Brad Pitt) and considers every look at her as a “sexual assault”.

          I know what sexual assault and sexual abuse is, better than anyone here, and this was not it and it is an insult to me personally because I know.

  15. Last time I checked NK has the right to test missiles and have a nuclear program. While scary yes, the US and the West are not the only ones who have the sole right to do it.

  16. I’m into the Girtherism, I agree that it’s not a big deal that this doctor guy lies to the press, but he’s talking about “superior genes”, that’s the stuff that white supremacists love. The guy is dressed up as a soldier, he has a southern accent, and he’s talking about superior genes, that’s bullshit

    1. I had not thought of it like that, but you’re right. The “superior genes” line is a very strange thing.

    2. This is a really big deal because if he lied about one area of that test, he certainly could be (and most likely is in my opinion) lying about the whole thing, especially about the mental competency portion. I’m sure Trump failed that part miserably. He probably only got to the second question where it tells you to draw a cube (yes most of the test is very very easy, things like that) and past that he I bet he got most wrong, because they involve paying attention and remember stuff, for as long as half an hour. No way Trump could do that.

    3. Also, as for a reason as to why the Doctor shouldn’t be trusted outright, its because he still wants to be in the prestigious position of being the White House doctor. Trump values loyalty, if this doctor wasn’t going to be loyal to Trump and act the same way his personal doctor did, then Trump would just fire him. That is obvious. I don’t know why the TYT guys are just outright trusting him just because its the same doctor that Obama used. Obama is a normal human who cares about a doctors opinion. Trump thinks that if you excercise you’re actually slowly killing yourself, he doesn’t give a shit about real medical knowledge.

  17. On the subject of Religion v Healthcare for ALL. You can believe anything you want to believe in your OWN PERSONAL TIME BUT NEVER AT YOUR PLACE OF WORK !! What you chose to believe in is your business and no one else’s. You’re there to treat EVERYONE AND ANYONE regardless of religion, ethnicity, colour, sexuality or gender – THAT’S YOUR JOB ! Your job is not to judge unless you’re a Judge in the legal sense. I’m an NHS Pharmacy worker in the UK and if our management, never mind our Government, caught us denying services to patients because of our own personal religious beliefs we’d be DISMISSED IMMEDIATELY and rightfully so. It’s not my job to judge my patients, my ONLY JOB is to treat them to the very best of my ability, with dignity and compassion. Is America becoming so fucked up that devout Christians ( it’s always the bloody Christians) can refuse Healthcare and emergency medical attention to anyone who doesn’t believe in their lord Jesus Christ ??!!?? WTF America, you’re supposed to be the ‘Land of the free and the home of the brave…’ but it seems to me that you’re fast becoming the Land of the religiously oppressed and the home of the weak and fearful !!! FFS stand up for yourselves against this absolute nonsense and say HELL NO to any law that says religion comes first and actual living people come second. What a sad day this is for the USA….

  18. Trump being 6ft 3inches and 239 lbs is considered more or less obese (not morbidly) in the UK. It’s at least considered VERY overweight bordering on OBESE and your Doctor or GP would absolutely recommend losing a good deal of weight, exercising regularly and definitely eating well (cutting out junk food), especially as Trump takes Cholesterol medication so there’s already a blood pressure issue there that’s only worsened by a poor diet and zero exercise ! Cholesterol medication doesn’t prevent the plaque in your blood vessels from increasing if you CONTINUE to eat junk food, drink sugary drinks and sit around all day ! Medication can only do so much, the rest has to come from a healthy diet and regular exercise, especially at his age. We’re talking about a man in his 70’s, an age when the body slows down overall, cells aren’t replaced with the same vigour as they were in your 30’s (if at all) and arteries are continuing to thin as plaque, caused by high cholesterol, builds up, and if you’re taking your medication but continuing to eat really poorly with lots of junk, fatty food and meat and little or no vegetables and fruit, your arteries will get worse, no matter how ‘good’ your genes are… BTW saying you come from good genes is simply stating that as far as we can tell with no DNA testing etc, you don’t appear to have inherited any significantly bad medical conditions from your family. Other than that it means nothing at all and if anything it’s a backhanded compliment as you’re basically saying “considering you’re really overweight, eat junk food constantly, don’t exercise at all and haven’t seen your feet in 30 years, it’s a bloody miracle you’re alive !!”….????

    1. Yeah, that was very telling and the journalist being interviewed on CBS in her own words came off vapid and opportunistic. Glad Banfield handed that girl her ass in the blistering rebuttal.

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