Post Game January 16, 2018

In Post Game - On Demand by Tom24 Comments

Cenk and Ana discuss traveling to distant and beautiful locations in California off the beaten path.


  1. What is going on? How can you people know so much about politics and NOTHING about anything else? What ever happened to a well rounded education? Ana in particular has such a narrow view of everything it is painful.
    I have heard comments about Jimmy but you can bet he knows more about real life subjects than the two of you put together.
    Pleas have more of Jimmy, Michael, Ben, Aida, Mark etc who have so much more general knowledge to relate to. Even John , as young as he is, is brilliant compared to Ana.

  2. Where to start… First, Carmel is neither “Northern California” nor is it “off the beaten path.” If you were looking at ocean, you were in Sonoma, not Napa. And, you were traveling around MID-California, not Northern California.

    Look at a map of California. See San Francisco? It is exactly mid-way between the northern border and the southern border. Everything in that general area is mid-California.

    I know people call it Northern, but just because everyone does it, does not make it right.

    If you ever REALLY want to get off the beaten path, head to real Northern California. Talk about another world. I grew up here, but then lived in LA for 25 years. My first year back living up north, I was absolutely giddy over all the GREEN everywhere. Hadn’t realized what a psychological downer it was, to live in the land of brown & yellow & concrete & chain-link for decades. Back in heaven now. Never again living anywhere that is not GREEN. Scotland and Ireland are no greener! Coastal fogs create mystic landscapes and jurassic-era ferns abound beneath the canopy of oaks and redwoods.

    PS — not to mention affordable… We bought a 20-acre farm with 2000-sq foot house, outbuildings and a good well for less than the price of a one-bedroom condo unit on San Fernando Blvd. THAT is when you know you are “off the beaten path.”

  3. dratheart…You have to except that everything can’t be covered. Even though the World Wide Web has made the Earth smaller and more accessible it is still a huge planet.
    TYT can’t cover it all and I think they’re doing an excellent job.
    Your “white privilege” comment is asinine.

  4. Why the fuck are Cenk and Ana sitting there discussing whine when they didn’t even mention all the stories they didn’t get to in hour 2 including the 13 kids who were shackled and abused by their parents? Really? Wine is more important? And mold? Your white privilege is showing….

    1. Dear dratheart the troll, you should know by now that the PG is lighter in tone than hours 1st and 2nd. I haven’t watch hours 1 and 2 yet, and I already watched the story about the 13 kids 10 times on my TV. The investigation is ongoing.
      have a nice day.

      1. Dear Fernandope, I’m not a troll and know perfectly well that the PG is lighter in tone generally than hours 1 and 2 but sometimes stories that were missed in one of the hours do come up in the PG’s I’ve watched. I really wanted to hear the TYT take on that particular story and the story was tagged as to be included in the description of hour 1’s topics and mold and wine seem petty to me compared to all the useful topics that could be discussed. But I enjoyed the PG anyway as I love listening to Ana regardless. I’ve cut the cord, but if you’ve seen the story 13 times on TV/cable news then maybe you’re the troll!

  5. Ana, they don’t get you to try the wine to see if you like it, they do it so you can check whether it’s corked or not – which basically means it’s off. Doesn’t do any harm to you but it will taste terrible.

    Also, it sounds like they the fans are chanting skål, which means cheers in old Norse, modern Norwegian and Danish as well I think. Would sort of make sense but perhaps not

  6. Another underrated part of California is the far northern area near Eureka and Crescent City. Absolutely stunning

    1. Everyone considers San Francisco and Sacramento “northern” – I am from that area, Humboldt County, and I always have to say “almost to Oregon” to get people to understand how north it is xD Definitely pretty up there.

  7. Ana, I am so sorry about your mold problem. I know you seem to try and keep it in perspective and that is great, but it’s hard when something is happening to you, even if it “could” be worse. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a silver lining to your situation and that it will resolve quickly!

  8. this was a very joy-filled Post Game, for the most part. i had such a great time on your travels, vicariously reveling in your MLK weekend holiday, Cenk. loved the idea of the guy who’d listen to your sad stories at $5 a pop! what a country! agreed — wine esoterica is boring. in fact, i don’t much like wine. or beer — except for Guinness Extra Stout, room temp. i love a drink so full-bodied you can practically chew it.

    also commiserated with both your reflections on the nature of loss — really profound. the descriptions of utter destruction and desolation were wide-sweeping and cinematic; i felt grief-stricken. i thought of many possessions that would be considered trivial but that mean the world to me …

    PS: i wanted to submit a remark for Bernie, but i absolutely refuse to do a video. so here it is — i get enough in Social Security to be able to pay my bills and buy groceries. Trump’s government recently switched me from SSI, and i lost my health insurance (Medicaid) and food stamps. since i’m disabled and in need of doctors’ care and a variety of monthly medications, i re-applied online for Medicaid. last week i found out that i was approved for Medicaid on a monthly basis, but my deductible was set so high that it leaves me $200/month for rent, bills, groceries, and medications. that strikes me as a combination slap in the face and sick joke. is this the response, to a woman who put in her years of work, taxes, and SS payments, that i should expect in the so-called Greatest Country in the World?

    btw, my birthday is on Norwegian Independence Day LOL — also the day of the historic Brown ve Bd. of Educ. decision in ’54 (the very day!)

    PPS: the countries referred to by Trump are not shitholes; neither are their dark-skinned citizens. those are the helpless victims of the REAL shitholes — the piratical politicians who run those countries into the ground, plundering the lands and the peoples of everything valuable. the other shithole politicians of the world, who supply the shithole pirate plunderers with charitable funds ostensibly earmarked for but never received by the citizenry, need to STOP lining the pockets of the corrupt self-aggrandizers. that includes America, whose shithole politicians create laws from which they themselves are exempt or which laws are tailored to suit their shithole selves.

  9. I lived in New Orleans for 1 year, the year before Katrina hit, missed it by months. I went back several months later and the abandoned mud-filled cars that had been towed and parked under the elevated highways, miles and miles of them, was one of the most powerful memories I have from that visit. The parallel to the chimneys Cenk was talking about after the fires were the houses with their entire contents thrown out the front door into a giant, moldy pile. Like the houses had gotten some horrible disease and vomited the entirety of their contents.

  10. Americans seem morbidly afraid of mould in the same way Koreans are morbidly afraid of fans without shut off timers.

    1. the only thing I know about mold is that if it looks black, and tiny bits get into your lungs, your life will become miserable. Entire families might get sick and won’t know why.

    1. I feel like you’re not wrong in this assessment. I have been to San Francisco and it didn’t seem dirty, but also was not a fan of the hills.

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