TYT Interviews – Elizabeth Warren

In Membership, TYT Interviews - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan97 Comments

Cenk Uygur hosts an interview with Senator Elizabeth Warren to discuss her new book.

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  1. She’s one of my state’s senators, i’ll vote for her again. As for justice dems (and I am one) primarying her, don’t waste the resources, we’d lose.

    I have nothing but my experience of her as one of my state’s senators to go on, and to be frank little else to truly back up my feeling, but I don’t think she’ll run for president.

    She’s not Bernie, or Tulsi Gabbard either, and she’s still a good senator. Have a look at where her money comes from, the legislation, her votes. She’s an extremely intelligent person and knows which way the wind blows, in spite of the insulation of DC – possibly not as quickly as some would like, but Warren pays attention. My bet is she’ll be on the correct side of a big, big majority of the issues we progressives care about. Having said all that she’s a politician, so we’ll need to keep an eye on her…

  2. I found her to be quite disingenuous. When she says, “gosh, I’ve worked with all my colleagues…” and she also says she’s not running in a popularity contest, well, golly gee whiz, if she ain’t running for president on the popularity stump, I’m not an old woman.
    Compare her to Nina Turner, Bernie Sanders, or Tulsi Gabbard. Their authenticity and integrity shines through, as opposed to her cringe worthy folksy-ness. I don’t always agree with any of them, but I do believe, based on not only what they’ve said but what they’ve done, that Turner, Sanders and Gabbard always do what they think is best for the people of the country. In contrast, Warren has shown that she is quite calculating and will put politics and her own career above the country.
    Her Ben Carson explanation was BS. Why hasn’t she signed on to Bernie’s single payer bill? Why does she wait to see which way the wind blows before stating her position? Why does she support the corrupt DNC?
    She has shown us who she is and we deserve better in our president. She is not horrible and has done some good work, but I think it’s laughable when people say she is the second most progressive senator after Sanders. She has the toes of one foot just to the left of center. As so many other Dems, she’s missing the shit storm around her.

      1. What a thoughtful and insightful comment (quite reminiscent of trump, actually), rvearl; rv mom and dad must be so proud.

  3. Senator Warren supports most progressive policies as she says. However, this interview was very revealing about the Senator’s lack of political fortitude. Given that the elections are over, she seems timid. As though the Dem Party Establishment, Corp Media and Political Class has her so scared, she twist and turns like one of those “Air Dancers” used to advertise alongside of businesses. She constantly ducks and weaves, as questions are thrown at her, as though she is in a boxing ring; and mostly fires back with platitudes and meaningless talking points. The senator should consider retiring back to Academia if she is unwilling to be a leader and stand by the forces fighting for a Progressive takeover which is sorely needed within the Dem Party.

  4. Cenk, you went soft on her. You should have followed up on some of the questions she dodged

  5. Warren actually says she’s proud of the DNC and the way the primaries were handled !
    this is coming out of her mouth.
    than she says Russia hacked our elections, we still don’t have evidence for her to say this.
    Cenk might as well go to CNN, what kind of interview is this?

  6. It’s true, some of her answers were a spinoff, she just needs to be honest she forget people are forgiving. She was so worried about her image between democrats and progressives. She is trying to do some good but her ties with the neo democrats are stifling her true feeling.

  7. I wasn’t satisfied with all of her answers, but I do think Cenk asked her meaningful questions without being aggressive about it. I also think this interview was a great way to introduce her to the thought process of TYT and TYT’s viewership. There are so many of us and I do think Elizabeth Warren really is trying to represent the people. She’s definitely not perfect in my opinion, but compare her to most Democrats and she’s doing an amazing job.

    One thing I do have to comment on… the defense of Joe Manchin. Ughhh. Sorry, but Manchin is just not a Democrat, no matter what he claims. I know she works with him and has respect for him as a colleague, but he is harmful to the American people.

  8. Folks don’t understand diplomacy anymore. If you tear down the whole house there is nowhere to live. Cenk is right to not push her to say things you want to hear to appease your or my ideology. It’s a long road so lets take steps and quit shooting at our feet. Glad she came on to join us, it’s a great step in the right direction.

  9. So basically she constantly scapegoats for not supporting Bernie because republicans exist? Come on dude. She’s dodging questions almost like Hillary.

  10. 19:04 Warren did a Kelly Ann!!! When Cenk asked her why she did not support Bernie, she turned it around and made it sound like anyone asking questions about the primary is just wasting time because there are bigger fish to fry. She deftly avoided a real answer by throwing in all the BS about how proud she was of democrats while the republicans were being clowns… bla bla bla…

    Cenk framed the question well… he was saying, hey EW, here you tell us you have the same progressive values as Bernie, and yet you did not throw your support behind him, why not? a ton of your supporters want to know, because they were so disappointed in you.
    If she really wanted this to be a successful interview, she would have answered more directly and more honestly. TYT viewers are way smarter than age 60+ MSNBC viewers, and can smell the bs runaround instantly.

  11. Cenk, for the first time ever I felt like you had the thought of ‘future access’ in your mind as you conducted this interview…
    The very same allegation you level at the cable news networks.
    Not a bad bit of viewing but I would’ve like to see you go a little harder at some of the obvious discrepancies in the talk she talks and the walk she walks…
    All in all not too bad, but I’m left feeling a little disappointed that it could have been so much more!!!

    1. Agreed CHF.

      BTW, vclark, referencing your earlier comment regarding about being smarter than “60+ MSNBC viewers,” I’m a 70+ citizen and can smell the bs only too well. Stop with the stereotyping by age; Bernie is 75 as I’m sure you know. Hopefully you will reach that age and beyond! Besides, 70 is the new 50!

  12. This is what you call a “Watcher on The Wall”?! Are you fucking kidding Cenk? You didn’t challenge her bs spin “answer” regarding Bernie Sanders and then immediately started talking about her book? Dude.. What happened?! This is interview was an abomination

    1. Couldn’t agree more. I expect more from Cenk and from TYT. Shit like this is part of what makes TYT so much better than other news networks, or so I thought. Really disappointing to see a politician give BS non-answers right here on TYT and to have the journalist just let everything slide. This is what TYT calls other news networks out on, rightly so. We can’t change the past and we can’t make politicians like Warren do what we want, but we can hold their feet to the fire and call them out when they bullshit us. This is what TYT is supposed to be about. Come on guys.

  13. What a softball interview, I’m disappointed Cenk. She has the gall to talk about lead when there is a lead crisis in Flint right now, hell Jordan reports on this daily and Cenk just let her slide through on that answer. What a joke, as a paying member I’m truly disappointed in this interview.

    1. I think the questions were fine, and the answers were illuminating. I did not like the answers at all, but now I know. Cenk is probably thinking about the future and what it would look like if he went house on her. Especially if he wants to interview other people he does not necessarily agree with. I am sure it is a difficult balancing act.

      Warren taking the time to stick of for Manchin was bananas.

    2. absolutely agree with this post, also super disappointed. How could Cenk not ask about her non-action in Flint when she made such a big deal about lead with the whole Ben Carson dialogue… ugh

      and wtf with her total failure on any support for Standing Rock…when she made that comment about clean water being one of the most important issues of our nation, Cenk that is when you POUNCE! for gosh sakes brother!!! so many lost opps in this interview…:(

  14. I was disappointed with a lot of her answers but I think the one that really got me was her defending Joe Manchin. Cenk didn’t even bring him up, that was all her. He’s a republican in all but name, why defend him? She’s gotten buried in the DC corruption and lost her way.

    I’d vote for her if she was the only progressive candidate in 2020 but Tulsi or Bernie would blow her out of the water with ease at this point.

  15. So disappointing. She seems to have fully embraced the Clinton/Corporatist wing of the Democratic Party. I keep hoping she’ll show some bravery and stand up to them, but it seems like she sees herself as one of them. The real issues are so much more important than blue team vs. red team. Anyone who will support Joe Manchin just because he calls himself a Democrat, does not deserve our support.

  16. I am half-way though this interview and Senator Warren is a bullshit artist. She seems to ignore the reason we lost the executive and takes time to praise Joe Manchin for an obligation he filled while he was green lighting all of Trumps appointments.

  17. When she talks about hacking, she makes it sound like someone had literally affected votes by tampering with voting numbers. What they did, although illegal, was expose the issues in the Democratic party and Clinton’s campaign. The sooner that the Democrats admit that the shady things that were uncovered by the Wikileaks, which also may not have been Russia but an insider, that normal people did not like. Or that the media pretended that they didn’t exist and just say don’t read them as it was a hack – yet were happy to talk about Trump’s tax returns. Funny huh! Investigate. When there is proof, act! Don’t keep speculating 24/7 when we there is a Trump in the White House. (More so aimed at coporate media.)

    I’m not trying to say there is nothing that Trump has done wrong, I even think that Cenk has a point about money. Some of the appointies are also suspect. However, uncoverering public corruption is a big deal. If you find that wrong yet agree with what Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden did, I feel that you are being hypocritical. But maybe I’m being too harsh, I would like to hear what the difference is. (Bare in mind there is no proof that it was Russia, aside from the same governement arms that said there were nuclear weapons in Iran.)

  18. She had done a lot of good. However, it’s weird she still won’t answer why she did not support Bernie.

    1. She also whole-heartedly believes the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD’s

  19. Disappointing interview! what happened to follow-up questions Cenk? Democrats need to focus on Russia!? She was proud of the Democrats during the primaries !? Then I’m assuming she was proud of how rigged the primaries were, but it was ironic how she made the comment about going big or leaving sweat and blood on the floor, but then she supported Hillary and chooses to point fingers at Republicans while ignoring how corrupted the Democrats are too! smdh…

    1. But Cenk doesn’t mind repeating that rehtoric on the main show. They don’t know about the Russian collusion and say all sorts of things related to the election. (I guess that Cenk, at least, focueses on financial corruption over ‘hacking’ the election.)
      However I whole heartedly agree about her shrugging off the corruption in the Democratic party. I mean; Cenk constantly complained about the lack of follow-up during the primaries and Warren litterally talks about the corruption of money. Especially when you consider the reporting that TYTPolitics has done on Democratic town halls – specificially on healthcare, where Warren had said in /this/ interview “…We demand our government be responsive to us…” – Yet most Democrats don’t care about how the public want single payer.

  20. The “bullshit meter” read out so loud that the YUUGE majority of listeners heard it loud and clear. Thank Warren for the good (CFPB) she has done, and the good she is continuing to work to get done. However, she’s not equal, by far, to what this country needs in leadership.

    Disappointing deflection of straight answers. Once surrounded by the inside-the-beltway mind altering pitter patter of Political “requirements”, perhaps one picks up the accent.

    Far too DNC, and that’s the door they’re leaving wide open for continued Republican Ascension to create tryanny in America. With th bought-and-paid-for Dems like Corey Booker pulling that exact same game. Clinton DNC killed the Dems, and created a road to perdition.

    Get Warren to stay where she is, and do what she can, and thank her for that. But, she’s no Bernie Sanders by a long shot. 2018 is another grim picture with the 100% broken establishment Corporate Democratic Party. It’s really up to all of us right on our home turf.

  21. asked about the ISSUES in 2018 she says russia. yes that is “stunning” indeed. she belongs to “them” and “they” will continue to loose. she is just the faux left wing of the establishment. i will not support another obama.

    1. This bothered me to. I can deal with political answers to almost anything, but the Dems NEED to figure out policies they are going to be for in 2018 and Russia can’t be one of them.

    2. It is very encouraging that, as you said ‘so many bullshit meters got tripped’. TYT audience perhaps is not entirely representative but it’s getting there. Otherwise why else would Warren feel TYT is worth her effort – even if it’s mainly a book plug.

    3. You know Russia was only one of the issues she brought up for the 2018 election right. She also expressed how demarcates should bring up how they care about the middle class and poor people than the republicans.

  22. I am not sure why Warren takes such pains to keep issues within the realm of R versus D. No awareness (or acknowledgement) of the fact we got walked step by step to the place we are now with such mollifying rhetoric. It isn’t about purity at all to recognize that we need to get off that merry-go-round. She’s done a great thing with CPA and she seems a lovely person and so forth but I think her big moment of impact is past now that she’s merged her rhetoric with the same ole’ same ole. Give me some Nina Turner, that woman speaks more directly by a good stretch.

  23. Damn I just thought Cenk should have asked her why she said and did nothing for Standing Rock!

  24. Just answer the God-damn question! Stop pivoting to how bad Trump is… Why didn’t you endorse Bernie? Why? If you made a mistake, admit it and we can move on or continue to deflect and no one can trust you and this will always come up.

  25. “If we don’t fight back…” referencing money in politics, so she withheld her endorsement from the one person running for President who was willing to put himself out there against money in politics.

    1. I don’t get it with “apologies” and “atonement” in politics. What good are they? Elizabeth did a great job with the Consumer Protection Bureau but that is not enough to make up for anything. She got screwed by Obama but she did something very to Bernie. Obama didn’t stand for her. She didn’t stand for Bernie. “The point is you get in there and fight for it”. “Look guys bring it on.” Like she fought for Hillary I guess.

  26. All you Bernie cultists…She at least sat down with Cenk for a TYT interview. Sure she dodged a few questions, but she did it with some fairly acceptable logic. Bernie does the same fucking thing.

    It’s fucking politics. manage your expectations.

  27. The iron was VERY hot in 2016.
    We were Ready for Elizabeth back in 2014.
    Bernie wouldn’t have even had to run had Elizabeth “reported for duty” when we called.
    If Elizabeth can make amends and endorse someone young, firey, and progressive that might be good. There’s some sexism in here about her voice… but there’s also good points about how we can see, better than ever, when politicians are bullshitting us. I would like Elizabeth to repent for not endorsing Bernie when it counted.


  28. She knows damn well that with her support Bernie could have won the primary, even with the DNC cheating their asses off.

    1. That single endorsement would not have been nearly enough to swing the entire election. It could have changed things in Mass but that’s it. You know that wouldn’t have been enough with everything else that was against bernie in the primary.

      1. It would have made a massive difference beyond Mass. Firstly it would have undercut there disgusting lies that Bernie and all of us supporting him were just sexists. She has wide support all across the US and is recognised nationwide. He likely would have announced her as his VP, this would have caused an unstoppable force and beaten Hillary, and Bernie would have likely won the general election and he would be the president with her fire at his side.

  29. Cenk did a great job in this interview, asking the questions nobody else would. And Warren was prepared and answered very intelligently, even if the answers were not entirely to my satisfaction. She is smart, polished and passionate. The progressives need her voice and her leadership.

    1. Although I agree that he asked questions nobody would ask, she did often dodge the questions. Although, I think her deflections were, at least, genuine.

      My main issue with it is that Cenk, who constantly complained about the lack of pushback during the primaries, did not really pushback on her point about turning everything into Republican Vs Democrat. He could have at least said something about the recent Democratic town halls where many people are asking for single payer and the DEMOCRATS are deflecting. TYT Politics and Agressive Progressives/Jimmy Dore Show are doing constant reporting of Democratic corruption so Cenk, at the very least, has access to this information. I personally feel he should have held these democrats to the fire when Warren said that there was a clear divide in healthcare.

      (I mostly feel this way because Cenk is constantly blaming coporate news for being too soft)

  30. I’m not sure why she would not extend her argument for 18′ campaigning against Trumpism to include progressive agenda solutions.

  31. I’m done with the “aw shucks Republicans sure are bad, and by golly we gotta give working people some sort of vague platitude” Democratic crowd. Those answers were weak, weak, weak.

  32. If she’s worried that we only have elections every 4 years, just wait until the Republicans win a super-majority in 2018. Then they’ll have a constitutional convention and you can bet your ass that they’ll change the constitution to either eliminate elections altogether or have them ever 10 years. The DNC just posted their worst fund-raising results since 2009.

  33. I dunno… she reminds me of the Church Lady, or some whiny librarian. She gets on too many people’s nerves. It’s sad that essentially we have an 80 year old man who likely won’t live much longer, Al Franken – who gets sand kicked in his face for a living, and this chastising librarian lady. There isn’t an alpha male (or female) in sight for miles and miles. We’re so fucked.

    1. Tulsi Gabbard, Gavin Newsom. 3 years out there is no point having a titular head to get pilloried by oppo research and personal attacks for 48 months. Be patient. In 73′ Jimmy Carter was not on the scene. In 89′ who was thinking about Bill Clinton or Paul Tsongus. If survived, Paul Wellstone perhaps would have been a progressive force nationally. Let’s not forget that either Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden would have been 15 point favorites over Hillary Clinton.

  34. An overhaul of the entire system is clearly needed, and I thought she made it clear that she understands that. But I also thought she made it clear that she knows how to work within that system to GET THINGS DONE. She cannot fight every fight, though there are a few I’m appalled she was silent on (DAPL, for example). But she has actually done real, tangible good for people, and I do believe she’s passionate about doing what she CAN DO within the corrupt system we unfortunately have. I like a person who knows how to choose their battles.

    1. I think the comments are a bit harsh, definitely some purist bullshit that’s expected from butt hurt ideologues. Not supporting Bernie was a massive blow, but I’m willing to give Warren a second chance. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me…. Fool me.. uh… I Can’t be fooled again.

      But if it was a Gabbard, Sanders, Warren race, in my books Liz would come in third.

  35. Oooh… Big fail on the Bernie primary section. Quit bullshitting, Liz. If Bernie doesn’t run and you do, and you give us this bullshit, it’s not going to do you any favors at all… I’m ok with you disagreeing with me. I am not ok with you bullshitting me.

  36. Senator Warren made a grave mistake and got swept up by the corrupt and powerful Clinton machine.
    They made a fool of her and I truly believe she learned a very hard lesson and is trying to make amends.
    I, too, was angry with her, but I’m willing to give her a second chance, for she has this rare ability to relate to people with her down-to-earth speeches.
    And together both she and Bernie make a dynamic team to force progressive views.
    Time will tell.

  37. She’s making the case of why we need her in the Senate to continue doing this work and Bernie as the Executive to empower her. I’d love a Warren President, but I can’t stand the bullshit voice. We can tell when she is performing. After Trump, we need a straight shooter who doesn’t bullshit that *everyone* trusts, even republicans. That person is Bernie.

  38. I don’t hate Warren, but she’s too weak to be in any position that’s not against Wall Street. And even now she’s showing how weak and lacking in convictions she is. She did nothing to stand up for standing rock, did nothing to fight against our foreign policy (hell, part of that is Israel and she, like others, kisses their ass), she did nothing to stand up for Bernie, she did nothing to stand against the war on drugs, did nothing to stand against police abuse, does almost nothing to fight climate change, nothing to really fight money in politics (look at how she just recently praised Hillary’s new Super PAC….), she’s almost done nothing to fight for Single Payer either….

    Let’s be honest already. Warren would be great for Secretary of State, Head of the Fed, in the Senate, etc. Anywhere to go after Wall Street. However, for going after all the issues? No. We need a real fighter. Someone who has SHOWN they have a spine to stand up for what they believe in. Bernie Sanders is still that, Tulsi Gabbard is another. Nina Turner is another. Those are the kinda people I want to support. Those are the kinda people that are fit for Presidency. Tulsi’s not perfect, mind you (nor is Bernie or Nina Turner). Tulsi’s stance on Modi is not ideal. But no one expects a perfect politicians. But they expect a strong fighter and someone who’ll fight on the bulk of the core issues in the position they prefer. For me and many? Tulsi is that, not Warren.

    Please, TYT, I hope you’ll notice this and think on it. Perhaps discuss it. Because if Warren does run, I’d like her to realize this and actually fight for what we want, not continue to be weak. As things are now, she will be a detriment to the movement if she runs in 2020…. not an ally.

  39. I always cringe whenever I hear a pol say, “And make sure this never happens again.” I can’t even remember what she was talking about, because my brain freezes whenever I hear those meaningless words uttered. It’s usually following some legal/moral crime that some pol has gotten away with, because accountability isn’t something Congress condones.

    Warren is my senator, and, of course, I like her tons more than most other senators (not Bernie, of course), but that just means that the pickings in Congress are sadly slim.

  40. Cenk, interview Tulsi Gabbard. She might actually run in 2020 and she’s prob the next best thing if Bernie doesnt run.

    1. Amen!!! I would really like to see how progressive the show will be with its move forward thinking donors.

      I would really would appreciate as an old woman leaving behind children and grandchildren.

      Is to know weather TYT in their interview sections as well as their reporting sections, will become very cohesive and very pinpoint on social responsibility to make sure we see our 12 reporters on the Friday power panel

      One new one each month so we can see & understand what they have & are bringing to us veiwers.

      so that as we all watch and look to our new 12 shinning stars that their as well well utilized.

      I appreciate that you bring great work like the Intercept , bringing breaking news on how we have just been turned into a fascist state. It only serves to demand better planning on how to raise up strong informed grama’s kids!

      The wheels of Justice true Justice moves very slow! We are in this for generations!

      Bernie Sanders is living proof! We need to follow his lead he was a blessing to us also an awakening for us!

      Look what he has done in his entire life the sacrifices made for true America.

      Now ask yourself a question are you in it for the long-haul? Until we are so old that we are blessed to have great grandchildren?

      Americans and other countries paid for 12 shining stars to go out investigate and then come back and report to us what they fine so that way the public can prepare politically in a honest and open conversation with one another.

      With each dollar we give you there is an expectation of quality reporting,you have 12 quality reporters now! Please start showing them off as the Intellect they are!

      Allowed their minds to speak to our minds so that even if we may disagree we are at least thinking and can have honest discourse!

      More importantly we are at a precipice in our countries entirety as a whole,in peril of becoming becoming a fascist banana republic, we all know it,we all see it,

      We turn to each one of you for what is lacking in information on MSM that is truthful, honest, representation on serious matters that will allow us as a civilization to survive much less a country survive.

      So I would really truly like to see at least once a month that’s 12 reporters for each month of the year to come out and speak candidly and openly their opinions on what they have found.

      Then it gives them a whole 11 months to go out pinpoint and hound dog out more of their chosen assignment.

      If there is a breaking story from anyone of our 12 then of course break the story.

      I would love to see more of our reporters reporting then U2 reporting what we could already look up ourselves and usually do. Although I i’m gone so grateful when you can pick up a intercept story read it through and come to the conclusion that this is something everybody needs to know.

      As a Older woman I remember radio and listening to great men like Edward R Morrow and legal. scholarly minds like Clarence Darrow.

      I truly believe in you TYT and that we bought 12 beautiful minds that each must, have an individual ways to represent their subjects very well I am sure.

      I will be waiting and hoping that you will bring each one of them on to speake to us about how they report,what they report, why they chose their specialty, what drives their passion!

      So we shareholders lol all can pick a lane or 12 to decide which way we are going to dedicate the next 40 years of our lives to unscrewing our country. So generations can or will exist!

      I love the drop-down list for all the fun stuff but right now we’ve got some serious generational long work to do or were going to lose our entire country.

      The old grandma from Alaska

  41. Completely agree. She was ready to throw the Republicans under the bus but, when it came to the Democrats acting the same way she was not so ready. Very disappointing

    1. While she is not exactly a model progressive, there are much bigger holes that need plugged in the sinking ship of the DNC. I doubt we will be running against her.

  42. This is my first comment here on TYT and I am posting it here because DAMN was it frustrating watching this interview. I want to like Elisabeth but jesus lord mercy, this was unwatchable. If you want to be regarded an a progressive then stand up for progressive values and those who fight for them. The fact that she did not back Bernie in the primaries is atrocious. No thanks. Just no.

    1. I completely agree, I was hoping that she would understand where progressives are coming from, and express remorse for not endorsing Bernie, but all we got were platitudes and Russia, Russia, Russia…

    2. Wanted to like this interview but…..Russia ?…really?…it shows how “washingtonized” she’s become as she talks with too many folksy soundbites….another victim of the DNC Body- Snatcher Invasion !

  43. This was a good interview, but I have to agree that she glossed over a lot of questions. I really thought Cenk was going to push more for clear answers.

  44. This is a very well thought out and pragmatic response/comment that I think has great merit and makes Some great points. I still believe in Elizabeth Warren, I do believe she is in evolution away from your standard liberal politician however I do believe this comment is solid Thank you.

  45. Warren is not perfect, but I still love her. And she’s getting results. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is great.

  46. I love Elizabeth Warren, and I really appreciate that she was willing to do an interview with TYT, but there were some very weak responses in this. Too many “uhhhhs” and “ummms” when asked about endorsing Bernie. Talked about Russia when asked what policies Democrats need to pursue. Essentially said “money is just part of how the game is played” when asked about the issue of Democrats and donors. She will acknowledge that money runs everything in Washington and that is a problem, but does not seem eager to address the fact that that is a serious problem for her party.

    I get it, but I think that Warren has become too much of a politician and has grown to used to the ‘way things work” in Washington. She is easily one of the best Senators active today, but it is really frustrating that when a progressive Senator is on TYT it still feels like she is somewhat in enemy territory.

    Again, I love Warren, I would happily vote for her, but it shows what an uphill battle this is when she is one of the most progressive people in Washington.

    1. Ok this comment is unfair. I’m 20 minutes into this interview and she literally mentioned Russia for less than 2 seconds.

      1. For me it wasn’t about how much she talked about Russia, it was about when. Twenty minutes in is about where she says it. It is specifically when Cenk asks what policies Democrats should focus on in 2018. She starts saying that they don’t know the Russia investigation will amount to anything and then proceeds to dive down that rabbit hole. I am not saying she talked about Russia too much, but when the question is about the Democratic party’s policies going forward Russia does not belong in the discussion. The fact that she can’t just say “The Democratic Party will fight for you by going after this, this, and this policy.” should be troubling. My view on Russia is that it should be investigated but Dems can’t focus on that as how they are going to win in 2018.

  47. Great interview Cenk. Overall, I still have a positive impression of warren and think she at heart is a good person. However, like the above poster said, she lacks the spine.

    From the interview, Warren felt her duty in congress is to pass liberal proposition. In order to do that, she has to make allies with corporate democrats. Because she thinks she needs them, she will NEVER go against them.

    This kind of position is ok for a senator, but it’s not a leadership position. She simply doesnt have the character or the strength to move the country forward. At best, she might be a slightly better version of Obama if enter office(with maybe slightly better banker regulations).

    She’s buying too much into partisan politics and cant seem to notice the flaws or want to acknowledge the flaws of the democratic party.

    As a person, she is simply too nice. She built personal relationships with corporate democrats so she doesnt want to think of them as bad people.

    This is not a character of a leader. In conclusion, a good person but lacks the character or the spine to be a great Potus(like Abraham Lincoln or FDR).

      1. She won’t even criticise Joe Manchin – Punching repubs is easy, being critical of your own team is hard. She lacks political courage and political nounce

  48. Elizabeth Warren has become a Democratic talking points machine. She emphasised the differences between the republicans and democrats rather than honing in on issues like single payer, free college for all, minimum wage, clean water in Flint, ending money in politics, etc. She’s become a partisan politician whose strategy is Russian obfuscation and is a faux progressive except on wall street. No spine that she couldn’t even voice support for Bernie, in a clear money vs grassroots race.

    1. Absolutely agree.

      She avoided answering a majority of the questions, and replied with folksy talk about how horrible the republicans are.

      She is a great example for why a new political party may be the only solution. It was easy for Warren to talk about the failures of the Democrats to protect ordinary Americans from Wall Street because they were corrupted by their donors when she was just a famous advocate for consumers. But now that she has joined the Democrats, she struggles to acknowledge the reality of a corrupted party. This is why Burnie is still an independent.

      When you join a corrupted party to try to change it you may just become what you used to fight against.

    2. Agreed. Well said tvanloon and bernindownthehowz; your comments sound quite well informed. I’m not sorry at all.

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