TYT Classics: Gay Test

In Membership, TYT Classics - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan5 Comments

Cenk and Ana watch an old clip about a Spanish priest that proved he is not gay by having his anus measure to prove it’s not dilated. Ana compares how much more progressive TYT and society has become.


  1. I’m so happy I went through school when we could call each other faggots without fear of expulsion or the sjw’s! Thanks REGRESSIVES!

  2. Well this is certainly a must see… You can now say TYT has covered everything from top to bottom.
    You guys are too funny. Hilarious ~

  3. I’m Catholic [feel free to mock me, I have my reasons ;)]. IMO you don’t have to be heterosexual to be a priest, you have to be celibate. That’s it. In general the church doesn’t lead me to believe it’s my business to judge whether people are hetero, bi or homosexual/lesbian (I’ve surprised many people who were expecting, even counting on me to judge as they had a big speech prepared :P)… it’s my business to weigh my own sexuality and if it does not match canon then it’s on me to decide which I can’t live without. Plus, consider the ten commandments. There’s a set of them we, as humans, regulate and those we don’t:

    You shall have no other gods before Me.
    You shall make no idols.
    You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
    Keep the Sabbath day holy.
    Honor your father and your mother.
    You shall not murder. (Regulated)
    You shall not commit adultery.
    You shall not steal. (regulated)
    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (regulated)
    You shall not covet.

    Out of a list of ten, there are a total of three I have business to stand against. But can you imagine trying to sniff out coveters? I am one and I’m glad you can’t know some of my thoughts! My attitude towards the un-regulated 7 is that the rest are part of my personal journey, some are easy, some are hard, some will bedevil me all the way to the end of my days.

    I’ll keep fighting, but I don’t imagine myself so great I can beat every flaw I have. If I look at myself that way, how can I look at others and judge? I can only sympathize. My truest answer to the full question of judgement is faith based (again, mock if you like :P) I just pray for the ones who are struggling just as I do. Unless, they murder, steal or go into court and lie. *shrug* Those ones, if I met any, I would put in jail, then forgive and pray for. Except I suck at forgiving (only child syndrome) so it would be a bit of an effort and that would annoy me so I’d have to forgive THAT as well. Let’s hope I avoid murderers etc., ya?

    In the end, to point fingers would be hypocritical, and Jesus forgave the murderers, the thieves, the whores… and could not abide the hypocrites. Between the two, let me avoid standing with those scary hypocrites!

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