TYT Hour 2 December 8, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan50 Comments

No charge for Walter Scott’s killer. Firefighter starts fire, blames BLM. Woman threatens Sandy Hook victim’s parents. Lebanese rape law. Santa fat-shames child. Nordstrom selling $85 rock.


  1. Re: Lebanese rape/marriage story
    Cenk, I realize you were voicing your justifiable disgust with rape in general, and within the context of marriage in particular, but then you characterized that attitude as “insanity.” It might seem insane to us, but it is mainstream there. Those in power found that law to be fair-minded, even though when we look at that law – and its creators – we consider it/them backward, cruel, and misogynistic. Apparently it institutionalized their male-dominated version of a logical and conservative family structure. Your use of “insane” minimizes the fact that it is considered NORMAL in that country, and is still common thinking in OUR country. People can fight institutional norms and actual laws; fighting insanity is beyond hope.

  2. Is there a petition? Yesterday Cenk showed a graphic in hour one with a link. Something like http://www.TYTnetwork.com/Petition which takes to you to a story about Justin Bieber. I want to participate in the petition that Cenk mentioned yesterday and again today at the beginning of the show. Please help!

  3. Hi.

    Google ‘Pet Rock’ and you will see that this has been done before. Back in the early to mid ’70’s there was a man that came up with a pet rock. He created a story about how the rock helped his mental health and was a reliable friend. The story became so good that he started gathering rocks, washing, boxing, and selling them as Pet Rocks.

    Nordstrom at least gives the suckers a leather pouch.

  4. I just became a member and already have a question. I use Chromecast to watch on my TV. Can your show be casted to my TV?

    1. Yes, you can chromecast TYT. Open this very page in Chrome for Android and the video player should have a little chromecast option in the bottom right. On the Desktop version of Chrome (if you want to cast from Windows/Linux/Mac) you can cast the tab like you would any other browser tab, and when you try to full-screen the video in your browser it will full screen it on your TV.

  5. I am excited about TYT posting additional investigative reporting teams. Based on what I’ve seen from Jordan, Eric, Emma and the rest of their team, this could be really big and make a huge difference in the factual information (as opposed to dis-information, misinformation or no information) reported to the public. I believe that Jordan’s reporting had a real and positive effect on the outcome of the protest by the water protectors. I am donating what I can to the effort.

  6. Cenk- don’t forget about the “Pet Rock”, 1975. The creator, Dahl, sold 1.5 million at 4$ each. Never underestimate the stupidity of the general population at any time in history, and their willingness to buy useless shit.

  7. As a black man I don’t feel a constant the fear of police anymore than I feel a constant fear of a car crash even though both are likely to kill me. What I have been feeling more and more is a nagging rage that the country whose proposed ideals I could not love more, I’m with Cenk on being guilty of some cheessy patriotism, doesn’t seem to give a fuck about my life and the lives of millions of others.

  8. keep it real: Santa was right, that kid was way overweight and unhealthy weight and will probably have diabetes when hes like 22.

  9. I don’t know why people aren’t talking about this, but all of Alex Jones’ past behaviors are entirely consistent with Bipolar disorder (aka manic-depressive disorder). When he bum rushed the TYT stage, he was experiencing a manic episode, where he couldn’t interpret the negative social cues (and they were brushed off) because he was having a massive high (very similar to a cocaine or methamphetamine high).

    1. I think you’re being too logical when it comes to Alex. He basically admitted on the Howard Stern show that he’s playing a character so everything he does and says is to get attention for his show. So when Cenk and Ana say he busted on their set because TYT has a bigger audience, that’s all that was behind it. I don’t think Alex was high or suffering from an episode. He just wanted the attention and he got it. It was all over Facebook and the internet. But your theories are interesting to read though.

    2. My social worker best friend diagnosed him almost immediately a year or two back. I showed her a few of his videos and by the second one she stopped laughing and was like “Oh no, someone really needs to help this man. He is SUFFERING.” It’s taken a LITTLE of the fun out of laughing at his shenanigans.

  10. My brother is an Alex Jones devotee and I literally had to block him on my phone. My only brother. Talking to him is impossible because he doesn’t live in the same reality. We can’t talk about anything because he’s uneducated so everything seems like a conspiracy. He and I can’t even agree on facts because he’s so misinformed. It’s unbelievable. He’s gotten to the point where he thinks the world is flat and/or there’s a hole at the poles where aliens live. Alex Jones has literally split my family in half with his crazy garbage.

    Also, if I was Ana, I’d go get an anchor job for a year, take in a couple million and come back to TYT even more popular and with a full bank account.

    1. I feel you man. On a much lesser scale, I have a close friend who is going nuts on conspiracies recently. Old friend, trying to leave it aside. I can only imagine the damage to a family. Sorry bro, good luck.

      1. It’s hard to say I wouldn’t considering my current financial situation. If I was in the same financial spot I am now, and I had the opportunity to give my daughter a better life, I absolutely would. Even a million would provide a hell of a lot of opportunities around here. Ana talks about hurting for money a lot so it depends on how bad she’s hurting. I wouldn’t actually expect her to do it but it would be a smart move.

  11. I can’t believe how many Black people can get shot by police and the police can get away with it. Yes, it was a hung jury and the police officer can be put on trial again, but still. Come on!

  12. U are assuming that the jury saw that tape :( no one asked that guy if he saw a tape…If you assume he saw it then lose the ego

  13. Ana needs to go cold turkey on her exposure to trolling. That outburst reaction against Alex Jones and his ilk is showing that stress is starting to make her Jenga tower wobble. Jones and his fanbase are obvious mental illness cases. He’s untreated, he needs to be treated, and his fans need to be treated. His niche is the symptom of the healthcare in America being third world.

    If you want to talk about people who are out to intentionally prey on others, then talk about Trump(narcissistic personality disorder) or Obama/Clinton(antisocial personality disorder/sociopathy)

    People like Jones and Glenn Beck are different. Theyre sick dogs that need to see a vet, not be put down.

  14. I’d say the Fat Shaming Santa was committing the “manslaughter” version of Fat Shaming. He was most likely having a literal knee-jerk reaction to having the fat kid (who was a little old to believe in Santa, lets keep it real) sitting on his knee for five minutes! Let Him Go!!

  15. Marrying unwed women off to their rapists is also commanded in the Bible. Deuteronomy 22:28-29

    However, if the woman is married and she doesn’t scream loud enough to get the guy caught mid-rape, she is supposed to be stoned to death along with her rapist. Deuteronomy 22:23-24

    Someone please get Wes to read the whole Bible (and interpret it himself) before he gets too deep in…

    1. Yeah people get confused on that part fairly often. That is an old testament law that the Jews set up themselves. Not commandments from God. Christ said not to do that shit any more. He fulfilled all the old obligations so they didn’t have to be adhered to any more. Christians don’t have to follow those laws.

  16. The Lebanon story: Ana’s right about familial shame, but it goes farther back. That’s old testament shit. I was raised Christian and after I started reading that “holy book” and found, among other passages, Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (and they got wise to “rape” so now most Bibles say ‘lay with’ to make it seem like it could be consensual), it wasn’t long before I thought ‘religion?….umm no’.

      1. 1975 promoted by Gary Dahl a the perfect pet — don’t have to feed it, walk it, groom it. Came in a cardboard pet carrier with a 32 page instruction manual for its care full of puns. Was a smooth stone from Mexico’s Rosarita Beach. See as an amazing feat of marketing! Everyone bought one. Except me…

  17. Alex Jones is a patriot! He is a guy who knows America. He knows how to get people excited and he is a three dimensional chess player.

  18. Your definitions of manslaughter and murder are not correct. Murder doesn’t require premeditation, just intent to kill. First degree murder is premeditated, second degree murder is not premeditated but the intent to kill is still there. Manslaughter lacks the intent to kill. Voluntary manslaughter is intent to harm but the person is killed. Involuntary is without intent to harm. In my opinion, this case would be second degree murder since it clearly wasn’t planned ahead of time but his intent was to kill him. Manslaughter would mean that when he shot at him, he meant to injure him but not kill him which I don’t think is reasonable.

    1. *TOTALLY agree with Cenk on this.* This is absolutely a murder, but yes, you are right, poor research/fact-checking harms TYT brand every day, they were wrong about the definitions. Unfortunately, Cenk still did not install a procedure to check hosts’ arguments before the show.

  19. Respectfully, Ana is wrong about the Slager case not being murder because there was no premeditation. Premeditation is an aggravating circumstance used to distinguish first degree murder from second degree murder (or other classifications of murder depending upon the particular state).

    Murder is intentionally killing without a lawful excuse. That’s clearly what Slager did. The fact that the jury didn’t reach a guilty verdict on the murder charge within 15 minutes shows what a farce the criminal “justice” system is.

    1. Not disagreeing with you, but was wondering if you could clarify something. How long do you have to think about it to qualify as premeditation? Like if the cops stops, aims, pulls his gun and puts away taser, and kills a person. Is that premeditation? Or would the cop have to decide to kill before coming into contact with the victim? (totally hypothetical situation)

      1. The standard for premeditation varies wildly from state to state.

        Generally its described as “willfulness and deliberation.” However, this can be very loosely interpreted in different jurisdictions.

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