of course trump will do infrastructure, hes got money in building companies too. Thats what will fool people to think that hes for the people, when hes just out for himself.
But who really cares who else gets a piece of your work, when you get your paycheck on time.
Sad state of affairs but people need to eat so…………………..
He didn’t even pronounce Lügenpresse correctly … the dots on top of the u that make it an ü mean you pronounce it like the ‘y’ in ‘lynch’, not like the ‘u’ in ‘super’. German pronunciation is super regular, he (and you two :P) pronounce it as if it is Lugenpresse.
“Sit on your ass, and call those numbers at the bottom of the web page.”
Good point, on Pence, about impeaching Trump, if he doesn’t play ball to some extent. The corporate establishment would quickly sell what passes for their soul, and temporarily shed their partisan labels, if their interests are threatened.
We could get a nice feeling of solidarity out of it – though only among the ‘right and left’ establishment – that the public could get excited about. It would give us the illusion that the president has been ‘put in his place’ in some ‘bipartisan’ way, while the corporate establishment is quietly pulling the strings & dishing out the propaganda.
“If it doesn’t benefit him financially, then forget about building our infrastructure, or anything else”.
This is probably true. But I’ve got my fingers crossed, that Trump will either see a Gold Lining in helping with some of our direst needs; or that this ‘wildcard’ continues to surprise us, and is willing to risk the wrath of the one percent class, to do one or two good things.
“But not from Manila, cause that’s an Import.”
Stop dumping on these white supremacists. They’re just trying to promote the natural pecking order, and white males have traditionally been the peckerheads.
Can’t believe they’re using the ‘heil’ term, explicitly. Even Trump is more discrete than that, if you can believe that. What the heil is going on?
“I’m looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it.”
If he REALLY has an open mind, then he should NOT automatically go with the standard advice of those who see Climate Change as a huge problem. It IS a huge problem, but their advice about cutting emissions doesn’t necessarily really fix the problem, in time.
He’s pissed everyone off, including environmentalists, no reason to stop now. We agree with the consensus of the scientific community, that global warming is a problem. But why should we blindly accept that dealing with carbon levels on the supply side, is the ONLY solution? Or that an effective way to get it done, is to shame those evil right wing subhumans?
If Trump decides this is a real problem that needs to be dealt with, his people should be proposing a variety of geoengineering projects, which directly pull carbon from the atmosphere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_sequestration. Find the ones that can be tested on a small scale first, and then nip this in the bud for good.
I’m sorry human beings have an effect on the environment, harmful and helpful. If we survive as a species, we’ll evolve into a civilization that manages the transfer of energy between planets and suns. We may as well accept that responsibility now, and start doing something that will accomplish more than slowing down global warming, at some unknown future time.
Complex systems, unexpected consequences, etc. All valid points. That doesn’t mean we should shy away from the challenge; that we shouldn’t engage in trial & error on small scales; that we shouldn’t try to discover empirically what works.
Fuck those environmentalists, who think this is nothing more than a political, left vs right, progressive vs selfish ignorant bigots issue. It’s a technical problem, and that’s where most of the discussion should be anchored.
“Nothing about you, that I’m gonna believe. EVER”.
Wrong attitude, Jayar. It’s unlikely that Trump will change his spots, in any fundamental way. But if you think that it’s not possible, given the unprecedented circumstances Trump landed in, then you may as well believe that convicts will never change their ways in a novel environment, and that they don’t deserve a second chance.
I hate how it’s like your on repeat Jimmy… I love the fact that you see through the bullshit, but the way you constantly repeat the same things over and over and over….and over….gets super annoying. I hate to admit I had to unsubscribe from your channel for this simple fact. Nearly every single video was the exact same talking points you used on this episode. Obama this and Obama that. And I get it. It’s cause there are still so many people out there that are unaware of the truth and that can be frustrating. But constantly screaming about the same old shit over and over at your audience is, as I said, getting super annoying. At first I was like, “hell ya Jimmy knows what he is talking about and is awesome” but now after seeing more and more of you and how you always just rant and even literally yell about the same things over and over again. Yelling is not a good way to get a point across in my opinion. And repeatedly yelling it, even less so. I feel sorry for your wife honestly. lol She has to be the most thick skinned woman on Earth if you argue with her the same way. Although I would imagine she probably learned a long time ago to just say, “OK Jimmy, your right.” So we are clear though, I’d like to point out that I’m not saying your wrong in any way. I’m just saying the way you deliver your message is wrong. At least when it gets to the point where your yelling. Keep your bullshit detector on but if I can suggest, stop (or at least cut down on) the yelling and screaming.
Your points are good enough that they don’t need to be yelled for people to hear them.
Lol…I think I said the same thing a few weeks back and tentatively settled on his motive being a lack of trust in his audience and an insecurity of putting it out there without the need to re re ere. The repetition is a subtle way of saying “I dont think you could that the first time around or around the first time you be around.”
TYT Hour 1 November 22, 2016
29:41 – “I’ve talked to a lot of Trump supporters, who are … real, normal people. And I didn’t think they existed, but I found them.”
Yeah, well maybe you could have let your fellow TYT staff know about this, Brett, BEFORE they ran rampant, painting ALL Trump supporters as sub-human deplorable idiot racists. They might not have gotten away with this, if you spoke up, before the election.
I’ll listen to the rest of this podcast, out of respect for your admission. And for Jimmy and Jayar.
Brett, I understand your trying to temper Jimmy’s volatility with speculating that Obama is working on the “bigger picture,” and balancing world concerns and so may not be thinking right now about DAPL.
You have been listening too much to Michael Shure, Epic Politics Man (more like Epic Pander-man).
Michael loves to drone on about all this super secret-shit that we don’t know about that Obama is doing “behind the scenes.”
All this stupid, “heavy is the head that wears the crown” crap.
Obama is no good guy. People need to stop with that notion right now.
Obama is the master of “Head-in-the-Sand” approach to dealing with problems that make him uncomfortable.
He squirms like a kid who KNOWS what the answer is, but he can’t say it and won’t do it. He doesn’t take responsibility for shit. It’s always the big bad Republicans wouldn’t let him! What could he do?
I concur. Democrats won big following Bush because of his mistakes and the terrible light he cast the entire GOP in (24 percent approval, almost feel bad for him). What did the POTUS do with that? Very little other than a half-measure healthcare reform that was almost the same as Mitten’s.
Why Facebook is Evil and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg is a monster.
TYT should cover this story, it matters when you attack Trump for attacking freedoms, but there are far worse monsters than him, like Zuckerberg you never talk about.
Great show. Wanna make a point about corruption. I strongly suspect the American people have a higher toleration for corruption if Trump just owns it, like he’s been doing. I think politicians like Hillary didn’t get away with it because she looked down on them, talked to them like children and dismissed the idea as crazy right wing propaganda.
In short: Many Americans are so used to bring fucked by the system that someone who does it and has enough respect for us to at least look us in the eyes and own it while fucking us… is somehow a breath of fresh air. And that’s why Trump is getting this pass.
Breaking News Feb 2017-
* Relations btwn Palestine and Israel continue to strengthen after President Trump announced that the West Bank will be annexed by the US and turned into “Trump Holy Hotel and Golf Resort.” A bold move which will be headed by Trumps son in law Jared Kushner.
* After the failed merger of ATT and CNN, it has been reported that a new deal has been offered to CNN. With an unprecedented bid of 1 Mexican Peso, Trump TV will be going on air at the start of next month.
* The Rolling Stones have pushed back against the changing of the US National Anthem with the statement, “Our song, You can’t always get what you want, was never intended to be a national anthem and we still have not received any royalties.”
* Melania’s charity “Pussy Bows World Wide”, started to provide the much needed blouses throughout some of the poorest areas of the world today. Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Louisiana are among the first of these poor areas to receive them.
* Trump Water and Trump Steaks have seen massive growth in trading after the ban on all “non Trump” products was enacted shortly after he took office.
This has been your daily briefing, thank you for reading, Hail Trump.
I absolutely agree with Jimmy. Maybe Michael Shure can stop asking him dumbass questions on about the “motives” of politicians. There is one motive. Money. Period.
I love when Brett presents. He’s witty and smart, and he is able to see things from other perspectives. And he doesn’t just believe everything he hears in the echo chambers that we all live in.
I am also glad that you guys are still keeping on top of what’s going on in North Dakota. The atrocities committed by law enforcement there are the kinds of things that we would seriously chide other countries for doing to their citizens. Some DAPL workers have said that they are better and more aggressively protected in ND than they were when working on projects in Iraq
Just this morning I heard NPR reporting that the girl’s injuries were caused by propane tanks rigged to explode by the protectors, it’s sick to hear how they’re twisting the facts.
I heard that on NPR, too! At first I was happy that they were reporting on it at ALL, but it came off to listeners that they couldn’t prove the girl’s injuries were from the police’s weaponry. Anyone have an update on that?
Even though conflicts of interest do not apply to the president, it seems that taking money from foreign governments does (see, http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/22/13717204/trump-new-york-times-interview). Vox reports: “…conflict-of-interest laws don’t apply to the president. But there is a clause in the Constitution, the ’emoluments clause,’ which prohibits the president from taking any money from foreign governments — and barring a change to what Trump’s business holdings are or who manages them, he’d be violating that clause the minute he took office.” With a Republican Congress, Trump may not be evicted from the White House for violating the emoluments clause as long as they get what they want.
Robert Kennedy Jr. gives all the details about the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the Standing Rock Reservation and how Energy Transfer Partners is attempting to apply a rule that allows for exemptions to changes smaller than one acre for their 1,700 mile pipeline by dividing it up into many, many individual projects for the pipeline to avoid the EIS that would kill the project. He explains that the EIS is all the Water Protectors are asking for. You will learn a lot by what he says (I sure did) that I haven’t heard any where else, and I’ve listened to all the TYT stuff on it and everyone else including an interview Jordan Chariton did with Kennedy. This interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. is from The Big Picture RT with Thom Hartman that’s titled “Dems Call Trump’s Bluff on Populism” (the title has nothing to do with the Kennedy interview) that starts 16 minutes and 33 seconds into the show:
love jimmys rants so much. you have no idea how loved Obama is I’m Australia, and when you name some of the things he has refused to stand up and some of the actions he has implemented and how that has ultimately led to trump winning, they simply state he’s powerless in those moments , which means they should just be completely relaxed about trump presidency because apparently the president is completely powerless?
See you can tell who the real cucks are, because you hear the things these alt-right people say behind closed doors when they think no one else is listening, but then they hide their faces and make excuses when they’re called out on it because THEY KNOW THEY’RE IN THE WRONG! Sad!
Blargimazombie, I hear you saying that if people saw their faces, they would fear persecution! They fear what they want to do most. You are right, it is sad, but I doubt they know anything beyond their own hatred.
“Alter kocoer” (one of several spellings — ABBREVIATION: A.K.) means “old shitter” in Yiddish . Compare “old fart” in English.
Also, the fool who spoke to the white supremacists and used the word “lugenpresse” did actually (and, I’m SURE, unwittingly) use the Yiddish word “Golem” (a kind of evil spirit) in the same sentence!!! Quel MORON!!!
jeffrey36, I enjoyed your etymology lesson. I, too, noticed the usage of the word “Golem”. I remembered the word from a folk tale. I read the entry from Wikipedia (see, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem) where it identified “[t]he most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-century rabbi of Prague.” The article also reported the word appears in Psalm 139:16!
Hi, Studezilla (are you a student who uses Mozilla? just a guess) — Anyway, I appreciated your remarks. (Someone actually does read these things!) The first time I came across the word “Golem” was in a play by the same name (“The Golem”) — a staged Yiddish story, probably about the same personage whom you have mentioned — that was produced by the New York Shakespeare Festival, no less, perhaps 25 years ago. I don’t really remember the details of the story, except that it was all rather dark, and ominous, and also “mystical”, as I recall.
As for “alter cocker” — or “A.K.” actually — this was a VERY common usage during my childhood. If a person older than my parents were driving on the road in an inconsiderate and/or dangerous fashion, for example, my father (it was usually, though not exclusively, my father) was apt to use the epithet in annoyance. Thus, my father would exclaim something along the lines of: “Look at that old AK.!!! What the hell does he think he’s doing?!!!”
I hope this brightens your day in some way, and thanks again for your comment!
Dear “Studedzilla” — This is an addendum to my first “reply” to you, because I too have now “skimmed” through the wikipedia article to which you referred me, and I can only say that I absolutely APPLAUD your stamina in having gotten through it!!! Goodness, how “INVOLVED” it all is!!!
“Alter kocker” (one of several spellings — ABBREVIATION: A.K.) means “old shitter” in Yiddish . Compare “old fart”.
Also, the idiot speaking about white supremacy and the “lugenpresse” did actually (and, I’m SURE, unwittingly) use the Yiddish word “Golem” (a kind of evil spirit) in the same sentence!!! Quel MORON!!!
Jimmy has a hard time admitting when he’s wrong. I have a hard time trusting anything he says lately. Trump’s infrastructure plan is horrible. its all toll roads and toll bridges and things that will cost citizens money and cause corporations to make a ton of profit.
I’m starting to get tired of Jimmy. He does make a good point and he’s probably hammering Obama to make sure people don’t forget, but he’s not really suggesting any solutions. We get it. Obama is not the social hero people think he is, he’s being cowardly about the Standing Rock situation, his administration has benefited the corporations. We get it. If there’s something wrong, you will turn it against Obama, fine. Just offer solutions, another view on the situation, or save us some time by saying, “it’s partly Obama’s fault”.
So what is your reasoning that Obama is not stopping this torture at Standing Rock? I’ve heard the excuse that he can’t act alone. But the Banksters & Oil companies are breaking a Court Order, so he could LEGALLY stop them, but he is not. Because he does not care.
Obama is a heartless PRICK. DO NOT defend the indefensible.
Jimmy should rant.
Cenk should rant.
Ana should rant.
Jayar should rant.
I should rant.
You should rant.
The sound needs to be SO loud that people drowsily watching fucking Turkey day parades will hear.
You think it’s bad now? You think $hillary would be better? Here comes Trump.
I never get tired of Jimmy.
I cannot stand listening to Michael Shure soft-soaping and apologizing for Obama.
The “let cooler heads prevail” tactic is not working.
Obama could stop DAPL if he wanted to. But, he doesn’t & he won’t.
My reasoning is that he’s being a corporatist and he’s trying to ignore it long enough to where it happens, so he can wash his hands of the situation. It goes with what I already said that he was being a coward and he was favoring corporations. We already know that. Everytime that something bad came up, Jimmy turned it on Obama and kept going on about how Obama sucks, we get that, but he said that already. As I said already “Obama is not the social hero people think he is”. His points in the episode broke down to “Things are already bad, Obama did them too.” He did that at least 3 times. When he had the first long rant, that was fine. But everytime after with the smaller rant, it was the same rant with slightly different details. We didn’t learn anything or get more incites which was why I said he could have shortened those outbursts to: “it’s partly Obama’s fault”.
Pretty sure the point he’s been making all along is perhaps people will get off their arses now and actually engage in their political system and start from the bottom up, because unlike Obama they won’t keep making excuses for trump, well hopefully the centre or left won’t,
also it’s lite a match on the whole country, which granted is terrifying but one possible outcome is people wake up and put th noire out and rebuild the house better……..the realisation to those who voted for trump that he is making America worse again, that not only can they still not get a job but costs are still rising, rights are being eradicated, and he’s setting himself up financially while watching the Americans he lied to starve to death. It will disprove the republican economic concept that low taxes on business creates jobs, and much more.
It’s hard to have a solution when literally anything could happen, but I agree And so does jimmy from what I’ve seen trump will be worse in many ways, but a lot more people would of turned back to their own bubbles and not cared had Hillary won, and the empowerment of racist would have already existed thanks to trump bringing them together for a cause.
people will make more phone calls to their local representatives and protest more and generally give a shit more under a trump presidency, it will come at a cost of course one which no one knows, I don’t think discussing the most optimistic versions of that means he’s beileives any of it, it’s simply humours speculation .
Hour One hijacked by Jimmy’s rant – he’s so naive about the damage that Trump can do and who exactly will or will not stand up. It’s easy to rant when you get to do it from a chair behind a microphone and you’re not the one getting hurt. With the GOP now in charge of three branches of government and many of the states, they are inches away from constitutional amendment power. People didn’t stand up to Obama the same way they didn’t stand up to Bush, and how most won’t stand up to Trump. Keep dreaming Jimmy, hope you’re right, suspect you are very very wrong.
Standing Rock = Alabama
Gov Dalrymple = Gov Wallace
Pres Obama does NOT = Pres Kennedy or Pres Johnson
Obama will leave office with no legacy other than his skin color. Now, even that functions only for ironic purposes.
If that sounds harsh, it should.
Standing Rock = Alabama
Governor Dalrymple = Governor Wallace
President Obama does NOT = President Kennedy or President Johnson
President Obama has no legacy other than his skin color. Now, even that functions only for ironic purposes.
If that sounds harsh, it should.
Derek, they also lost. This year is full of irony. Trump wins the presidency, but loses the popular vote. The “alt-right” think they are winners but they follow a losing political strategy. The Nazi regime only lasted 12 years, not 1,000 years as Hitler prophesied. The regime also lost about 7 million German lives during a war they started. (For World War II casualties, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#cite_ref-Niewyk.2C_Donald_L._2000.2C_p._421_189-3.)
Besides the “alt-right’s” slavish devotion to a losing philosophy, the speaker is wrong about a country designed for whites. The Constitution was designed to protect businessmen’s property rights. The majority of which happened to be white. The first 10 Amendments were an afterthought. I wonder how many of those blurred-faced bozos have actually read the Constitution?
Jimmy, trump’s infrastructure plan is really a plan to support corporate interests (see Bernie’s speech on it). I only hope that you are right; current situation suggests that’s it’s even more fucked than we thought. He’s going back against so many of the things he’s said; this man is a liar. He won’t lift a finger to help anyone either; he’ll have no problem lifting fingers to fuck us over.
Jayar – your comments are spot on! Thank you!
Jimmy is driving me just a bit crazy. I agree with most of what he rages about. Hillary and Obama are corrupt and doing bad shit, yes. With Trump in power I’m honestly afraid for the safety of everyone at TYT. Does anyone think Don TinyHands Trump would hesitate for a second to have all of tyt arrested? I seriously doubt the US will have elections in two years. I don’t think there will be federal elections in the US until after anyone who ever dissed Trump is arrested and/or executed.
And the Trump Affect has spread. Whining, and Complaining. Folks we all pay more for data rates than a measly $10 bucks a month for TYT. BTW, has anyone heard the news about our great and glorious leader? People are saying they are so disorganized Mitt was brought in to save the transition. Our wise leader elect is flailing, giving away posts just to put a checkmark on his daily to-do-list. They are months behind, working long hard hours over the weekend, but still finding time to tweet about Hamilton! Oh Great Leader of our Party and of our great Nation we quiver with anticipation; oh Dear leader of the free world, when shall you tweet again? #MAGA #LoserDonald #DonnieSmallHands
I’m interested in what’s happening, smart interpretation and analysis and Progressive and passionate advocacy.
I don’t think that screaming and cursing at me is gonna help much. Yes, passion, but Jimmy’s thing, I worry, just supports hate and hopelessness.
Maybe I am being too sensitive, but it feels like misdirected anger and energy.
We need to act and change things, not just demonize and then be satisfied, having gotten it out of our systems. Does that encourage people’s activism?
I know that with my family, yelling at each other without constructive action, results in despondence and breakdowns in communication. Is there a parallel in that? Or, again, am I being too soft? I really am wondering.
I second jettienne12 thoughts, this show was upload really late but also no videos uploaded on YT maybe they had an internet outage, they normaly update hours 1,2 and start uploading YT videos. But today no YT videos until also pretty late.
As a paying subscriber these late updates are simply unacceptable and unprofessional. We all get billed on time every month without fail. Therefore, why can’t you guys be more professional with your show start times and crazy inconsistent upload speeds? You are causing your loyal viewers from day one to seriously contemplate canceling service due to pure negligence. Completely unacceptable, unpredictable, and uncalled for late content delivery. Get your shit together man!!
Powerful video by a guy from inside the oil spill over ups
of course trump will do infrastructure, hes got money in building companies too. Thats what will fool people to think that hes for the people, when hes just out for himself.
But who really cares who else gets a piece of your work, when you get your paycheck on time.
Sad state of affairs but people need to eat so…………………..
Jimmy Dore spits hot fire …. that is what i’ve learned. give him all of the times
He didn’t even pronounce Lügenpresse correctly … the dots on top of the u that make it an ü mean you pronounce it like the ‘y’ in ‘lynch’, not like the ‘u’ in ‘super’. German pronunciation is super regular, he (and you two :P) pronounce it as if it is Lugenpresse.
youre good at German, do you know the word besserwisser means?
I really don’t think pointing out a pronunciation mistake in a radical right wing comment warrants a snarky response like this.
“Sit on your ass, and call those numbers at the bottom of the web page.”
Good point, on Pence, about impeaching Trump, if he doesn’t play ball to some extent. The corporate establishment would quickly sell what passes for their soul, and temporarily shed their partisan labels, if their interests are threatened.
We could get a nice feeling of solidarity out of it – though only among the ‘right and left’ establishment – that the public could get excited about. It would give us the illusion that the president has been ‘put in his place’ in some ‘bipartisan’ way, while the corporate establishment is quietly pulling the strings & dishing out the propaganda.
“If it doesn’t benefit him financially, then forget about building our infrastructure, or anything else”.
This is probably true. But I’ve got my fingers crossed, that Trump will either see a Gold Lining in helping with some of our direst needs; or that this ‘wildcard’ continues to surprise us, and is willing to risk the wrath of the one percent class, to do one or two good things.
“But not from Manila, cause that’s an Import.”
Stop dumping on these white supremacists. They’re just trying to promote the natural pecking order, and white males have traditionally been the peckerheads.
Can’t believe they’re using the ‘heil’ term, explicitly. Even Trump is more discrete than that, if you can believe that. What the heil is going on?
“I’m looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it.”
If he REALLY has an open mind, then he should NOT automatically go with the standard advice of those who see Climate Change as a huge problem. It IS a huge problem, but their advice about cutting emissions doesn’t necessarily really fix the problem, in time.
He’s pissed everyone off, including environmentalists, no reason to stop now. We agree with the consensus of the scientific community, that global warming is a problem. But why should we blindly accept that dealing with carbon levels on the supply side, is the ONLY solution? Or that an effective way to get it done, is to shame those evil right wing subhumans?
Cut emissions, ban fracking, sure. But the priority should be a proactive attitude. Cutting emissions isn’t going to break this 400 parts per million tipping point http://motherboard.vice.com/read/goodbye-world-weve-passed-the-carbon-tipping-point-for-good, any time soon.
If Trump decides this is a real problem that needs to be dealt with, his people should be proposing a variety of geoengineering projects, which directly pull carbon from the atmosphere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_sequestration. Find the ones that can be tested on a small scale first, and then nip this in the bud for good.
I’m sorry human beings have an effect on the environment, harmful and helpful. If we survive as a species, we’ll evolve into a civilization that manages the transfer of energy between planets and suns. We may as well accept that responsibility now, and start doing something that will accomplish more than slowing down global warming, at some unknown future time.
Complex systems, unexpected consequences, etc. All valid points. That doesn’t mean we should shy away from the challenge; that we shouldn’t engage in trial & error on small scales; that we shouldn’t try to discover empirically what works.
Fuck those environmentalists, who think this is nothing more than a political, left vs right, progressive vs selfish ignorant bigots issue. It’s a technical problem, and that’s where most of the discussion should be anchored.
“Nothing about you, that I’m gonna believe. EVER”.
Wrong attitude, Jayar. It’s unlikely that Trump will change his spots, in any fundamental way. But if you think that it’s not possible, given the unprecedented circumstances Trump landed in, then you may as well believe that convicts will never change their ways in a novel environment, and that they don’t deserve a second chance.
Thanks, Jimmy, Jayar, and Brett.
I hate how it’s like your on repeat Jimmy… I love the fact that you see through the bullshit, but the way you constantly repeat the same things over and over and over….and over….gets super annoying. I hate to admit I had to unsubscribe from your channel for this simple fact. Nearly every single video was the exact same talking points you used on this episode. Obama this and Obama that. And I get it. It’s cause there are still so many people out there that are unaware of the truth and that can be frustrating. But constantly screaming about the same old shit over and over at your audience is, as I said, getting super annoying. At first I was like, “hell ya Jimmy knows what he is talking about and is awesome” but now after seeing more and more of you and how you always just rant and even literally yell about the same things over and over again. Yelling is not a good way to get a point across in my opinion. And repeatedly yelling it, even less so. I feel sorry for your wife honestly. lol She has to be the most thick skinned woman on Earth if you argue with her the same way. Although I would imagine she probably learned a long time ago to just say, “OK Jimmy, your right.” So we are clear though, I’d like to point out that I’m not saying your wrong in any way. I’m just saying the way you deliver your message is wrong. At least when it gets to the point where your yelling. Keep your bullshit detector on but if I can suggest, stop (or at least cut down on) the yelling and screaming.
Your points are good enough that they don’t need to be yelled for people to hear them.
Lol…I think I said the same thing a few weeks back and tentatively settled on his motive being a lack of trust in his audience and an insecurity of putting it out there without the need to re re ere. The repetition is a subtle way of saying “I dont think you could that the first time around or around the first time you be around.”
Not saying he’s a bad guy
I agree 110% . I just made a post about that right now. No cenk= insert Jimmy
Jimmy Dore is RIGHT ON! If you don’t understand it, it’s because even you have been brainwashed by the establishment as it exists.
Jimmy needs to be there when Cenk isn’t.
The thing these two have in common that the other TYT host don’t, is conviction and passion.
Totally Agree. Jimmy is a great host. Speaks deep from the soul and clearly.
TYT Hour 1 November 22, 2016
29:41 – “I’ve talked to a lot of Trump supporters, who are … real, normal people. And I didn’t think they existed, but I found them.”
Yeah, well maybe you could have let your fellow TYT staff know about this, Brett, BEFORE they ran rampant, painting ALL Trump supporters as sub-human deplorable idiot racists. They might not have gotten away with this, if you spoke up, before the election.
I’ll listen to the rest of this podcast, out of respect for your admission. And for Jimmy and Jayar.
As much as I do love Jimmy, Brett’s go the patience of a saint in this hour, wow!
Jimmy Dore! Love your passion man, you are on this shit.
Brett, I understand your trying to temper Jimmy’s volatility with speculating that Obama is working on the “bigger picture,” and balancing world concerns and so may not be thinking right now about DAPL.
You have been listening too much to Michael Shure, Epic Politics Man (more like Epic Pander-man).
Michael loves to drone on about all this super secret-shit that we don’t know about that Obama is doing “behind the scenes.”
All this stupid, “heavy is the head that wears the crown” crap.
Obama is no good guy. People need to stop with that notion right now.
Obama is the master of “Head-in-the-Sand” approach to dealing with problems that make him uncomfortable.
He squirms like a kid who KNOWS what the answer is, but he can’t say it and won’t do it. He doesn’t take responsibility for shit. It’s always the big bad Republicans wouldn’t let him! What could he do?
Sad. What a complete waste of eight years.
I concur. Democrats won big following Bush because of his mistakes and the terrible light he cast the entire GOP in (24 percent approval, almost feel bad for him). What did the POTUS do with that? Very little other than a half-measure healthcare reform that was almost the same as Mitten’s.
Jimmy has somehow evolved into a nagging old harridan. God, please make it stop.
I suggest you go watch CNN, and take your meds.
by the way, if Cenk is not on the show, YOU MUST have Jimmy to bring on the KRAKEN!
otherwise, it is a snore fest..
The ‘real’ show starts at about 07:55
Why Facebook is Evil and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg is a monster.
TYT should cover this story, it matters when you attack Trump for attacking freedoms, but there are far worse monsters than him, like Zuckerberg you never talk about.
Jimmy I would totally buy a “Donny tiny hands shirt”. Please please make one tyt
I agree. Jimmy seems to think that his powers of observation are supernatural. His rants may be mostly accurate, but I find his cynicism to be toxic.
I want to reiterate the call for a mix tape (Perhaps “Awesome Mix #2”) for Jayar’s boom box.
On a not-unrelated note, some of the music coming back from breaks is great — I wonder if there’s a way to find a playlist or at least an annotation?
Keep up the good work. Palabra.
Spencer sounds as if he’s a preacher, proletising to his his all white male crowd of true believers. These people are sickness exemplified.
Great show. Wanna make a point about corruption. I strongly suspect the American people have a higher toleration for corruption if Trump just owns it, like he’s been doing. I think politicians like Hillary didn’t get away with it because she looked down on them, talked to them like children and dismissed the idea as crazy right wing propaganda.
In short: Many Americans are so used to bring fucked by the system that someone who does it and has enough respect for us to at least look us in the eyes and own it while fucking us… is somehow a breath of fresh air. And that’s why Trump is getting this pass.
Breaking News Feb 2017-
* Relations btwn Palestine and Israel continue to strengthen after President Trump announced that the West Bank will be annexed by the US and turned into “Trump Holy Hotel and Golf Resort.” A bold move which will be headed by Trumps son in law Jared Kushner.
* After the failed merger of ATT and CNN, it has been reported that a new deal has been offered to CNN. With an unprecedented bid of 1 Mexican Peso, Trump TV will be going on air at the start of next month.
* The Rolling Stones have pushed back against the changing of the US National Anthem with the statement, “Our song, You can’t always get what you want, was never intended to be a national anthem and we still have not received any royalties.”
* Melania’s charity “Pussy Bows World Wide”, started to provide the much needed blouses throughout some of the poorest areas of the world today. Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Louisiana are among the first of these poor areas to receive them.
* Trump Water and Trump Steaks have seen massive growth in trading after the ban on all “non Trump” products was enacted shortly after he took office.
This has been your daily briefing, thank you for reading, Hail Trump.
I absolutely agree with Jimmy. Maybe Michael Shure can stop asking him dumbass questions on about the “motives” of politicians. There is one motive. Money. Period.
What happened to the tv show? Was it cancelled? I have the last one on my dvr but haven’t watched it yet if anything is said on that show about this.
Just a few thoughts:
I love when Brett presents. He’s witty and smart, and he is able to see things from other perspectives. And he doesn’t just believe everything he hears in the echo chambers that we all live in.
I am also glad that you guys are still keeping on top of what’s going on in North Dakota. The atrocities committed by law enforcement there are the kinds of things that we would seriously chide other countries for doing to their citizens. Some DAPL workers have said that they are better and more aggressively protected in ND than they were when working on projects in Iraq
Just this morning I heard NPR reporting that the girl’s injuries were caused by propane tanks rigged to explode by the protectors, it’s sick to hear how they’re twisting the facts.
I heard that on NPR, too! At first I was happy that they were reporting on it at ALL, but it came off to listeners that they couldn’t prove the girl’s injuries were from the police’s weaponry. Anyone have an update on that?
Even though conflicts of interest do not apply to the president, it seems that taking money from foreign governments does (see, http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/22/13717204/trump-new-york-times-interview). Vox reports: “…conflict-of-interest laws don’t apply to the president. But there is a clause in the Constitution, the ’emoluments clause,’ which prohibits the president from taking any money from foreign governments — and barring a change to what Trump’s business holdings are or who manages them, he’d be violating that clause the minute he took office.” With a Republican Congress, Trump may not be evicted from the White House for violating the emoluments clause as long as they get what they want.
Robert Kennedy Jr. gives all the details about the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the Standing Rock Reservation and how Energy Transfer Partners is attempting to apply a rule that allows for exemptions to changes smaller than one acre for their 1,700 mile pipeline by dividing it up into many, many individual projects for the pipeline to avoid the EIS that would kill the project. He explains that the EIS is all the Water Protectors are asking for. You will learn a lot by what he says (I sure did) that I haven’t heard any where else, and I’ve listened to all the TYT stuff on it and everyone else including an interview Jordan Chariton did with Kennedy. This interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. is from The Big Picture RT with Thom Hartman that’s titled “Dems Call Trump’s Bluff on Populism” (the title has nothing to do with the Kennedy interview) that starts 16 minutes and 33 seconds into the show:
David, thanks for posting the video link. Your post reminded me that I had intended to read the article but became distracted and failed to do so.
love jimmys rants so much. you have no idea how loved Obama is I’m Australia, and when you name some of the things he has refused to stand up and some of the actions he has implemented and how that has ultimately led to trump winning, they simply state he’s powerless in those moments , which means they should just be completely relaxed about trump presidency because apparently the president is completely powerless?
See you can tell who the real cucks are, because you hear the things these alt-right people say behind closed doors when they think no one else is listening, but then they hide their faces and make excuses when they’re called out on it because THEY KNOW THEY’RE IN THE WRONG! Sad!
Blargimazombie, I hear you saying that if people saw their faces, they would fear persecution! They fear what they want to do most. You are right, it is sad, but I doubt they know anything beyond their own hatred.
Awesome to listen Jimmy ranting like this. He is getting to hang of it!
Definitely. Jimmy seemed a bit restrained in the previous day’s show, so it was good to see the rage come flooding back here.
“Alter kocoer” (one of several spellings — ABBREVIATION: A.K.) means “old shitter” in Yiddish . Compare “old fart” in English.
Also, the fool who spoke to the white supremacists and used the word “lugenpresse” did actually (and, I’m SURE, unwittingly) use the Yiddish word “Golem” (a kind of evil spirit) in the same sentence!!! Quel MORON!!!
jeffrey36, I enjoyed your etymology lesson. I, too, noticed the usage of the word “Golem”. I remembered the word from a folk tale. I read the entry from Wikipedia (see, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem) where it identified “[t]he most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-century rabbi of Prague.” The article also reported the word appears in Psalm 139:16!
Hi, Studezilla (are you a student who uses Mozilla? just a guess) — Anyway, I appreciated your remarks. (Someone actually does read these things!) The first time I came across the word “Golem” was in a play by the same name (“The Golem”) — a staged Yiddish story, probably about the same personage whom you have mentioned — that was produced by the New York Shakespeare Festival, no less, perhaps 25 years ago. I don’t really remember the details of the story, except that it was all rather dark, and ominous, and also “mystical”, as I recall.
As for “alter cocker” — or “A.K.” actually — this was a VERY common usage during my childhood. If a person older than my parents were driving on the road in an inconsiderate and/or dangerous fashion, for example, my father (it was usually, though not exclusively, my father) was apt to use the epithet in annoyance. Thus, my father would exclaim something along the lines of: “Look at that old AK.!!! What the hell does he think he’s doing?!!!”
I hope this brightens your day in some way, and thanks again for your comment!
Jeffrey Herman
Dear “Studedzilla” — This is an addendum to my first “reply” to you, because I too have now “skimmed” through the wikipedia article to which you referred me, and I can only say that I absolutely APPLAUD your stamina in having gotten through it!!! Goodness, how “INVOLVED” it all is!!!
“Alter kocker” (one of several spellings — ABBREVIATION: A.K.) means “old shitter” in Yiddish . Compare “old fart”.
Also, the idiot speaking about white supremacy and the “lugenpresse” did actually (and, I’m SURE, unwittingly) use the Yiddish word “Golem” (a kind of evil spirit) in the same sentence!!! Quel MORON!!!
Jimmy has a hard time admitting when he’s wrong. I have a hard time trusting anything he says lately. Trump’s infrastructure plan is horrible. its all toll roads and toll bridges and things that will cost citizens money and cause corporations to make a ton of profit.
I’m starting to get tired of Jimmy. He does make a good point and he’s probably hammering Obama to make sure people don’t forget, but he’s not really suggesting any solutions. We get it. Obama is not the social hero people think he is, he’s being cowardly about the Standing Rock situation, his administration has benefited the corporations. We get it. If there’s something wrong, you will turn it against Obama, fine. Just offer solutions, another view on the situation, or save us some time by saying, “it’s partly Obama’s fault”.
So what is your reasoning that Obama is not stopping this torture at Standing Rock? I’ve heard the excuse that he can’t act alone. But the Banksters & Oil companies are breaking a Court Order, so he could LEGALLY stop them, but he is not. Because he does not care.
Obama is a heartless PRICK. DO NOT defend the indefensible.
Jimmy should rant.
Cenk should rant.
Ana should rant.
Jayar should rant.
I should rant.
You should rant.
The sound needs to be SO loud that people drowsily watching fucking Turkey day parades will hear.
You think it’s bad now? You think $hillary would be better? Here comes Trump.
I never get tired of Jimmy.
I cannot stand listening to Michael Shure soft-soaping and apologizing for Obama.
The “let cooler heads prevail” tactic is not working.
Obama could stop DAPL if he wanted to. But, he doesn’t & he won’t.
My reasoning is that he’s being a corporatist and he’s trying to ignore it long enough to where it happens, so he can wash his hands of the situation. It goes with what I already said that he was being a coward and he was favoring corporations. We already know that. Everytime that something bad came up, Jimmy turned it on Obama and kept going on about how Obama sucks, we get that, but he said that already. As I said already “Obama is not the social hero people think he is”. His points in the episode broke down to “Things are already bad, Obama did them too.” He did that at least 3 times. When he had the first long rant, that was fine. But everytime after with the smaller rant, it was the same rant with slightly different details. We didn’t learn anything or get more incites which was why I said he could have shortened those outbursts to: “it’s partly Obama’s fault”.
Pretty sure the point he’s been making all along is perhaps people will get off their arses now and actually engage in their political system and start from the bottom up, because unlike Obama they won’t keep making excuses for trump, well hopefully the centre or left won’t,
also it’s lite a match on the whole country, which granted is terrifying but one possible outcome is people wake up and put th noire out and rebuild the house better……..the realisation to those who voted for trump that he is making America worse again, that not only can they still not get a job but costs are still rising, rights are being eradicated, and he’s setting himself up financially while watching the Americans he lied to starve to death. It will disprove the republican economic concept that low taxes on business creates jobs, and much more.
It’s hard to have a solution when literally anything could happen, but I agree And so does jimmy from what I’ve seen trump will be worse in many ways, but a lot more people would of turned back to their own bubbles and not cared had Hillary won, and the empowerment of racist would have already existed thanks to trump bringing them together for a cause.
people will make more phone calls to their local representatives and protest more and generally give a shit more under a trump presidency, it will come at a cost of course one which no one knows, I don’t think discussing the most optimistic versions of that means he’s beileives any of it, it’s simply humours speculation .
Dude, Obama is a fucking FRAUD. That is why Trump admires him, and hopes he can succeed in suckering all his followers like Obama has.
I hope Obama in the end dies alone and forgotten like the piece of shit he is.
Please stop promoting Trump’s infrastructure plans until you know the details:
jimmy dore – mic drop.
Hour One hijacked by Jimmy’s rant – he’s so naive about the damage that Trump can do and who exactly will or will not stand up. It’s easy to rant when you get to do it from a chair behind a microphone and you’re not the one getting hurt. With the GOP now in charge of three branches of government and many of the states, they are inches away from constitutional amendment power. People didn’t stand up to Obama the same way they didn’t stand up to Bush, and how most won’t stand up to Trump. Keep dreaming Jimmy, hope you’re right, suspect you are very very wrong.
Standing Rock = Alabama
Gov Dalrymple = Gov Wallace
Pres Obama does NOT = Pres Kennedy or Pres Johnson
Obama will leave office with no legacy other than his skin color. Now, even that functions only for ironic purposes.
If that sounds harsh, it should.
Standing Rock = Alabama
Governor Dalrymple = Governor Wallace
President Obama does NOT = President Kennedy or President Johnson
President Obama has no legacy other than his skin color. Now, even that functions only for ironic purposes.
If that sounds harsh, it should.
Standing Rock = Alabama
Governor Dalrymple = Governor Wallace
President Obama does NOT = President Kennedy or President Johnson
President Obama has no legacy other than his skin color. Now, even that functions only for ironic purposes.
If that sounds harsh, it should.
Ironic Nazism. Jesus Christ, these people are insane.
Derek, they also lost. This year is full of irony. Trump wins the presidency, but loses the popular vote. The “alt-right” think they are winners but they follow a losing political strategy. The Nazi regime only lasted 12 years, not 1,000 years as Hitler prophesied. The regime also lost about 7 million German lives during a war they started. (For World War II casualties, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#cite_ref-Niewyk.2C_Donald_L._2000.2C_p._421_189-3.)
Besides the “alt-right’s” slavish devotion to a losing philosophy, the speaker is wrong about a country designed for whites. The Constitution was designed to protect businessmen’s property rights. The majority of which happened to be white. The first 10 Amendments were an afterthought. I wonder how many of those blurred-faced bozos have actually read the Constitution?
Love me some Jimmy!!! Testify, it needs to be heard!
one hell of a first hour. <3 Dildo sitter
Jimmy, trump’s infrastructure plan is really a plan to support corporate interests (see Bernie’s speech on it). I only hope that you are right; current situation suggests that’s it’s even more fucked than we thought. He’s going back against so many of the things he’s said; this man is a liar. He won’t lift a finger to help anyone either; he’ll have no problem lifting fingers to fuck us over.
Jayar – your comments are spot on! Thank you!
Exactly. His plan isn’t a public works project but a $1 Trillion gift to private construction companies.
Jimmy is driving me just a bit crazy. I agree with most of what he rages about. Hillary and Obama are corrupt and doing bad shit, yes. With Trump in power I’m honestly afraid for the safety of everyone at TYT. Does anyone think Don TinyHands Trump would hesitate for a second to have all of tyt arrested? I seriously doubt the US will have elections in two years. I don’t think there will be federal elections in the US until after anyone who ever dissed Trump is arrested and/or executed.
I hate to say it, but I really have to force myself to listen to Brett. Come back Cenk!
I fucking love Jimmy!!!
And the Trump Affect has spread. Whining, and Complaining. Folks we all pay more for data rates than a measly $10 bucks a month for TYT. BTW, has anyone heard the news about our great and glorious leader? People are saying they are so disorganized Mitt was brought in to save the transition. Our wise leader elect is flailing, giving away posts just to put a checkmark on his daily to-do-list. They are months behind, working long hard hours over the weekend, but still finding time to tweet about Hamilton! Oh Great Leader of our Party and of our great Nation we quiver with anticipation; oh Dear leader of the free world, when shall you tweet again? #MAGA #LoserDonald #DonnieSmallHands
preach Jimmy!!!
Jimmy Dorn is the person I would be if I weren’t a fucking coward. One day he may inspire me to be as brave as he is.
They said a lot of the folks in the studio are out this week because of Thanksgiving. I’m willing to give them some slack for this week.
I’m interested in what’s happening, smart interpretation and analysis and Progressive and passionate advocacy.
I don’t think that screaming and cursing at me is gonna help much. Yes, passion, but Jimmy’s thing, I worry, just supports hate and hopelessness.
Maybe I am being too sensitive, but it feels like misdirected anger and energy.
We need to act and change things, not just demonize and then be satisfied, having gotten it out of our systems. Does that encourage people’s activism?
I know that with my family, yelling at each other without constructive action, results in despondence and breakdowns in communication. Is there a parallel in that? Or, again, am I being too soft? I really am wondering.
Jimmy…you hold this so-called alternate network up.
I second jettienne12 thoughts, this show was upload really late but also no videos uploaded on YT maybe they had an internet outage, they normaly update hours 1,2 and start uploading YT videos. But today no YT videos until also pretty late.
As a paying subscriber these late updates are simply unacceptable and unprofessional. We all get billed on time every month without fail. Therefore, why can’t you guys be more professional with your show start times and crazy inconsistent upload speeds? You are causing your loyal viewers from day one to seriously contemplate canceling service due to pure negligence. Completely unacceptable, unpredictable, and uncalled for late content delivery. Get your shit together man!!
Wrong description