TYT Old School November 9, 2016

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan61 Comments

Cenk, Wes Clark Jr., and Steve Oh talk about why they’re the most likely out of the whole TYT crew to get into a fight. Steve brings up the rude man he encountered at a Halloween party. Wes mentions the girl he slept with from the Hillary Clinton campaign. He goes on a rant about pompous celebrities. The trio break down what went wrong with Tuesday’s presidential election.


  1. Had to come back to the end of this segment today, after the DAPL announcement. Goosebumps. Enormous salute for you, Wes. The fucking project manager did get it fucking done.

  2. Pathological liars believe they are honest. Obama visits Canada. Lawyers defended Jesus. Judges judge incorrectly on occassions. Just publish my writing and comments. Idgaf anymore. No one deserves to be President. Hillary would have lead to my town becoming a superb. Aristotle drank the poison so we don’t have to take the pill of Tranquilizing Gradualism. Conventions are how we got the Constitution. Anti-Federalists are the majority of Politicians. My dad raised 3 kids on 25,000 dollars a year. We were unaffected completely by the Great Recession. My grandma listened to Fire Side Chats. The Rapture may be Science vs God. My prediction. My sister writes about City Council meetings. I’ll speak for everyone. But I’m 19 and priveledged. And pangedered. Today, when I got in an argument with my dad, he asked me if I was taking my medicine. Before he even heard me out. Last year, whenever I argued ANYTHING, with my sister, she said, “are you taking your meds, you were doing so “‘well”‘.” I Am mad. God is mad. I pray all day every day. Not literally but figuratively. Fuck the haters. I hate them. Not literally. I’ll go protest if I can sleep in a hotel bunked with someone from TYT. I trust them. My dad and sister don’t trust me. Okay, I’m too scared to protest. I’m being honest. I won’t go protest. I am not sorry for being scared. I have anxiety. “Its orwelian.” Cenk Uygur. Please call Obama. He tried to call Jimmy Dore. Make calls. I have deaf family. When I got pulled over, the cop asked if I owned a firearm. I said “no.” He said, “good.” Jesus came to turn children against their parents.’ New Testament. Cenk, taught me it was a revision of the Old Testament, Uygur. Hillary is Priveledged. Bill is a stoner. Cenk, the Fuckit Vote, Uygur. Hillary, campaigned as a Christian, Clintocracy. Hillary called Donald on the phone to concede. Hillary, is 12 and Donald is 17, Cli tons. “The Do Nothing Congress.” I was starting to think I had a mental disability after my first trip to the hospital. Respect is called treating people how you want to be treated. Respect is no longer admiration. Jesus refused to not be arrested. He had a army. We will rebuild America one day.

  3. Plus, are you really speaking for the “oppressed” and the “terrified”? Because you seem to be missing a crucial element of their terror and oppression : they’ve got nowhere to go. It is because of a very simple reason, lack of resources and more importantly, lack of opportunities at the desired place. You think everyone is waiting for them with arms wide open? I think Canada took down their site for immigration on purpose. They were like, calm down guys, even you, you will change your mind in a few.

    So if you view the world as this happy place where everyone just goes wherever when it suits them for using marijuana or being gay, you are totally detached from reality.

  4. So, a terrified individual fleeing a country is a coward and “UnAmerican” and worthless? What about Jews who fled Germany? Even the early ones? What about those fleeing the Middle Eastern areas? What about homosexuals who flee the bible belts for dem states like California? What about blacks who left the south for the North not-so-long ago, and even today? What about those who wish to use cannabis and so they go to a state where it’s legal? Government isn’t too much different than any other capitalistic idea. If one doesn’t serve you well, you change it or you talk with your wallet and your skills. It takes the force of multiple countries to change bad governments, sometimes. Don’t shit on the oppressed and scared.

    1. Vira, I don’t think you can compare the fleeing of Jews from Nazi Germany to liberals – or whoever, thinking of moving to Canada for better government. The only viable way to get better government is not fleeing, it is fighting. Yes, I know you would say how come Syrians are fleeing to Europe instead of staying put and fighting. You cannot compare that to the situation in the US as of now (do not know whether it would apply in the future ). Syria is at war and so was Nazi Germany back then. These fleeing people wanted to live, the ones thinking about moving from US sound like spoiled brats. It is generally because of them and their spoiled rich brat behavior that trump won. What now, George Clooney and the likes are going to move ? How about not hosting fundraisers for the super rich to begin with, and support the most progressive candidate in history of politics? They are ogling moving to check out where to set their corrupt house again, because their nice set up was just blown off by trump and it shows right where they are. They do not care about anything but their own “fancy”personas.

      On a side note: i f*n detest George Clooney. Such a sugary dick cannot bring myself to picture him in bed even, it is that bad. Well, Mr Clooney, you know you can move to Russia too, just like Gerard Depardieu

      1. The problem with your suggested scenarios is that they aren’t the ones I suggested. He mentioned people fleeing a government being cowards and I gave reasons why that’s not the case. Among those were people who need cannabis and you can extend this to health care. Another was homosexuality between states, which would be fleeing from one government to another. You can add hispanics and black people in there, as well, who might move between states or out of the country. I specifically was not talking about people who throw a tantrum over Hillary losing just because they wanted their favored candidate to win. My point was not to paint all people who flee from government with the same label of “coward.” Many people who fight, don’t do it out of courage, but out of necessity., too. I just feel it’s an over generalization.

  5. Gahh I know the Hillary image Cenk was talking about (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CtO4DTdXgAAyq9P.jpg), I was freaked out when I saw it at first too because of the Maoist imagery, and actually my first impression was that some subversive graphic designer was mocking her.

    I dug a little deeper, and it turns out it was designed for her 2008 campaign by Tony Puryear, husband of a Hillary surrogate, who claims the imagery is “meant to evoke a certain, uniquely American ‘heartland’ feeling… bright and full of promise.” Puryear displays it proudly in his weak portfolio (which is bursting with T&A and uncanny valley character models), despite admitting to how much controversy it caused, and without any acknowledgement of it needing to be changed later to feature an American flag background instead.

    In other words, he thought the design looked cool and strong, he was blatantly trying to be Shepard Fairey, and he doesn’t seem to care that Mao kitsch might be seen as culturally tactless in this current US election. Oh and, no surprise, it turns out (according to his blog) that he has nothing but disdain for those of us who protested outside the DNC.

  6. Elitist view: ‘Leaders get served first with the best things no one else gets & served by their supportive staff’.

    This is opposite of a true servant leader: Bernie courageously leads by serving the needs & wants of ‘we the people’.

  7. WES needs top see this! You need to look like the good guys, the most powerful thing you will have is optics. So far the narrative has been look at these angry whiny savages fighting for nature but it should be look at these government funded gang member beating war heroes fighting for the right to safe drinking water and not hitting back. Get every veteran to wear there dress uniforms or army/navy/marines tshirts with American flags over their shoulders, so no matter the title with the photo the picture says the truth. Its much harder for a member of the public to look at dress uniform wearing veterans with American flags getting beat by people that look like literal movie villains and side with the villains.

  8. YES. They have vocalized the issue we have screamed about in Michigan since 2008. We don’t need “Job Training,” we need JOBS. I was destroyed by NAFTA in 2008: so what do you want to train a 55 year old Quality Director, Project Manager, 6-sigma Black Belt, Technical Writer to DO? I got my two hernias slinging dog food and cat litter. If I wasn’t also politically trained, why wouldn’t I grasp at Trump’s Fake Straw rather than wait for Clinton to kick me into the well with more of “THIS IS AMERICA!” ?

  9. anesh, I agree with you

    Jaimez, I respect cats as well. Let me ask you what do you think about this: I had a cat for about 5 years. He went through a lot. When we got him – he was a neighborhood cat, born in the street, about 3 months old, my younger daughter was 4 years old and they had some back and forth right? Then my son was born about 4 years later and cat was very tolerant, like an older brother. Then this summer we got into giant renovation / change of the house project that went way overtime, was very unnerving, no one was petting him, giving him love the places where he hung around at the house were changing, and low and behold one day he disappeared and we find him dead downstairs from our balcony with smashed insides (we live on the 2nd floor ). He jumped from the window couple if times when little and seemed to have given up as one day he stayed perched on a tree during the summer while we were out at a pool somewhere and didn’t get him till late night, he was so thirsty when we got him home). I know it sounds crazy but is it possible that he killed himself while trying to change the place where he lives? I know it sounds looney but it bothers me whether I am responsible somehow

    1. I read my own post and think, no, cat just wanted to go see something else, just like when he was little and jumped couple times just to see what s out there. But still, he seemed to have realised home is home, could I have prevented him jumping again and not surviving it? Probably. We need to pay attention to what we are doing every day and how it affects others is what I draw as a conclusion. And fyi Rissi was a great cat

      1. Sorry for your loss.

        As an anecdote, it is somewhat unnerving to me, because we have 3 cats and will be moving to a totally different kind of house in April; these cats have never known any home other than their current one and are basically in old age.

  10. Great episode guys! Though Wes made the comment that the Sioux should take the treaty money and payoff the energy company. This won’t work. As soon as the Sioux takes the money, they forfeit the land. Company takes that Sioux money and… buys the land.

  11. This Old School is fucking on! When I save up enough to come to the US(I live in Norway) I’m hitting you guys up, especially Wes. I’ll volunteer for Wolf Pac and Climate Mobilization, and in the mean time I’m joining the Green Party here in Norway and doing what I can to save our planet and people by protesting, contributing money & time etc. Thank you for being angry, I am too! Like, I would really like to live to an old age. I’m serious.

  12. Wes was in serious mode that night because Steve Oh was obviously being sarcastic and it went over Wes’ head every time on this Episode. He’s usually laughing at Cenk’s, Jimmy’s, and Ben’s jokes but not so much on this episode. Regardless, he’s a fucking bad ass. Much respect to him. Steve needs his own 1 minute segments on Facebook or during the main show where he just talks about what’s on his mind. The Oh-Zone. hahaha. The Calvary kicks naked ass.

    1. Seriously! I want clips of this Old School to post online in regards to why “Hillary Clinton from the Capital” Lost.

  13. Wes is great. Fuck celebrities.

    Steve is 100% right. Every movement needs a leader. There is definitely someone out there who can do it too.

  14. I love Old School, but you just had to talk shit about cats right off the bat. If you aren’t someone who thinks too deeply about things, and empathy is difficult for you, I can see how you might be ignorant on the subject. I’ve had cats (and dogs) all my life, and I’ve spent my entire adult life studying cats (big and small) and coyotes. Cats are amazing. They are not solitary. They have best friends, and they are very social (even feral cats socialize with each other). They are amazingly empathetic and are highly intelligent.

    Right now, I have the smartest and most empathetic cat I’ve ever known. He’s 21 months old. He PETS ME when I’m upset, and just recently began hugging me. I was so upset yesterday, and he jumped in my lap, sniffed my face, licked my nose, then hugged my head. He then lay down on me and gently petted me for a few minutes while purring until I assured him that everything was okay.

    The dog lovers at TYT are so idiotic about this. The basis of this entire debate is false equivalence. Dogs and cats are nothing alike. Let me show you how this debate looks to me. Which is better: elephants or giraffes? Whales or immortal jellyfish? Hamsters or ferrets? You might find these animals in the same sort of habitat, but they are completely different. It’s the same with dogs and cats. They are not comparable in any meaningful way.

    It’s fine if you prefer to have one or the other as a pet. It’s a personal choice that depends a lot on your lifestyle, your personality, and what you want from a pet. I do not currently have a dog because I don’t have the time and patience to properly care for one.

    Discussing which one is better does not give us knowledge. It confuses the issue, and the facts get lost in the fog of anecdotes and ignorance. And because there is no logical, objective answer to this question, it leaves people feeling vulnerable, and thus they are likely to get overly emotional (also because we love our pets a great deal). When has a lack of logic plus overly emotional people ever equaled positive discourse on the internet? That answer would be never.

    Every time I hear one of these self-proclaimed “dog people” talking about how dogs are better than cats, I hear an imbecile insisting, spittle flying, that hamsters are THE BEST! THE BEST! AND THAT’S WHY FERRETS SUCK!!!!

  15. This was my first episode of Old School; I’ve been a member for a while (around the Primaries I think) but I definitely picked a good episode to start! Honestly the parts about you guys talking about DAPL are probably the clearest I’ve heard anyone describe that issue so I urge you guys to make segments out of that for YouTube/TYT. Absolutely gr8 episode.

    1. You should take a listen to the other ones. They are very good! I love listening to smart people shoot the breeze about anything about life.

  16. Jimmy would never sell out, he talks big but cares too much about people to ever sell out. That’s why he became a comedian; to do what he loves so he never has to sell out.

    Nobody spoke about how Hillary just left her supporters without giving a speech until the next day, which I think is indicative of her personality and is disgraceful. Especially since they propped Trump up into a Hitler candidate and then after he won and her supporters believed every word of the propaganda, she left them to the wolves to just deal with it. No wonder they were crying and traumatized, a god damn shame.

    1. I’m not trying to defend Hillary, but I don’t think she just left her supporters there because she didn’t need them anymore. My bet would be that she left because she didn’t have a concession speech. It was pure hubris. Her campaign was so arrogant that the notion that she could lose never even occurred in their minds.
      They had a fucking victory party ready before the first vote was even counted FFS.

      1. Perhaps you’re right but either way, they looked abandoned to me. As you know, the Hill-bots are people that believe anything their master says, that being said lets for a moment remove Hilary and Trump from the equation. Look at it this way: your candidate is running against Hitler (that’s what the media portrayed Trump to be) and your leader lost and was a no show. That night you had to go back to your Hotel and people were crying and distraught about the loss and Hitler had won you’d feel abandoned and without hope right? A real leader would come out and put the people at ease instead of going to bed. Hubris or not she left her people, and there’s no way I believe she didn’t have a concession speech, this isn’t her first rodeo. The Clinton people are known for over preparing plus everyone knew about an hour or two before the election closed that Trump was going to win.

  17. This, Or at least Highlights, should go Free to the General Public! For the Good of our Nation & It’s future.
    Please TYT Post this on YouTube so we can Share & Make people AWARE!
    Segment 1 DNC Takeover
    Segment 2 DAPL Truth & Justice.
    Make it Public!

    1. Wes likes Jimmy he was just in a shit mood. Also if Wes didn’t like Jimmy then Cenk and Steve wouldn’t of brought it up.

      1. They do have significant differences: for example, Wesley thinks that Snowden is a Russian agent, as well as Jill Stein, Glenn Greenwald, and many others are agents of influence by Kremlin. James Dore is not that paranoid, he was not raised by a Cold War NATO general, he does not support neo-MacCarthyism, unlike Wesley, but otherwise they are agree on almost everything else, so you are right they do not seem do dislike each other.

        1. Dude, it’s Wes using friend’s account. You’re a paid Russian troll dDErss and like most of the nonsense you spew online, it’s half true. Kinda sweetens the appeal of the lies doesn’t it? I’ve never said Jill Stein or Glenn Greenwald (who I personally know and know that he is not a Russian agent) are influenced by the Kremlin but Snowden I do have my doubts about. Whatever his intentions, he let a lot of bad information fall into the wrong hands and it has been wielded against this country to strategic effect. On the other hand, I’m glad we’re making the Kremlin shell out money for a Young Turks account.

          1. With your baseless claim that I am “a paid Russian troll” you have proven my point, which was that you are suffering from a neo-MacCarthyist paranoia. No attachment to reality, no concept of evidence; the “belief” trumps it all. And I am not trying to insult you as this is not something you can fight, it is just what you are inclined to, it is just how your mind works, and you are this way not out of “evil”, but simply because you can not think otherwise.

            You did indicate that basically everyone who does not agree with neocon/neolib StateDep policies, specifically on Russia, are sort of Kremlin’s “useful idiots” at best (notice that in my comment above I did not claim that you called them “Russian agents”), and you did say you think Snowden is Putin’s agent. It different from just talking about supposed collateral damage from his leak as you are doing now. And, by the way, even this constrained argument of yours is weak since Snowden has given his archive only to three people, and none of them have are “wrong hands” themselves, and there is no evidence that they sold or leaked this archive further (and Glenn Greenwald’s dissection on all of the claims like this are open to anyone to read and can not be reasonably contested). Also, you can say that any leaks that expose establishment’s crimes are “wielded against this country”, and even “to strategic effect”, including other famous leaks such as by Manning, so there is nothing specifically against Snowden here either.

            So what we have here is that you have got thing thing about Snowden and others, including myself, just from the “hunch”, “gut”, or however it can be called, and you can not let it go as it is just too strong that it overpowers your ability to reason. Which is too bad since you do not seem to be bad person.

  18. Wait a minute. When was the fist fight with the cabbie in NYC in the 1990’s. Because if it was about 1998, that might have been my SAT tutor that Wes’ cab driver beat up. I remember being very surprised that my tutor cancelled our session due to a fist fight with a cabbie on 2nd avenue. Now this doesn’t happen often but in a city of 8 million it certainly wasn’t the only time, so it might not be the same incident. But there is a fairly significant chance that Wes was in a cab and his driver beat up my tutor when he was on his way to my apartment.

  19. I’m trying to figure out why this episode resonated so much with me. Now I’m trying to figure out how to come up with a plan and wishing I had more friends to enact a takeover of wherever I end up living and working.

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