A Republican NH lawmaker referred to women as vaginas in an email to his colleagues. After catching heat, he responded with defiance. A parish in Louisiana has banned the style of sagging pants. A teacher was put on leave after assigning her students to dress like Nazis and list reasons to persecute the Jews. The family of the California girl that committed suicide after being raped and bullied is trying to sue the parents of the boys that threw the party that got everyone drunk.
Breaking News: an explosion at a fertilizer plant near Waco, TX happened a few hours ago. Cenk wonders if this is just a coincidence or just another terrorist plot that occurs in the middle of April. Gwyneth Paltrow tops the list of most hated celebs. Cenk and Gina discuss the rest of the list. Justin Beiber is pitching for a debit card that sucks from their parents with a $50 annual fee, among many other money-taking rules involved.
Good job adding to rape culture there Cank. Should we arrest all of them… OF COURSE! Every student that passed those pics around knowing full well the girl was a rape victim should be in jail. They broke the law. Each and every one of them willingly become an accomplice after the fact. If every student who shamed that girl and “shared” the pics of her was held accountable for her death I truly doubt it would happen again. Would it stop rapest who are determined to rape? Of course not but nothing will. But it would stop pics of rape victims being sent around as a joke and just might save the next victims life. These “children”, who I don’t count as children if they want to commit an adult crime like rape, pass around kiddy porn like we use to pass around Garbage Pal Kid cards. Only difference is Garbage Pal Kids won’t be humiliated by a trade and definitely won’t die because of it and a human might. A mass arrest would send the message that 1 rape isn’t a joke and 2 neither is a rape victim. When you say this should be up to the school your saying that it’s not a “real” crime. Only problem is that it is a real crime and these kids now think they can break laws with zero consequence.
The lawmaker Peter Hansen refering to women as vaginas might have actually implied the opposite: excluding women and children from the report was a dick move. If this was the intent, he should have realised that, being a male republican, he would be prejudiced against by almost anyone on this issue and should have adapted his language accordingly. If a female liberal used this language in defense of women rights (as they constantly do, from monologues to giant vagina-billboards), it would have been perfectly fine.
love gina,keeper
They way I’ve been asked the pants question is “do you dress left or right?” when the dude is about to measure your inseam, you get it
I like Gina’s laugh. Good show.
love Gina!
Yeah +1 for Gina, I love her. Sorry Ana. Soooorry.
You know when i was in high school and we heard one of the girls that hung out with us was drugged or rapped… those guys where beat the fuck. We found them and kick their asses.
Just wanted to throw my support in for Gina. She was a great guest host.
I Love this guest…. She is funny and sexy and loved the show as Anna is fired…”on vacation”…. hehhehehe
Great show today with Gina!
Regarding Justin Beiber; I thought that Cenk would have for sure said, “He is Kim Jong Un-Belieber-able!” It was right there Cenk!
The credit card is crazy!
Hey guys, Hal here. The explosion happened 80 miles south of me and all my family lives north of fort worth and dallas so everyone is fine. West, TX is infamous to us natives because it has an amazing Czech bakery halfway between Austin and Dallas so it’s a common rest stop and many Texans are familiar with it.
A quick look on google maps will show right next to the fertilizer plant is a middle school and a nursing home. Some genius zoning laws we have here.
I live in Richardson. My brother lives in Waco. I have so many fond memories of stopping at the Czech Stop convenience store. We stayed in the Czech twice, too. Such a great place…like an oasis from all the impolite self-mindedness that came with larger cities and college towns. Just a good place.
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