TYT Hour 2 August 23, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson8 Comments

Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola. Trump’s manic claims against impeachment. Trump comments on South Africa farm killings with white nationalist photo. Duncan Hunter says indictment is part of a Deep State plot. Athlete support for Beto O’Rourke over his anthem protest defense.


  1. Can anybody tell me why when I sign in I have to log in with email & password. I’ve asked it to remember me in the check box but problem still persist. Great show today.

  2. Awesome reply by Beto. I hear people say he’s not progressive enough, but damn that was great stuff. In regards to him not being a super left progressive, would running in Texas be one of the main reasons for that? Sometimes compromise has to happen if you want to govern, it’s just the reality right now. I hope he smashes little Teddy!

    1. Yes, Texas has a lot to do with it. I’m a lifelong Texan – born and raised. He’s the freshest breath of air for me since Ann Richards. Living in Houston, what I would consider a bluish purple city, it’s rough seeing my state’s representation be so deep red.

  3. I LOVE The Damage Report! Long time TYT member. Best news show next to the TYT main show. Keep on keeping on man!!!

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