TYT Hour 1 August 21, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson28 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Progressive Delaware candidate Kerri Harris vs. Tom Carper. Paul Manafort convicted on fraud charges. Michael Cohen pleads guilty. GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter and wife indicted for corruption. Erik Prince pitches plan to privatize Afghanistan War.

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  1. Sigh.
    OK, so I counted that around 37 minutes of the first hour was taken up with dark Conspiracy Theories and breathless conjecture.

    And you guys criticise Jimmy Dore?


  2. “Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.”
    ― Karl Marx

  3. I, for one, would not want to see Donald Trump in handcuffs.

    I want that son of a bitch in zip ties, a straight jacket and a Hannibal Lecter mask!

  4. So glad that Cenk and Ana get to relax and enjoy reading out positive news where at least a couple people receive a little well-earned justice for their illegal activity.

    That being said, their almost MSNBC-like exuberance about how this might “take Trump down” is likely misplaced, but we’ll see how it turns out. For example: if Manafort did have the dirt on impeachable offenses, wouldn’t he have asked for a plea bargain before the trial? Why wait? Let’s say he does have some real dirt. Trump doesn’t know much but it is safe to say he knows that much and he’ll pardon him instead of letting it get out. Whether he has something or not on genuine collusion, I’m skeptical it’ll reach Trump. Just my opinion of course. And don’t get me wrong: Trump should be impeached simply on his own admissions of obstruction of justice that he fired Comey for the Russia investigation. If the law and Constitution were actually followed in this country, he’d already be gone. I don’t need all this real-life soap opera to tell me that.

    Another reason I don’t get excited is getting rid of Trump – while it may make a bunch of people feel good – does nothing to root out the systemic corruption that led to Trump in the first place. Just keeping it in perspective: progressives need to keep fighting for genuine change no matter how many time Cenk presses the “we got ’em” button.

    1. I ‘m kinda’ in agreement of Trump’s departure… OMG, that would leave Pence as President, and although dumb, he is miles smarter than “Dear Leader” and can do as much (or more) damage…

    2. I agree with your point about the early celebration in this broadcast. Cenk has consistently called Trump a buffoon and stupid. He concluded Trump was stupid based upon the 100 Loser Donald segments he did before the 2016 election.

      However what Cenk views as a failure, Trump sees as a victory. Trump has stated in the past about his casinos that they were of great value and he got millions from his success in those bankrupt casinos.

      Trump doesn’t care if the business fails, he only cares about the amount of personal income he has received from the endeavor. He is a scam artist and with those bankruptcies, he handed the bill to someone else while he escaped with the cash.

      My problem with Cenk’s perspective is that he is evaluating Trump as a business person. However, he should be evaluating Trump’s successes from the perspective of the great scam artist, propagandists, or carnival barkers.

      The New Yorker did an interesting piece on Trump’s phrase “enemy of the people” where anyone who crosses Trump is tagged with that label.

      In this article the author did a great job detailing how Trump honed his skills and approach to scamming. Here is a part of that analysis:

      “Because Trump knows little about policy or history, it is tempting to imagine that he knows nothing at all. This is a mistake. He knows well that the American press is hardly popular and, in many ways, is on the defensive. He knows that many news outlets are, in his pitiless term, “failing,” or at least struggling for survival in the wake of vast changes in technology and in the advertising market. He knows that the ecosystem of information and its distribution has changed radically, and he has figured out how to exploit that change. He has seized on the capacities of right-wing radio, cable television, and social media to form an alternative, fact-free, Trumpian universe. For decades, Trump took little interest in matters of state, but he has studied the media for years. Even as a real-estate mogul, he was not a master builder; he was a master manipulator. …” (1)

      The analysis continues and the link is below. I’ve also read that he is well versed in the success of the Nazis and their propaganda machine.

      Trump has all the tools and power to be successful despite the recent bad news. He has the support of the Republican base and donors. The milk-toast Republican congress will continue to abdicate on their constitutional responsibilities in checking the executive branch.

      I think underestimating Trump is one of his strengths. To expect normal rules to oust him from his seat of power may be optimistic. As you said, we’ll see…

      (1)Trump and the Enemies of the People
      The New Yorker 08/15/18

  5. I am always amazed at the trouble men’s little heads get them into.
    Every scandal begins with either a boner or a buck, and boner ALWAYS gets top billing.

    To be honest, all this porn star shenans is really only the problem of the wives or girlfriends of the porn-banger. What consistently appears to get their sock in the wringer, is the pay-off/cover-up.

    Why not just pay the ladies for services rendered in a straightforward way, admit it, maybe do a mea culpa, and move on. They always have to sneak around, etc. This must be a uniquely American Puritan behavior. But they can’t help it! They are all GIANT hypocrites, including the “wronged” spouses!

  6. Oh Cenk.
    Trump OR Pence will win in 2020.

    The DNC-NeoLib-Clintoncrats & their Centrist(Republican) Dem slug-suckers will GUARANTEE IT.
    They are going to continue to collude w/MSM & Corporate Oligarchy to deny any real Progressive Wave. They do NOT give a shit if they win or lose.

    Remember, Pelosi said that Dem voters do NOT want change. She actually meant her Big Donors don’t want change. Who gives a rat’s ass about voters? The Consultant Class parasitic reptilians will play games, make massive bank, and go home happy ~ even if Dem candidates lose EVERY race.

    Now that the Media Monopolies online can censor/crush Alternative voices WITHOUT any repercussions, it will be steadily harder to combat.
    The old folk who still vote in much higher numbers than the young, will only see what cable news & Facebook & Co. deem “acceptable.” Everything that manages to get thru will be labeled Russian Propaganda. Gotta keep that fairytale Red Threat well fed.

    Bernie should break free as a third Party candidate. The DNC will NEVER allow him to run in 2020. His sole purpose for them is to corral Progressive voters. THIS time Progressives will HAVE TO vote for their corporate whores (Kamala, Cory, Gillibrand, etc), or else…Trump/Pence! The DNC is already pushing Kamala down everyone’s throats! It’s a joke.

    Voters will have NO CHOICE.
    You MUST vote for the DNC’s Changeling, or else.

    1. Alas, you may be correct; BUT I don’t believe the system is so completely broken… Let’s see what happens in Nov 2018… The Republicons may have fixed it to not even allow the corporate Democrats to take over the House and Senate… However, I’d like to see Bernie, Adam Schiff, John Yarmuth, etc. as Chairs of their committees… Shoot, I’d settle for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and Chuck Schumer as Majority Leader in the short term… It ain’t over ’til it’s over…

      1. Yates~ Hope your right!

        I’m a long-suffering Detroit Lions fan, and as we say here EVERY YEAR…It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

    2. I used to be for a third party, but now I see it differently. The Democrats MUST be transformed. It is the only way to effect change, because as long as the Democratic Party is around, they will still be a well-funded attack machine whose sole purpose is to neutralize Progressives.

      Think about it:

      The idea behind a third party is to destroy the Democrats, to cause them to lose elections, and thus lose power.

      The problem with this strategy, however, is that (as you have mentioned) the Democrats don’t give a rat’s ass whether they lose or not. They will continue anyway.

      The Dems were wiped out from 2/3 of all State Governments (legislatures and governorships) and it barely phased them. They never mentioned it, didn’t see it as a problem. Nancy Pelosi still maintained that all was fine, no need to change.

      Losing and losing badly actually helps them fund-raise.

      So the Democrats are like cockroaches. You cannot kill them, you cannot defeat them by beating them in elections. Their donors are not going anywhere, and they will continue to give. And the centrist neoliberal “Third Way” Democrats will live on, with plenty of money to mount campaigns against Progressives coast to coast, even if they just run suicide spoiler campaigns to elect Republicans.

      Because that is what their donors will want, and because – say it with me – Democrats would rather see a Republican win than see a Progressive win.


  7. On the Afghan issue.

    The US, by choosing to stay in Afghanistan after it destroyed AQ and the Taliban within 4 months of the start of the war, broke Afghanistan so it has to fix it, the problem is the US is insisting on doing it alone without ceding anything to the elephant in the room, Pakistan.

    The Taliban are and always have been an arm of the Pakistani state and the US could solve the Afghan quagmire by cooperating with Pakistan and withdrawing within a year’s time but the US is refusing to do so.

    Privatizing the war is going to make things much worse because US combatants would be just that, combatants, mercenaries with no rights or protections whatsoever. The Talibs would have every right to torture them mercilessly or even murder them at will if they capture them and the US government would be not obliged, in fact there are laws on the books in the US, to save them and this will actually inflame passions in the US because guys like Prince (who is an Evangelical and Catholic) are banking on the Talibs doing just that.

    The Talibs offered negotiations, the US should respond and tie any financial aid in case of withdrawal with supervision and disarmament.

  8. Hillary HAS TO visit Manafort in prison! It’d be even better if an Entertainment Tonight TV crew went with her… poetic justice :-) And Hillary Clinton IS royalty (just like Chelsea who will be President in 2028…)!

  9. Sorry Cenk but I don’t give a fuck what you think about political dynasties or term limits for elected politicians that matter. Hunter went into competitive politics and won the popular vote in a free and fair primary elections and then a free and fair general elections. No body handed him anything.

    If the candidate running where I live is the best candidate I will vote for him even if the seat was in his family since the Mayflower and he is running for his 10th senate term.

    Any limits on electoral politics are in their very nature anti-democratic.

  10. Tick tick tick! I can’t wait until Trumps unleashed Tweets this morning and my entire entire country of Canada will laugh!!!

  11. Cenk needs to respond to criticisms of what he said yesterday regarding the Asia Argento allegations.
    If you haven’t yet, go watch Hour 1 of August 20, 2018 at about 20 min or so before the end (I’ll go back, find the exact point, and post it in a reply). He needs to understand the full extent of what he said. I believe that he should, on this show, either present a more thoroughly researched argument for the view point he represented OR he needs to tell us that he understands why that was wrong and explain how it was wrong.
    To put it bluntly, the opinion that Cenk put forward advocated for what is legally defined in California as statutory rape. To be fair, he said he wasn’t sure and was asking us. The problem is that ages of consent are not debatable. They’re not something you get to have an opinion about. If one wants to have a discussion on what the age should be, fine. What cannot be debated is whether or not it was ok for a 17 year old boy to have sex with a 37 year old woman. If the allegations are true, it was not ok under any circumstances. She broke the law because the age of consent in California is 18.
    Cenk, your viewers deserve better. Defend the argument on this show or show us you understand why it was wrong.
    I am going to post this on every day going forward until you fulfill one of the demands.

    1. Cenk understands the law and he said it was wrong–he never advocated for statutory rape! And if you’ve watched him for any length of time you’d know he often explores many angles of an event or issue even if some are offensive. He didn’t say anything that a million other men say when an older woman seduces a younger man–they always say that “most boys would love it!” And they might be right. It wasn’t about the age of consent and statutory rape. I doubt you will get any response to demanding that he revisit the issue–I think you either are ultra-sensitive to the subject or misunderstood him. Speaking strictly in terms of human evolutionary behavior, a threshold “age of consent” is ridiculous–one might sleep with a 17-year-old and be a criminal one day and be in a consenting relationship the next day on their birthday. That has nothing to do with real “rape.” I don’t assume anything in this instance–I like to wait until people get their due process. Anyway, look forward to your daily posts!

    2. bullfrog21,
      I doubt Cenk or any TYT personnel reads our comments. But your points about yesterday’s topic should probably remain on yesterday’s comments. Or contact support about the issue. Flooding every comment section going forward seems a waste of time.

  12. Viceroys. That’s what we Prince wants to be. That’s absolutely not a model we need to return to as basically every region formerly under the thumb of the British Empire will tell you.

  13. Colonel Bonespurs:  Did they say why, Mueller?  Why they want to terminate my command?
    Captain Mueller:  I was sent on a classified mission sir.
    Colonel Bonespurs:  It’s no longer classified is it?  Did they tell you?
    Captain Mueller:  They told me that you had gone totally insane and that your methods were unsound.

    This is the end
    Beautiful friend
    This is the end
    My only friend, the end

  14. I’m scared that you won’t be announcing “We got’em” for Trump until 2024 :( . He seems impossible to take down electorally or legally no matter the amount of circumstantial and real evidence we have that he is criminal trash.

    1. Don’t be scared, be motivated. Call your representative or if you’re shy email their office and just ask. “Trump’s lawyer just confessed to campaign finance law violations (which let’s point out is saying something in America) and all but said that the President told him to. What are you planning to do about the President being implicated in illegal actions?
      Thanks for your time”
      You can just copy and paste that ^ enough of us do just that or more and they’ll feel like the barbarians are at the gates.

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