Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. TX doctor convicted of sexual abuse will not serve jail time. ICE detains man driving his wife to the hospital to give birth. DOI caught trying to sell off public lands.
“The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones.”
Also real talk, if you don’t have nord vpn– get it. its been little over a month since net neutrality ended, and my isp frist shuts off our internet with a warning page, then sends us a letter demanding an appology and lists ALL of our internet history that it doesn’t aggree with like we’re fucking children and then is like “we’ll let you off this time, but next time you’re in big trouble” and i was like “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! WE PAY YOU NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND” and now i have nord vpn. cause fuck them…
So a julio with the same last name as that guy is currently accused of beating a man and that man later died of those injuries in mexico. However, this is a public accusation, not a criminal proceeding. there are no warrants of arrest or anything towards this man. his lawyer pointed out that there are only civil proceedings. secondly his immigration status is unknown at this time. but if his wife is a US national, then theres no reason for him not to be protected by this
No as of the time they went live almost every single news agency was saying that while ICE said he was wanted there was no confirmation. Again you are commenting with information a day later and pretending like you knew all along.
Poll women and ask how many of them would want to sleep with a doctor
I do not mean to make light of the horrible abuse that woman faced simply trying to make a point about Cenk’s bs from hour one.
Love you guys keep doing what you are doing but Cenk you really dropped the ball on that one.
As for the two-tiered justice system while I think it was mostly about class I do think race played a part. The general thoughts of Latina women and them “being loose” was also at play. I also do worry not only about how many other victims he had but how many of them the hospital knew about. I hope there is some major digging
As of their segment, not a single source had confirmed he was wanted in Mexico so you know… details right? But you did know for a fact that he was wanted even though the Mexican government was being cagey about it because you are aware of sources that even the media isn’t… or you commented after the news came out that he was wanted a day later and are trying to pretend you knew all along…
NO, you’re FOS!.. I read your comment before viewing the segment and returned to your comment… I’d suggest you drop your membership; otherwise you help “tyt to by (BE) dishonest” by paying the membership fees…
So with this video this is what get me about this ICE thing for one ya ICE is really really a horrid organization that is literally a terrorist organization within the US what they do to people out here is so horrible and destroying entire families apart. This is ICE just being horrible again they found her social media posts knowing they were heading to the hospital that day and prepared this pickup, there are no questions asked and they left this mother all alone however ICE is supposed to be a protection agency but left a citizen behind at the very least.
What they didn’t cover that was part of the DemocracyNow coverage, is it took 2 days after the arrest to claim that there was a warrant for homicide in Mexico. ICE has a history of bullshit, Cenk is being too generous.
How is it that we have mandatory minimums for drug charges but not for rape? First Brock Turner, now this doctor, not to mention all the men that were never convicted. Sickening.
“The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones.”
-Karl Marx
Also real talk, if you don’t have nord vpn– get it. its been little over a month since net neutrality ended, and my isp frist shuts off our internet with a warning page, then sends us a letter demanding an appology and lists ALL of our internet history that it doesn’t aggree with like we’re fucking children and then is like “we’ll let you off this time, but next time you’re in big trouble” and i was like “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! WE PAY YOU NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND” and now i have nord vpn. cause fuck them…
So a julio with the same last name as that guy is currently accused of beating a man and that man later died of those injuries in mexico. However, this is a public accusation, not a criminal proceeding. there are no warrants of arrest or anything towards this man. his lawyer pointed out that there are only civil proceedings. secondly his immigration status is unknown at this time. but if his wife is a US national, then theres no reason for him not to be protected by this
Why does the 2nd hour on these videos just cut off. Who’s editing them and can I get their job?
Actually several other news sources had reperted that he was wanted in Mexico tyt reported it but then spun it into a family separation story
No as of the time they went live almost every single news agency was saying that while ICE said he was wanted there was no confirmation. Again you are commenting with information a day later and pretending like you knew all along.
Poll women and ask how many of them would want to sleep with a doctor
I do not mean to make light of the horrible abuse that woman faced simply trying to make a point about Cenk’s bs from hour one.
Love you guys keep doing what you are doing but Cenk you really dropped the ball on that one.
As for the two-tiered justice system while I think it was mostly about class I do think race played a part. The general thoughts of Latina women and them “being loose” was also at play. I also do worry not only about how many other victims he had but how many of them the hospital knew about. I hope there is some major digging
Ninjarabbit it’s sheeple like you that allow tyt to by so dishonest google the story and you’ll see there full of shit
As of their segment, not a single source had confirmed he was wanted in Mexico so you know… details right? But you did know for a fact that he was wanted even though the Mexican government was being cagey about it because you are aware of sources that even the media isn’t… or you commented after the news came out that he was wanted a day later and are trying to pretend you knew all along…
NO, you’re FOS!.. I read your comment before viewing the segment and returned to your comment… I’d suggest you drop your membership; otherwise you help “tyt to by (BE) dishonest” by paying the membership fees…
Also, it’s “their” not “there”…
Ooops, not “there” or “their” but “they’re”…
Now that Ana is in the first hour every day, can we get someone different for the second hour? Maybe Brooke?
I rather like that Ana is on both hours. I do miss John though
This ‘Dr. Evil’ segment,being in Texas,I’m surprised the jury didn’t didn’t just acquit him. Unbelievable,this shit!!!!
So with this video this is what get me about this ICE thing for one ya ICE is really really a horrid organization that is literally a terrorist organization within the US what they do to people out here is so horrible and destroying entire families apart. This is ICE just being horrible again they found her social media posts knowing they were heading to the hospital that day and prepared this pickup, there are no questions asked and they left this mother all alone however ICE is supposed to be a protection agency but left a citizen behind at the very least.
This guy was wanted for murder. Mexico asked us to arrest him tyt is full of shit
Did you actually listen to the story where they mention that Mexico has said that isn’t true or are you just full of shit and projecting?
What they didn’t cover that was part of the DemocracyNow coverage, is it took 2 days after the arrest to claim that there was a warrant for homicide in Mexico. ICE has a history of bullshit, Cenk is being too generous.
hey following Cenk’s logic from the earlier segment she just got free sex on top of medical care what’s the big deal?
How is it that we have mandatory minimums for drug charges but not for rape? First Brock Turner, now this doctor, not to mention all the men that were never convicted. Sickening.
While I actually disagree with mandatory minimums for drug charges this is an excellent point.