Your reviews are probably right, but this movie had no heart. Really, Rachel had no idea who this guy was??? She and her college friend had no issues with the difference in wealth between them, not to mention the intellectual disparity? I felt the director/writer were trying to show the shallowness of the rich with the sets/props; what about their emotions? The jilted wife was the only heart point, and she recovered in seconds like??? The whole subplot of why was she hiding bling from him??? it would have been nice to have explored that with Rachel, in relation to the two different worlds??? I give it two High Heels (-: an inside joke with my Asian Female friend who Loves shoes. Compared to “Joy Luck Club” and or the “Last Emperor”…this didn’t even register on the rating scale. The Total Heart Moments of these two movies!!! But what do i know…Thanks
Your reviews are probably right, but this movie had no heart. Really, Rachel had no idea who this guy was??? She and her college friend had no issues with the difference in wealth between them, not to mention the intellectual disparity? I felt the director/writer were trying to show the shallowness of the rich with the sets/props; what about their emotions? The jilted wife was the only heart point, and she recovered in seconds like??? The whole subplot of why was she hiding bling from him??? it would have been nice to have explored that with Rachel, in relation to the two different worlds??? I give it two High Heels (-: an inside joke with my Asian Female friend who Loves shoes. Compared to “Joy Luck Club” and or the “Last Emperor”…this didn’t even register on the rating scale. The Total Heart Moments of these two movies!!! But what do i know…Thanks