TYT Hour 2 August 16, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson15 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Corey Lewandowski tries to prove Trump is a regular guy. 71 people overdose in New Haven park. Opioid epidemic numbers.

0 seconds of 23 minutes, 50 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. The blue k2 will make you poop blue if you smoke it for about a week straight…….. idk what that means but it can’t be good haha

  2. Actually, Warren Buffet stops at McDonald’s for breakfast most days and pays with cash his wife makes sure he has in the car. The staff at his local McD’s know him.

  3. THE STRUGGLE IS BEARS.. Wow. U just brought ME to freaking tears!! U just described my (completely unexpected @the age of 30!!) addiction to herion point after point! (And my subsequent addiction/dependency to methadone! ) 7yrs on H after of course, pain pills, and 7.5 on Md. I’ve been off Md since May +couldn’t be more thankful and blessed to be where Im at. Now just coffee+smokes daily, but that poison I can take for the moment. So glad I was not experimenting w/new stuff when that K2 (spice here in TX too) came around. All the best to u going forward, keep inspiring and telling ur story! There’s sooooo many of us out here. Also.. If u haven’t heard of a rapper named Coliche u should check him out. From Philly I think. Most on point detailed stories of addiction ive heard in my life! Amazing lyrics+music. Thanks for the post! ☮️

  4. HUD isn’t giving out Section 8 (HCVs) anymore – Ben Carson had the money left in the budget to it but he didn’t and instead not only issued no new vouchers, but actually revoked the vouchers from the newest people to get them (at least here in Houston, TX anyway). I’m disabled and have been waiting 2 years and still haven’t heard anything about when they will start issuing them again. The only help available was for people with FEMA to help those with Hurricane Harvey losses.

    No “TCH” in the fake marijuana, Cenk, really? You mean THC maybe? BUT THANK YOU ANA!!! Seriously, I’ve been waiting for TYT to defend actual chronic pain patients like me and noting that we do need our medicine and suffer because of the actions of others. I’ve got spinal stenosis, as did my mother, and without my pain meds I’d be screwed. I’d probably have killed myself by now (though that would likely make many folks here very happy). I’d also submit that the government should have medicare and ACA-insurers (or perhaps all insurers) should also grant chiropractic and acupuncture care full parity with care provided by MD’s. For example, under Medicare if my chiropractor wants to check the progression of the stenosis in my spine and orders an x-ray, I can’t get it performed in her office because Medicare won’t pay for it just because it’s performed in a chiropractic office. She can refer me to an MD radiologist and I can get it payed for that way, but the point is that it’s a stupid hoop to jump through for people in pain (especially with an opioid epidemic!).

    1. Testarossa is a car from the early 90’s late 80’s made by a company called Ferrari. It means RedHead in Italian referring to the color of the valve covers. (some liberals like cars)

  5. Can I just…tell a story?
    Ok so, here’s how it went for me…my experience with K2 (or “Spice” in my neck of the woods)
    First time I tried it was in 2011 – I had stopped smoking weed and thought why not I’ll give spice a go. It was brilliant. The high does not last as long, but it was a good high. Thing is, this shit is addictive AF. At that time, you could legally buy it from a smoke shop or gas station if they sold it. It was cheap and readily available so I went in hard. Found my new fucking hobby. Right?
    Ok. So turns out the Utah state legislature was well aware of spice and at that time there were like 3 or 4 derivatives to the cannabinoids found in actual weed (spice is lab made shit) – So they pass a law banning those specific chemicals. And what do the chemists do? They develop new derivatives and it’s back to business as usual. I mean, for a week or so there would be a mini(massive) freak-out because spice was cleared off the shelves to comply with the law. But then they would get the new shipment of the “legal” spice with the further altered cannabinoid. We go on and buy that shit up and all is right in the world. Until Utah passes another law banning that/those derivative(s).
    On and on this went for idk maybe a year or so. And it gets to the point where you run out and you can’t buy it so you have to wait for the new shit…and while your off it you start to experience withdrawals. And this is weird. You have cold sweats? and can’t sleep? and you feel like shit? Wtf? This doesn’t happen with weed. But you brush it off and when the new batch comes in, the game is afoot! Until the next time when you can’t get it and your withdrawal is more intense and lucky you, you add on throwing up to the mix. You think, this is so weird it’s only like, alternative weed! I mean, they just take the natural shit and change the chemical composition ever so slightly, right? But you start to wonder if maybe, you should just smoke the real thing – So you try that again and…wait…wtf. You discover that you aren’t getting high off REAL WEED??? Turns out that spice has a side effect that blocks the receptors in your brain that need to fucking stay open to get high off the real shit (til spice is out of your system entirely). SO.
    Ok. Now you nosedive back into the abusive relationship from which you tried to break free …And hey it’s ok because at least it won’t show up on a drug test, and it’s a bit cheaper and I know it loves me even though it beats my ass daily. It. Is. Ok. I can do this. But then you get some new shit and you’re driving home (you have to go an hour away now because the local scene doesn’t want to risk it anymore) and about 5 minutes into an hour-long drive you look up and you’re 10 minutes from home and you have NO IDEA how you got there and you’re still driving and you can’t remember the freeway or taking this exit or what the fuck your name is for a few minutes. YOU LOST 40 FUCKING MINUTES WHILE DRIVING!?! Ok, nobody would stay in that relationship after experiencing something so MAD, right? You could have died! You could have fucking caused an accident and killed someone! But on the other hand…you did make it home alive and wowowowow this shit is really really really potent so the little bit you bought (you’re low on money now because you neglect responsibilities and prioritize your fix above all else) – instead of a few days, it will last a month! I just have to make sure to only take like a quarter of a hit now instead of smoke an entire bowl. Perfect. It will be ok. Everything will work out. I’m in control of this. Yep.. Yes. Maybe. IDK now. oops. I forgot. I went and fucked up (as if I wasn’t constantly fucking up lol). Shit though, this is scary because I took a full hit instead of a quarter hit and I just fucking passed out in the parking lot of my work. People are walking by looking at me funny. Ok no more smoking at the job. Shit. But wait why are my friends and family avoiding me? Why is my health steadily deteriorating?…
    I’m in front of a mirror looking at a strange face I don’t recognize telling me without flinching – “You’re going to die.” WHOA…whoa whoa that was weird. I was so high! Lol? You’re having a shitty day and something snaps in your brain and you …just…start to cry. That’s a thing now, I guess. OK. Random song is playing and it’s fucking tears and sobbing time. You see a fucking tree – CRY. You smoke a cigarette – TEARS. It’s almost as if the real you under there is JUST FUCKING DYING TO BREAK FREE FROM THIS. Alright shit – now it’s happened. Utah finally figured out how to make spice fully illegal and now nobody is carrying it. And all the street dealers are selling actual weed because of course they are. But I’m almost out. AUghghhg. Make it last make it laaaaast…wean yourself….shit.
    IT’S GONE>Withdrawals>PAIN. Shivering at your cubicle at work, wrapped in a blanket at home, incessantly tapping your foot and your eyes are broken glass. Your head itches and you’re constantly thirsty but can’t stand drinking water. This shit feels different. You throw up. You’re good for a minute. You run to the bathroom and throw up for 3 hours. You are on the floor and you can’t stop dry heaving and your head is pounding, body shaking, sweating your ass off but freezing cold.. Someone knocks on the door, shoves it open because your on the floor delerious and they are freaked the fuck out. They take you to the hospital and you’re on an IV. You go home and carpet surf for little bits of that good shit, and you look everywhere, all the stores, anyone that still talks to you, but nothing. What the fuck happened to me. Who the fuck did I become? It was only a slight variant of the shit that gets you high from weed, right? What the FUCK?
    After a few days you’re starting to feel a little better. After 2 weeks you actually FEEL good. It’s been so goddamn long since you actually felt good. Now, you find the help you should have sought months ago. It’s a hard process but HOLY SHIT is it WORTH IT.
    years later, and I’m still clean and motherfucking sober! Life is fucking beautiful.

    If any of you reading this are still caught in the web, with the shell of addiction caked over your soul and smothering your true self, just know this – There is help. Brothers and sisters, you can break free. You are loved.

  6. Addiction is a subtle foe. It doesn’t discriminate,nor does it have a cure. Thankfully I was able to find my way out through recovery before this fentanyl poison started to come around my area,Maine. If it was around while I was “active”,I would’ve been the sonofabitch who would always return for more,no matter if I were half dead from an overdose,or putting my family and friends through hell with my addiction. It’s not a choice once you’re past the point of no return. The only road to freedom,is to hit bottom and seek help and there is no way anybody can overcome addiction,alone. There Is Help.

  7. Opioid epidemic solution: Democracy Now Feb 3, 2010 “In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts”: Dr Gabor Mate Physician at Vancouver Safe-Injection Site, on the biological and socio-economic roots of addiction and ADD

    Feb 4, 2015 Johann Hari: Everything we know about the drug war and addiction is wrong is wrong

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