TYT Hour 1 August 16, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson42 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Saudi airstrike hits school bus in Yemen. Huckabee Sanders makes excuses for revoking Brennan’s security clearance. Omarosa leaks new recording of Lara Trump. FCC shuts down Alex Jones’ flagship station.

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  1. The bigger story and sorry at least A.K. didn’t catch, the W.H. press just today announced an enemy of the state list and NO body seems to care. I understand its hard to keep up w/W.H. stupidly but bet the list will get longer and soon you may find yourself or your network on that list, people want to compare Pres. Trump to Hitler but he is more like Stalin.

  2. Before this…CLARIFICATIONS…I just want to make explicitly clear, even though I do mention this below…Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism in itself. I support the establishment of a Palestinian state, a two-state solution, end of occupation, the right for Palestinians to live dignified lives. I oppose settlements in the West Bank, any effort to annex it or push people out unrightfully, and the right-wing government of Israel. This is just supposed to point out that there IS a lot of antisemitism within leftwing movements that is portrayed as being pro-Palestinian. (I don’t think people do it purposely most of the time either, know they are doing it, or have bad intent, bc that is the same for many other forms of discrimination as well. You don’t have to hate a group to be prejudice.)

    Also…definition of Zionism is the right for Jewish people to have self-determination in the land of Israel, not anything to do with settlements or opposing the establishment of a Palestinian state beside Israel.

    Also…The rightwing has problems, not just the left, OBVIOUSLY, I’m just saying this because it is something not discussed in leftwing circles, while criticism of them is constantly. Adding to the conversation, not justifying rightwing.

    Also…I don’t support shutting down Facebook pages for supporting Palestinian causes unless they contain hate speech or incite violence.

    Here we go….I think it’s dangerous that you and others say that there is no antisemitism in the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel and BDS movements, especially online, from more subtle and subconscious to overt and violent.  (hate using the word “pro-Palestinian” or “pro-Israel” because this is a complex issue that shouldn’t be reduced to teams and you can be pro both, but I will use it for clarity purposes.) I don’t know if Cenk and Ana don’t look closely into this or are naive or want to think the best of their side because they support the Palestinians, but it exists A LOT. Most of the concern about antisemitism doesn’t come from rightwing groups and the Israeli government trying to paint all criticism of Israel as antisemitic for political reasons. All criticism is NOT antisemitic. The vast majority of claims of antisemitism is not some crazy Jewish cabal. There is legitimate antisemitism in these movements…and just like other types of bigotry and racism, not every type of antisemitism is intentional and mean that you hate a group or think you are superior to them…some of it just means that you have perceptions and reactions that come from society and history. Because of the ideas of the leftwing, they are just as susceptible to certain forms of antisemitism as the rightwing, because a lot of antisemitism is about the Jews being rich, powerful, and controlling everything, which, unlike white supremacy, can be absorbed by the left and the right. 

    Some examples of both obvious antisemitism and things that a lot of Jews outside of Palestinian-smear-campaigners, believe, and I think rightfully, are antisemitic: 

    Calling for the country’s destruction and saying it shouldn’t exist (which happens all the time), despite the fact that most nations were established in ways that hurt and killed many, many people…particularly in that exact location which has been controlled by so many groups of people for years!

    Denying the right of Jewish self-determination, sovereignty, nationhood, and peoplehood that are afforded to other groups, especially historically oppressed groups, by the same people who support Palestinian sovereignty, Kurdish’s autonomy, etc, through both rhetoric, activism, and support for one state solutions, and even on occasion supporting kicking Jews out of the entire land (including Israel proper) (ethnic cleansing). Not only has Israel provided a country for Jews to be the majority, be sovereign, and control their own destiny, but also has saved so many Jewish people. Jews of WWII refugees, Poland in the 1960s, Russia in the 1990s and 2000s, European countries today that have suffered extreme antisemitism, such as in France. 

    People who say Zionism (the right for Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel, nothing to do with settlements!!! Look at the definition) is white supremacy. Most of the Jews in Israel are from Arab/Muslim majority countries (the Mizrahi), including the Land of Israel/Palestine itself. And the Ashkenazi (who leftwing call “white Jews”) are mostly there from European countries who immigrated there because those European countries didn’t see them as white, many whom cannot be distinguished from other Jews or Palestinians, and originated in the Middle East before they immigrated to Italy in the 1100s. And the Mizrahi Jews (Middle Eastern) are more rightwing then the Ashkenazi. To reduce the conflict to the American view of race is ridiculous and a smear. This isn’t a white-brown thing. It’s a nationalistic thing and a peoplehood thing, but is not based on white supremacy.

    Using Nazi imagery and comparisons. Swastikas on Israeli flags. Comparing the situation to the Holocaust, which is both incredibly wrong to equate a group to their oppressors that killed a third to half of their people and to reduce the severity of the Holocaust, which borders on denial.

    Denying of the holocaust outright or saying that Jews used it as an excuse to oppress people or orchestrated it for that purpose or saying Hitler supported it. 

    Blaming Israel for every war in the Middle East and around the world, like it is some insidious entity with some wide conspiracy different than all other nations’ influence campaigns. 

    Demonizing all Israeli peoples and Israel individuals, rather than talking about the government, which is very admittedly crazy and rightwing. Palestinian “activists” will refuse to take pictures with or even shake the hands of Israeli athletes or competitors or cultural figures, or prevent them from singing their national anthem, or often even allow them in their country. Anything that is celebrated about Israel, food, culture, the people, is “whitewashing.” For examples. It’s beyond boycotting the government, it’s boycotting individuals and an entire people.

    Holding Israel to different standards than other nations and portraying it as evil beyond others, both in activism and in the international community. Ex. Only issue that is mandated to be spoken about at every UN security council meeting despite all the other horrific human rights abuses going on in the world and the disproportionate discussions and reports (as proven by statistics). 

    Calling them particularly evil child killers who delight in it and practically talking about blood libel, with images and fervor that is rarely ever used, even on the left wing, for the other dozens of countries that have killed children in war, including the US. 

    Supporting and/or excusing terrorist acts on Israeli civilians and soldiers, no matter the evidence.

    Only mentioning rockets going into Gaza and never out of Gaza or other terrorist/military attacks, regardless of who struck first, even when rockets fly into playgrounds and houses (which can be both or either a antisemitic way of thinking that the Jews/Israelis inherently evil ones that kill for no reason and/or a liberal instinct to think the more powerful and capable is always at fault and attacks the other way don’t count because less people die, even if it’s because that side is less capable of killing as many people, not for lack of trying). 

    Denying that there is any threat to Israelis whatsoever and all violence is for fun or hatred or evilness or oppression or something else insidious. 

    People who deny the connection of the Jewish people to Israel whether through conspiracies, manipulated DNA studies, the (false) perception that Jews aren’t brown enough to belong to the region, and the (false) idea that the land is historically and has always been Arab. 

    Never speaking of historical contexts and necessities for a Jewish state, like historic Western oppression of Jews (not just the Holocaust, but also racist laws and being exiled from over 100 countries and empires). Need a place to escape, which was needed and is needed many times in the past and present.

    Boycotting speakers and harassing speakers, smearing everything as propaganda/hasbara to demonize every argument or legitimate conversation, to push a single narrative that doesn’t take anyone any closer to peace.

    Accusing Jewish cultural and religious groups of supporting apartheid on campuses, like fucking Hillel for example…that has been so important to the young Jewish people for generations…for supporting Israel in any way, regardless if it is support for right or leftwing, even when they are mostly there for cultural or religious purposes and do so much beyond that for their community and others. (It’s like saying Planned Parenthood mostly does abortion) 

    Using antisemitic imagery and cartoons. 

    Demonizing and ostracizing Jews who support Israel, even if they oppose settlements and support the establishment of a Palestinian state. 

    Kicking Jews out of progressive events for displaying the Star of David. 

    Supporting people like Farrakhan who incite against Jews. 

    And so much more. It is a worthy cause. Palestinians need to be fought for. They can’t live like they do forever, but we have to hold our own accountable or, at least, you lose trust and credibility, at worst, you put an entire people in danger through demonization.

    1. There are so many ways to fight and do activism. Need to just try to be productive and understand the other side in order to move forward. Want to be constructive, not destructive. Palestinians have less power, so it can be MUCH more difficult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be understanding of others concerns and try to understand why the other side thinks the way they do and why they do what they do…that is necessary for peace, no matter how difficult it can be. You need 2 sides to make an agreement. You don’t need to do things on the side of the more powerful’s terms and you might not agree with certain things because you have a different perspective, but that doesn’t mean everything goes and you are always right because your side is more oppressed.

      1. By 2 sides I mean Israel and Palestine. Not the rightwing and the leftwing. There are many sides on both Israel and Palestinian side.

    2. So much nonsense I really don’t know where to begin.

      That being said since you brought history into it, the history of Palestine, the land, is well known and documented. Jews were never a majority in that land and only ruled it briefly with the current borders around the 8th century bc.

      Also the majority of Jewish Israelis are blond haired blue eyed ashkenazi and sephardim or have we forgotten the 1 million Russian Jews since 1992 alone. Their claim to Palestine is based on a 2000 year old book unlike Mirages who can trace themselves to babylonian enslavement and are genetically indistinguishable from Palestinian Arabs or Jews.

      These are facts.

      1. Definitely not facts. Whether or not Jews were a majority in the land means absolutely nothing, I genuinely don’t know if they were or not, as you say, but I’ll take that as fact for this purpose. There were never enough Jews to be majorities anywhere for most history. There are only 14 million in total today after thousands of years because they didn’t convert people, they kept it “within the family” if you want to put it that way, to survive. And they ruled twice (though the second time were only semi-autonomous). And there are artifacts such as coins from their kingdoms with faces and names of Kings that date back to these time periods as well as architecture and many others. There are plenty of things wrong in the Bible, but it’s not 100% fake. It’s like historical fiction. The Mizrahi make up over half and that’s so easy to look up. Not even close to most Jewish Israelis have blond hair and blue eyes, which I have seen with my own eyes because I’ve been there multiple times. I don’t know where you get this from. Many, if not most, have lighter skin, but definitely not those features. And don’t shit talk the Russian Jews who have immigrated to Israel recently…they were escaping oppressive lives. And no one alive can claim 100% nativity to that land. There were so much colonization and displacement for thousands of years. Most people in every land aren’t actually native to it, even people who have lived in a place for generations. Immigration, displacement, and colonization didn’t start in modern history, it has gone back thousands of years, and human history is long as fuck (not in relation to the billions of years that Earth exists, but you know what I mean).

        BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT. DON’T EVEN ANSWER ME ON THIS. IT EVEN DOESN’T MATTER. I’m not trying to debate history or anything like that and I’m not even going to respond to it anymore, because it is so useless and unproductive. None of this tracing back thousands of years, which is so hard it do, means ANYTHING AT ALL. 2 people feel that connection and truly believe that’s where they belong. Nationhood and peoplehood is a development of humans, based on a combination of true or perceived historical and cultural ties. It’s an invention.

        This comment was obviously not to debate history. It was to express why many rational people without any desire of ill will for Palestinians believe there is antisemitism within leftwing movements. There is no malice and I agree with most of the leftwing on policy positions, which I specifically laid out in my comment, which are the most important parts. It is illustrative that you don’t want to hear another perspective to understand why many Jewish people, outside of the political operatives, might perceive antisemitism. You don’t have to agree, but there is value in understanding, without trying to smear everyone who thinks that there is antisemitism as trying to divert attention or undermine people or have some kind of conspiracy. I saw value in this, but you don’t. So whatever.

        As I also said, this is not a defense of the rightwing. I just saw more value in this comment than doing a circle jerk, repeating the same arguments over and over again to the choir. I know the immoral things Israel does…we’ve heard it over and over and over again in news, TYT and otherwise, and I’ve also seen it with my own eyes when I was there. It’s like TYT Live comments that legit just repeat what the hosts JUST SAID. AGAIN, I agree with most policy positions of the left on this as laid out.

        To call the argument “nonsense” is crazy. Don’t tell people who have actually experienced antisemitism that you know more about antisemitism than them. Don’t tell any group that you know what they experience more than them. Have your perspective but you don’t get to define things for other people. Not even every Jewish person agrees on this…but in my experience, most Jews believe these things are antisemitic while still supporting the Palestinians to establish their own state and live independent, unoccupied, and dignified lives. Don’t shoot people in the face and say their emotions are invalid when they probably literally agree with you on almost everything. This is one of the reasons Democrats get nowhere in politics.

      2. I am actually sorry for the tone. I’m just frustrated that we are focusing on literally one of the most insignificant aspects of this…DNA and thousands-years-old history, really? And demographics that I please beg you to look up. Most Jews are from MENA in Israel. In the world overall, it’s Ashkenazim, and many of them, including in the US, have been marrying other groups. I’m just trying to explain a mindset I have encountered others and have often felt.

        I literally said what a lot of Jews “believe” and “I think” are antisemitic aspects of certain movements based on experiences and perceptions of the world and personal group history. I wanted to make a list to show why certain people would think these things.

        Everyone needs to try to escape their perspectives in order to see why people think what they think or no one is going to be able to have a conversation.

      3. Does the fact that most Jews share DNA really matter or mean anything really? Do Palestinians having DNA that traces back to the area as well, does that really mean anything?

        We all came from Africa originally anyway. I don’t think that’s the point at the end of the day.

        1. I’m Ashkenazi from Russia to US…escaped during pogroms btw. Almost everyone in my family has brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin…Many in my family look indistinguishable from Middle Eastern Jews. Not always the case, but either way, it doesn’t change anything. That’s not a convincing or productive argument.

  3. First comment: I don’t understand how there aren’t investigations into things like the Saudi bombings. There are multiple explanations about why civilians and children get killed. They purposely do it for terroristic or other purposes. They do it by accident bc they thought there was a legitimate threat and there wasn’t. Children, civilians, hospitals, houses, etc are being used to house dangerous weapons, bombs, tunnels, etc which are genuine threatens and the military decides that it’s better their civilians who die than our (whoever that “our” is) civilians and soldiers. There need to be investigations, regardless of how powerful a country is, to determine what happened and then there should be some type of consequences for actions depending on the results.

  4. I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that Donald Trump built a fan base while on NBC. His ‘supporters’ are his fans. They don’t necessarily agree with his policies or believe anyone who tries to smear his name; similar to the people who were fans of Micheal Jackson. This is not new in politics. Ronald Reagan’s widespread approval rating was not around his policies but around his stardom. NBC portrayed Trump as this business savvy icon and when you talked to many of his ‘supporters’ they parroted that narrative. Those who know his true background like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell knew this was a lie. Republicans are just exploiting his fanbase but if and when they turn on him I am sure Republicans will bury him like he never existed.

  5. $180K a year to do almost nothing out of donor money – sounds like what we at TYT like to call “a Dave Rubin”! =)

  6. Sigh. More TDS and conspiracy theories from TYT. Cenk, why do you need to weave some CT about Kennedy to explain why he supports Brennan’s clearance revocation? Cannot it be possible that it is a correct and proper action that Trump is taking, regardless of how Trump mangles his reasons publicly?

    Brennan is a liar and he should not only have his clearance revoked, he should be in jail. Let me explain:

    1. Brennan was “the architect” of the CIA drone program that Bush started and Obama took increased 10x.

    2. Brennan is an enthusiastic and unrepentant defender of the CIA torture program.

    3. His first Big Lie was about the drone program he oversaw.

    https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/31/cia-director-john-brennan-lied-senate :

    “The nation’s top spy is, in fact, a proficient and skilled liar. As Obama’s top counterterrorism advisor for his entire first term in the White House, Brennan built, oversaw, executed and excused America’s robotic assassination program. During a speech in 2011, the keeper of the kill list said there had not been “a single collateral death” from US drone strikes because of their “exceptional proficiency [and] precision”

    4. The next Big Lie was about the CIA actually spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee that was investigating his beloved torture program. “Let me assure you the CIA was in no way spying on [the committee] or the Senate,” said Brennan, in a line he pushed on multiple occasions to both the public and to the Senate. Of course, it was subsequently discovered that the CIA had indeed spied on the Senate Committee.

    5. In an even more outrageous act, Brennan at first tried to deflect from the Senate’s charges of spying on them by charging that the Senate Staffers had hacked the CIA and Brennan wanted those staffers to go to jail.

    “…the CIA searched their computer drives and their emails, and referred them to the DOJ for prosecution. Why? Because, in the course of an official Senate investigation into the torture program, they used a CIA-installed Google search tool to find CIA documents about the torture program. ”

    6. Brennan has been a rogue actor for some time and there were almost constant calls in 2014 for Obama to fire Brennan for his many misdeeds, lies and downright crimes. Every news outlet from WaPo to the NYT to the Guardian and the Intercept documented his crimes and his lies and called for him to be fired or resign.

    Let’s be real – if anyone reading this had lied twice to Congress we’d be sitting in a Federal prison. That Brennan is not is an outrage.

    NOW – as far as being unhinged.

    Brennan in July 2017 on CNN:

    “If [Mueller] is fired by Mr. Trump, or is attempted to be fired by Mr. Trump, I hope, I really hope that our members of congress, our elected representatives, will stand up and say enough is enough, and stop making apologies and excuses for things that are happening that really flaunt, I think, our system of laws and government here.”

    What the hell is that supposed to mean? But Brennan goes on:

    “I think it’s the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry that out, Mr. Brennan said. “I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future.”

    “Something needs to be done?” What, exactly? That government employees should mutiny? What about the military? Is Brennan pushing for some sort of “7 Days in May” scenario?

    Brennan said that Trump’s comments in Helsinki were “nothing short of treasonous.” Hmmmm. Then he calls out, “Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

    This is not normal. Brennan should know what is and is not treason, and yet he is ranting like some breathless partisan.

    Intelligence officials must be non-partisan, because they have access to not just sensitive information but also very sophisticated systems and programs, and so they must not be seen to be using their uniquely powerful positions for partisan purposes.

    If Brennan wants to be a partisan political player and a well-paid pundit in the Media, fine. But he should then do so as a private citizen, with only those privileges and means available to such private individuals.

    None of these spooks should have high level security access, and especially not a lying POS, torture-loving, drone-loving criminal like John Brennan.

    1. Yes, great post. TYT kind of pisses me off sometimes too, though I am a supporter. Cenk and Ana both have a poor understanding of capitalism and empire, though I think both are very good, honest people. However they both don’t get that structures/institutions “compel” behaviors and to some extent determine outcomes. Therefore it’s not about “putting good people in power.” Therefore, politically, Trump is not the problem, economically, “greedy corporations” are not the problem, “mean generals” are not the problem.

      1. Thanks, and I agree. “Crony Capitalism” is simply Capitalism. It’s not like there are just a few bad apples. And the military is just the proverbial hammer seeing every problem as a nail. But I am disappointed in how TDS has permeated TYT to the point where their initial knee jerk reaction is to criticize and condemn Trump for everything, while at the same time defending, exonerating , elevating or even celebrating those who are the target or victims of Trump’s wrath. It leads to some very unfortunate and often deluded segments.

        I am a Berner, and I know damn well that if Bernie had somehow won, Brennan, Clapper, Comey and the entire Intel “community” would be doing their level best to destroy him. The fact that they are going after Trump should be scary and alarming, not a cause for celebration. Cenk, Ana and the others are cheering on the most anti-progressive, reactionary, warlike and corrupt segments of the American establishment, all because they are so deeply offended by Trump.

        BTW: new poll out shows that Trump has a 36% approval rate among African Americans. This will seem unbelievabvle to all those who suffer TDS, but it is reality. We believe in polls, right?

        1. While I agree on your criticisms of Brennan, I disagree with your placement of motives on both the intelligence community and TYT. I believe that nearly everyone wanted to see Trump succeed and make America great again, but Trump is Trump, so he’s failed royally in many areas. The intel community doesn’t want to destroy Trump because he’s giving them the wars and funding they want. Instead, they want to keep him “accountable,” and not able to fire them on a whim. Accountability is the primary reason Cenk and Ana are rooting for them; the parts about disliking Trump are secondary reasons.

          1. OK, so now I will be open to accusations of conspiracy theorism. I believe that Brennan, Clapper and Comey – all political appointees who served under Obama – were opposed to Trump from the start and are still opposed to him. I do not think they ever wanted him to succeed and they have sought to portray him as illegitimate and a usurper. I believe they were actively working for or at least to the benefit of the Clinton campaign during 2016.

            I think they did this partly because they wanted to have really good jobs in the new Clinton Administration.

            I also think they did this because Trump is a crooked, self-dealing huckster who wanted to “make friends” with Russia. Obviously, Trump has Russia connections because he cannot get financing in the US and relies on Russia for money. He wanted to make deals with Russia the way he has made hundreds – and I really mean hundreds – of sweetheart deals with everyone else. Trump opened up 8 new businesses in Saudi Arabia during the campaign, and no one said boo. China is financing his huge project in Malaysia, and of course Ivanka has gotten all sorts of valuable concessions there. We have no idea of how many deals Trump has made in all these countries for himself and his kids. It is only natural that he wanted to make deals in Russia as well. Trump had tried several times to build a hotel in Moscow and was rejected every time. I bet he thought that if he made nice with Putin, that hotel project would finally get approved.

            What Trump did NOT want to do was go to war. He wanted to pull out of Syria and the Middle East. He wanted to wind down NATO. He wanted to lessen tensions with Russia. This was unacceptable to the Intelligence Community and their pals in the MIC. And so the Trump in the WH is very different from the Trump who ran on pulling out everywhere.

            As you mention, “he’s giving them the wars and funding they want” – which shows just how much they have compromised him. That doesn’t mean they don’t still want him gone, or at least hobbled.

            Of course, if the CIA and FBI had been actively working against Trump during the campaign, then they now have even more reason to get rid of him before the truth comes out.

            Seymour Hersh has said that he has it on good authority that Brennan was the one who set up the whole “Russian hacking” narrative. Ray McGovern has said that the reason Brennan is off the rails is because neither he nor Comey ever really thought Trump would win, and now they are worried that what they were doing will be exposed.

            Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this is what Sy Hersh believes, and he is usually right about these things. And Ray McGovern was a high level analyst in the CIA for 30 years. So I consider them to be credible – not least because they also do not have an ulterior motive for adopting their positions.

            1. Going to disagree on Comey. Him raising the issue of Hillary’s investigation (and not Trump’s) on the eve of the election would surely see him ousted as soon as she came into power. The majority of the FBI and law enforcement lean right.
              Brennan and Clapper: possibly? I think they saw/see Trump as a puppet who can’t stop the wars. Trump isn’t against wars; he only uses that for his campaign rallies. He loved bombing Syria.

              It’s really hard to find credible evidence on Hersh – Brennan.

              1. Yes, “The majority of the FBI and law enforcement lean right.” That is why they supported Hillary, as did every neocon who took us into Iraq, as did many Republicans. Even Charles Koch (http://fortune.com/2016/04/24/charles-koch-support/)

                It is painfully obvious that the Obama DOJ including the FBI also wanted hillary, as did the “right-leaning” Strzok, who thought Trump was dangerous but also believed Bernie Sanders was just as dangerous.

                Only Hillary Clinton fit the proper mold for a right leaning neoliberal, neoconservative who would be the Guardian Of The Status Quo and make sure everything from domestic spying, the persecution of whistleblowers, prosecution of foreign wars carried on without a blip or a bump in the road.

                Brennan originally created the whole Russian Hacking “evidence” story to distract from the growing outrage about the election fraud that was committed by Clinton and the DNC during the Primary. This was a big deal, and they were afraid it could become a real problem with Clinton’s legitimacy once she was elected. The leaked emails were a huge problem and they needed the Russian Hacking story to keep people from talking about what was actually revealed. The story would become about Russia “attacking the US” rather than Clinton and the DNC stealing the nomination.

                They all believed Hillary would be elected and Brennan, having masterminded a scheme to squash the rebellion of the Berniecrats, believed he would be well-favoured and well-rewarded at the Clinton Royal Court once she was coronated as planned.

                Well, things did not go as planned, and Brennan has a lot of exposure. He never expected anyone to really question what he did, since it was with the blessing of the “future President” and both he and Comey didn’t bother to hide their tracks because they were both doing what the Clinton camp wanted.

                Listen to Seymour Hersh talk about Brennan: https://youtu.be/d6VPp6K5-fQ

                Comey did his part by NOT calling the investigation an “investigation” as he was instructed. This gave the Clintonites and the Democrats and the Media the opportunity to obfuscate wildly and call it a “security review” and all sorts of other things so that Democratic Primary voters did not know that one of their candidates was the target of an active FBI criminal investigation. Comey played along, enabled what was essentially an unheard of thing: a primary candidate who was also under FBI criminal investigation to seek the highest office in the land. This would have been a huge scandal otherwise. And how many Democratic Primary voters might have given Bernie a second look if they realised that Hillary might go to jail?

                As far as not announcing Trump’s investigation, there was no need to. It was a secret investigation, and unlike the Clinton email story, there was no national scandal that cried out for investigation. I mean, let;s not forget, the whole FBI investigation was triggered because of well publicized and possibly illegal actions by a Secretary of State.

                And let’s be real: by failing to make a criminal referral, by agreeing to replace the word “negligent” (which could be criminal) with “careless,” Comey played the good and loyal soldier to his President by not finding Clinton worthy of prosecution when she so clearly was.

                And as far as reopening the investigation was concerned, I believe Comey when he says he was forced to do that because of the scandal that erupted when Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac. Something had to be done to make a show that the DOJ/FBI was not being manipulated by an ex-POTUS and a sitting Justice Secretary.

    2. Euroyankee you need to watch another show, you sound like you need to watch Fox News AKA the Trump Show aka state tv. Leave our commentators alone , we love the info we get on TYT . Go back home to your rightwing friends.

      1. Did you miss the part where I said I was a Berner? I am on the left, and have been there for almost 50 years. I am old enough to remember when leftists and progressives distrusted the CIA and the FBI – and for good reason.

        Do YOU remember the Church Committee? Go look it up.


        And I am a member and have been for years. They are my commentators as well. I just hate to see them fail, so I will speak out when I see it.

        If you sit there blindly and unquestioningly eating up everything that springs from their lips, then Cenk himself would chide you for doing so.

        1. I think the point Cenk & Ana were making is that Trump is only doing it because Brennan is criticizing him. If Brennan hadn’t said a word Trump would love Brennan’s record. Remember, Trump has said publicly that he’s fine with killing civilians and torture. He only rails against the “deep state” to score political points and cover up his own crimes. I’m not saying this applies to you, but many on the left have deluded themselves into thinking that Trump is the savior who’ll stop deep-state abuses.

          1. I do not think Trump will be the saviour to stop deep state abuses. He has no power base from which to move against them. I was, however, hoping that they might at least be exposed. Whatever hopes I may have entertained 18 months ago, however, are long extinguished. I knew that as soon as he started surrounding himself with generals.

            I did not see yesterday’s show, so I am not sure if this came up, but I would hope that any progressive would ask why these spooks get to keep their security clearances anyway? I mean, once they leave office, they leave a job to which they were appointed, not elected. They should not have any special privileges. Apparently this “policy” started under that scoundrel Dulles so he could continue to orchestrate the nascence of the American Empire until the grave.

            1. ” I am old enough to remember when leftists and progressives distrusted the CIA and the FBI – and for good reason.”
              And then there’s the Democratic Party of today.

              “There are 57 candidates for the Democratic nomination in 44 congressional districts who boast as their major credential their years of service in intelligence, in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, at the State Department, or some combination of all three. They make up the largest single occupational group running in the Democratic primaries that began March 6 in Texas and extend through mid-September, selecting the candidates who will appear on the general election ballot on November 6.

              Agents, but no longer secret
              First: The number of candidates who openly proclaim their role in the CIA or military intelligence. In years past, such activities would be considered confidential, if not scandalous for a figure seeking public office. Not only would the candidates want to disguise their connections to the spy apparatus, the CIA itself would insist on it, particularly for those who worked in operations rather than analysis, since exposure, even long after leaving the agency, could be portrayed as compromising “sources and methods.”

              This is no longer the case. The 2018 candidates drawn from this shadow world of espionage, drone murders and other forms of assassination positively glory in their records. And the CIA and Pentagon have clearly placed no obstacles in the way.”
              But then, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump …..
              “Anti-establishment rebels” for you . Point out the TDS, Queen Kasparian throws hissyfits like in the post game.

      2. sayitgirl, you seem to be a newcomer to TYT and sound very young. Euroyankee has been posting well-informed commentaries here for many years and is appreciated by many of us for that.

        I know I can rely on the comments section of this members page for corrections to the many errors that Cenk, Ana and the gang make regularly. I love TYT, but they are often sloppy & in a hurry and get so many facts wrong.

        I start each day reading The Guardian and other international news papers. So do the TYT folks. Then in the evening broadcast, I see them “interpret” the Guardian article that I read myself that morning.. and it is discomforting how often they mess it up. It’s like watching remedial students struggle with a reading interpretation class.

        Thank you, Euroyankee, for reminding us of the facts.

        1. Thanks, Deb. Actually, I just watched Kyle K’s take on Brennan, and he reminded me of something that I had left out. In addition to creating the drone program, Brennan was also the guy who first developed Obama’s “Kill List” (“principal coordinator”). He is an execrable human being.

    3. Euroyankee: I’m convinced… Thank you for making the cogent reasons why Trump had to revoke Brennan’s security clearance… I know it is difficult for Dear Leader to make his own case on Twitter due to length constraints… At first blush, I thought the President was doing it out of pique and not national security reasons…

      1. I never said it was not out of pique, I am sure that Trump had very personal and visceral reasons for what he was doing. But we have never seen anything like this before. A recently “retired” head of the CIA calling the new President a traitor and calling for his removal is simply not acceptable.

        And I also realise, as does Cenk, that sometimes Trump can do the right thing for the wrong reasons, but I will take it.

        If Brennan wants to get paid the big bucks by MSNBC to be a pundit; if he wants to express his private opinions as a private citizen employed and paid handsomely by a private company, then let him do so whilst enjoying the same rights, privileges and access that every other US citizen has, and no more. It is ludicrous that these spooks keep their access. That whole policy should be immediately suspended.

  7. On the situation in Yemen, it’s called war, collateral damage happens, deal with it. The Yemeni rebels started it 9 years ago, check your history.

    If the Yemeni rebels don’t want school children to be killed (by the way they do because it makes them look like victims and is great for recruitment, the bus was hit at a military checkpoint in a combat zone and had no markers) then they shouldn’t have started a war that already killed 1000 Saudi and foreign civilians on the Saudi side.

    1. Dozens of children dead and your response is “deal with it” and variations of “they started it.” I hope that I never am so callous as to offer that kind of response. You should look in your heart and think about your monstrous words. Would you accept that response if you were the parent of a victim? Don’t answer that. And don’t bother replying, just think to yourself. Thank you.

      1. Well truth sometimes hurt.

        Sending buses full of children to an active combat zone, by the way this is the first time I heard about a single bus able to carry 50 school children let alone 100 which is the number rebel media claims, is an invitation to disaster and unfortunately it happened.

        The sheer number of civilians murdered deliberately by Shia jihadists and secular kurdish militias for no reason other than being Sunni in the last 4 years of the war against ISIS (let alone the collateral deaths from the bombing) with the full support of the US government didn’t move anyone to tears or caused outrage, hell there was more outrage against accidental US bombing of Syrian troops a couple of years back than against bombing of Sunni civilians by Johnnyboy type leftists, and what the US and allies did makes what the Saudis are doing in Yemen look like a joke.

        Either condemn all or support all. My position never changes based on which country does this type of killing.

      1. No one peeped a word about the 10s of thousands of innocent civilians murdered by uUS supported Shia jihadists in Iraq where boys younger than those in Yemen were boiled in the presence of US troops or the mass executions by the secular kurds of men and boys above the age of 10 in several villages in both Iraq and Syria when their villages were liberated from ISIS. These, unlike the victims of US bombings of the region, are war crimes not collateral damage.

        War is a tough business, the US murdered millions deliberately in WWII to defeat the Nazis and they did not attack the US first, in Yemen the rebels have targeting Saudi Arabia for nearly 6 years before they had enough and decided to do something about it.

  8. Not an algorithm problem if it’s anti-Israel content. Then it’s conspiracy. The majority of the Left online screams when the anti-Israel lobby’s censored before you scream so there’s no way you don’t hear anything about it. You cite 1 benign example ignoring the letter itself but it also might’ve been LITERAL REPOSTED NEO-NAZI propaganda for all you know but you’ll do yours on this.

  9. All missiles emblazoned with Trump logo! The sword and magic orb presented to him by the Saudis’ emblazoned with “the almighty dollar!”

  10. Here is my take from today’s show. So we have to figure the employees of Raytheon are familiar with the Bible. You know the part about thou shall not kill. They must take comfort in knowing, they only assemble the devices of death. Then they go to church, (hopefully not one of those deviant Catholic churches) and pray to their god for forgiveness and well being for their children. What is the definition of evil again?

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