Post Game August 16 2018

In Post Game - On Demand by Waldo Peterson39 Comments

Cenk and Ana host Thursday’s Post Game Show!

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  1. Overall I think the main show does a good job with a difficult balancing act on how much to cover Trump that will guarantee to leave some unsatisfied.

    My only suggestion would be to largely ignore the “mean tweets” and focus more on his disastrous policies. On the other hand there is no denying those stories bring in the views and in turn the revenue that helps you fund the more important but less profitable stuff like propping up JDs.

  2. *facepalm*

    Ana still doesn’t comprehend why most progressives don’t like Trump TMZ gossip.

    Don’t they have a channel for these type of stores? I think it’s called Pop Trigger.

  3. Y’all are doing great and I think Ana is right “Trump will be great because he’s so evil” *cries* “stop talking about how evil is you sound like MSM” *cries*

    Yeah turn on CNN and tell me how much TYT is literally exactly like CNN. If you honestly think that it’s because you are up people like Jimmy’s asshole and I have no time for you.

    Cenk and Ana you are doing awesome keep it up! We need you!

  4. poor Cenk didn’t like having his childish Trump impressions curtailed … back to TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and fuck real news because Cenk is obsessed with a fellow narcissist … how sad

    1. oh hey Ana … you spend half an hour ranting and raving ABOUT ONE STORY … tell the story and move the fuck on but YOU DON’T … covering him isn’t the fucking problem – IT’S YOUR GOING ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON about the same fucking story for nearly half the goddamned show … tell the story and move the fuck on …

      1. Take your own advice and move the fuck on.

        You don’t want a political news show to cover our president it’s insane

        1. didn’t fucking say I didn’t want them to cover the blowhard … just sick and fucking tired of the same rants over and over that go on for half the fucking show about one story because they’ve decided this is their therapy session – take it to your fucking shrink and just tell us the information – leave your emotional baggage at home .. same rants every fucking day gets real tiring

          if you’re going to accuse someone of something next time make sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about first …

  5. For any geniuses who think that losing to Trump was a good strategy to steer outrage towards progressives, did you never stop to consider the fact that people would resent us and blame us for the loss?

    Go to any centrist democrat online forum. ALL THEY EVER SAY is “Bernie Bros lost us the election” “If Bernie bros weren’t so stubborn none of this would have happened” “Bernie should retire from politics because he’s been nothing but a liability to dems”. What a fucking great strategy. By throwing the election, now we have tons of people who HATE progressives and see progressive candidates as THE REASON we have Trump. Hell, people even blame the young turks for the outcome of the election and I have to tell them “no, Cenk and Ana were very clear in telling people to vote for Clinton over Trump” just to win them back over to our side.

    Not to mention, even if this strategy WAS successful, there would still be untold damage. So best case scenario is a Pyrrhic victory? Holy shit, please never ever ever try to be political strategists ever again.

    1. If the “Bernie Bros” were truly that consequential than the winning move would be to listen to them. You are worried about the opinion of voices now proven to be 100% big-time losers. The DNC is being attacked from many different angles and for good reason. Board the ship!

  6. Ana, I totes turned off that episode of the Daily, too. I agree that policy is waaaay more interesting than the races. The races just feel like emotional trauma and gambling.

    1. The problem isn’t that you cover Trump. The problem is that your news program now frequently takes the same positions as mainstream media which are mere sounding boards for the establishment. One example is your report on Yemen today in which you reported that “they say” Iran is behind it. I don’t know who is behind it, but there should caution about jumping on the anti-Iran agenda by the establishment. I didn’t hear you express any caution in your report. Secondly, regarding Russia, you also jump onto the establishment train and I’ve not once heard you cover the progressives who challenged Mueller’s indictments. Cenk saying “mark my words” because you’ll be correct in the end (which end of it isn’t here yet) won’t make you right for jumping to a conclusion about Trump & Russia before irrefutable facts are supplied. If that happens, it just means Rachel Maddow was also and so why not just watch her. I came to TYT, first subscribing and then becoming a member, for objectivity that is unlike the subjectivity that exists in the mainstream media. Now when I listen to you & Anna, everyday you sound just like the news I hear when I get up in the morning and put on the Today Show. I know what I’m saying is negative, but I’m not saying it to complain. Instead of combatting your members for being critical, perhaps you should try to hear us objectively and do some self reflection. Maybe there is a reason you didn’t win the streamies this year that you are stubbornly refusing to accept. My membership renewal is coming in September and I’m weighing my options. I truly love you guys, your programming and what you’ve been doing with Justice Democrats & Wolf Pac, but maybe that’s how you jumped the track. Being journalists while being activists… well one of them has to suffer. A principle I’ve heard says this: You can’t serve two masters because you will love one more than the other.
      Maybe it’s time choose what is The Young Turks going to be? I’m not saying TYT can’t be both things. I’m trying to explain that it shouldn’t be both things simultaneously because your journalism is reflecting the compromises that rational activism must succumb to. Journalistic integrity shouldn’t be rational, it should only be factual. It’s possible that your journalism suffered when you took your rational position regarding HRC in the 2016 General Election. Once again, yesterday August 16th, Ana & Cenk brought up the “Bernie or bust” voters. You are not repairing your factual journalistic integrity by such opinion pieces without having someone to present an opposing view. Don’t let go of what you worked so hard to build just because there are progressives who don’t agree with you. And if TYT is going to remain place where you biasedly attack a faction of your members, then you only have yourselves to blame when you lose. Ana’s response to someone critical was ‘Go get your own show’ and ‘I don’t care’ sounded just like HRC arrogantly telling a young black woman protestor who took issue with her, “Why don’t you go run for office then!” Every organization will eventually take on the persona of its leadership. Is this how you want to personify TYT ? I don’t think so.

      1. Really great points Kelly C. As a fairly new TYT member, I think the criticism is based on, in my opinion, expectations of why some of us started tuning into TYT. Loved the coverage of Bernie Sanders as you were the only network to cover him when MSM shut him out. And then the coverage on Standing Rock, DNC, Townhalls, Flint, etc. The investigative reporters. Couldn’t find that anywhere else.

        Whether you listen to the feedback or just take it as criticisms, the bottom line is does The Live Show see growth in viewers or membership based on the current content selection, if yes then stick to the current format.

        But it’s my understanding that AP was voted the #1 show by the members. If that’s the case, in my opinion, it’s popular because it continues to bring stories that focus on THE SYSTEM of why we have Trump and opposed to just bashing him as a moron.

        From watching AP, I’ve learned about patient dumping, the obsession with war and the military industrial complex, how blaming 3rd parties makes no sense when you add the number of no show voters, the 2016 pied piper strategy may be the real collusion and the new Mccarthyism for anyone asking for more evidence on Russia, you don’t see this content on MSM. Would it be possible to have AP on more than once a week?

  7. I love how little cenk knows about cars. Unless the mechanic drilled your mirror to your windshield you’re talking about a sideview mirror, not rearview. Easy mistake but it’s minute details that make me love him.

  8. I think Cenk is on par with the founding fathers when it comes to benefiting our democracy in view his starting, the justice democrats, and the tyt network. Move over Benjmin Franklin!

    1. Yes. I saw Cenk once, and couldn’t muster more than a wave (and there was no one else around)…the guy is a gift to humanity!

  9. Interesting. Ana, I have the exact opposite experience and pov about voting and the revolution.

    I haven’t heard anything at all from the left (which doesn’t say much, since I live in the middle of neoliberals, Republicans, and ultra right-wing), about letting Trump win to further the revolution, or leaving Trump alone. In my world, the further left, the louder and more energetic the outrage against Trump.

    From the Democrats that exist around me, what I’ve absorbed leaves me to believe that it’s the establishment neoliberal Democrats in the party that were willing to nominate Hillary, knowing she might not win, to try to overcome the revolution. A few years of Trump and they expect the left to come running back to them, tails between their legs, to take back the establishment neoliberal status quo.

    To be clear: I think the establishment Dems would rather have Trump in power than a progressive Democrat, and that they will put up with ANY alt-right Republican rather than back Bernie Sanders. They’re willing for people to suffer extremes in order to hold on to their power.

    1. @dancinglight Very well said. I only heard two persons say it, Jimmy Dore & Susan Sarandon, but they said it because other progressives had questioned “what if we get Trump?” We didn’t want Trump. You are correct that dem establishment would sooner put up an alt-right candidate than a true progressive. We’re not running, and it will be to their chagrin. Change will never come thru the Democratic Party as long as they believe we have no where else to go. The Revolution must show them the other direction. It isn’t us who needs to get on board. It’s them. The Democratic Party convinced black candidates to use the existing system to effect change, but all that system accomplished for blacks was to effectively silence them. Look what the Dems in Congress did to Maxine Waters. And after the 2000 election there were but one or two white democrats standing up with the Congressional Black Representatives who tried to defend justice by calling upon the leadership to not certify a bogus vote count declaring GWB our official elected president? Sure, it let them speak, but they aren’t listened to. Joining the establishment is the way they suppress dissenting voices.

  10. Ana, I love No Filter! Especially when you cover financial news, that’s my jam too.
    You should have Nomi Prins on again!

  11. Ana, what you’re talking about is what I’ve heard called “accelerationalism” – the idea that Trump will be so bad it will lead to the “progressive revolution” faster. I also think it’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard, especially after over 1.5 years of Trump. But a progressive revolution won’t get us the SCOTUS back. Republicans who didn’t want to vote for Trump on his own sake knew that though, and they held their noses (supposedly) and voted for Trump. Democrats weren’t that smart because some of us fell for Russian Plant #2 Jill Stein, or doing a write-in, or in 12% of the cases actually voting for Trump himself. I hate people like Jimmy Dore for doing this to us. He’s a successful, privileged, white male – but many of us AREN’T! Some of us were so close to falling down the cracks to begin with that you (Bernie or Bust-ers) practically signed our death warrants. And we’re powerless – they have The House, The Senate, The Presidency, and the SCOTUS. We’re f*cked. Period. BERNIE knew this was the alternative for not voting for Hillary, so HE VOTED FOR HILLARY!!! I don’t blame him, but I do blame his more fanatical followers.

  12. Agreed. Jimmy Dore and his ilk have been getting on my tits since last year. I unsubscribed from his podcast and only watch Aggressive Progressives if Steve Oh is on to inject some rationality to his spectrum of the progressive wing. JD’s irrational certitude about Bernie forming a 3rd party before 2020 is bordering upon Bernie-bashing and undermining one of the best hopes the left has of our sensible POLICIES coming to fruition in America; which Jimmy Dore purports to support.

    My own thinking is that he is becoming maniacally obsessed with his growing following since joining the TYT network and is developing this narcissistic cultish conviction which leads him to think – it is his way or no other. I adore Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greewald but JD slavishly refers to them like a born again Christian who is unable to think for himself and constantly exalts the teachings of Christ as all or nothing.

    Cenk may have had the impulse and urgency of wanting Hartson to win despite her lack of name-recognition but he recognises where he was wrong in retrospect and doesn’t bash other groups that are fighting for the same POLICIES!

    While I think, Ranked Voting and a 3rd party is what we may also need down the line, I’m not going to bash PCCC or Justice Dems if it is not at the top of their agenda in these midterms or even in 2020.

    Dore’s fans who constantly leave posts like – I only subscribe to TYT because of Aggressive Progressives – get on my tits (and I’m a bloke). Dore is on the fucking TYT Network that was built to provide a wide range of views for the left and he sure as shit did not start the Justice Dems or Wolf-PAC to fight the establishment. They just sound like a bunch of echo-chamber whiney-ass mofos who love not being mainstream because they are the purest and everyone else is wrong.

    1. I 100% agree with everything you wrote! And Ana nailed it. Of course she is refering to Jimmy, who has been pissing me off too this year. He’s boxed himself into a corner with his totally irrational position of 100% ONLY focusing on attack and blaming the corporate establishmment Dems, (Yes DUUUHHH.. We are all TYT members here and of course we are fully aware of how biased the media are in their favour and how anti progressive and the media and establishment are overall)

      Thanks to all the awesome informed hosts on TYT especially Cenk Ana and Jon, we get it.. The Democratic party are paid losers in this kabuki theatre. But for Jimmy Dore to have such a childish on air tantrums about ALSO covering the insanity that is infront of all of us is utterly pathetic.

      The current President of the United States is a maniacal, idiotic, racist, sexist, criminal gangster, who is obviously out to serve himself and is totally compromised by Russia. For Jimmy Dore and his fans to not understand that Trump and his criminal behaviour needs to be covered along with calling out the biases of the establishment media and the feckless paid to lose Democratic party.. it’s just beyond niave.

    2. Jimmy was so anti-HRC that he is taking the stance of some people like him “I would rather watch the world burn than admit that I was wrong when I said Trump would be better than HRC”

      I’ve had to completely tune out people that are doing this Jimmy sadly being one of them. I want real progressives I want change in this country, I am not willing to say that handing the country over to Trump like we did was better than another establishment democratic nor am I will to pretend like that is a reasonable way of thinking.

      And when we get stuck with a bunch of establishment reps and dems because they can say “at least I’m not Trump” and don’t have to try to be anything else then I’ll also thank you for that great idea of burn it down to rebuild. There was this narrative that we would be way left after Trump my fear is that it’s going to strengthen the middle

  13. I like TYT’s content on the main show, Cenk’s right, there has to be a balance in the stories covered, otherwise it is deficient in some way, Cenk and Ana are constantly attacking the establishment, if you can’t see and hear that, you are probably blind and deaf.

  14. Don’t worry guys. Please do exactly what youre doing.
    You guys are a mountain of gold and throughout the country people are thirsty. So when people criticise you and demand more or state you’re not doing enough- its symptom that they’re hungry. People want more gold on the mountain. Just keep the sincerity and care for the country and the people.

    Also, Ana… are so beautiful. Damn.

  15. Ok… Ana is pretty much just hot in all categories, but when she laughs, that real genuine hard laugh she does…. Uhhhh… SO hot!!! ***sigh***

  16. Jean-Pierre Faye’s Horseshoe Theory is helpful here. Asserts that “the far left and the far right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe.” This is why extreme leftists increasingly sound like the Alt Right. And honestly you two, who are among the most sensible and knowledgeable of the Young Turks’ staff, are catching heat from both sides, partially because of people on your own channel like Jimmy Dore, who seems to care more about being some kind of cult–leader radical than a pundit or activist who actually helps. You cannot deny he wants to shut down any discussion of Kremlin aggression and intrusion, GOP corruption, etc., because his one-trick pony show is about bashing Democrats and the establishment — and, by the way, he often criticizes Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren. How, exactly, is that helpful for the upcoming elections?

    1. cyborgmanifesto: I agree with virtually all you said. Probably the biggest stupidity of the “Bill Clinton” theory of winning elections is that there is a one dimensional political scale from “extreme right” to “extreme left” and that there is a gaussian distribution centered at the middle– so what you want to do is “go to the center to get the most votes” no matter how stupid or mundane. This is so obviously brainless–which STILL seems to be the idea that the Democratic party is stuck with despite its obvious continual failure. They are paralyzed by fear that they might be criticized by someone–usually on the right–or maybe even on the left, who knows. No passion. YOU, however will be criticized, which can be a GOOD sign, so please get used to it.

      People ARE NOT on a one dimensional political scale. One of the reasons Trump won (barely) was that he didn’t act like that, and his feigned “authenticity” was what many were looking for. Hilary was always looking for the safe center which was completely uninspiring and frankly horribly boring.

      I cringe badly EVERY time anyone on TYT says X is “more progressive” than Y, and therefore X is better. I personally do not give a shit about who is more progressive– and I’ll almost guarantee if someone is the “most progressive” that will be a good reason I will NOT want to vote for them. That’s exactly what Jimmy Dore doesn’t get. He has mostly a good heart, but I regret that his “over the top” certainty will probably cause more losses to “progressives” than gains.

      Why is it “progressive” to think that basic health care should be much more available than it is? Do you have to be “progressive” to just recognize the facts that our health care system is much more costly than most other countries, and by many criteria they do it better? Republicans should want that too. Or is it “progressive” to see that there is way too much big money in politics so the citizens are continually outvoted by big money? So much of what you: Cenk and Ana stand for is just sensible– and should be accepted by any reasonable person of any political persuasion. And the Democratic party as it stands now is too scared to stand for anything except to be against Trump because no doubt that’s what the focus groups say most people on the “left” agree with.

      And if you are going to stay honest, the two of you will have to continue to take heat from both sides–or maybe six different sides. This is what is so good about much of TYT–it isn’t so easy to always put you in a easily identified box–except that you try to stand for some kind of sanity. And it’s not particularly comfortable. I’d also say that Cenk sometimes expects things to change faster than they do–Alison Hartson didn’t lose because people didn’t want her kind of politics– she was barely known in the state–there wasn’t enough money to make her better known. I hope she will keep trying. As I recall Bernie got just a few percent of vote the first time he ran for mayor in Burlington.It will take a lot more time– and both of you may think sometimes that it’s hopeless because so MANY seem to be so STUPID. And I confess many times it’s easy for me to agree with that.

      While I’m giving advice: keep showing your real passion but only if it’s REAL– and don’t start overdoing it because you think the audience wants it.

    1. Justice Democrats also ran zero races in 2016.

      Still, the current success rate is impressive for a new group

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