Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Trump admin dismantling financial protections for military. Ben Carson pushes to roll back Obama-era housing rule. Strzok fired over Trump texts. Trump attacks Sessions on Twitter. Omarosa recording alleges Trump used N-word. Lou Dobbs tries to blanket white supremacists. Tucker Carlson says America isn’t racist.

I remember Randy Gonzales! I loved that period :-)
And your choice to use it ^^
I’m always kind of amazed by how much power people ascribe to particular words. Not to say that particular words aren’t powerful, especially these kinds of slurs. But just using one “magical” word shouldn’t be as important as what people mean, and what the context of their expression says. It’s like swear words. People can say the most horrible, bone chilling stuff, but as long as they don’t use specific swear words its fine. But one amazing, inspiring speaker throws in an “f word” and its off limits.
Same thing with the “n word”… it shouldn’t take that one word to show you he’s a racist.
“The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.”
-Karl Marx
I keep seeing a lot of people complaining about people not caring if the tape is real.
Here’s the thing. Some people don’t care because they just don’t care. Some people (me) don’t care because I already know he’s a racist, I already know he’s used the word in his private life (I mean come on), and I already know that it won’t change anybody’s minds because they will make excuses for him like they do with everything else.
We have GOT to keep searching for Randy Gonzalez .
Member/listener for 10+ years. Old school memes must not be forgotten. You all have kept me from loosing my insanity, in my previous mindless soul crushing jobs. Keep up the kick ass reporting.
Anna is GREAT!!!!!!!!
TYT, can you guys investigate whether anti-fa is actually left wingers? I’m thinking they are actually right wingers that pretend to be left wingers to smear the left. Their actions, like going after the journalists, falls in line with what the right wing is doing right now. Which is attacking the media. Their actions don’t make sense. I’ve been thinking that they are right wingers since I first heard of them.
Does Germany allow hate speech or na-zi’s. They don’t tolerate any of that at all. Looks like the Germans have learned from the past and we haven’t.
re: Antifa? I’ m all over the map. First of all, I can’t find any good reason for all of the U.S. NOT to be “anti-fascist;” I certainly am. Equating the massive number of people in our country from a broad collection of demographically diverse groups as one angry, militant group is propaganda 101.
And that angry, militant, section of anti-fascists? They resonate so strongly with me. I’m a 58 yo pacifist grandma, and that anger, that desire, that need, to lash out against hate finds shelter in my heart. So much so that I have to constantly, constantly, remind myself that I’m about peace, love, understanding, coming together, passive resistance, non-violent expression, etc..
I think it’s because I’m so, so sick of…politically, mentally, physically, emotionally SICK of watching the propaganda machine control the message, watching people allow propaganda to control them, watching the country and the world march to destruction, while I stand there with my signs, perpetually ignored or denigrated or derided. Watching people strike back physically is like a drug, easing the pain I feel when the masses and the bought reps in government ignore us.
So maybe there’s a middle ground. Maybe there’s a way to be more aggressive, more pointed, more “in your face” WITHOUT the violence?
Wow, dancing light, a grandmother who speaks for me, too. I am a 75 yr old grandmother so parallel to you in feelings! I’m physically sick over the whole situation in the US. And being someone who lived in Berkeley for years and now lives near there, I find myself sympathetic with Antifa in many respects. The idea that police target them rather than the neo Nazis is frightening.
I was watching the recent demonstration in Portland, and wondered how belligerent those neo Nazis would have been if they’d been faced with a long line of grandparents holding the line.
Predatory lending our service members is a threat to our national security. First, a service member can lose their security clearance and hence their job for excessive debt. Predatory lenders use this to harass service members to pressure them to pay. In some cases, this lead to service members sell state secrets for money. This has been documented in some of the biggest espionage cases in US military history. Predatory lending should be illegal in this country and was before Reagan. We already knew Trump didn’t care about our troops, but his overall implementation of policies seem to suggest that he is trying to undermine this country. Unfriendling our allies, reinstating the financial policies that crashed our economy in 2008, secret meeting with adversaries like Russia and North Korea among other issues suggest that Trump hates this country and wants to profit from its demise.
Can the mods please fix the file name appearing when downloading the Lo-Res Video file?
If I click the button and wait 10 seconds for the save prompt to come up the name “180814__TA_lower-res.mp4” comes up. That’s fine, but the faster method, which I prefer and was working up until a few days ago, is to right-click on the link, click save link, and save the file with the correct name.
With the latter method, the name now displays “8dIgBzPm-27991513.mp4” instead of the usual “180814__TA_lower-res.mp4”. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback! We’ll check it out.
Anyone who says he Donald Trump isn’t racist either hugely ignorant or insincere. It’s only a debate as to the degree of racism.
The other trick with the luxury developments that have 15% “affordable” housing is how they define “affordable” or “moderate income.” In NYC, where this trend has been going on for decades (thanks in large part to former mayor Bloomberg, who ran the city like a developers’ dream and investment scheme), “moderate income” is well above the average even for middle class incomes in NYC. Therefore, an “affordable” apartment in a luxury building (which may or may not have a separate, “poor people’s” entrance) is still well out of range for most people, never mind those who are economically struggling.
Where wws this beaurue when I in 2010 was targeted with a 36%APR car loan?
*Trumps idea of pre 2016 election FBI* “Hey, I have an idea. Let’s start an investigation into Donald Trump, not tell anyone, so he wins, then reveal we are looking into his collusion with Russia during the election so he can be impeached”
*Trumps imaginary Obama* “Well we are very stable geniuses, if we weren’t we couldn’t run the deep state so yeah let’s do that.”
*Trump’s imaginary Hillary E-mails* “Hey Barrak, is collusion even a crime? I guess this whole investigation will be an obvious witch Hunt.
Btw: peter strok, I know you are going to find these when investigating me, so even though you hate me, can you delete the next 30k emails for me?”
Crooked Hillary”
Just a spoonful of Soundboard Sugar helps the Fubared News go down.
Goddamnit… more more MORE SOUNDBOARD.
It can be used as a TOOL or a WEAPON.
I got a fever and the only prescription is more soundboard.
Maybe if ~ take them out & beat them with a stick ~ they will do!
Antifa does have a lot of messed up people who act annoying as f*ck to start fights. I watched several videos where they did things like keep their finger half-an-inch from the faces of the people they were “protesting” while saying “I’m not touch you! I’m not touching you! Haha, it’s not assault ’cause I’m not touching you!” – real third-grade sh*t. To like nazis. It doesn’t help. It creates more violence and more work for the EMTs and police officers who have to then get involved to break it up and handle reports and treatment afterwards. “The left” is better off WITHOUT Antifa!
And BTW, someone fire the make-up artist at Fox! Who put that entire container of blush on Tucker Carlson? You don’t put BLUSH on peoples foreheads folks! You just don’t. And no matter how much makeup you put on one of their hosts, they’re still working for Fox “News”. You can’t fix that kinda ugly (except by changing the channel).
Duh, I’m white, I’ve never had anybody stop me from renting an apartment, no job opportunity was ever denied me because of the colour of my skin. I CAN’T believe there’s racism here!
…says Fucker Carlson, and every motherfucking racist bastard on Fucks News.
Carlson is a F**KING Tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did “dog” become a slur when used for people? Dogs are literally the best thing in the universe. Any human would be lucky to be as good as even a crappy dog. We’re such dumb animals.
Do I need to say it? ANIMALS ARE INNOCENT!!!
As a female, I can tell you that, in my 58 yo lifetime, “dog” has always meant “ugly woman.” Which, of course, fits Trump’s mindset and habits to a T.
And, of course, it also hasn’t been a slur used only against those of us who do not meet some current standard of beauty, but to put women who are strong, independent, smart, and who speak up for ourselves back in our assigned “place.”
So, in listening to Trump say this, it wasn’t ONLY a racial slur; it was also a gender slur. That’s what I heard, anyway.
Please inform Cenk that YouTube has removed his 2018 (Warrior Workshop) Wolf-pac speech.
It was brilliant and might have informed the populous too much in Google’s eyes.
I understand Cenk’s point when he says we shouldn’t give the white supremacists the dignity of a counter protest. I really do, but I commend any of the TYT army that counter protested last weekend. Look, they’re not all basement dwellers. I wish they were. I’m at Washington State University. I was horrified when James Allsup et al helped make the campus an unsafe environment for people of color, especially DREAMers. He put up posters around campus encouraging people to report any students they suspected as being “illegal” to ICE, stating that it’s every American’s civic duty. He’s since graduated, but now he’s a local Precinct Committee Officer for the Republican Party and he still shows up on campus trying to recruit new members for Identity Evropa. I was extremely encouraged to see the counter protest drown out the rally last weekend. They were emboldened but they must be forced to see that we will fight back, we outnumber them, and most importantly, we are Too Strong.
I am Randy Gonzales.
Retired Marine here. Had to deal with dumbass junior Marines all the time who got in over their head with payday lenders. They were favorite targets of payday lenders because A. They have 100% job security and a guaranteed paycheck to actually pay back their debt throughout the life of their enlistment. And B. The military member cannot hide from their debt like other civilians.
The military does not tolerate those who cannot handle their finances in a responsible manner. So if a Marine stops paying his bills, bill collectors will start calling the Marines command.. The CO will eventually lose his shit and the Marine will be NJP’d (Non Judicial Punishment) and find himself on barracks restriction, with a garnishment put on their pay, which goes straight to the creditor before they recieve it on the 1st and 15th of every month.
Tucker Carlson reminds me of that creepy right wing guy from high school. You know the one. His over inflated ego compelled him to seek Student Body or Class President time and time again. He played an instrument in the school orchestra rather than the band. After college he returned to town and sought a position on the School Board or City Council. Today he sits as a County Commissioner bilking the tax payers for his $80,000 per year salary. If you graduated from a high school with 1,000 students or more, you know who I’m talking about.
How about the media listen to people who say no photos. It’s simple, you keep following them trying to get pictures that is what is going to happen. That centrist view is garbage.
I often think of poor Randy Gonzales. How people must be constantly coming up to him, calling him, emailing him random information of which he has absolutely nothing to do with. Must be tough, man. Bet he just wants to chill.
And Clumsy Phil Davison, the village of Minerva’s least proud son.
“dog” is simple code for “bitch ” Cenk.
yup, it’s not rocket science…
…like space force, lol
Am I the only one who noticed the guy with the monopoly moustache behind mulvaney in that clip with elizabeth warren.
It’s actually a woman! And she was interviewed by someone at TYT I believe. But they do so many shows they probably forgot.
Thanks for the quick upload I push carts at Walmart so I bought a tyt membership and I listen to 8 hours of tyt content a day.