TYT Hour 2 August 13, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson14 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Trump appears to be unaware of Omarosa dismissal in leaked recording. Trump calls Nepal “nipple.” Sacha Baron Cohen dupes pro-gun advocate into sucking sex toy. Florida stand-your-ground suspect charged.


  1. A while back I jokingly posted, here on TYT, that the reason Trump tweets insane things at 3AM is that 3AM Eastern is 10AM Moscow time. I thought it was really funny, now I am sad that I am probably right.

  2. Drejka shot McGlockton. And I wish he hadn’t. But I do think if he hadn’t been pushed, there would have been no shooting. Look at the video. Drejka is standing a bit away from the car, probably arguing, but he’s not in anybody’s personal space. He’s probably at least arm’s length away. McGlockton walks up and pushes him hard to the ground. Then straightens his pants and squares his shoulders. These are actions that say “I’m preparing for more”. I’m setting my clothing so I can move freely.

    I can see how Drejka thought he was about to undergo another attack. Once the gun is pulled out, and only at that point, McGlockton starts to turn away. But at that point, Drejka has already been pushed and stood over like there’s more coming. If the same thing happened to me, I’d be scared. Nevermind the color of his skin.
    He’s taller and younger than me by about 20 years. Plus, I’m on the ground where I’m vulnerable.

    The correct thing to do would be to let McGlockton walk away. It looked like he was preparing to do more, but now he’s backing away, so let him walk away. I’m not saying the shooting is justified, but after being assaulted, I don’t think you’re thinking right. Your adrenaline is up, your heart is racing. You’re in fight-or-flight mode. Once McGlockton backed down, he should have done the same. But he didn’t turn off fight-or-flight in time.

    I know it’s not nearly as bad as shooting. But, let’s say no guns were involved. Drejka was angry about parking. But, as George Carlin said about the 7 bad words, whatever Drejka was saying, it was “just words man”, just sounds. Again, let’s say there’s no gun. Is it OK for McGlockton to walk up and violently push somebody to the ground? Is that a good example to his kids? Somebody has a disagreement with you, even if it’s shouting, you go push them? Maybe he thought Drejka was a threat. And like Drejka, instead of assessing the situation and de-escalating the problem, he chose violence. Drejka started a verbal disagreement. Which both men thought the solution to was violence. Two sides of the same coin.

    I don’t think either man did the right thing. And this is part of the problem with guns. When there are these disagreements and somebody has a gun, a shooting is a lot more likely. Not that it’s right to fight either. But before everybody carried a gun, Drejka probably got his ass kicked and everybody went home.

  3. Nobody is making any comments about what Gen Kelly said to Omarosa: “some pretty integrity violations”.
    How come Omarosa didn’t jump and ask “what violations?”. Her demeanor tells me that she already what she has done in the past. Why isn’t anybody in the media asking her about this?

  4. Are we placing no blame on FOUR STAR GENERAL JOHN KELLY for not asking her to turn in all electronics or searched her before he talked to her in THE SITUATION ROOM?! Really?! I hate Omarosa too, but she’s basically an intern and Kelly is, again, a 4-star general – he knew better. But according to Kellyanne Conway everyone tapes each other that’s just how they all work. Great.

    As to the Florida shooting, the “victim” did physically assault the shooter by knocking him on the ground, so I say the shooter was justified. The “victim” shouldn’t have been engaging in the criminal activity if he wanted to stay safe. I don’t believe he should have been indicted and I hope the shooter is exonerated.

    1. Arguably, to comply with stand your ground, the deceased should have shot first to defend his family. I wonder what the sheriff would’ve done about that?

    2. “Engaging in criminal activity”? So by your logic someone deserves a death sentence for parking in a handicap space for a couple of minutes or for pushing someone to the ground? You don’t have a shred of decency. Perhaps the *shooter* shouldn’t have been picking fights with people. Just think for a moment what kind of precedent these stand your ground laws establish: Some moron like the shooter in this story can go pick a fight with say you, for instance, and shoot you dead the moment you attempt to defend yourself and legally claim self defense. That’s what these laws allow for. It’s madness and no sane society should have laws that allow for actions like that.

  5. The situation room named after that dude from jersey shore!! I lol’ed. They get no T-shirt!?!?!? Funniest tweet read in a good while

  6. What was the classification of the scif at the time of the recording? If the situation room was unclassified at the time of the recording the it is not a breech of security. My question, why is John Kelly using the situation room to process a HR functions? Do they not have offices?

  7. As the rot of corruption runs through the whole of the US government and country, creating the greatest inequality and poverty rate since the 1929 Great Depression, we are dealing with a very sick and war mongering nation, a military empire in steep decline and likely beyond repair.

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