TYT Hour 1 August 13, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson24 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. New details on Wilbur Ross financial dealings and ethics issues. DNC backtracks on fossil fuel donation ban. Teachers union urges pension divestment from private prisons. Trump signs defense authorization bill.


  1. Concerning military pay, you can’t talk about their 19K salary without counting the room and board and medical benefits. When I was an enlisted Air Force troop (married) I had a nice apartment, or housing allowance for off base, and after 3 yrs of service, I had a 3 bedroom home supplied to me for free. To talk about just their salary is deceptive.

    1. Sure, Steven. Tell that to the 60,000 homeless veterans in this country. So much for their free home. I just talked to a vet this week that says that he doesn’t even use the VA because he has Medicare. In a Medicare-for-all system, there would be no need for specialized veteran healthcare. I don’t consider that an actual benefit. It’s the absolute bare minimum for someone risking their life for this country. And room and board? Are you serious? Again, we’re talking about the absolute bare minimum here. Soldiers should be wealthier than our corrupt politicians when they return from a tour. If we had a social safety net we could reduce the size of our ridiculous military since people wouldn’t have to risk their lives for decent healthcare and housing. We could also reduce spending on weapons if we stop our illegal offensive wars, and with all those savings and fewer soldiers we could be paying soldiers at least $100k/yr like they should be getting. Honestly, should be more like $150-200k/yr for dangerous and grueling work they do.

  2. Guys Wilbur Ross is even worse than Cenk said! The article I read on Ross said that, according to friends, he’s so cheap when he goes out to eat (on our dime of course) that he steals all the sweetener packets off the tables (Equal, SweetNLow, Splenda, etc.). He’s got something like $2.9 billion and he steals ketchup packets. Seriously. And he’s an ACTUAL billionaire, not a fake one like President Trump (ICK/CHOKE!). Sorry, saying the words “President Trump” together always makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth – I’m ok now.

    And the military Cenk may only get $19K/year when they enlist and I wan’t them to make more, but you do seem to be forgetting that they get that pay on top of free room, board, clothing, and medical care – so it ends up being worth more than the $19k/year. That said I support their pay raises.

    Cenk, I’m sorry but you suck as a campaign manager (Allsion Harston, Brent Welder, Kaniela Ing). Here’s a clue Cenk, when the island residents must earn $120K+ to even barely live on the islands, then the voters on said islands, who all make over $120K a year aren’t going to want to pay off Kaniela’s student loan and pay for his free healthcare because THEY CAN’T AFFORD IT! The voters you were trying to reach can’t live on the islands and therefore you lost. Pretty easy to see that.

  3. David, thanks for donating to a show while trying to troll, kind of counterproductive if you ask me. Also, nothing is guaranteed, take your complaints elsewhere.

    1. Its commen known that trolls appear here. They want to try to degrade all others than FOX. But thx for the money u all have donating…TROLLS AND SWAMP.

  4. Cenk, that was a great call when you said KANIELA ING was going to win. Called for weeks and he didn’t move a single point. I took a beating on the phone about his corruption issues. Spare me with your genius projections.

    1. David, how about you get online in front of a crowd and you make predictions? No? Well then, shut up. Everyone is wrong sometimes, you probably more then others. So until you are willing to put yourself out there on the line and try to guess the future, shut the hell up. It’s easy to criticize when you are a faceless nobody sitting behind a computer typing your moronic thoughts. So how about you spare all of us your genius rantings. We get it.

    2. David.. U took a beating about his corruption??? By who.. Yr not important but a Troll and one of the Swamp. Nobody didnt expect that all progressive and justice democrats to win. But Cenk has been so correct in so many ways that u should actually see the show and not just become a member for being a troll. These elections is midterm and when it comes to the general elections dems are going crazy.. Dems are no better that GOP. They never fight back on anything. Finally we have democrats that dont take cooperate money and just from the people. This has nothing to do with either GOB or dems, its the money on both sides who controll the country, SO GET THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Since so many progressive/justice dems are winning now suddenly the dems in congress and senate are changing what they are for..

  5. Democrats fueling corruption: Nuclear power is what has hastened the melting of the arctic. Fukushima reactor three blew up. Radioactive core particles landed on the arctic ice and are melting through the ice. Hot air exchanges with cold. Hot radioactive air from the three meltdowns at Fukushima , Japan is moving into the arctic , forcing the jet stream north. The jet stream then plunges back south mid US. This has contributed to the drought in California starting in 2011 after the plant blew. Three of the cores have breached the containers and are leaking hot radioactivity into the ocean, heating the ocean water and mutating sea life. This hot water travels up through the Bering Strait into the arctic and is actively melting it . Watch time lapse melting of the arctic. 2012 is the worst, when the arctic melts the most. This is also the year Greenland almost melted. The New York Time’s Magazine published Loosing Earth Aug 1, 2018. It’s a must read but neglects to mention Chernobyl in 1986 or Fukushima in 2011, two earth killers. The article promotes James Hanson and concludes that we need nuclear power to solve global warming. In reality, nuclear power is the biggest heat engine on the planet. To cool the radioactive reactors, water is run through the plants and then dumped out twenty degrees F hotter. This goes on 24/7. Nuclear power has destroyed our planet. And now the nuclear space force/fence will destroy space, as well as control us.

    “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”…..Oppenheimer… And ignorant democrats and republicans

  6. I am a disabled vet, who is scraping by. I know that a 2.9 increase in active pay, doesnt mean shit. Are you kidding me? Most military are not there for pay, more would be nice yes. But we need to be taken care of after the fact, enlisted dont fight for money, college, freedom or whatever. we fight for the brother next to us. False patriotism infuriates me, ppl have no idea. We are nothing but numbers to the powerful.

  7. I will never understand how anybody in power could believe that something like privatizing the police or fire departments could ever be a good thing. I would point at anyone saying something along those lines and immediately call them out for being a corrupt, false, vomit inducing, two faced hell spawn. No honest person in power would ever even suggest this.

    1. Whether or not something would be a “good thing” is not a debate most people in power ever consider. The only question is, “will it be profitable for our donors?”

      Was it a “good thing” to invade Iraq? Of course not. Was it profitable to the donors? Of course yes.

      Very few honest people make it in our current corrupt system. Bernie is one of the rare exceptions. So of course the media take him very seriously. Not.

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