TYT Hour 1 August 2, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson44 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. GOP congressional candidate accused of liking Bigfoot erotica. Trump wants to negotiate with Mueller for testifying. TYT rally coverage. Ivanka Trump says media is not “the enemy of the people.”


  1. Cenk: Too bad your voters don’t know you the way I do, Trump.

    Trump: Yes, too bad. You could warn them… if only you spoke ‘Merican.

    Cenk, (and all the rest of you there at TYT,) you gotta understand you’re not just dealing with a knowledge barrier, or even a language barrier, as I was implying above with the Indiana Jones reference that hopefully you caught.

    It’s actually an experiential barrier. I wanted to mention this the other day but I did not. Remember how everyone gave Trump shit for claiming you needed ID to buy groceries, and the crowd applauded and cheered in agreement? Well, it happens to be true. He was RIGHT on that one; you DO need to show an ID card to buy groceries… if you’re paying with a CHECK.

    I’ve heard one or two people in media since the remark pick up on this, and turn right around and dismiss the idea, stating snidely, words to the general effect of “who the hell pays with a check anymore? C’mon…”

    But somehow no-one seems to have stopped to consider that MAYBE the comment landed and resonated with his audience there because a lot of them DO buy groceries with a check. Unlike so many “coastal elites,” and urbanites blessed with the ability to GET credit cards and who use them everywhere, or have smartphones with This Pay, That Pay, or the Other Pay, and are able to use THEM instead of checks to pay for things like groceries, some people in places where Trump’s support is stronger aren’t so lucky.

    What everyone seems to be missing is that maybe, just maybe, a lot of his base don’t HAVE a credit card, or maybe some of them USED TO have one or more, but they couldn’t pay and as a result the credit was terminated due to non-payment. Or maybe they DO have them, but they just don’t trust card readers, another thing I can sympathize with, and so don’t use them if they can pay some other way given all the data-breaches, and compromises of user data, skimmers and malware loaded into readers stealing millions of credit card numbers, and so on and so on, etc.

    So… what do THEY use to buy GROCERIES, huh? You think they’re wandering around with cash everywhere? Let’s say you’re shopping for groceries for even a modest-sized family. Do YOU whip out a fat stack of bills and start counting them off? Think THEY do that? OF COURSE NOT.

    No, they pay… with… a… CHECK! And for that, you generally DO in fact need to SHOW ID.

    This is just a perfect example of the disconnect. You guys then attack Trump, (of whom I am absolutely positively NOT a fan, just to be clear; didn’t like him when he was a reality-show-asshole, don’t like him now that he seems to be remotely operated by any and everyone who has any amount of leverage over him…) and in this case it’s unfair. This was NOT like Bush and the UPC-barcode scanner. This was Trump speaking directly to the experience of those among his base who know their realities, and he spoke truth on this one, rare occasion.

    Now to be honest, I have a sneaking suspicion that he only knows this because someone told him to say it, NOT because he’s been out grocery shopping in the last 50 years. But who knows? Maybe I’m wrong. You can easily imagine Trump himself not having a credit card, with all those bankruptcies though, right?

    When you live paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes have to resort to taking out payday loans, etc., or if you’re just suspicious of credit, or for whatever reason, I think a lot of his base simply doesn’t HAVE a credit card, quite possibly either don’t even have ATM cards or if they do they’re just ATM and not debit, or perhaps they don’t USE them as debit cards because when you swipe your CREDIT CARD, (as WE know,) and you don’t have enough of a limit left, your card is simply declined. When you swipe your debit card, and you don’t have enough money, maybe they honor it anyway, (or at least that’s how it used to be, it’s been a VERY long time since the last time I learned this particular lesson,) and then your account goes negative, and they hit you with a fee*. Then maybe they hit you with a fee every day (or every month, depends on the bank,) that you have a negative balance.

    Then that 25 dollars worth of groceries magically costs at least about 55, or 60… or maybe 90 or more, for no other reason than that you overdrafted by as little as one goddamned CENT. SO if that’s how you’re obliged to spend money, maybe you take your checkbook everywhere with you because THAT way you can consult it and know EXACTLY how much you have left to spend. While you have that thing out, maybe you just go ahead and write a check, since conveniently, you can even write that check for OVER the amount of the bill, and get cash BACK, and at least as long as you’re not bouncing the damned thing, that’s FREE, and you don’t either have to visit an ATM, or deal with the annoyance of trying to remember your PIN, looking over your shoulder, or having to touch the inexplicably always sticky, grimy, grubby, disgusting buttons, or pay their goddamned highway-robbery FEES. You know, where YOUR bank hits you with a fee after and on top of the fee the ATM-owner hits you with?

    Of course it’s not like that everywhere, but if you live in some dump in the middle of nowhere, maybe your bank fucks you like that because you don’t have much of a goddamned choice, not to put too fine a point on it.

    Anyway, Trump’s voters/supporters know this. All the people giving him shit about the remark, apparently do NOT.

    Consider yourselves informed. (And again, I am not a supporter, didn’t vote for that miserable phony, etc., BUT as a disabled veteran, and living as I do in Texas, I do know a LITTLE bit about what it’s like to live like that. I know what it’s like NOT to have a credit card, and I know what it’s like to pay for things with a check. And oh yeah, you generally DO have to show ID, thank you very much.

    Just saying.

  2. Why are the Young Turks pushing U.S. government propaganda now? Yeah, Homeland Security was sure all over Burnie Sanders being destroyed in the DNC primaries due to rigging the election! It’s not like all that information was handed over to them on a silver platter. Yet, hey the warhawks are saying Russia tried to “interfere”, the same ones who said Iraq had WMDs! MUST BE TRUE!

  3. Trump should be charged with criminal incitement of a violent felony. He encouraged the crowd to physically assault journalists and offered to pay their legal Bill’s. It doesn’t get any more clear cut than that!

  4. On the violence story,
    I know TYT condemns violence no matter where it comes from and that’s a principal I can get behind, and I agree that’s the line and conservatives try to push it closer to Trump which is unacceptable.
    Imagine my shock yesterday when I saw Hasan on instagram saying that a video where a BLM supporter punched a white woman was “the funniest thing on the internet right now” and happily laughed at the scene as he played it for his audience. That gives the right wing ammunition to call liberals and BLM violent “thugs”! We are suppose to be better than that and have a principal stance against violence.
    I really hope TYT releases a video condemning that BLM supporter’s violence & Hasan’s post, I don’t think it was self defense but if it was that’s obviously different.

    1. The ‘white’ lady wasn’t peacefully protesting against BLM. She actually tried to violently grab the sign out of the BLM Protester’s hand and was met with resistance. And then she walked off crying “I didn’t do anything”, playing the victim. Peaceful Protest means ‘Hands Off’. The ‘white lady’ didn’t get the memo. She acted like the bully on the playground … no apologies necessary. That being said, I wouldn’t want my Greek mother getting punched in the face … but then again … she’s smart enough not to go placing her hand on the proverbial hot stove.

  5. Re:Trump voters – its complicated

    Much fault goes to the Democratic Party for deciding 30 years ago to reject working class voters (read LISTEN, LIBERAL for that complete history). The party swung toward Rich People and never looked back. They assured each other that the blue base would never cease voting for Dems no matter how much contempt the Dem Leadership had for the blue base, because (in the immortal words of James Carville) “They have no where else to go.” Well, it turns out… they did have somewhere else to go, and many of them went there. In every state that Trump won, he won it with a certain percentage of votes from people who had previously voted for Obama. That was the turning point that COULD have, SHOULD have happened. Instead of using the opportunity of a lifetime handed to him on a silver platter — economy in turmoil and a Supermajority in both houses — Obama leaned right into Wall Street. Which makes sense, since Wall Street owned him.

    In tandem with the Dem Party rejecting working class people goes losing of the Message War. The GOP was all about telling working class people sweet nothings, while the Dem Party just ignored them.

    I’m living out of my pickup truck right now, a refugee from the Northern California fires. For the past week, my truck has been parked at the home of some very nice people who have allowed many of us to bring our horses, dogs and cats to their property and camp out. I have had many long conversations with our hostess. I cannot emphasize enough what a sweet, wonderful, generous soul she is. And, she voted for Trump. Furthermore, she thinks he’s doing a great job.

    To summarize Trump voters like her in two words: Aggressively Misinformed.

    Her world-view is bizarre because all her news sources tell her the same false narrative. This is where the GOP has won the message war.

    If I had six more months to debate (in friendly manner) the issues of the day, I think I could bring this woman around. But it would not be easy. It would require up-ending her whole reality, everything she thinks she knows about how the world is.

    Again, I blame the Democrats, for deciding 30 years ago that people like this woman were not worth reaching. For allowing the GOP unchallenged access to the hearts and minds of such a large chunk of our population.

    1. I agree “Listen Liberal” by Thomas Frank is a book well worth reading–especially by the “centerist” Democrats who don’t seem to get it.

    2. Hear, hear! Listen Liberal is a great read and explains everything. But it all begs the questions: When will people like that come to the realization that Trump and the Republicans are selling them a bill of goods, while destroying workers’ rights and the environment all along the way? And more importantly, when that does happen, will the Dems only learn to take a page from the GOP book and win the “message war” and talk the talk without actually delivering anything to the working people? And around and around it will go until real progressives break through.

    3. I’m sure they can be nice to you if you’re not from one of the groups Trump demonizes. That’s the problem with conditional ‘kindness.’

      You may blame Democrats, but you also sound more sympathetic to the perspectives of Trump supporters than of other people who may understandably blame Republicans for the suffering forced upon them directly attributable to GOP laws/policies openly supported by the voter base.

      1. you assume what you do not know, coming from a place of assuming moral superiority.

        Liberal’s belief that they are morally superior played a HUGE role in making Trump president today.

        1. interesting that your only response to my asking you to consider the perspectives of others causes you to accuse me of ignorance and “moral superiority.” Then you go on to blame ‘liberals’ for Trump in far more aggressive fashion than you do actual Trump voters, whom you fawn over in glowing terms.

          You seem to offer an amazingly wide berth to Trump supporters given the truly grotesque policies many of them applaud, and defend them quite readily – why then is it so difficult for you to do the same for the victims of his (and his supporters’) dehumanizing social/political targeting?

          1. “why then is it so difficult for you to do the same for the victims of his (and his supporters’) dehumanizing social/political targeting?”

            You are full of assumptions. But mostly, you are just looking to pick a fight.

            Not interested.

            1. I think it’s pretty obvious by now you’re not interested in answering what should be an easy and straightforward question. It’s sad that you give Trump supporters levels of empathy and respect you are unwilling to provide to those suffering under Trump’s policies (and didn’t ask for it) while also blaming the victims for the awful consequences of those same Trump voters’ horrible decisions.

              It is a proven fact most Trump supporters were not working class. Studies have also shown the predictive value of support for authoritarianism, racism and sexism translating into votes for him: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/polq.12737.

              But keep claiming these facts are simply a result of false moralistic hand-wringing. It’s not like real people are hurting from this – not ones you seem to care about, anyway. You’re more interested in trying to get people to praise and cater to the prejudicial inclinations of the voters who chose to take away others’ healthcare and break up their families. No thanks.

              Bernie Sanders was able to sell a fair economic plan without sacrificing decency, principles, and respect for the most vulnerable in society or having to appeal to/legitimise ugly nativist sentiments for votes. He focused on the working class in its entirety, not just the white working class, and thus was able to incorporate respect and care for human rights /socio-political issues that disproportionately affect minority groups into that same pitch without sacrificing one for the other. You’d do well to learn the value of the same.

              1. Again with the assumptions! You crack me up.

                But I’m glad to see someone else giving props to Bernie. I’ve made at least 1000 comments here tooting his horn over the past three years. Welcome to the club, oh Grandiose Conscience of the Galaxy.

                1. Pretty sad you view a call for basic decency as God-level preaching – your contempt for an inclusive vision of progress is obvious. Thankfully Bernie doesn’t have your mindset.

                  I know it’s probably hard for you to imagine, but some folks actually care about the victims of horrifying policies preferred by Trump voters – you obviously don’t a give damn about them, which is why you’re falling back on ‘virtue signalling’ accusations much in the same way conservatives do when faced with similar criticism. Small wonder you have such an affinity for Trump supporters.

                  1. I understand how frustrating it is for someone like you when people refuse to be baited by your clumsy accusations.

                    Bernie understands Trump voters far better than you do. He recognizes the system that has artificially pitted us against each other — identity politics played by the ruling establishment in both parties, for the purpose of keeping the working classes divided. Many who voted for Trump in Nov 2016 would have voted for Bernie, if given that choice.

                    Bernie never speaks ill of Trump voters. He’s much smarter than the Dems who do.

  6. OMG…Soundboard…YES! MORE!

    The “He had beautiful hair…rough talked him and runned him off…”
    One of the BEST TYT segments… E V E R.

  7. Ok if Cenk goes on one more of his apology tour rants about how good 80% of Trump voters are I will go the f*** off!! I’m sick of it Cenk! Even if they don’t know, ignorance of the law is no defense in court and it shouldn’t be a defense in voting. I’m With Her (Ana, I mean). STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR THE DEPLORABLE PEOPLE!!! The truth doesn’t matter to these people! Even if you tell them the truth they won’t hear it. But I don’t want to pay money to hear lies out of the mouth of the head of TYT. PLEASE, stop! People who watch Fox News and don’t want to hear the whole story CHOSE their news station! That’s a CHOICE! They don’t want to know or they don’t care but either way I’m f’ing done with them! They are FILTH, period!

  8. No one ever seems to discuss or wonder: why in the hell did Trump appoint Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State? Why would you toss a CEO of an oil company into that position? I believe it was to make sure future deals between Russia and Exxon Mobile went smoothly. Things didn’t go according to plan and, low and behold, Rex Tillerson just had to go. He had better things to do. Trump supporters never even noticed. Too distracted by Trumps squeaky toy. This was incredibly corrupt and oozing with swamp muck.

  9. Israel lobbies the hell out of our government and influences our elections but, for some reason, the mainstream press is totally fine with that. In fairness, they are an ally, but are they honest actors?

  10. I have really enjoyed watching TYT over the last year greatly and I gotta say I am SUPER EXCITED about Fridays PPPppOWEER PANEL & Mondays Super show!! :) :) :)

  11. Regarding Hannity, you can’t come one day out of nowhere and say: “the press is the enemy of the people”. People will go: “Wow” and think you are a lunatic. You need to lead up to that slowly and built up the rhetoric. Hannity does the ground laying work. When he then turns around when the goal to demonize the press has almost been accomplished, it is totally disingenuous!

  12. What I love about TYT is that Cenk and Ana can openly express these honest disagreements about whether Trump supporters can be reached. Both views are plausible–I still don’t know yet which is more accurate.

    But, Ana, at least you should ASSUME that Cenk is right–if anyone could have a chance of convincing Trump supporters that they could be wrong, it’s you. Your honesty and presence has the best chance of penetrating their obviously thick skulls. ASSUME that you can. DON’T GIVE UP! Even moving the viewpoint slightly on 10% of Trump supporters would be significant. And perhaps a few of their skulls may not be quite so thick as you think.

  13. With the greatest respect and love of all the great work that TYT personnel does, I humbly suggest the following phrases are used less often on the main show:

    1. “With that said,…”

    2. “To be fair…”

    3. “I’ll talk about that in a minute…”

    Thank you all for what you do and this subscriber is very glad you are there speaking truth to power.

    1. Have to disagree with this. We don’t hear this kind of talk enough from journalists. Too many don’t seem to want to bother to give another point of view an honest consideration–even when it REALLY COULD BE deserved.

      But I do agree that this should not be obligatory after every statement of a point of view. But when the other side really has a possible legitimate view then it should be given honest consideration–and what I appreciate about most of TYT. (I wish Jimmy Dore would do this..occasionally….!) You don’t ALWAYS have “to be fair.” Don’t always have to give two sides when the opposite point of view is absurd. I know, these always require judgements.

      It makes the strong opinions expressed by your commentators more credible when you can cite the best argument against it.

      1. You precisely hit on the issue I have with Jimmy. I love hearing his rants, and he brings a lot of truth. But he is not intellectually honest because he will never consider any argument or evidence that runs counter to his narrative. At least Cenk is aware of these things and will make every effort to bring nuance to his presentation.

        1. Absolutely. When Jimmy went off on one of his rants about Trump/Russia, it just felt odd. So after checking I find out he presented on Russia Today (RT). OF COURSE!

          Hey, if I was being paid by the Russian equivalent of Fox News, what would I say?

    2. Haha! “I’ll tell you why I disagree in a minute…”

      He only says that so you’ll watch the entire clip! Very savvy.

  14. I wish the news would take 1 of his issues at a time and break them down in detail, every little blunder after the next. each little thing he did to fuck up America worse and worse. How his first two executive orders screwed Americans and there healthcare prices.

  15. Can you please provide the intelligence that Russia meddled in our election and is continuing to do so and report on this? I just watched Aggressive Progressive that made the point for an hour this week that there is no evidence and probably will never be that Russia hacked or meddled in our elections.

  16. I’d wager the Russian oligarchs only flip one tenth as many votes as the libertarian Republican oligarchs who are in the top 0.1% of earners and also manufacture the voting systems. After all, it was Trump, a Republican, who openly solicited help for his campaign from Putin.

    The suppression of Sanders voters in the 2016 presidential primary is probably the most egregious voting scandal in my lifetime. I’d prefer more focus on systemic remedies for that sort of meddling since it pre-emptively subverted the democratic process on the populist left where there is the most potential for remedying our fascist ailments and just about all factions worked in opposition including the Democratic Party establishment while the media not just ignored it but also smeared Sanders.

    I can understand that fascination with Trump’s imminent downfall though. Everyone loves a cliffhanger.

    1. There are hundreds of thousands of black people who were purged from the voter rolls by Republicans, and corporate media only wants to talk about Russia and white progressives want to talk about Bernie in a primary. Fucking ridiculous.

  17. I sense the faint smell of a rat. I predict Trump will make all sorts of Bush-like terror alerts before 2020 election rolls around. Remember the BS orange and red terror alerts in 2004? In that vein, imagine a scenario after the election when Trump declares that the results were faulty and he will try to remain in office. Perhaps his coming around to admitting there was meddling is a precursor for that. Think that’s far-fetched? What did you think was far-fetched in October 2016? How many times has Trump successfully “crossed the line” of believability since then?

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