TYT Hour 1 August 1, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson32 Comments

Trump tweets that Sessions should end probe. Trump lambasts FBI for not warning him about Manafort investigation. Exclusive TYT coverage of Trump rally in Tampa, Florida.


  1. Everytime I pause the videos you guys post and try to play them the video skips and replays small sections over and over again. Like I heard Chenk say 2 words 5 times in a row before the video kept playing. This happens in all videos only after I pause it and replay and the image of the video skips around too. It isn’t fixed unless I reload the page and restart the video. I thought you guys should know so it can get fixed.Maybe it’s a problem with the platform you’re using to post the videos on your webpage (like the code that’s holding the video where it is). It’s been happening for weeks. Thank yall.

  2. Disclaimer: An NYT subscriber and lover.

    NYT has always had an excellent investigative reporting team before Trump let alone after him and has ran some excellent pieces including many stories quoted here by TYT like Cheney massaging the Iraq intelligence reports to fit the Bush Admin narrative which won Pulitzer prizes. It also had some really bad journalists like Judith Miller who made the case for the Iraq war.

    The NYT reporting during the Iraq war and the economic crisis was also excellent and highly critical of the administration at the time.

    The dip in quality was during Obama who was a darling to everyone but then again NYT was not tough on either Clinton.

  3. Member for over a year, love the Network and the shows especially the Post Game banter. I was excited about the launch of the audio network,, for access to the shows on You Tube TV . Since i can’t afford a subscription How about making the audio available for more than Itunes.? Everyone is not into Apple i’m sure there would be more downloads if there was more choice.


    TYT Proud.

    1. The audio podcasts are available on all podcast formats. And the TYT app is now available on Android, so you can listen from the app.

  4. Your new aps sound wonderful but what does one do if they can’t afford those fancy phones. I live on SS and am a member of TYT but $900 phones aren’t within my reach. I have a phone that makes phone calls, no texting, no aps. I would love to be able to get more TYT as I don’t get much from other news sources and I enjoy many of the hosts and would love to get their shows. I feel shut out.

    1. There are some really affordable tablets (under $100, some even under $50) that run an Android OS with access to the Google Play store. These are not phones and are not able to get cellular internet, but they still connect via WiFi, not as mobile but you could still run the TYT app on them anywhere that has Wifi.

  5. Not that I’m with the Trump supporters, but there has been a lot of talk in the past couple years that illegal sex trafficking is going on at the border (with Mexico), so maybe that’s what the old lady thought. Also, you folks must really hate Emma to send her into a Trump rally, I mean look what his followers are doing to people like Jim Acosta! She doesn’t get paid enough to talk to those “people”. And LOL @ the short Hispanic guy talking to Emma with the white guys behind him watching every single word because they’re waiting until he gets ONE WORD wrong so they can “beat his Mexican ass” – SAD!

    Also, a question: Can Jimmy Dore tell which of the two choices (Hillary or Trump) is less evil yet? Does he need more evidence?!

    1. Dratheart~ Yes, it was Jimmy & Susan Sarandon who caused Hillary to lose. It’s our fault. This was our secret plan all along. Oh wait, it was HILLARY & MSM who stole the primaries from Bernie! They thought Trump the Carnival Barker would be easy to beat!
      And if you donated to HRC, she wasted $700+ million, twice as much as Trump, and she STILL LOST.

      Do you think that this is NEW behavior among Republicans?
      We you in a coma during the Obama years?
      There is a section of R-voters that have always been racists and vicious.

      There’s also a section of Hillbots who may think the same way.
      They are just quiet & more polite about their racism.

  6. Finally got the android app on google play. Fantastic. Wish it worked on my fire tv, but that’s alright for now.

  7. You mentioned that you knew many American Jews who are progressive. I’m one of them actually, :) and I wanted you check out this organization called the RAC. http://www.rac.org
    It is a Reform Jewish movement across the nation for a call for justice, uniting hundreds of congregations. It is bipartisan but the actual issues it focuses on are all progressive. Just an FYI :)

  8. I’m so happy we have the android app finally, I love to watch the news while I do my cardio at the gym and this makes it so much easier!

  9. petition to ban Cenk from using the phrase “coo coo for cocoa puffs”, especially when making a serious point

  10. Gullible die-hard Trump voters are deserving of our compassion.

    They are obviously suffering, or they wouldn’t be falling for the con.

    We should be embracing their suffering as our own cause, and remedy it, by giving them all universal health care, a decent living wage, a clean environment and a sustainable economy – even if they scorn and condemn us.

    It’s on every one of us to set an example for others. We need to heal our society.

    1. You honestly think only trump supporters are suffering? People are suffering all over and they don’t “fall for the con”… C’mon! It’s WAY more than that. Old White men saw the future and their numbers are dwindling. This is a last ditch effort by Trump and his minions to turn the clock back to the 1950’s; Where people of color knew their place and women knew their role.

    2. I’m going to save my concern for the actual victims of the sickening, hateful policies Trump supporters forced onto people who didn’t ask for it.

    3. This is bullshit. The median income of Trump voters is $70K a year. They are not suffering they are just racist.

      Save your compassion for the 5,000 dead Puerto Ricans.

  11. You guys are being way too charitable about these Trump supporters. There’s level of malice and willful ignorance required to be drawn to the types of propaganda they’re supposedly ‘brainwashed’ by. It isn’t about “economic policy,” never was. Trump gets them on board with his culture war shit and they lap it up. Why do you think working class people of color weren’t ‘conned’ in the same way?

    Children are being abused and forcefully medicated in holding camps – that ‘nice woman’ who makes excuses for human rights abuses is monstrous in her own way. “Not a bad person,” lol.

    1. Right On!

      I’m sick of this media trope about “economic anxiety” motivating Trump voters. Their median income is 70k a year. That maniac screaming about muslims and the wall probably drove home in a $50,000 truck. He didn’t say anything about jobs, wages, affordable healthcare, or affordable housing, because he’s got all of those things. He screamed about brown people because he hates brown people.

      This isn’t complicated and it’s frustrating to hear Ana fall for this garbage.

      1. Pretty much- it’s genuinely disturbing to see how standards for basic decency have been utterly destroyed. I was shocked to hear the excuses being made for that disgusting woman trying to justify child concentration camps. Do Trump supporters need to be seen crushing those children with their bare hands before people start providing the slightest deserving condemnations of their characters? Christ.

        I’m sick of seeing this level of deliberate malice being attributed primarily to well-intentioned ignorance born out of lack of access. I know folks who can’t even have their families come into the US anymore for weddings or funerals, and that’s solely because of spiteful executive orders implemented by Trump and enthusiastically applauded by his stomach-churning supporters. The only thing worse than a vile operator like Trump are the people who actively lift up his kind into power.

        If you offer them liberal economic policies that help them, many will still be drawn to the types of horrific social policies & overtly authoritarian laws that swayed them to Trump to begin with. The problem of that fundamental value divide is not being sufficiently addressed in these discussions – I’m wondering if TYT would feel comfortable sending one of their reporters from a minority ethnic group to one of these rallies, and if they’d be treated by the crowd like emma was in terms of being safe in those surroundings.

        I’m also not enthused by their supposed potential openness to economically liberal positions if they only want it to benefit their limited “in-groups” and leave “others” out in the cold (or in camps).

  12. I just joined!! NYC!! I love you all. I wanted to do this for months, and, finally, now I’ve done this!!))) So happy!

  13. Can someone explain to me that the Republican’s response to Russian meddling in the election is to thwart American voting.

    1. Well i believe that a repudiation of the influence would embarrass the president and force the party to adopt token defences against outside influence, while the GOP want the benefits of said influence; propaganda, perhaps some purging you know the usual american exports, another thing you guys are losing to foreign manufactures.

      1. “You guys”

        A foreign listener! (I mean, you wouldn’t be the first but it’s still unusual.)

        Where are you coming from?

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