TYT Hour 1 July 31, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson31 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Woman dies after ambulance says she can’t afford medical care. Trump attacks the Koch brothers. U.S. identifies activity at North Korean missile factory. Fox News’ hypocritical response to Trump and Iran.

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  1. mortality rate at child birth…you guys are not concerned about that? did any of you knew these numbers??

  2. WOW..so much to comment on and every 2nd comment is about transient not being social term?

    1. host noted it
    2. viewers noted it

    Who is America..

  3. N.B. The term “transient” in referencing a “T.I.A. ” or “mini-stroke” MEANS Transient Ischemic Attack.
    A medical term, not a reference to someone’s social status.

  4. To the person who said they’re yappy to be Canadian they should get their facts straight because you have to pay for an ambulance ride here too. In some provinces it costs around $300

  5. EMS services across the world are the responsibility of local governments not HC providers and suppliers and the same thing applies to the US.

    Blame what happened to the poor woman on the county government which manages the EMS system not private insurance or the hospital.

  6. Three points on the healthcare debate and the Koch study:

    1. No European country except the UK and Sweden has a universal HC system. All have a mixed public private system just like the US. The difference is in the level of subsidies and plan price controls.

    2. And this is the most critical, European hospitals are not for profit hospitals, most of them are government owned, private charity or highly controlled private hospitals and virtually all are subsidized by the government. The best paid doctors are the British NHS doctors and the maximum salary they get is 200k pounds.

    Hospitals in the US are the No. 1 cause of high HC cost, they are private, they have virtual monopolies in most of the US counties. They can charge whatever they want on medical costs and unlike drug companies you can’t negotiate with a monopoly especially if it is the only game in town.

    3. The study does have some merits and raises questions that need to be answered. Chief among them is where the $3.2 trillion/year in spending will come from knowing full well the US currently has a $1 trillion deficit and spends $4.2 trillion. That is $7.4 trillion of an $16 trillion economy and we have not even accounted for state spending which is about $1 trillion. In other words the US will have an effective tax/GDP ratio of more than 50%. Not even European countries have that much level of spending.

    Even restoring Reagan era tax levels (50% marginal tax) and closing all loopholes and reducing military spending to 2% of GDP won’t pay for all of it.

    I checked Brian Riedl’s numbers myself and that is not an easy pill to swallow:

  7. You’re actually wrong on North Korea. It was right to meet them even if the success is largely or only symbolic, but I wouldn’t trust the framing of Washington post on topics concerning the military industrial complex. At least you need to verify even if you trus. How? Look to the center left government of South Korea is doing and how they are reacting to the actions of their scary neighbor post Singapore and are they more or less positive. And the answer is that they are going forward with the peace process. It’s going slow, but is progressing. Meetings between top generals where a draw down of border troops close to the DMZ is likely.

    If Trump forgets about Korea for a while is more than likely the best possible state of affairs, because then the highly motivated and competent government of South Korea will have the leading role in the negotiations. But to just state the alleged violations without mentioning the slow, but steady progression between the North and the South is misleading and could be used as basis for war propaganda. If the sources are unnamed and the piece is written by a Washington based reporter, as opposed to a reporter based in (South)Korea you should be even more sceptical regarding the piece’s ability to convey the proper context on the ground where the actual negotiations are taking place.

    The meeting was the right thing to do, it nudged the process forward, but that in no way reflects on Trump it’s all due to the South Korean peace movement and their success with making this the most important subject in the country’s most recent elections. The side for peace, in favor of engagement, negotiations and deescalating the conflict won, handily, and have a clear mandate to pursue this agenda. But don’t give any credit to Trump or his administration’s gang of grifting buffoons, it all belongs to the South Korean left, their peace-movement and their center left government and of course the people of South Korea for giving them their mandate.

    1. Let us also not forget the crimes of U.S government, destroying every city and village, killing twenty percent of korean people in the north. inducing a mass famine through sanctions and isolation. The americans going home with little or nothing is the least they can do. and the “rebel headquarters” should not debase itself by being a puppet for the imperialist doctrine on communist korea.

  8. As a former emt I feel a few things need to be cleared up. First off I am not apologizing for this crew, it does sound like their actions could be medical negligence. That being said nobody called anybody a transient, a TSA is a type of stroke, the stroke is transient not the person having the stroke. Also to move a patient to get vitals is fine as long as you get the vitals, often it’s best just to get the person in the ambulance so you can be in a controlled environment.
    With all that said I think this might fall into the area of medical negligence for a couple reasons, first vitals should have been taken, if for some reason the house was not a good place to do your job that’s what you have your ambulance for. Second if I have a patient with a compromised airway(swollen lips) and compromised mental function you don’t get to decide if you go to the hospital by ambulance, you are going end of story. I worked for ems in California, I can say for the people I worked with and the company I worked for this would not happen. A patient’s ability to pay was none of my concern, there’s billing departments for that baby, my concern was with the well being of the patient.
    Also if this patient was well and aware enough to legally decline service\treatment an AMA(against medical advice) should have been signed.
    And remember a TSA is a medical emergency not an insult.

  9. Wow. EMS said it was too dark and the home was too small to take vitals?

    Pulse – FEEL the pulse at wrist, throat, etc. and count for minute. If your EMS, you would know how faint, rapid, slow, etc her pulse was by FEEL, w/o having to see a clock time it.

    Heart – HEAR the heartbeat w/stethoscope.

    Temperature – The use electronic thermometers, that are lighted, etc.

    There is sooo much bullshit coming out of the EMS people’s mouths, I’m amazed that THEY can breathe! Someone quick! Run them to a large lighted area and check their vitals!

  10. Does anyone know what will happen to the newborn baby from the first story? Who will raise the child? I trained as EMT back in the day (’98 I think it was) here in Texas and I’m shocked and horrified by the conduct alleged to the EMS people in that story. You NEVER tell a patient to not come with you because of price, and if someone doesn’t want you to transport them then you need a Refusal To Transport form. Luckily, if any of it is lucky in this case, is without that form the EMS system is essentially automatically at fault and that should help the mother get money damages. Money can never bring back a loved one, but hopefully it will help pay for the final expenses and to get the child off to a good start financially.

    On the GOP “civil war”: I am very suspicious of this. Even Trump isn’t dumb enough to oppose the Koch bros. from the right, and Steve Bannon CERTAINLY isn’t stupid enough to join them. I think both sides PLANNED this as a distraction to take our attention away from things like North Korea AND the 2nd round of tax cuts for the wealthy.

    North Korea: If Trump goes over to Iran to meet, can we use the “Travel Ban” to keep him from ever coming back to The United States? Please? Remember it’s not a Muslim Ban, it’s a travel ban, and Trump would be traveling, so… Can I whisper of a dream? Where we leave Trump in that hell-hole forever? ;-)

  11. My brother just died before his 40th birthday because he couldn’t pay to see a doctor and he was afraid a doctor’s bill would damage his credit.

  12. WHOOOOAAAA !!!!!! Can’t wait for Friday’s Power Panel representing NY !! Gotta spread the word to get Brett that win!

  13. Anna, thinking about it from the perspective of “rich people being taxed more, waah poor widdle rich people” isn’t correct as it’s not how taxes work because there are tax brackets. Trevor Noah should be paying 100% taxes along with everyone else. That’s 100% taxes on the top bracket, which I believe is everything above four million dollars? Yeah, if you make over four million dollars per year, capitalism is broken for you and you should give back all that extra money to the tax payers whom you ripped off in the first place by making an obscene amount of money which means you did it unfairly.

  14. Omg please get this straight. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) means a stroke. It’s a medical term…..I love you guys but damn

  15. When I was a student living in San Francisco, I was in a major car accident and the ambulance came to take me to the hospital. Although I was not severely injured (which I didn’t know at time), I refused to take the ambulance because they told me that they would charge me if I used their services.

    I was still very disorientated and feeling nauseous from the accident, but since I was still a student and only working part time at barely above minimum wage, I could not afford whatever bill that they were planning to send me.

    Instead of ditching me in the middle of the freeway (which the ambulance was about to do) he tow truck driver, who towed my wrecked car, offered to drop me off at the hospital instead. If it weren’t for him, I would have had to walk to the nearest freeway exit, in the middle of rush hour traffic, and try to seek help.

    Despite all of this, the ambulance company sent me a bill for $450 anyway, although they did nothing. America is fucked up and has always been fucked up. I live in Japan now, where health care is PAID FOR. Ambulances charging injured or dying people for a ride to the hospital is UNTHINKABLE here. God Bless you America, but you need to fix yo face!

  16. No, guys, I have to point this out: they did not call the lady “a transient”. They labelled the medical incident as a transient ischemic attack, which is the medical term for a short (ish) term mini stroke.

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