Post Game July 26, 2018

In Post Game - On Demand by Waldo Peterson47 Comments

Cenk and Ana host Thursday’s Post Game Show!


  1. I can understand the frustration, but you need to look at this in a different light. If you got into the White House under Trump or Obama, we’d all know that you are not doing your job right. There are only two ways TYT is ever going to get into the White House. Either you need to give up and surrender to the donors or we need to get money out of politics and put a president in the White House who works for the people.

    Unlike you, the ultra right wing propaganda machine fulfills a very useful role for the donors. People who are scared are easy to rule. They don’t rebel but rally behind their leader. Folks who follow Breitbart, Alex Jones, etc, are very scared people. They are scared of Muslims, Immigrants, Lizard People, and so on, and so on. There is only one thing that will scare people even more, and that’s going to war. That’s why Trump is keen on bombing Iran.

    It’s all connected – kinda like in a conspiracy theory! :-)

  2. Love this postgame. We started on a low note, laughed, got angry, discouraged, and then Cenk brought it back around. Also, Ana, thanks for sharing your frustrations with us.

  3. yeahhhyyy the app ^—-^ but i was tooo slow and didnt heard what Cenk said T_T maybe i need to deinstall and reinstall it XD

  4. weird … you spend almost the whole Post Game ranting about media and you STILL haven’t said shit about Julian Assange losing his asylum status with Ecuador and the likelihood that he will be extradited to the United States on what? what about press sticking together? or are you too afraid of those you are crying about in this – still afraid they might say bad things about you if you stand up for him?

    talking out of both sides of your mouth – you don’t even fucking bring it up in the MEMBERS ONLY Post Game … why is that?

    1. Sweet christ you almost have a point but it’s so bogged down in your bullshit that it’s lost. Also Cenk has multiple times RECENTLY defended wikileaks so I would suggest using your membership to actually watch the show rather than just troll

  5. If you guys actually come up with a T-Shirt that says, “Show me the CAUCUS”, I pledge to order one!

    Brilliant Post Game, makes me really glad I decided to become a member!

  6. Um…Captain Arran Morran (?) said “show me the bottle,” “show me the bateau, or show me the bathroom?”

    1. Lauriel75: He said: “Show me the buttock”, which Jason Spencer immediately proceeded to do.


    I think Ana’s reactions to many thing during the show are priceless.

  8. I’m only one person but I love TYT News, Cenk stay strong never lose sight of why you started The TYT News. And note to Ana; Anyone who doesn’t want to hire you because you won’t bend the truth to please others or make more $ or be popular in certain circles, is not good enough for you.

    1. I’ll second everything Katy said.

      The news about Iran, though… that was really depressing. If anyone had told me a couple of years ago that Americans were going to elect (or did they?) a president who would turn out to be even worse than George W. Bush, I would have told you that you were on crack. Oh, how wrong I would have been…

  9. Wuuuhhhhhh!!! Android app! O mmmggg so happy I watched post game today!! I’ll check it everyday during next week’s watchings then rate it of course thanks!!

  10. I love these updates on Sacha’s new show. It’s always fun and a nice break from the news of the day (which as of late is generally pretty disappointing). When the clip ended and I saw Anna’s face I laughed out loud so hard I startled my cat!

  11. Ana don’t be depressed or down on yourself! YOU are the reason I became a member at TYT and your content is my favorite and is what most keeps me here. You are YOUNG, just sit back and enjoy the ride! Everything happens for a reason and that means there is a reason for this, too! You are doing EVERYTHING you can to make all of our lives better and that will get noticed sooner or later! We’ll all get through these dark times together as long as we don’t give up. You have time, you’re gaining experience and a portfolio every single day. Take comfort in your many blessings like your friends and Christian and cherish them. I’ll always be on your side and I know most people here will as well. =)

    1. Hahaha! “shock horror disgust and wtf” is a spot-on description of Ana’s expression after that mind-blowing display of stupidity on Jason “Buttocks” Spencer’s part.

      Cenk did a great job at lightening the mood after that profoundly depressing announcement about Iran.

  12. Magic exists and we just witnessed it.
    Getting a grown-ass man to bare his ass and run around ass first shouting “America!” with his pants at his ankles. Ass-stounding! Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen. Sacha Baron Cohen has a gift, an extraordinary individual.

  13. Maybe too late to comment on, but Ana, your heart for the empowerment of people with education and your fire in general is inspiring. I like what Cenk quoted from Ghandi. What you’re doing is working; what you’re all doing is generating that blue tsunami.

    It is aggravating to try and reach the willfully ignorant. Don’t wear yourself out on those fools. It is too bad that they somehow get into positions of influence.

    Then there are those that only see the image. it goes hand in hand with the willfully ignorant. And those people will hate you because you have gained quite an image.

    Your resolve will be tried. Vent to those you trust, then regroup.

    I do have some advice that seems negative, and that is to not underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers, but you got people that have got your back.

  14. The path of the paladin is difficult to walk. Don’t give up. Honorable people have never been more important. Without the actions of a brave few we are surely lost and humanity will fail. Through the fire and the flames we carry on, there will be peace when we are done.

  15. Whenever you are down, think of Chomsky!
    He fought them every second, every minute, every hour of his adult life for over 5 decades. Truth be told, most of it single-handedly, all by himself.

  16. If Trump attacked Iran it would backfire on him. It would be such a transparent distraction. I doubt it would happen before the midterms. Also Vlad won’t let him do it.

  17. It would be nice if I could post comments while watching the video without the page reloading. Use Ajax or something similar. :)

  18. Can’t believe Cenk was caught off gaurd by the Iran story. Aramco has stopped shipping oil through Bab Al-Mendab because 2 of its tankers came under attack from Houthi’s (if you don’t know what any of that means you shouldn’t be getting your international news from TYT). For now, oil shipments from the Persian Gulf to Europe will have to go round the Cape of Good Hope.

    After the Iranian president made a pretty standard speech about the US and traffic through the Hormuz strait, Trump went into full on crazy full caps mode, and then coincidentally (or not) an Iranian proxy attacked Oil shipping in Bab Al-Mendab. White House warhawks are almost certainly going to present this to Trump as a direct challenge to his full caps tweet – and hence when you hear that there will be an attack within a month it comes as no surprise.

    If things continue to escalate the price of gas will almost definitely sky-rocket, at which point we can expect Trump tweets bitching about how OPEC is turning off the taps when its all his fault.

  19. Show me the Caucus! yea baby!. Don’t worry TYT not given you press passes only hurts Trump Admin, for us 4 million followers are true warriors and if they discriminate against you they discriminate against us and 4 mil tell ten each how bad Trump is you now have an army of 40 mil and the end becomes clear! This is why idiots like the Traitor Trump Admin do not get. Boy they will get it after November. Show them the Caucus!

    1. I must REALLY be OUT OF IT! I have NO idea what that was all about…..was that on planet Earth? Supposed to be funny? Sorry, I REALLY don’t get it. Someone please explain it to me.

  20. Ana looked truly, physically nauseated (and kind of horrified) after they cut away from the video of the guy running backwards bare-ass. Like actually on the verge of vomiting.

  21. That opening piece was from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, 4th Movement, the same movement as the one with “Ode to Joy”.

  22. Can you guys please look into Deedra Aboud? She is a female, Muslim democrat, running for the seat that Jeff Flake now holds. Her GOP contestants could be described as to the right of Trump. The most dangerous, in my mind is Martha McSally, who barely won here first campaign, and now garners larger, but still disperse support, especially from the military industrial complex. To be fair, US military involvement in the Arizona economy has been tremendous, and to just pull the rug out from underneath it would be devastating. This does not, however, warrant continued, escalating increases in the whole fiasco of supporting endless, objectless millitary campaigns world-wide. Aboud’s opponent from the other side is Kirsten Synemma, who can most charitly be described as a moderate, but who will likely give far more likely concede far more ground than she (or we)gains

  23. Now i cant sleep. But at least i heard it from you 2.
    Please remind viewers the best ways to fight the push for yet another war…but this time a nuclear threat and an imbecile with no morals in charge.
    God help us

  24. Why does Sacha Baron Cohen have his pants undone while he’s teaching Spencer how to “intimidate a terrorist”?

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