TYT Hour 2 July 24, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson28 Comments

Ana Kasparian, Brett Erlich. Farmers hurt by trade war to receive up to $12 billion. Trump might revoke security clearances for former officials who criticized him. Ivanka Trump ending fashion line. Inside the incel community’s looksmaxing obsession.


  1. wth? the last segment is unwatchable with Ana commentary. Had to fast forward it. She fn spoiled a funny story

    Of course these “incels” or whatever they call themselves are out of their minds jeez

  2. Trump’s bufoonery gives cover to other countries to do nothing in response to our demands. Trump can’t get anything done because he’s sabotaging the process.

    Maybe the Ivanka Trump’s end business game is to move the market to China? At least their economy is growing.

  3. Ivanka ?
    Is going to focus on the work she is now committed to ?
    The only commitment I see is more foc us .

    What’s the mark down on the coffin ?

  4. Brett, give bulletproof coffee a shot for a different kind of buzz. Look it up. Don’t knock it until you try it.

  5. Love tyt but every now and then you do a segment that is so tone deaf, like the incel piece where two gorgeous media personalities struggle to understand the profoundly low self esteem of people who aren’t pretty

    1. Rather… incels are not always unattractive physically, but they are often unattractive personality-wise. I do not think the piece was tone-deaf but just another story of incels not understanding why people don’t care to have sex with them.

  6. Why in the hell am I forwarding through commercials?

    Timely uploads and no commercials. That’s basically all that’s expected out of membership. That’s 2 things. Come on.

  7. 2 days in a row with commercials, I pay to not see these. Please someone fill in whoever edited these what the difference is between a member video and video for all is. I feel like at this point in TYT, they should have the editing parts worked out and also be able to pull up visual aids smoothly. This feels like an intern was tasked with the job lately and members deserve better. Mistakes happen but there should not be a pattern of them.

  8. So members no longer get the shows commercial free and the members no longer get access to ALL tyt content since the launch of YouTube TV?
    Membership is starting to seem like a waste of my very limited money…


    1. Few pieces of advice

      -Turn off caps. I don’t need Trump Jr in these comments

      -Actually watch the show

      -If you don’t want the president to be covered in a political show then you don’t want a political show

      -If you don’t think Trump and the GOP have anything to do with our lack of movement on climate change you need to pay attention

      -John just did an entire doc about climate change and TYT covers it more than any network. Dedicating their entire two hours to climate change won’t fix anything

      -Chris Hayes just admitted that they don’t cover climate change on CNN because it’s not profitable turn some of this rage on them

    2. The incel thing about women being obsessed with looks. How many incels have “unattractive” female friends that they have never considered dating? All these incels want to date 10s but then get pissed off and say women won’t date them because they aren’t attractive.

      It reminds me a lot of twitch. If you are an attractive female streamer you are a thot. If you are not super hot you get harassed for being ugly. But it always circles back to somehow women are the problem

      1. I don’t know why this showed up as a reply instead of a new thing but whatever it’s done and there… so yay for out of context reply

  10. I also started drinking green tea yesterday because I can’t afford to keep buying dunkin donuts every morning. Brett is totally right, it feel different, but it’s pretty awesome so far.

  11. So Trump has yet another proposal that will cost billions of dollars, so I ask the very important question: How will Bernie Sanders pay for this? How will he pay for Trump’s new Farm-Aid plan? We’re waiting, Bernie, you SOCIALIST you!!! How will you pay off Republican farmers? We all know the only place with that kind of money is Canada, and yet you continue to stall our Canadian invasion plans, why is that BERNIE? Is AOC also against invading Canada?!

    All kidding aside, anyone who doesn’t see Senator Grassley’s fingerprints all over this farmers aid is an idiot. Clearly the Honorable Gentleman from Iowa went to Trump and said “fix this or I vote you out on impeachment day” and Trump, like the pussy he is, rolled over faster than Red Rover did.

    Also, is anyone having trouble with the horizontal hold today? Brett’s shirt is really giving my screen some problems. Maybe I’ll try adjusting the vertical, even though The Outer Limits announcer told me that wouldn’t help…

  12. Years ago a group of filthy rich and powerful men colluded to fix the strength of our bastard economy to Wall Street stock values and banks. It is factual, the real value of our economy is based on the citizenry. The actual producers of goods and services, who then take their share of earnings from their labors and spend it right back into the economy. The Federal Reserve was created to benefit the richest, most powerful, deceitful, manipulative people on the planet, all at the expense of the masses. When you think about it, each worker will likely produce several million dollars worth of goods and services in their life times, ( I know I have) the value of which exceeds all stocks and banks.

    1. Some people complain about it taking to long to upload, so right there is an answer….. it takes additional time to edit out the ads.

      1. Up until recently (last month or 2) they managed to do both so it’s not an either/or situation.

        For a good 18 month period, at least, they had the 1st hour available (ad free) pretty much as soon as the live feed (post game) had finished. It meant if you came in just as the show was finishing hour 1 was basically there and ready for members to watch immediately. Then by the time you’d watched hour 1, hour 2 was there and waiting.

        1. There are only a few breaks to edit out so that certainly should not be an issue. The only thing that should be edited out for members, are those so pretty straight forward. My guess is someone was out and some intern was put on it.

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