Malcolm Fleschner & Steve Oh. California Democrats endorse Feinstein opponent Kevin de León. New California bill restores strong net neutrality protections. Interview with Nation writer and Real News host Aaron Maté. Chicago has paid over $662M in police misconduct.
Jummy please come to Philly! I will be in the front row!!
Yes Malcom you got the INTRO DOWN PERFECTLY! Jimmy needs to stop spending 70% of time jibber jabbing about stuff we hear too often!
Much love for you all!
Steve Oh said he will get you guys to post AP the same day on the live Jimmy Dore show this past Saturday. I guess he might have forgot.
Great job Malcolm. You should be on the main show more often. Now let’s clear it up once and for all. Is it Fleschner or is it Fleschner?
Malcolm! You did a great job! I was so happy to see you here! Keep it up.
Why is Malcolm talking so fast? Scrap one topic and slow down the speech.
Aaron Mate taking down Cenk for his absurd Russia mongering! way to go!
Why is Malcom telling us the US only need be concerned if the Russians colluded with Trump? If a foreign power (especially Russia) devoted resources to swaying our election to a particular candidate, the buck should stop there. We cannot tolerate that. If the Russians intervened to help elect Bernie it would still an invasion of US sovereignty.
It’s weird to see Malcolm angry! I guess with just 1 person it falls on him to be the aggressive one.
Enjoyed this show. Truly this show works best when there progressives (multiple) who riff off of each other.
Last segment made me laugh because it was so on point!
Please ask the question of your guest and get out of the way.
Malcolm your correct about royalty however it doesn’t matter what her status as common courtesy would trump that , dear President be a man…
Jolly Good Show, Malcolm and Stevie. And Aaron is a treasure. I didn’t miss that Jag-Off Nightclub one bit, though I did miss Steph. Ha,ha. The videos from Sasha are unbelievable.
The Crooked Cop videos are not surprising. There was a story about an Alabama County which put over 10,000 young black males in jail who were innocent. Gee, do you think this is systemic? No apologies needed for your anger, IMHO you should take it to the next level.
damn straight, Malcolm showed more actual aggressive anger than Jimmy does! (after a shaky start). I’m from the UK and was loving the derision of the stupid pompous inbred half-german burden on the taxpayers that is the royal family. lol, go Malcolm…
,,,was worried at first this might be weak without Jimmy – but it ended up being solid A.F. & the TRN guy was a great guest.
– more angry Malcolm on TYT!
Let the record show — I predict:
Steve Oh is engaged in what I dub “Operation Save Cenk’s face” — he said on this AP that he will be having a one-on-one lunch with Kevin De Leon, and is reserving his endorsement opinion until then. I predict that after the one-on-one, Steve will announce that he does support KDL.
Whereupon, Cenk will also make on-air endorsement, which will be wrapped in a fluffy layer of self-congratulation because whereas other people may rush to endorse for flimsy reasons, Cenk the Great Chess Player must first be convinced by facts, dammit. So, after Steve Oh researched KDL in person, now Cenk can endorse.
For additional prediction bonus points… Steve said a “friend” helped arrange this special meeting with KDL. I guess that the friend is Joe Sanberg, who was a guest on Friday’s Power Panel, and whose ASPIRATION bank is always being touted by Steve on air. Sanberg is already on record endorsing KDL (as per KDL website).
None of this is meant as criticism, I’m just having fun with prediction. It does not matter to me what tortuous path Cenk needs to take, in order to go on air and endorse KDL who soundly beat Alison Hartson in the primary. I understand that there is face in need of saving. So, whatever good friend Steve Oh is doing to help Cenk save face… good for him. Good for friendship. Cenk is blessed to have such friends.
Whatever it takes, so long as we end up unifying behind Kevin De Leon and retiring Dianne Feinstein… I am all in favor. Thanks, Steve. Enjoy your lunch.
I have no doubt Cenk will go full-on for KDL in the general election. More to the point, he will go full-on against Feinstein. (Similarly to how he pushed hard for Bernie in the primaries, and then pushed hard against Trump in the general without a full-throated endorsement of Hillary.) Sometimes you have to go for the lesser of two evils – especially if it’s a runoff when you only have two choices.
Moving the needle shouldn’t be the goal but sometimes it’s good strategy to settle for it. If CA can’t get a true progressive, then what else can be done? Dethroning Feinstein and replacing her with a senator that supports single-payer. That’s still a great step.
Unpopular Opinions = talking about one family the same way that Trump talks about particular groups of people.
There is no rule about looking the Queen of England in the eye, Malcolm. Also, “what have they earned”? The Royal family have earned through a life time of civil service, supporting human welfare charities. I do hope you’re working as hard as Queen Elizabeth when you’re 92 years old, Malcolm.
yeah she is in the office by830 every day plugging away till5 – what a trooper – she chould have stepped down at any point, and was expected to, but her sole reason to stay on as monarch seems entirely to never allow her dotard son Princes Charles to take on her duties & the throne. bitter old hag…
Malcome think before you barbble, look in depth your topic its stammering and stuttering !
I worked in the Black Sea on an Italian pipe. Lay ship from Crimea to Rumania, when the US helped the fascists in Kiev took over Ukraine , the kick in then came when the pipe line was cancelled Russia commenced its commitment to Syria which at the end of the day was about oil pipe lines and Russia,n naval access too to the med !
Nice job Malcolm Y. Please pick my name for FPG WWN.
Of all the money spent on US national defense, not one penny goes to securing the vote (AFAIK). We have a hodgepodge of voter registration rolls and a hodgepodge of Republican-owned electronic voting machine manufacturers that somehow always seem to err on the side of Republicans.
Ballot box stuffing is simple enough that anyone can do it, but requires considerable personnel to actually accomplish. It’s not easy to alter the result of a paper ballot.
Hacking the electronic vote is something that can be accomplished remotely with minimal personnel and some specialized hacking tools, or maybe just some insider knowledge.
We bank online and those banks don’t report huge deposit losses from hacking despite the most advanced NSA hacking tools being stolen and put out on the open market.
Having insecure and readily hacked voting systems is a choice, not a necessity. The security community developed AES encryption as a public domain project of scientists and now the most dire state secrets are protected by public domain code that has been scrutinized by the top minds for weakness. Yet somehow, the electronic voting machine code is now ‘proprietary’, as if they own exclusive rights to our votes.
If we cannot muster the will to build secure public domain electronic voting systems, we can always go back to paper ballots and paper voter rolls. Then no one risks being erased from history by a hacker.
well said. UK is still 100% paper ballots and it’s not because we cant afford to upgrade it. anything online can be hacked, jeez we had a 13 y.o.scottish kid hack the Pentagon from his bedroom age 13 and US are still trying to extradite him decades later, for life in supermax. he was just a kid with asbergers exploring! those skills exist
Way to go Malcom! Best fill in job so far!
anyway Why are people sonpissed at Russia? The leaked emails proved:
1 HRC and the DNC rigged the primary
2 Circumvented campaign finance law by
funneling money to HRC
3 HRC and the DNC worked with the media
to support radical republicans, or Trump
4 Democrats let Republicans block their Supreme Court nominee so it would help
them in the election
We should be sending Russia a thank you card, throw HRC and the DNC in jail, nullify the 2016 election and redo it Bernie vs Trump!
Trump’s view of people, Nazi very nice people, Russia is right. No Nazi are white and most Russians are white
Great show Malcolm and Steve. More Aaron Mate, he’s a great reporter, speaks truth to power like Jimmy.
Missed you, Jimmy and Stef. Jimmy just posted his take on the Russian mania to go along with Malcolm and Aaron’s discussion, very insightful especially the video montage of all the same characters spewing Russia and traitor are saying the opposite when Obama was praising Russia And a nice shout out to Michael Tracey in it as well. Best show on TYT.
Nice job, Malcolm! And Aaron Mate is fantastic; have him on any time.
Amazing show Malcolm and Steve: funny, brilliant and (as always) telling the truth that corporate media never does. LOVE your shirt, Malcolm.
we should all be fucking outraged by this – right in front of our faces – the police do not protect and serve people of color
Was Jimmy off, busy, hunting down the real truth behind Clinton’s Parkinson’s Disease?
No, he was helping her get up from falling down again. She needs some balancing practice.
I hate the conflation of two separate issues: did Russia interfere in the election, and did it affect the outcome? The second part is really irrelevant to the first part. From a legal perspective, you can be guilty of something regardless of the outcome of your actions. Watergate is a perfect example of that. The break-in and coverup had zero impact on the 1972 election, but does that mean it should not have had the consequences it did?Certainly the DNC and mainstream Democrats want to tie the two in order to obscure their total political incompetence. I was already tired of the flogging of this issue by the MSM and Democrats, but I’m starting to get sick of the progressive take on it as well because it also is not objective due to the (well-earned) animus toward Clinton. If Bernie had lost the general election rather than Hillary, I’m sure progressives would have a totally different perspective on this. Everybody would be wise to separate this whole business from Hillary and look objectively at whatever evidence comes out and, most importantly, WAIT until this wraps up before making declarative statements in either direction.
BTW the last 10 minutes were awesome, Malcolm. Thanks for bringing the anger regarding police misconduct. What we see is not even the tip of the iceberg. But people think BLM is the problem because they point this shit out. This issue needs to be pounded on every single day. (And like you, I don’ give a shit about the queen and royal protocol.)
Love your work Malcolm!
I think the best combo I’ve seen this year was last week July 11th when all you guys were together …. it was epic.
Love Malcolm…somewhere in the middle!
Keep up the good fight and Steve, love your sensible factual balance…tops the show off!
Thanks and onwards with AP!
Dare I say your point is on point! ;)
There gets to be a point when you’re so fervently pushing back against the Russian collusion narrative that you actually unintentionally start to sound yourself like a Soviet propoganda Minister.
No offence Malcolm but the British Empire has been around for much longer than America. If the pomp and ceremony has allowed them to continue to survive and thrive and America has Donald Trump who is destroying the country, then maybe it’s not such a bad idea to keep it. The reason they have that system of government is that the royal family abdicated ruling control, established a democratic system while still being able to enjoy having a respectable symbol of British regality. The Queen didn’t ask to have Donald Trump meet her, it was Theresa May. Maybe look into other countries political landscape and remember what is good for one isn’t good for the other, if they want the wigs in court and royal rules it’s for them to decide. At this point America doesn’t have the moral right to tell anyone in another country how and what they should be doing.
I’m English, born there etc. and I couldn’t disagree with you more, there are many people, particularly what remains of the working class who would like to see that cabal of benefit thieves stripped of their wealth, titles and privilege. You write as if you know nothing of British national history. All that the royals own was stolen from medieval peasant stock and later the industrial revolution’s workers.
700,00 young British men died in WW1 helping to maintain a phony class system in Britain and Europe. The royals owe all they have to the British people but you would never guess it from the pompous, sneering way that they act.