Post Game July 16, 2018

In Post Game - On Demand by Waldo Peterson40 Comments

Cenk, Ana and Francesca Fiorentini host Monday’s Post Game Show!

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  1. I mean the argument works the other way around: Would there be people that would not start businesses if they could not get rich of it? Maybe, even though arguably the businesses started for profit alone are not the ones that stick around. But even pretending that you would have some percentage of innovation lost: What about all the people that maybe have fantastic ideas for the world but just do not have a fucking chance to implement them because they are struggeling to make ends meet. I mean, a communist society in that sense would set free so much untapped potential, that the few assholes driven by money alone would not matter at all.

  2. Interesting analogy about pneumonia:
    I spend about $2000 each month on health insurance premiums. I belong to a powerful union and work full time. I recently got pneumonia. In fact I am still recovering. I was so sick that I was hospitalized for it. I am hoping to keep my costs after my insurance to under $2000, I hope. I’m still waiting for the bills to roll in. I was out of work for 2 weeks. If I hadn’t belonged to a union, I couldn’t have afforded the loss in wages.
    By the way, my ailing parents live with me, along with my disabled ex-husband, and three children. I am the only one with a job. I work as a special education teacher in a public school. We have to do something about health care.
    If my federal taxes went up 1000% and we had socialized medicine I would be able to take home an extra $1500 each month. That would be HUGE for my family.

  3. Yasssss, Max wage cap, but max wealth accumulation cap seems more workable. Nothing over a million. In conclusion capitalism is a rotten diseased system that must be destroyed utterly, for the good our planet. Love the show.

    1. Or, if it makes it more palatable to you Cenk, lets have a PROGESSIVE tax code again like in the 50’s where the maximum marginal tax rate is 90% if you think a cap is too harsh. Preach Francesca!!!

  4. Literally ANY business that was started with the intention to make over 500K a year as your personal income is one that I would rather doesn’t exist. We would be better off as a species if we had less medical advances but also restrained this unfettered corporatocracy we currently have. What’s the point of inventing a drug and medical care that saves my life for 2 extra years if it crushes me into debt the remainder of my life and passes it to my children?

    And I don’t believe it anyway. We still have charities even now, capping income would only lead to more and better funded charities.

  5. The reasoning that right wingers will use is the following: A robber or an invader is an active human agent. It is the responsibility of the governed defend its citizens against others initiating the use of force against them. Cenk’s reasoning would be considered flawed because illness is not an active human agent there it is not the role of the government.

  6. The Maximum Wage: A Common-Sense Prescription for Revitalizing America – By Taxing the Very Rich

    ISBN-13: 978-0945257455
    ISBN-10: 0945257457

  7. Stop using the term “hand out”, people in other countries don’t think of it as a hand out, when we pay taxes we say “included”.

  8. I am 100% on board with Francesca’s Communist utopia. The problem with Communism is selfish people, if you actually had a group of egalitarians it would be perfect. We could all build each other Jacque Fresco houses and become organic farmers.

  9. Occasionally Cenk and Ana reveal that they are indeed somewhat conservative (if it was 50 years ago). But that is good, I don’t want to only listen to someone who always agrees with me.

    But we had a maximum income in this country for decades. The top marginal income tax rate was over 70% for 50 years and over 90% for a good portion of that.

    This tax rate basically created a maximum income and it isn’t a coincidence that it coincided with the greatest economic growth and the greatest growth of the middle class our country had ever seen.

    On top of that, it not only didn’t discourage investment and creativity and advancement, it encourage it.

    1. Agreed: didn’t see your post until after I made mine about the top marginal tax rate: I think that should be reestablished over a maximum income and would accomplish largely the same thing.

      I wouldn’t call them conservative, maybe center-left. I think Cenk said it some time ago, that people think he’s radical and he says he’s not. I agree: he’s centrist. I think some of my positions are way more to the left of him, but he definitely does gravitate towards positions that the majority of Americans agree with so that’s at least centrist in my book. Just because the establishment calls it radical doesn’t make it so.

  10. My mother worked at the same job for 33 yrs. . She worked a 2nd job too. The 2nd was fluid, and where ever she chose to work she enjoyed and made friends. In the mid 90’s her boss decided that a percentage of her TIPS would be paid out to the cooks. She topped out at $3.32 an hr. after all those years plus Tips. She worked HARD!
    The definition of Capitalism in the New Universities Webster Dictionary circa 19 and 42 reads: the possession of capital,especially its concentration in the hands of a few; the power of combined capital. How is this good for the many? It appears (capitalism) has a fluid meaning…look it up. I have found quite an assortment of definitions…did anyone realize we were participating in a free for all? I mean them..

    1. L-Mo, capitalism is a word the is defined for you as a school child. I doubt many people look up the meaning as you did. The meaning you read does not fit the concept I had. There is nothing in that definition for “We the People.”

      Now, word meanings change over time. So, why provide a definition for 1942? Why not from a more recent dictionary?

  11. Hearing Cenk say his wealthy friends “…would rebel…” if they heard that a yearly wage cap of $500K was possible makes my rage just grow a little more. THEY would rebel?! I think us “poors” are all getting closer to grabbing our pitchforks and matches and burning their mansions to the ground. Metaphorically speaking…for the most part… >:(

    1. If our society was organized in a way that does not privatize housing, Francesca’s $500,000 per year cap proposal would be extremely generous. Cenk insists that capitalism works when regulated. The problem with that conclusion is it reduces everything down to economics and ignores the social implications and realities of capital. Jobs, for the most part, exist to fulfill the needs and wants of wealth holders.

  12. The fact that Cenk thinks that these drugs aren’t originally developed in the University system, and not in these behemoth pharma corporations is hilarious. There is no R&D at these companies, that’s code for slush fund/lobbying fees. We do not need corporations at all, and we should enact anti-trust on every single one in America, strictly for treason, environmental crimes and tax evasion. You sound ridiculous.

    1. once again…. Cenk would benefit if he would learn from the reporters and interviewers on his own damn network.

      Katie Halper’s interview with Adam Gaffney on 5/18/2018 goes into depth about the process by which Big Pharma lets us taxpayers foot the bill for R&D, and waits until the new drugs are developed before slapping their own patents on and charging a fortune. Big Pharma does not “develop” drugs.

      1. Deb-n-NCAL, Big Pharma, Tea Pot Dome. When does it stop? When does the exploitation of American taxpayers stop!

        Thanks for the reminder about the Halper interview.

      2. Thanks for that Katie Halpart interview suggestion; watching now! Like the discourse and discussion on TYT here. Very knowledgeable and civil for the most part.

        1. glad you are enjoying the Gaffney interview… there are two more Katie Halper interviews I watched this weekend that I highly recommend. Both involve the topic of Identity Politics & “Intersectionality” (a term which, thanks to the second interview, I now understand much better… like “neoliberal” it is a term that is frequently mis-used by people who have no clue what it really means).

          The first interview is delightful fun, due to the interplay between the two smart, insightful, fun young women — Katie Halper interview with Briahna Joy Gray, new senior political correspondent at The Intercept, taped on 5/16/2018. They are both Bernie Bro’s and have a lot of fun disecting everything wrong with the DNC’s attempts to categorize Bernie supporters (Identity Politics run amuck and delivering us President Trump)

          The second interview is also a compelling look at the flaws inherent to Identity Politics and includes the detailed explanation of the evolution of Intersectionality as a term much used — and misused — today. Katie Harper interviews author of RACE AND CLASS IN THE AGE OF TRUMP, Asad Haider, dated 5/11/2018.

          I will be buying Haider’s book post-haste. Very insightful and interesting conversation. Really becoming a fan of Katie Halper.

          1. My favorite insight from the Asad Haider interview was Katie pointing out how crazy it was that, because Bernie spoke about Economic Inequality and policies that would elevate EVERYONE, he was attacked by DNC/Hillary shills as being “anti- (fill in the blank minority)”.

            Uh, by definition, “everyone” includes any and all minorities you care to mention… so how could Bernie’s support of a Living Wage be construed as anti-anyone ? (except as anti-oligarch?) Katie skewers this argument beautifully.

            They point out that the majority of people currently earning minimum wage are women and minorities. Therefore, by definition, raising the minimum wage will help women and minorities… and yet, somehow, the mainstream media got away with accusing Bernie of being anti-women-and-minorities.

            That will not happen again. We will not allow it to happen.

      3. I caught that too. Nice catch on the Halps interview. Here’s another “radical” idea for you Cenk: return corporations to what the founders envisioned them to be. From Harvard Business Review interview, companies were incorporated with limitations: “It specified their capitalization limitations, limited their lifespan, and dictated the boundaries of their operations and functions.”

        I don’t live in absolutes where I’d like to ban all corporations, but how about they only can be incorporated for only 7-10 years, have a specific goal, and then they must go away?

  13. The republicans have the advantage that their base, by their nature, is incurious and extremely tribal. ANYONE could be good at messaging with that lot.

  14. How do none of them know that the real argument for a maximum wage isn’t a single set height that applies to everyone. The actual maximum wage argument is that nobody in a company can make X% more than the lowest earning employee in the company. Some people argue for 10x the lowest, some for 15x, and others for various other numbers. It forces huge companies like Amazon, Walmart, McDonalds to pay they lowest employees far more in order to get the amount that they want for themselves. Many people even argue that there should be different levels of maximum wage for different company sizes. Real maximum wage arguments make an incredible amount of sense and can even replace a minimum wage!

    1. How do they not know…um…they had the wrong information to begin with,confused on the details,concept,didn’t research the matter as throughly as they needed too..that’s a strangely obvious question. Thanks for the informative rant. Peace!

    2. I’m so glad you mentioned this! I’m very bad at math and I’ve never looked much into this subject but it kept popping into my head that if these CEOs are going to make those dollar amounts and, as Cenk pointed out several times, they won’t accept anything less, then there actually isn’t any more money to give to the workers.

    3. That’s a way better solution. Then if CEOs want to make more money, they have to increase the pay of their lowest paid employee. Of course the loophole around that (and around current protections like having to provide insurance to your workers) would be hiring independent contractors who pay their workers next to nothing, or have contractors who hire contractors, like they do on oil rigs.

      There’s a reason the right has been gutting enforcement agencies.

      Disagree that we could replace a minimum wage, especially for small businesses.

      1. Yeah, but that’s the conversation that we should be having. Not the right-wing conversations that we have to be stuck in with this country.

    1. We will be posting the town hall as soon as it’s available. Didn’t want you to have to wait for PG too! Enjoy!

      1. Thank you. I love TYT content which you can probably tell from my badgering you everywhere lol.

        1. We love hearing that! Thank you! And we’re happy to answer you anywhere and everywhere ;)

      2. You should let us know when a regular segment won’t be offered. It’s frustrating to keep coming back for a segment that you’re not offering.

        The front page has a link to Hour 2 from Friday. Why not replace that with a notice that there will be no Hour 2 today?

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