Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Woman arrested in beating of 91-year-old man. Trump goes after NATO allies. Trump seeks to reassure farmers affected by China trade war. Heartbreaking migrant family reunions.
OMG I didn’t know they were coming to latino neighborhoods and taking ppl? I thought this was just happening at the boarder. What should I do if they come here? If I try to protect my neighbors will they toss me in detention too? My neighborhood is about 90% latino. Maybe we will be safe, casue outside the mobile home part the ppl are rich. Less than 3 blocks away.
With respect to the black woman and the poor Mexican, the hunger games were always played in the US, the question was always to pit who against who?
First it was the poor English against the poor Irish then the poor Irish against the poor newly freed blacks, then it was the poor newly freed blacks against the natives and the Irish and English against the swarthy Italians and Jews and by Jim Crow the poor whites against poor blacks in the sharecropper economy of the south.
Black v Mexican in California is as old as California itself from the Red Summer to the Watts riots all the way to 1992 where more Latinos died than Blacks or Koreans.
Every pressure to increase defense spending on our traditional allies, on NATO, on ANY country to me means only one thing. Defense Contractor GREED. It has no real basis in defending a country’s sovereignty, isn’t to effectively fight “terrorism,” or any other ridiculous reason.
It’s purely these Military Corporations seeing Europe, etc. as an insufficiently tapped market. Defense Contractors know that the USA is a reliable cash source. So that’s great for them.
But it is NOT enough. They need more.
Many of these cheap-ass countries spend their taxes on helping their citizens, not on defense. I believe anyone involved with these Military Corporations are straight up Sociopaths.
I know every generation goes thru the “this is the most horrible, most dangerous time than ever before,” moment. But, those generations also had positive moves forward. I don’t see anything positive here.
The DNC fuck-faces are going to stop Progressives who aren’t corporately owned. The DNC, instead of actually fighting Republicans, only limply whine & flop around.
They are going to stop Bernie(or any Progressive) in 2020, by hook or by crook, guaranteed.
Wow. I am really depressed now. Defense Contractors and their Warmonger allies will be dancing on everyone’s graves, including their own.
Alas, you are 100% correct… The only hope is that the Democrats take back the House and Senate in 2018… Of course, the Corporate Democratic Establishment will still have most of the power; but they will save us in the short term… And we progressives can take some power back in 2020, and perhaps elect a progressive President… If the Republicons keep both houses, we are doomed… Trump will not leave in 2020 using “National Security” to announce himself to be President for life…
Europe buys military equipment from themselves not from US contractors because surprise surprise, even in military industries Europe is better.
That being said, NATO agreed to participate in the US war in Afghanistan as part of NATO and several setbacks in Afghanistan can be easily attributed to NATO member states’s failure to provide adequate troops/training to locals. Almost all of the lack is because of lack of funding.
sec ~ Why am I not surprised by your, “More funding is all that’s needed for the war in (fill in the blank) to be a success. Just another billion in funding, just more soldiers, just more bombing, etc.”
Your answer is ALWAYS more war, more death, more destruction and more BANK for Defense Contractors…European or American. What the fuck difference does is make?
The Syrian regime murdered half a million of its citizens and ethno-religiously cleansed 11 million more causing massive social and economic upheaval to its neighbors.
The Hutu rebels murdered 800k civilians with machetes in 100 days and caused a war that until now have killed more than 6 million civilians.
Hitler gave half of Europe “autonomy” only to occupy them after disarming them, a thing he wanted to do with the US.
Japan forced China to disarm in order to achieve “peace” in the 30s before embarking on a massive invasion that killed 20 million people.
Ukraine disarmed and massively reduced its troop numbers under US pressure because Putin “promised” to give them a fair deal. Putin reneged and fucked them over and no one could do anything about it
The first step of preventing war is to prepare for it whether you like it or not.
Dictators didn’t become as such by dancing kombaya around the camp fire and exchanging joints. They murdered their citizens en masse first before moving on to neighbors.
No they do not, the largest supplier of weapons in the world is the U.S and they have a near exclusive market on selling to the europeans until recently when they either stopped buying or like greece bought russian weapons. Obama insisted on buying american because he wanted to stop european relations with russia and start an arms race to bankrupt russia, while at the same time making profits for the powerful people in the U.S the arms industrial complex.
No let me be clearer, the europeans declined in defence spending and started a trend of buying russian weapons. states like greece and hungary started buying more from russia.
The only country in NATO buying top notch Russian weapons is Greece and that was 20 years ago. Turkey bought some systems lately but that has caused a massive schism with other NATO allies especially the US.
NATO only buys from within and largely from local manufacturers because these arms are integrated with the NATO overall combat systems.
Germany’s gas consumption makes up less than 20% of their total energy consumption. 60-70% of their gas is indeed Russian. So that is around 14% of their total energy needs. The BBC did a fact check: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-44794688
No, I think he has taking on debt buying stocs in companies that will become very wealthy after they change the laws based on the right in controller of the supreme Court.
Is it weird that I can’t understand what the fuck trump says most of the time now? He speaks in such fractured sentences like a three year old (no offense to three year olds.)
Racial tension in Los Angeles? Who woulda thunk it? As for putting blacks against Latinos…..not surprising. Perhaps see this YouTube video which discusses how it may not be as easy to create alliances, but how it needs to happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igu1i9R3640
I am from Georgia and have witnessed it. One day, at my Atlanta apartment complex: An uncomfortable one-sided “conversation evolved when I went to use the laundry facility, and the black custodian was there saw the condition of the place and went on some rant about the Mexicans and how they always cause the mess and apparently said nasty things to her (I am also black, so we would talk sometimes. I guess she felt comfortable to vent). At the same time, Trump had ads in GA pitting blacks against Latin American immigrants (he had the ad which featured blacks telling about how a family member was killed by a Latin immigrant). There was always some tension as the Latino population in GA has begun to rise dramatically (especially in metro Atlanta), and I am sure it is easier to exacerbate these divisions with the Trump administration today. She was an older woman, but there is bias among younger African Americans, as well, and one of the panelists in the video I posted the linked to alludes to the fact that there is also a competitive element which bothers me a lot. Most of metro. Atlanta’s big 4-5 counties are pretty progressive, especially for a southern context, and is an epicenter of black wealth and power. I have always been concerned about whether the growing Latino population (and Asians in some counties like Gwinnett) would ever gain significant levels of political influence and power to reflect their population. Seems like black-white coalitions in large southern cities is usually pretty solid. Perhaps in LA, it is reverse whereby whites and Latinos (and Latino whites) have the political power, and blacks are kind of shut out and disenfranchised. Minorities buying into anti-minority rhetoric in the media plus messed up power dynamics can make for rough conditions that are rougher under Trump.
Unlikely. Many who vote democrat hold these sentiments openly or secretly. The U.S. has done divide and conquer very well. It is also why things like the affirmative action thing (where Asians view themselves as pitted against undeserving URMs) make me queasy. Even liberals/those voting democrat can be pit against each other. Minorities are especially vulnerable to these tendencies. Also, keep in mind that many large metros in America are not only socioeconomically segregated, but racially segregated, and the two overlap. Just as it isn’t surprising when whites see any minorities as “other”, it isn’t surprising when minorities see other minorities as “other”. Racial dynamics in the U.S. make for interesting and often disturbing sentiments and behavior.
Also, note that there is such a thing as liberal racism. Think of cities in the Pacific Northwest (Portland and Seattle for example). I think tyt on a fairly old episode featured a guess who expressed how folks I think in one of those cities did not really understand her blackness or did things that would certainly make her feel and know that she is a novelty in that region. Also, consider things like romance and dating, whether you talk heterosexuals or someone in the LGBT community even (most who would consider themselves liberal). It is just so complex.
Thank you for elaborating on your original post, it helps since I am largely ignorant about these issues (since I’m a sixteen-year-old white male from an upper-middle-class family).
Most of my adult friends are Hispanic (since I am Hispanic), and some of them used to use the right-wing talking points about “welfare queens”, but thankfully, I have debunked those talking points and most of them have changed.
PS: Sorry for the late reply; I didn’t check my email before today.
NATO countries have made a commitment to spend a minimum of 2 percent of their GDP on their own defense budget, not on NATO itself. It’s true that not many countries are (yet) follow that commitment.
Horrific how this woman would attack anyone let alone a 91 yo man because bumt against her daughter. I’m glad she’s arrested and not gonna make bail but I feel bad for her young daughter. I hope the child has someone to take her in and learns better of how to treat others. Not to take anything away from this poor man but momma’s not a good example. I wish the best to this man and for the little girl. I have zero empathy for the attacker/mom Rot in jail bitch.
NYC is 250 miles from Syracuse. ICE must be counting the Atlantic Ocean as a border NYC is within 100 miles of.
The US isn’t worried about mermaids immigrating, so why should the ocean count as a border that ICE has more freedom to harass brown people?
K-State Nate, boat people. Creoles could steal a boat, paddle it down the coast to the NYC harbor, and sneak into NYC while authorities are busy picking protestors off the Statue of Liberty.
Obama insisted that the NATO countries spend 2 percent of their GDP on NATO, on arms, mainly by buying arms from American military manufacturers, Raytheon, Boeing and the others. this sabre-rattling to Russia is a means of obliging the European countries to pay the United States arms manufacturers for goods, and to basically hold Europe up for ransom, saying if you don’t be a part of this, we’re not going to defend you.
Demanding we raise our GDP is bullshit and an overtly imperial corporatist move. This is very disappointing guys.
hosam, how does that work? As an example, they pay 2% more, we pay 2% less; zero sum. The money goes to NATO. NATO has a budget and expenditures. I assume NATO spends what it is allocated. Has NATO’s budget increased lately? Is NATO allowed to run a deficit? I am not seeing how the defense contractors are benefiting.
The money is used to pay for arms, U.S arms, feeding their growth and our detriment. The GDP is for corps not nato, nato doesn’t have a balance of accounts the money doesn’t go to them.
Everyone seems to confuse that… the money we’re talking about does not go ‘to Nato’!
The 2% everyone is talking about is what every country is supposed to spend on their own defence budgets. (in 2024)
The payments directly to Nato are based on the GDP as well but has never been a part of this discussion.
Obama never pressured Europeans to spend on defense specifically to buy American arms especially because and he couldn’t with a straight face because modern European arms are better. The latest fighter jet, Typhoon, is decades ahead of the latest American jet, F-16, and the F-35 is still fraught with trouble while there is no way the F-22 will be sold to Europe anytime soon.
Let alone the Naval and Land systems which are co-produced in Europe by Europeans.
He pressured them to spend more money on defense in order to ease American defense spending because European allies committed to Afghanistan and failed to deliver forcing the US to use much more of its troops than before.
Similar thing happened on Atlantic patrols and the submarine fleets as well as the Radar network etc. All these are old, very old and in urgent need of replacement. The US submarine fleet needs to be replaced and it is so expensive even congress shrieks at the prospect of passing such a law.
Yes he did, he insisted they increase spending on defence and buy from american manufactures instead of russian and the largest supplier of weapons are the damn americans who almost have a monopoly on weapons sales to NATO members. So using simply logic more spending means more buying from the fucking americans.
OMG I didn’t know they were coming to latino neighborhoods and taking ppl? I thought this was just happening at the boarder. What should I do if they come here? If I try to protect my neighbors will they toss me in detention too? My neighborhood is about 90% latino. Maybe we will be safe, casue outside the mobile home part the ppl are rich. Less than 3 blocks away.
I live in Iowa and I can’t help but laugh at all the farmers losing their shit over all of this! You voted for the man-child, YOU OWN IT!
HAHAHAHA! The Missy Elliot Philosophy! Love it! :D :D :D
With respect to the black woman and the poor Mexican, the hunger games were always played in the US, the question was always to pit who against who?
First it was the poor English against the poor Irish then the poor Irish against the poor newly freed blacks, then it was the poor newly freed blacks against the natives and the Irish and English against the swarthy Italians and Jews and by Jim Crow the poor whites against poor blacks in the sharecropper economy of the south.
Black v Mexican in California is as old as California itself from the Red Summer to the Watts riots all the way to 1992 where more Latinos died than Blacks or Koreans.
Every pressure to increase defense spending on our traditional allies, on NATO, on ANY country to me means only one thing. Defense Contractor GREED. It has no real basis in defending a country’s sovereignty, isn’t to effectively fight “terrorism,” or any other ridiculous reason.
It’s purely these Military Corporations seeing Europe, etc. as an insufficiently tapped market. Defense Contractors know that the USA is a reliable cash source. So that’s great for them.
But it is NOT enough. They need more.
Many of these cheap-ass countries spend their taxes on helping their citizens, not on defense. I believe anyone involved with these Military Corporations are straight up Sociopaths.
I know every generation goes thru the “this is the most horrible, most dangerous time than ever before,” moment. But, those generations also had positive moves forward. I don’t see anything positive here.
The DNC fuck-faces are going to stop Progressives who aren’t corporately owned. The DNC, instead of actually fighting Republicans, only limply whine & flop around.
They are going to stop Bernie(or any Progressive) in 2020, by hook or by crook, guaranteed.
Wow. I am really depressed now. Defense Contractors and their Warmonger allies will be dancing on everyone’s graves, including their own.
Alas, you are 100% correct… The only hope is that the Democrats take back the House and Senate in 2018… Of course, the Corporate Democratic Establishment will still have most of the power; but they will save us in the short term… And we progressives can take some power back in 2020, and perhaps elect a progressive President… If the Republicons keep both houses, we are doomed… Trump will not leave in 2020 using “National Security” to announce himself to be President for life…
Europe buys military equipment from themselves not from US contractors because surprise surprise, even in military industries Europe is better.
That being said, NATO agreed to participate in the US war in Afghanistan as part of NATO and several setbacks in Afghanistan can be easily attributed to NATO member states’s failure to provide adequate troops/training to locals. Almost all of the lack is because of lack of funding.
sec ~ Why am I not surprised by your, “More funding is all that’s needed for the war in (fill in the blank) to be a success. Just another billion in funding, just more soldiers, just more bombing, etc.”
Your answer is ALWAYS more war, more death, more destruction and more BANK for Defense Contractors…European or American. What the fuck difference does is make?
Well sometimes the only answer is war.
The Syrian regime murdered half a million of its citizens and ethno-religiously cleansed 11 million more causing massive social and economic upheaval to its neighbors.
The Hutu rebels murdered 800k civilians with machetes in 100 days and caused a war that until now have killed more than 6 million civilians.
Hitler gave half of Europe “autonomy” only to occupy them after disarming them, a thing he wanted to do with the US.
Japan forced China to disarm in order to achieve “peace” in the 30s before embarking on a massive invasion that killed 20 million people.
Ukraine disarmed and massively reduced its troop numbers under US pressure because Putin “promised” to give them a fair deal. Putin reneged and fucked them over and no one could do anything about it
The first step of preventing war is to prepare for it whether you like it or not.
Dictators didn’t become as such by dancing kombaya around the camp fire and exchanging joints. They murdered their citizens en masse first before moving on to neighbors.
No they do not, the largest supplier of weapons in the world is the U.S and they have a near exclusive market on selling to the europeans until recently when they either stopped buying or like greece bought russian weapons. Obama insisted on buying american because he wanted to stop european relations with russia and start an arms race to bankrupt russia, while at the same time making profits for the powerful people in the U.S the arms industrial complex.
Are you meaning only Belarus when you say Europe?
No let me be clearer, the europeans declined in defence spending and started a trend of buying russian weapons. states like greece and hungary started buying more from russia.
The only country in NATO buying top notch Russian weapons is Greece and that was 20 years ago. Turkey bought some systems lately but that has caused a massive schism with other NATO allies especially the US.
NATO only buys from within and largely from local manufacturers because these arms are integrated with the NATO overall combat systems.
By Europe I mean European NATO allies.
And Greece should be in the map.
Germany’s gas consumption makes up less than 20% of their total energy consumption. 60-70% of their gas is indeed Russian. So that is around 14% of their total energy needs. The BBC did a fact check: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-44794688
Man, Cenk, when you broke, so did I. Hope you’re okay, brother!
No, I think he has taking on debt buying stocs in companies that will become very wealthy after they change the laws based on the right in controller of the supreme Court.
Is it weird that I can’t understand what the fuck trump says most of the time now? He speaks in such fractured sentences like a three year old (no offense to three year olds.)
I like it but snap is the food stamp program in Florida.
Racial tension in Los Angeles? Who woulda thunk it? As for putting blacks against Latinos…..not surprising. Perhaps see this YouTube video which discusses how it may not be as easy to create alliances, but how it needs to happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igu1i9R3640
I am from Georgia and have witnessed it. One day, at my Atlanta apartment complex: An uncomfortable one-sided “conversation evolved when I went to use the laundry facility, and the black custodian was there saw the condition of the place and went on some rant about the Mexicans and how they always cause the mess and apparently said nasty things to her (I am also black, so we would talk sometimes. I guess she felt comfortable to vent). At the same time, Trump had ads in GA pitting blacks against Latin American immigrants (he had the ad which featured blacks telling about how a family member was killed by a Latin immigrant). There was always some tension as the Latino population in GA has begun to rise dramatically (especially in metro Atlanta), and I am sure it is easier to exacerbate these divisions with the Trump administration today. She was an older woman, but there is bias among younger African Americans, as well, and one of the panelists in the video I posted the linked to alludes to the fact that there is also a competitive element which bothers me a lot. Most of metro. Atlanta’s big 4-5 counties are pretty progressive, especially for a southern context, and is an epicenter of black wealth and power. I have always been concerned about whether the growing Latino population (and Asians in some counties like Gwinnett) would ever gain significant levels of political influence and power to reflect their population. Seems like black-white coalitions in large southern cities is usually pretty solid. Perhaps in LA, it is reverse whereby whites and Latinos (and Latino whites) have the political power, and blacks are kind of shut out and disenfranchised. Minorities buying into anti-minority rhetoric in the media plus messed up power dynamics can make for rough conditions that are rougher under Trump.
Interesting context. I didn’t think this was common, I assumed that she was just one of the 10% of African Americans who voted for Trump.
Unlikely. Many who vote democrat hold these sentiments openly or secretly. The U.S. has done divide and conquer very well. It is also why things like the affirmative action thing (where Asians view themselves as pitted against undeserving URMs) make me queasy. Even liberals/those voting democrat can be pit against each other. Minorities are especially vulnerable to these tendencies. Also, keep in mind that many large metros in America are not only socioeconomically segregated, but racially segregated, and the two overlap. Just as it isn’t surprising when whites see any minorities as “other”, it isn’t surprising when minorities see other minorities as “other”. Racial dynamics in the U.S. make for interesting and often disturbing sentiments and behavior.
Also, note that there is such a thing as liberal racism. Think of cities in the Pacific Northwest (Portland and Seattle for example). I think tyt on a fairly old episode featured a guess who expressed how folks I think in one of those cities did not really understand her blackness or did things that would certainly make her feel and know that she is a novelty in that region. Also, consider things like romance and dating, whether you talk heterosexuals or someone in the LGBT community even (most who would consider themselves liberal). It is just so complex.
Thank you for elaborating on your original post, it helps since I am largely ignorant about these issues (since I’m a sixteen-year-old white male from an upper-middle-class family).
Most of my adult friends are Hispanic (since I am Hispanic), and some of them used to use the right-wing talking points about “welfare queens”, but thankfully, I have debunked those talking points and most of them have changed.
PS: Sorry for the late reply; I didn’t check my email before today.
NATO countries have made a commitment to spend a minimum of 2 percent of their GDP on their own defense budget, not on NATO itself. It’s true that not many countries are (yet) follow that commitment.
WE SHOULDN’T, the expenditure is for furthering an arms race and buying american weapons, its a scam.
Horrific how this woman would attack anyone let alone a 91 yo man because bumt against her daughter. I’m glad she’s arrested and not gonna make bail but I feel bad for her young daughter. I hope the child has someone to take her in and learns better of how to treat others. Not to take anything away from this poor man but momma’s not a good example. I wish the best to this man and for the little girl. I have zero empathy for the attacker/mom Rot in jail bitch.
NYC is 250 miles from Syracuse. ICE must be counting the Atlantic Ocean as a border NYC is within 100 miles of.
The US isn’t worried about mermaids immigrating, so why should the ocean count as a border that ICE has more freedom to harass brown people?
K-State Nate, boat people. Creoles could steal a boat, paddle it down the coast to the NYC harbor, and sneak into NYC while authorities are busy picking protestors off the Statue of Liberty.
You forgot that Syracuse is exactly 50 miles from the nearest Canadian border so ICE was not in the wrong.
“Debt incurred due to sporting events” – what does that even mean? He has a gambling problem? Or that he spends too much on season tickets?
How much does keeping a box cost? (I have no idea, or if he even had one.)
Obama insisted that the NATO countries spend 2 percent of their GDP on NATO, on arms, mainly by buying arms from American military manufacturers, Raytheon, Boeing and the others. this sabre-rattling to Russia is a means of obliging the European countries to pay the United States arms manufacturers for goods, and to basically hold Europe up for ransom, saying if you don’t be a part of this, we’re not going to defend you.
Demanding we raise our GDP is bullshit and an overtly imperial corporatist move. This is very disappointing guys.
Agreed – this is so obviously a play to create demand for American defense contractors.
hosam, how does that work? As an example, they pay 2% more, we pay 2% less; zero sum. The money goes to NATO. NATO has a budget and expenditures. I assume NATO spends what it is allocated. Has NATO’s budget increased lately? Is NATO allowed to run a deficit? I am not seeing how the defense contractors are benefiting.
The money is used to pay for arms, U.S arms, feeding their growth and our detriment. The GDP is for corps not nato, nato doesn’t have a balance of accounts the money doesn’t go to them.
Everyone seems to confuse that… the money we’re talking about does not go ‘to Nato’!
The 2% everyone is talking about is what every country is supposed to spend on their own defence budgets. (in 2024)
The payments directly to Nato are based on the GDP as well but has never been a part of this discussion.
Obama never pressured Europeans to spend on defense specifically to buy American arms especially because and he couldn’t with a straight face because modern European arms are better. The latest fighter jet, Typhoon, is decades ahead of the latest American jet, F-16, and the F-35 is still fraught with trouble while there is no way the F-22 will be sold to Europe anytime soon.
Let alone the Naval and Land systems which are co-produced in Europe by Europeans.
He pressured them to spend more money on defense in order to ease American defense spending because European allies committed to Afghanistan and failed to deliver forcing the US to use much more of its troops than before.
Similar thing happened on Atlantic patrols and the submarine fleets as well as the Radar network etc. All these are old, very old and in urgent need of replacement. The US submarine fleet needs to be replaced and it is so expensive even congress shrieks at the prospect of passing such a law.
Yes he did, he insisted they increase spending on defence and buy from american manufactures instead of russian and the largest supplier of weapons are the damn americans who almost have a monopoly on weapons sales to NATO members. So using simply logic more spending means more buying from the fucking americans.