Aggressive Progressives: July 11, 2018

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Waldo Peterson46 Comments

Jimmy Dore, Steve Oh, Stef Zamorano & Malcolm Fleschner. Chuck Schumer skips townhall, so constituents speak to cardboard cutout. New report shows U.S. worker conditions among the worst in developed world. Remaining charges against Trump inauguration protesters after failure to prove wrongdoing. Paul Manfort wants trial moved to Roanoke because Northern Virginia is “too liberal.” Pentagon fields questions on war zone troop numbers blackout. Plus, Jimmy’s thoughts on dressing up.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 28 minutes, 0Volume 90%
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  1. Hydrox cookies were before Oreos. Hydrox were cookies for adults. The cookie was a little less sweet but their cream filling was superior. Then Oreos came along and since they were for kids the chocolate cookie was sweeter but they didn’t didn’t make a good cream center. Most people wanted the Oreo cookie with the Hydrox cream. Later they marketed Hydrox to kids with the “Hi drox” campaign. So Hydrox was not a cheap version of Oreos. It was the other way around. Personally, I preferred Hydrox.

  2. Barack Obama was clearly a neoliberal in ’08. The massive, humiliating identity battle between those wanting a woman and those wanting a poc was a masterful distraction from the issues. I was furious, and I didn’t vote for either one of them. There was no point in voting in my primary; they were the only (2) left standing MONTHS before my state got to vote, and by then, Obama had it wrapped up.

    I wasn’t shutting up, getting in line, and voting against my best interest. Instead, I cast a protest vote. I threw their identity politics bullshit back in their face. I voted for a black woman: Cynthia McKinney.

  3. Suits? They’re stupid looking, especially the tie. When I see a suit on a man or a woman, my first reaction is to be guarded and distrustful. I guess suits symbolize the establishment for me.

    So I have not ever worn a suit, not even for a job interview. I will not ever wear a suit.

    Notice that suits tend to NOT be natural fabric; the fit limits movement. You can’t put them in the washer and dryer, so you pay someone else $$ to use toxic chemicals to clean it for you.

  4. I am wearing my Aggressive Progressives t-shirt as I watch this episode.

    But come on Jimmy, the “he won’t come on my show” line?!?!? That is a classic thing right wingers like Hannity say. Don’t stoop to that.

    Bernie has explained why he won’t go third party. You just don’t like it. I have have heard you mention Lincoln being third party. Well unfortunately you seemed to have missed the lesson of the Lincoln election. Lincoln’s abolitionist views were the minority in America at the time. The Democrats got in a fight over whether we should limit slavery to the current slave states or allow it to expand further. This caused the Democratic Party to split. Which allowed a minority candidate to win.

    Bernie running as a third party Presidential would likely end in the same result.

    If we (and I believe we do) progressives really represent the majority of Americans we must fight our way through the Democratic Party first. It sucks and it makes the path much harder but otherwise we won’t actually get what we want.

    Now can it work in some local races and even in some Congressional races? Sure

    But a national third party isn’t really sustainable inside the current winner take all structure.

  5. What a great panel. This is literally the only reason I keep my TYT membership active. I have cancelled it before but couldn’t go without my Aggressive Progressives.

  6. CHESS ASSWIPE!!! LOL!!! That shit MADE MY WEEK, DAMMIT! Great show including the suit stuff. I needed real comedy this week guys. THANK YOU.

    OK…so there are people out there on social media who ABSOLUTELY SHIT ON THE IDEA OF A THIRD PARTY. The typical response is that I will WASTE MY VOTE with the implication that the GOP will win. I wish they could see this show and have THE FACTS with VIDEO EVIDENCE to show how shit the Democrats are and forever more.

    keep up the good work, guys.

    1. I don’t shit on the idea of a third party. In fact I think it is absolutely essential. However, until you get money out of politics, it will be all but impossible to break the two party cabal so you need an insurrection from the inside. That’s sort of what Trump has done on the Republican side (although he is a total fraud who is mostly toeing their establishment conservative line), and what needs to be done in the Democratic party too. The current Democratic Party is shit. But any objective analysis will tell you that they are not as shit as the Republicans. Jimmy does a great job explaining how the Democrats are just as bad as Republicans on a myriad of issues, but he does not talk about all the many areas in which Republicans are clearly worse – environmental policy, labor issues, etc. Trump has dedicated a good deal of his presidency rolling back Obama’s more progressive policies. So while the Dems deserve to be in the wilderness, I don’t want a situation in which Republicans know they’re going to win every election and become even more emboldened to run the country into the ground. Progressives are celebrating AOC’s win, but guess what? AOC is a Democrat. Let’s hope that is just the beginning.

  7. Just to be fair to Schumer, depending on WHERE he was in upstate (because what counts as upstate changes depending on what part of the state you happen to be in at the time!), It can take anywhere between 2 and 7 hours to drive to New York City. If he were in, say, Buffalo, you’re looking at the 7 hour trip. And as for trains…I have ridden many an Amtrack from Syracuse to NYC. It’s supposed to be a 5 hour trip. If you’re really lucky, the train gets in to Penn station an hour late. If you’re unlucky…I was 9 hours late once.

    This doesn’t excuse him not looking for the nearest airport to catch a quick regional flight to NYC, however. Believe it or not, Chucky, flying coach won’t poison you.

  8. As far as they thought Trump would lose so let’s cash in, they should have watched “The Producers.” Bialystock and Bloom would have cleaned up if only “Springtime For Hitler” had been a flop. The parallels are unnerving.

  9. Chucky the Shum makes the exact mistake as Joe Crowley. You don’t show up, you cant defend yourself. Now you’re fucked you coward

  10. Jimmy Dore is back! This is the Aggressive Progressives that I pay for. Now all you need to do is cut down on all those unnecessary breaks

    1. I kinda wish he wasn’t. His railing against how they aren’t charging for collusion with the Russian Government Jimmy Doore just gets on a high horse about stuff he knows jack squat about. From what I understand after listening to legal podcasts, is that you don’t want to charge certain crimes like that. What you want to do is go to court, establish some facts, get the conviction in federal, so that if Trump pardons Paul Manafort, part of that pardon is an admission of guilt, and it’s harder to get facts that have been litigated in another case that got a conviction, and a pardon disputed. So if they go to charge him with state charges about collusion with the Russian Government he can’t be pardoned for it, AND he has a deeper hole to dig himself out of because of the way the legal system works.

      Now maybe my listening to Opening Arguments has made me more keen to fantasize about what’s really going on legally and maybe none of this will come to fruition… but there is no nuance, no intelligent discussion, just getting on a damn high horse, and Jimmy Doore is really not going to have a shred of respect from me if my situation plays out. I’m tired of hearing him rant and rave when I think that he has nothing but some Gotcha line somewhere deep down in the article that doesn’t matter because it’s pointing out that someone could have tried to take a pawn at the cost of a queen. Everyone who plays chess knows that unless you have the whole match planned out and require them to take your queen, you don’t take a pawn, you protect that queen, and I’m pretty sure that state charges against Paul Manafort for collusion counts as a queen, while charging federally for charges that can be pardoned counts as a pawn.

  11. Steph was spot on with her comment about War Criminals, but she missed the connection since Wall Street finances the War Machine which is well oiled and supports the Oil Machine. What are we doing in Afghanistan? Protecting a pipeline built to help James Baker and his oil holdings in Central Asia. Have they named it after Condoleeza Rice? I am sure that we can get the troop numbers if we ask Conoco or Exxon, since they are doing the logistics.
    You guys have to get up-tp-date about military budget numbers. They hide about $6 Trillion each year recently, but over time it is at $21 Trillion. Don’t worry about their money since we are protecting it well in our Swiss bank vaults. Can I make a comment about the Global aspect of the War Machine? We have glowing stories about the Saudi troops in Yemen on the nightly news and in newspapers. And there are military actions in 76 countries.
    Another picky point I would like to make is you talked about WAR. Congress has not declared a war since WWII. But let’s start rebranding things.
    Afghanistan was the box cutter war. Syria was the CIA regime change war. Yemen is the the World Bank War. Iran will be BP’s revenge. Palestine is Dachau South.
    This was a great show. Time to get out the Anti-War protests.

  12. great show! I don’t know how you do it but even listening to you talk about suits is interesting!

    Love the four host format! Love it when you all talk about the topics and you can see your opinions evolve as it goes, feels like I am learning right there with you!

    keep it up

  13. RAWR!!!! Jimmy fucking Dore is back to form!! Thank you Steve Oh, for giving him his wings back. Uygar had no right trying to clip them in the first place.

  14. How about we have a tax payer holiday and not go to work for one week and they won’t be able to get the tax money to run the country because it will never get any better if we just sit on ass we are leaving are children a mess that may never get cleaned up just think about it the people in power will never pay the price I think about this a lot

  15. so when are the people get rid of him it’s time for him to go away for the good of the state of New York and the people of America

  16. The actual content is really good, and interesting stuff I haven’t heard or read elsewhere. But there are so many irrelevant side conversations that I get bored and can’t finish the episode. I just don’t care about men’s suits and the many other topics that distract Jimmie. The overindulgent rant about upload speeds last week was just too much. Please stay focused, I really want to hear the issues.

    1. To me the side issue is complaining that they didn’t charge Paul Manafort federally for collusion. I don’t think that’s relevant. I think that it’s a plan to make sure Paul Manafort flips his heart out because Paul Manafort is sending emails on the down low from Prison using his laptops, and he has an extension cable and is being treated like a V.I.P. in prison, and they asked for a delay on the court case citing that his lawyers have to drive too far making it too hard to prep.

      So the judge said he would transfer him to the same city as his lawyers, and they tried to rescind that delay request, but the judge said that since relocating him was the clearest answer to fullfill their request, and their argument doesn’t work now. Paul Manafort could very well have been witness tampering again using his laywers as a work around because apparently he was composing emails on his laptop, transferring it to his lawyers, and then when his lawyers left, the emails would get sent out.

      Meanwhile all Jimmy Doore is ranting about is that Paul Manafort isn’t being federally charged for collusion. Well no shit Sherlock, pardons + Paul Manafort + Trump + Pardon = save those collusion charges for state crimes that can’t be pardoned, after you’ve developed fact patterns on the federal charges. From my understanding a pardon means that you are considered guilty and that the fact patterns are considered true and pretty much unable to be re-litigated, so if they charge him with other things, and set up collusion fact patterns, the state can put up charges of collusion and build upon those facts which aren’t really up for debate anymore.

      Maybe Jimmy has some manner of reasonable analysis closer to the end, I’m almost done, but jeez it’s so hard to listen to Jimmy possibly miss all the important details just to go HA! GOTCHA! AND I’M AN IDIOT COMEDIAN! BLAH BLAH BLAH MCCARTHYISM!

      Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’ll be bowing to Jimmy Doore this time next year, but I’m saying it now I think Jimmy is talking out his ass so deep, that he might cough up a turd.

    1. Oh, calm down. The show is broadcast live and posted every week. Knock it off with this pseudo-rivalry between Jimmy and TYT.

      1. Nick you apparently didn’t watch last weeks AP where Jimmy blasted TYT for not prioritizing getting AP uploaded in a timely matter.
        Also to your points, would you say the same if TYT couldn’t get the main show uploaded until 2 days after it was taped?
        There is a rivalry between Jimmy & TYT, has been since TYT abandoned Bernie/the revolution & got $20M from Wall Street/Top Dem donor Jeffrey Katzenberg (something Jimmy alluded to in this week’s AP & Steve wasn’t happy about it either).

        1. The main show has had all sorts of problem. There have been days when I have to come on here and download the episode because they had the wrong episode marked for the day, and so when I would delete and redownload the episode the episode I’m supposed to be getting is triggering the deletion and the redownload of an episode days earlier. So say I want Hour 1 of August 20th ( making up dates in the future to make the example) and when I play it, it’s August 17th of Hour 2 that gets played. I delete Hour 1 of August 20th Hour 2 of August 17th gets deleted. I re-download same thing.

          TYT screws up sometimes. Sometimes real badly. It is absolutely mentally handicapped to argue that because there was a delay that it is a master plot to shut down Jimmy Doore.

  17. I’m just saying…Jimmy has been on fire ever since he got back from his medical leave. Holy cow the guy is ON FIRE!

    1. First of all I’m not trolling, I stated that o downgraded my membership. Which means I now pay $4.99 monthly, that was self-explanatory. Second, addressing grievances with a show is not trolling. Read before you reply, and mind your business. My comment was directed to AP, not you, goodbye.

      1. Allenr22, I happen to love their banter and Jimmy’s little ADD moments and I completely agree they need more than one night a week. I too downgraded my membership just for this show and I have the feeling we’re not the only one’s to have done that. I’m just not sure Dore’s schedule would allow for twice a week on this format, but I know it would double the TYT’s memberships. ;)

  18. Way too much additional commentary this week. I love you guys, but we wait all week for this ONE 1 he 30 min show, let’s make constructive use of every minute! Wish this show aired at least twice a week. I downgraded my membership, because this is the only show that I watch. #MakeTYTgreatagain…

  19. thank you TYT for uploading this like you actually care about the show and the members who love it.

  20. The MSN ( Main Street News ) has been abusing real journalism foer decades. Remmeber Mort Sahl’s jokes about burying real news in the 50’s and 60’s , at the back of a newspaper.

    The revolution has to focus, in addition to a number of fundamental issues,
    , to break up concentrated media ( Anti-Trust )

    Full Stop

  21. I feel your pain Steve and Malcolm, having to dress up for anything but Aggressive Progressive would take on a more serious tone aside from the comedy and goofball humour.

    Come on guys, you will look a lot more professional and feel better.with adding a simple jacket and shirt so that your “ state of undress” doesn’t detract from your first class truth telling.

    I will spot you for the cost.

  22. Whoa. This is the most POWERFUL PANEL ever (and I haven’t stopped laughing). I’m from Brooklyn and I know Vinnie and he was pissed.

  23. Chuck Shumer is NOT stupid or weak. These greedy sociopaths DO NOT CARE if we think they are stupid and/or weak, they just want MORE MONEY!! They are money ADDICTS – both parties. Those ‘dumb’ Republicans that we laugh at because they say stupid things about climate change are similar – THEY DO NOT CARE that people say they are stupid because they are getting RICHER all the time. And most of these people are HEAVILY INVESTED in the highly profitable privatized systems that have been ramping up and up and UP for decades – wars, prisons, now detention centers, healthcare insurance and so on. Privatization is the BIGGEST SCAM EVER that everyone should find out about so they SEE THROUGH IT. These peopl get ENDLESS MONEY STREAMS guaranteed with our federal money – which, by the way, is NOT ‘our tax dollars’! Yes, they have lied about EVERYTHING to dupe us for DECADES.

  24. I definitely appreciate the fast upload. I teach a yoga class while it’s running live. Namaste, Jimmy Dore.

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