Kim Horcher & Ashley Victoria Robinson. Ant-Man and the Wasp review. First photos of Kristen Wiig as Cheetah in Wonder Woman 1984. Kingdom Hearts characters may be coming to Disney parks. The eerie human quality of Google Assistant. Wizarding fandom divided over whether Harry Potter is a nerd or jock.
I’m 100% behind diversity, but i dont see how Minerva be white is problematic, is it because she obtains the curse in Africa, like A their is white people in Africa, B she a British anthropologist. The story is about an outside who comes in search for powers she doesn’t understand and it goes terribly wrong. See this comments are problematic because comments were made about iron fist being a mystical martial art base character but he wasn’t Chinese, like to me that’s incredibly racist and stereotypical so often Asian get type cast in martial arts roles. Now because of this it got slated on RT, literally every negative review heavily featured whitewashing, which is hard to do with a character that’s white in the comics. And it felt exactly the same sort of rants right wingers go on about female lead in star wars never mind rose getting bullied off tweeter or when riri got introduced as iron heart the rage was ridiculous and that’s what it felt like reading iron fist reviews. They didn’t feel objective but prejudicial because of this.
So when you say its problematic a white character in still playing a white because their powers come from Africa. Which then people get caught up and arnt objective.
Let me make it clear I have no problems with cheetahs being Black, Asian, Arab Indian, even Native American. And that goes for any character as a gay black male i think we need a hell of a lot of diversity in the justice league rota as we have 3 white males, 1 Israeli female 1 Polynesian male passing for white and one black male.
But lets start using common sense when it comes to topics like.
I really do think people need to start enjoying movies for what they are. For example the ghost buster movie, it wasn’t supposed to be Shakespeare or thought provoking movie. Its was a summer block buster when you can go out with your friends and have a laugh and not take it to serious or in science fiction /superhero movies we need to stop picking at silly things for example people can cleaned it in Suicide Squad that will Smiths character read out folder to quickly before throwing it, one from what the flick was about pyslocke costume in X-Men apocalypse is completely impractical for battle, know if you can accept Shape shifting, telekinesis teleportation pyrokinesis sky beams I’m pretty sure a costume or speed reading isn’t a stretch in these kind of movies
I think it would take this into consideration people might enjoy movies a lot more because lately it seems if a movie isn’t epic its trash
I think GA, if it works as advertized, is just fine. Concerns over how eerie it is is just people struggling to find something to complain about. Grow up.