Post Game July 6, 2018

In Post Game - On Demand by Waldo Peterson51 Comments

Flying solo! Steve Oh hosts Friday’s Post Game Show!

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  1. I greatly appreciate your post game. This was not only informative but interesting. How a group of people are so complacent to think that the small little changes that are being made for the wrong reasons can and will become much bigger problems. That they think they are small changes and that because they do not effect them now does not mean they will not effect them too in the end. Reminds me of a song by Anti-Flag, I am paraphrasing First they came for everyone else…and then they came for me.

    Human being are human beings I don’t understand the hesitation.
    Thank you again.

  2. Hi Steve, thanks for a great solo Friday Post Game. I always enjoy the Friday show, but this time you talked about Munich, my neighborhood. Glad you were able to return to this gorgeous area of Germany. Important history lesson about scapegoating and 1933-like changes indeed. Greetings from Munich ?

  3. How depressing is it that the reason it won’t happen again is NOT because we’ve learned from history or are better educated or have evolved morally or anything like that, but simply that the man in charge is incompetent this time.

  4. Yes, the supreme court should have been enough to motivate every progressive to vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is, because a Hillary or whoever presidency is only for four years until progressives have shot at another progressive primary challenge, while a seat on the supreme court is for life.

    Yes, Obama should have picked a much better candidate. Yes, the Democrats should have fought tooth and nail to fill that seat. Yes, Hillary should have led a better campaign and earned peoples’ votes. And yes, progressives should have voted for her over Green.

    Vote your conscience is bullshit. Your vote is not your virginity. It’s not some sacred thing that is sullied if you don’t use it to support your ideal candidate. It’s a tool to accomplish a political outcome. This current administration is not a great political outcome, and it wasn’t helped by some progressives throwing away their vote.

    1. We need to change the election system so that kind of hard decision does not have to be made – Ranked Choice voting looks good.

    2. Let’s take Ohio. If every single Green party and Libertarian vote went to Hillary instead, Trump still would have won. In cases like that I don’t see how progressives “threw their vote away”.

  5. Hey Steve, great show! I wanted to say thank you for responding to the comments on the TYT website (you seem to do this more than any other host). I also wanted to ask, where do I find the data that shows that more Hillary supporters voted for McCain than Bernie Supporters who voted for Trump? I tried to look this up a few months ago but I came up empty. Thanks!

  6. Thanks to everyone who left such nice comments! It was very hard to do the show alone. I was trying to pretend I was sitting in a bar with all 19 of you and just telling you a story. It made me feel less like I was alone in a studio and just talking to myself.

    Hopefully we get Malcolm and Dave back this week! Thanks again for your support!

    1. You did a great job, dude. Listening to you describe visiting Europe was great – my gf and I stayed in Helsinki with a buddy and spent a ton of time in Germany and had the same opinion. Everything is pretty much endlessly charming. We liked Munich better than Berlin…way more laid back. I liked your commentary on the rise of Nazism in the 30’s, as well. The true danger of monsters is that they don’t start as mosters. They get there by degrees.

      Anyway, tough day, good job.

    2. I was just kidding when I called dave a code… id watch 30 minutes of Steve every week!

      Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time
      For y’all have knocked her up
      I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe
      I was not offended
      For I knew I had to rise above it all
      Or drown in my own shit

  7. Kudos to Steve on his first solo flight on last Friday’s post game. Very insightful talk on his trip to Europe and on the Supreme Court, especially on Paul Watford and how his nomination likely would have gone through and strengthened the tide against a rightward leaning court.

    I look forward to seeing Steve on Fridays in the future.

  8. Every 50 or so years sees a whole bunch of working people decrying technology / rights for ‘other tribes’ who look to the leader to make things like they were when they were kids. Hillary’s father worked at the Scranton Lace Factory in Pennsylvania, he would’ve been one of the ones to hear a carnival barker like Trump had he been around today with a baby Hillary. How she could KNOW this and still ignore the working people of PA in favor of Goldman Sachs, Big Pharma and Morocco astounds and greatly disappoints me to this day.

    WHO were the people Hitler ‘cared’ about, jkmyoung? That is an infuriating statement.

    There may be one or two cases of ‘luck’ for Hitler, Steve, but there are far more cases of support / encouragement by the then Palestinian leadership, Hollywood and even members of the British royal family. More support means more and better advice such as about timing, using weather as excuses.

    I saw that Second Civil War trending topic and didn’t join. I get the jokes, I just don’t feel — in an environment with a white supremacist actually elected to the White House, surrounded by Camp of the Saints believers and assorted other basket cases calling those of my color the names allowed during slavery, allowing ICE and police to militarize and brutalize while allowing calls to the police on people who look like me — that this is funny. I am actually worried about a war on American soil now, have been since that orange fool got in.

    I heard you about the Iraq War, Steve, and I get that. But my point is how easy it was to trick people, including many of my fellow African Americans, into thinking ‘We ain’t Muslim’ and other racist ideologies while the whole time giving tons of military support to where the NY attackers came from, Saudi Arabia. My belief is that war wouldn’t’ve come close to happening without Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes pushing for that old Jim Crow separate but equal shit.

    About the SCOTUS, I find your former classmate highly interesting, Steve. I hope there is a way to get him in if we do indeed witness a ‘blue wave’ that includes Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Brent Welder , Kaniela Ing and many others on OUR side. If we surround old Feinstein, Schumer etc. they can only have temporary Pyrrhic victories.

    I hope the new YouTube TV helps TYT go head-to-head with that donor driven mainstream and makes a real difference.

    Good solo job up in the building today Steve ❣️??

  9. A Friday Postgame? What strange world is this? I’ve never seen a Friday Postgame upload.

  10. Steve, you’re my favorite Young Turk: I subscribe on twitter to you and not Cenk! However, I love hearing your opinions because they’re a step beyond what normal commentators say. You need someone to tee it up for you, and stop you from repeating yourself.

    After watching Guess Who’s Back (2015) a movie of Hitler coming back today, I came to the same conclusions about Trump. Hitler was hard-working and actually cared about his people. If America ever had a Hitler who cared about the people …

    I always thought the Supreme Court vacancy was more a motivator for conservatives. Then they could overturn Roe V. Wade, and finally ‘stop the killing of babies!’ The idea that it’d motivate the average Democrat just seems bizarre to me.

    1. Thank you! You are correct to prefer me over Cenk. Every single time Cenk and I have had an argument over policy matters, I was 100% right and he was 100% wrong. Usually, after 5 or 6 years later, he will come around to my point of view, though he doesn’t always acknowledge how wrong he used to be.

  11. Is Steve boycotting his own show Aggressive Progressives ?
    just kidding…. welcome back Steve.

  12. This is why I love the Friday post-games. Whenever two of our beloved Gang-of-three are unavailable) please do more solo shows. Individually, you are all very interesting. Great job, going solo Steve…Is this a first? I always enjoy your calm and insightful narrative (which is something that both Malcolm and Dave share). Pardon my clumsy prattle and run on sentences…it is Saturday morning and I enjoyed the show (with a nice cup of Joe and a left over doobie from the night before). Don’t have much to add to the excellent commentary of Stephen and cut-to-chase Deb-n-NCAL…Peace:)

  13. great post game from Steve and also great to hear some positive news from Europe, (my home – France) instead of the lying shit spewed out of the mouths of Fox news hosts and the like, on the despicable American right.

  14. Steve
    I really enjoyed your solo post-game. Your insights on SCOTUS were super interesting.

    I realize that you are having fun discussing the “posh” vacation that Malcolm is having. I just wanted to say that your European vacation was no second-rate travel experience either.

    In fact, the closest I’ve come to a Scandinavian vacation was my visit to the Norway restaurant in Epcot at Disney World Florida. My son and I enjoyed their “tapas” like buffet for seafood.

    1. Hi there! Yes, of course I’m kidding about Malcolm being a rich bourgeoisie! A trip from CA to Europe is much more expensive than a trip to MA. I just like to give Malcolm a hard time.

  15. Great post game Steve! Love your thoughts on the 2016 election and the Supreme Court. I’m a Stein voter from California too and have just about had it with people blaming Stein or Bernie for Trumps presidency. Its amazing how people have forgotten or simply won’t acknowledge the egregious missteps from the Democratic Party. Hillary apparently ran a perfect campaign and was never under a federal investigation or being condescending to Bernie supporters.

    1. If she didn’t run a good campaign she would have not won by a 3 point margin in the popular vote.

      The Stein votes alone in the 3 critical states would have pushed her way over the top and nearly 10% of Bernie voters in the 3 states either abstained or cut their noses to spite their faces.

      Blaming them makes perfect sense because it is true.

      People still rightly blame Nader for 2000 because his Florida votes alone would have carried Gore regardless of any recount. But since it is Gore you won’t see the defensiveness among the progressives.

      1. Blaming 3rd party voters for Hillary’s loss makes no sense.

        – Gary Johnson took more votes away from Trump than Stein took from Hillary, so 3rd party voters didn’t cause Hillary’s loss. Here, you are cherry picking Stein while ignoring Johnson to arrive at your preferred narrative.

        – Nearly 10% of Obama voters voted for Trump instead. That’s nearly 6 million votes, far more than the total votes Stein received! Why not blame Obama for losing 10% of his voters to the other side, which is effectively a 20% swing?

        – 54% of white women voted for Trump! So why not blame white women?

        – Black voter turnout was way down, and in the areas around Detroit, about 80,000 black voters didn’t turn out (Hillary lost Michigan by 10,000), so why not blame black voters?

        – Hillary never once visited Wisconsin and lost that state by 23,000 so why not blame her campaign?

        – Most of all, polls AFTER the election showed that in Trump vs. Hillary match up, she would lose AGAIN!!! How in the world is Stein voters to blame for that result?

        The fact is, Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate and she ran a terrible campaign and wound up losing to a completely buffoonish con man by a small margin.

        1. Great to see TYT senior staff react with subscribers. Hopefully you fix TYT comment section to allow more than 2 links.

          Now to the meat:

          1. There are multiple pre-election polls that indicate that Johnson took votes almost equally from both Hillary and Trump, the same polls show that Stein barely took any votes from Trump:

          2. True enough, but even with the 10% Hillary still got 3 million more votes so it cancels out.

          3. The last time Dems won the white women vote was in 2000 (from exit polling). Obama lost the white women vote by a larger margin in 2008 and a larger margin in 2018. The Republican party is now a Whites only party (85% of all its voters were white last time) even among the much touted “millennial” who voted 51-44 to Romney and before that and 47-43 two years ago.

          If anything Hillary had minor progress here.

          4. The turnout among Black people was lower in all three states (don’t forget voter suppression especially in Milwaukee) but again, very few black people voted for Stein in any of these three states to begin with.

          5. Hillary was a bad campaigner, as Jimmy said it, she lost to a black man with a muslim name back in ’08, that should have been enough. That being said the election was clear cut for any reasonable person to go out and vote regardless of who was on the ticket. And in any case I have always had my doubts about Wisconsin because that state’s white population have gone off their meds. They reelected Walker 3 times, voted to destroy the very unions they were members of (because it turned out colored people wanted to be unionized too) and the “progressive lion” Feingold, previously 3 times senator, was losing to a corrupt unpopular nutcase.

          6. Presidents-elect get a bump always after the election. Trump’s approval among Dems was in the high 40s at one point. Such polls mean nothing.

          Finally, no one argued against how flawed Hillary was, that was a given. The real question on Nov. 8th was are we willing to elect a monster or eat our pride and elect a hack?

          There is one answer and whichever one is chosen you must accept the consequences.

        2. Exactly! I voted for Hillary in South Dakota. No way did it matter. Hillary lost by a few thousand votes in states she didn’t think sheneed to work for.

    2. Hillary lost to Trump, which makes it absolutely inarguable that she ran a terrible campaign.

      Terrible candidate, terrible campaign. She is driven by greed and ego, nothing else.

      She made Trump president.

    3. It’s amazing how Stein voters apparently feel entitled to have someone actually try to earn their vote instead of voting for the Democratic nominee blindly! For shame!

      1. that’s the whole point of a fucking campaign dumbass … if you want someone to vote for you – you fucking work for it

  16. wow steve!! you’re funny!! i had no idea! love it!!
    i also really enjoyed all of the info and commentary on both your travels and the issues of the day–
    well done!!
    thank you-

  17. Thank you Steve for the lovely Post Game! Really enjoyed hearing about your vacation and I like your perspective on the Supreme Court. :)

  18. Hi Steve. Great job. I think you were spot on with your analysis of why Watford should have been Obama’s nominee and the hubris of the Democrars. But I disagree with you on the issue of “dangling” the Supreme Court vacancy over the voters’ heads not being an effective campaign strategy. There were plenty of Republicans who were either against or indifferent to Trump who went out to vote for him ONLY because of that Supreme Court seat. Maybe it wasn’t a great motivator on the left, but it definitely was on the right and was undoubtedly one of the variables that swung the election to Trump.

    1. I don’t buy the argument that there are people who voted for trump solely because the scotus agenda.
      They don’t think that far ahead.

      1. Trump got more Evangelicals (40% of all republican vote last election) than either Bush or Reagan and the Supreme Court was the only thing they cared about because Trump was the first presidential candidate to say it out loud:

        I will pick a nominee who will overturn Roe v. Wade.

      2. There were many reasons to vote for Trump, not just SCOTUS. That was just a cherry on top.

        If Democrats had not turned their back on working people 30 years ago, under Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Conference (which Jesse Jackson dubbed the “Democratic Limousine Conference”), Trump would not be president today. For 30 years, neither party has represented the people.

        In November 2016, only one major candidate promised change. Yeah, he lied. But at least he acknowledged the current situation is unacceptable. Whereas Hillary said everything is basically alright, lets continue on, I’ll give you a third Obama term.

        Hillary Clinton was a bridge too far for too many people. Shows how deeply stupid people at the top can be — they really thought they could pull that off, and make this deeply unpopular repulsive woman president.

    2. Thanks, Jay.

      Dangling the Supreme Court vacancy is not a good strategy for Democrats b/c Dem voters are almost never single-issue voters. They are not on a crusade to overturn a prior Supreme Court decision (though they should be a on a crusade against Citizen’s United). If anything, dangling a Supreme Court vacancy works against the Democrats b/c Republican voters ARE on a crusade against Roe vs Wade and they are motivated to vote on this single issue.

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