TYT Hour 1 July 2, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson44 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Ron Paul tweets racist image. GOP donor Elliott Broidy to stop paying mistress hush money. Trump says North Korea deal may not work out. Results of Mexico’s election.

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  1. Hey hater’s why are you even a member. Is it to try to stop real progressives that actually want to help people. I have checked the same people are always complaining on almost every video about Tyt since the 2016 election. Why don’t you go away we don’t need people like you.

    1. Oh the irony. And with that post, you just put yourself at the same level as anyone who has done name calling or minimizing other people’s opinions. Welcome to the complainers club, Tammy.

      Criticism on the other hand should be welcomed by progressives if done from an honest place, and backed up with a cogent argument with a (faint) hope of improvement. I try to work from that perspective myself and real progressives are open to criticism for improvement.

    2. I have noticed that too. They sound outrage with minute stuff…so… why are they watching? only reason is because they are trolls and they want to “convince” new viewers that TYT is not good. Some comments are not even close to reality. I’m watching TYT for 6 years daily and comments about Ana are just plain lies.

    3. Tammylroberts20: Haters also have to see this because maybe if we are lucky they understand what is happening i USA today. But sadly they are here just to be trolls. Just ignore them and be happy we can get “real news”. TYT takes on both sides GOP and DNC becuase they are bought and payed for all of them. Now we are starting a movement and both Parties are beginning to get scared. WHAT??? NO money for me(politions in Washington) no, no, no it cant be true. GET THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Greeting from Norway :-)

  2. Leaving off the war crimes the US did to North Korea at the end of the war though bombing everything in that country and the brutal embargo much of the world (including the US) perpetrates on the country to this day is as disingenuous as when mainstream media leaves off that the CIA and England overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran when they talk about the “evils” of Iran. Pretending that there’s no nuance between the conflict and blaming it singlehandedly on the North Korean dictatorship is simplistic enough to befit Fox News or MSNBC. You guys should be better than that.

    War games off the coast of North Korea isn’t provocative?! Let’s play the Cenk game with “what if Obama did (whatever)”. What if CHINA had war games off the cost of Los Angeles? You’d be up in arms! Pretending that our military posturing is anything BUT antagonizing is naive at best. Calling it “defense” is what mainstream media calls it, pure and simple.

    Ana yet again sets up her strawman against criticism she (rightly) got for her poor coverage of the North Korea summit. Members had valid arguments that have been mischaracterized by her on air multiple times now. She can’t let it go. From Post Games, I’m remembering all the times she runs into issues with people whether on the street, or at her condo or wherever, and this whole situation has begun to make me question those stories, and that instead this is more a textbook definition of drama queen and I think this behavior is some evidence Ana can’t take criticism, even if its well founded.

    Thinking back on my comments from the summit: I said at least this is better than the name calling and debates about who has a bigger “button”. You know what? Still is better. Cenk admits, NK probably would have continued to develop its nuclear capabilities regardless, so nothing much has changed. If you don’t have faith in Trump (I don’t either), best option is to run out the clock on his term without blowing each other up. I think the summit still delayed that a bit and that is why on the whole its a good thing. Ana talks about him not listening to his advisers, but he packed his advisers with people that want the war like Bolton, so that’s no good. We just need to run out the clock.

    1. As soon as Trump turns on North Korea again, when Un calls Trump a dotar you’ll be once again attend Trump’s rally booing North Korea and you’ll disregard all of your rediculous reasoning of the US/SK war games and how Un is a great leader. You are part of a cult.

  3. Looks like another right wing nut bar rabid racist ‘Ron Paul’ has finally shown his TRUE colors, and they are most definitely a swastika black and white SS.

  4. Bring Abby martin to debate the validity of Giving peace to north Korea on their terms. Removing troops from the peninsula, lifting sanctions and so on.

  5. The NYT piece on Obrador’s victory was perfectly reasonable and was not different than anything they wrote about Trump.

    The guy says he will increase social spending but without increasing taxes.

    He wants to Nationalize a number of private corporations but doesn’t say how, or from where the money will come from.

    The right wing still controls Congress and they won’t allow any of his proposals and he has only a single term to bring Manna from the sky.

    He is against NAFTA for farmers but for it when it comes to Services and Industry.

    He is against the war on drugs but for fighting corruption in a country where the first thing a new prosecutor gets when he reaches his office is a bullet and a $100 bill and he has to choose which one to take.

    He was the Mayor of Mexico city for 5 years but his term was a colossal failure.

  6. Hey Cenk, why don’t you use all your savings from firing Nomiki Konst, Hannah Cranston, Dan Rather, and Michael Tracy (and who knows what other staff) to convince this woman to say she terminated a pregnancy? Pretty sure TYT Army is getting sick of giving you money and there being ZERO accountability for how it is spent. I know I’m done.

    1. They ended Dan Rather’s show? When? What is going on over there?? Are there even any reporters left?

    1. He has been an open racist since the 80s and never disavow his racist newsletters until the 2004 elections.

    2. Irregardless who sent it it’s his account. Trump have used the bs excuse. The right has absolutely zero accountability.

  7. The piece on the Mexican election was ultra-satisfying. Cenk is justified to go after the NYT’s reporting. When you read their Latin America coverage, it feels like you’re back in the Operation Mockingbird days. Regarding AMLO and corruption, he has had a front row seat to some of the worse effects. He would have won the 2006 election, but for election fraud. The aftermath of the election involved his followers peacefully taking over the Zocalo (a gigantic plaza) and Reforma (a giant 12 lane boulevard) for weeks. The amount of humans involved was in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, yet he peacefully yielded to Felipe Calderon. Calderon then unleashed the drug war as we know it, today. In 2012, the PRI was caught buying votes. AMLO’s victory is, in itself, a victory over corruption. Just as we are seeing, in the U.S., how much corruption can be unleashed by a president, we may see, in Mexico, how much corruption can be halted by a president.


  8. I’m going to start using the term “Melanin Heterogeneity” as a veil for my racism. Thanks Ron Paul.

  9. I love that they think the Cultural *Marxists* are attempting a one-world *corporate* take over. Yeah, you know how us Marxists just looooove us some corporations ?

  10. Hi Guys! Happy 4th July! (when it happens)
    Ana You always remind Me of an Olympic Swimmer in that outfit!
    Gold ? Medal Days!

  11. No no no! Don’t raise money for this. Talk about getting involved with the story.
    It won’t matter and it won’t bring him down. There’s nothing illegal here so no impeachment and his base won’t care. Neither will the xtians care as long as he appts anti abortion judges.
    And I don’t think I even care about this.
    This doesn’t matter.
    Fund raise for Wolf-pac not some Trump mistress.

    1. Are you aware that Drumpf’s most loyal voting block is Evangelical Christians? I know, by definition, that makes them unbelievable hypocrites, but one thing they’ve used to this point is that Drumpf got a clean slate once he became Prez. Well, this sounds like he paid off a woman to have an abortion AFTER he became Prez. I’m pretty cynical, but Lord knows it’s gonna be hard for them to keep up the facade of him being some sort of prophet if that’s true. At this point, the only thing that might save us from another Drumpf SCOTUS pick on the bench for 30+ years is this administration going into a complete tailspin. I’m willing to pitch in $10 if there’s even a 1% chance of that happening.

    2. No fear that I will ever again give money because Cenk asks me to.

      June 4, 2018: “Alison can win, but YOU need to give money so she can!”
      June 5, 2018: Alison Hartson 2%

      I don’t know how many uninformed people trusted Cenk and coughed up their hard-earned cash in those final days. I’d stopped giving money many weeks before, when poll after poll after poll had Alison at 1%.

      TYT audience never knew about those polls. Cenk never mentioned them. He just kept saying “She can win! Give her money!” which might have been forgivable if he had ALSO shared the real poll numbers and been honest about it.

      1. Thank god we didn’t listen to Cenk about AOC right? Oh wait, she crushed it and that win is a huge victory for progressives in so many ways.
        Seriously, it has been three weeks since the CA primaries! Your overt dislike of Cenk and continuous forced posting of virtually the same comment is getting really annoying. He owned his mistake the next day, he was over-optimistic but he didn’t lie to us. And in the end, it is up to the individual to make their own decision whether to donate money or not. Grow up and move on with your life.

        1. First, I like Cenk very much, and have for many years. If I did not, I would not waste time trying to provide feedback which, apparently, his colleagues are too afraid to give him. I see him growing increasingly adrift from reality and facts, and it concerns me BECAUSE I like him and value TYT.

          Second, your interpretation that he “owned his mistake” is either based on ignorance or you deliberately have your head in the sand. Omitting the reality of the actual polls IS a lie of omission. His post-election explanation was nothing less than Trumpian in how it evaded the real failures and faults.

          Third, if you don’t like my posts, don’t read them.

          1. Do you think there’s something to be said about maintaining the energy of a large group of people by using “false” hope? Sometimes you can get a win simply by convincing enough people that you’re going to win. The false belief becomes the truth, because you kept working until the last minute, whereas if someone told you it was all over, you’d give up.

            In this specific case, I think it was way too much of an impossible long shot, but what about races where it’s a lot closer? I don’t know if it’s “lying” to keep people hopeful until the race is called, and get them to get excited enough to keep getting people out until the very end. Again, not talking about this case, but in general.

            1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it one more time: my complaint was never with his rah-rah’ing.

              My complaint is that he was asking people to give money, as late as June 4, on the grounds that Alison had a real chance to make it into the run-off against Feinstein. “Give money now!” as if one’s failure to give money could cost Alison the election.

              Never mind that 4 out of 5 recent polls had her at 1% or less.

              I know people are tired me posting this and I’m tired of it myself. My concern is that Cenk is going increasingly off the deep end, and starting to have more in common with Alex Jones than the old Cenk I remember from 10 years ago. Back then, his rants were at least founded on reality.

              Most recently, this week, he rambled on and on about how fickle is fate, because if he and Kyle had not created the Justice Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would not have defeated Joe Crowley.

              Only one problem with that — JD had nothing to do with recruiting AOC. That was all Brand New Congress. JD came in afterward, after AOC was already a Brand New Congress candidate, and endorsed her, too. Check out Katy Halper’s interview with AOC on TYT Interviews on May 18. Listen to AOC describe in detail the process by which BNC found her, recruited her, and helped her win. No mention of Justice Democrats. Yet in Cenk’s mind, this fantasy now stars himself, as the Key Elemental Force that started it all rolling.

              I want Cenk and TYT to succeed. But to really do that, he needs to find the line between reality and fantasy, and start walking this side of that line.

          2. I grant you your first point, we disagree on your second (hindsight is 20/20), as to your third…that’s pretty lame. Reading and responding, whether positive or negative, like or dislike, is part of the whole point of the comments. I’m not going to “tune someone out” because sometimes I don’t agree with their posts.

  12. Regarding the payments to Shera Bechard. It could be Trump instead of Broidy who had the affair. It could also be Broidy as reported. But- It might not be either Broidy or Trump. I don’t follow a lot of this stuff closely, but if I remember correctly, Michael Cohen has been revealed to only have three clients. Trump, Broidy, and… Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity carries a lot of water for ALL republicans. As long as we’re being speculative, that sort of payout isn’t unrealistic if the person having the affair was Sean Hannity. Call me a bad person, but I hope it’s Sean Hannity. I’ve reached the apex of cynicism regarding the hope that any Trump scandal would give any of his supporters pause. And even if it was Sean Hannity, it might not give any of HIS supporters pause either. But- selfishly, I would like that piece of information to throw back at people who support that hypocritical, sanctimonious assclown. I’m probably not a good person for hoping that. Sorry.

  13. What exactly is white culture. Murder violence and hate.
    I think they are not giving Trump credit I didn’t think he’d ever realize he’d been played. His response of basically he shook my hand and promised me isn’t really hopeful but at least he has some doubt.

    1. Well, like all cultures there are many different cultures within the culture of a race. As it is with all cultures, there are assholes that believe and do stupid things. I’d bet you wouldn’t say that exact same thing about any other culture. Don’t stoop to judging an entire race by the actions of a loud few. Leave that to the right-wing idiots so they are the ones that show how foolish they are

    1. Nice. You really know how to make a women feel good. Why not try talking about how she is highly intelligent, strives to fight for the underprivileged and forgotten in society, passionate in what she believes ect…That is what’s extremely attractive about Ana. A women’s looks is just a bonus. Why don’t you work on not objectifying her. That’s not why she is there.

    2. those types of comments are why so many on the right are brainwashed fascists. Fox News and Trump ensures they have hot women as their spokes people to brainwash their peons into following them. Even on social media the most popular alt right women just post body pics of themselves and have almost nothing of substance to say.

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