Cenk Uygur & Ana Kasparian. Satellite images show NK improving nuclear research facilites; Trade partners are tired of Trump; Poll: Support for tax law is going down; White woman at pool, yells at black kids; Do major news sources knowingly lie? ; Trump broke his own record of lies; Guy who ran over protester in Charlottesville charged with hate crime.

Iraq was about to go off the dollar in 2003. The US did regime change. Libya was about to go off the dollar in 2011. The US did regime change. Iran went off the dollar this year. Guess what’s coming….
“To be fair”
I love it.
I’m impressed — All caps… BTW, what is MMT?..
MMT is a world without gravity, where a down payment on a house will need to be for 100% of the asking price.
You sound like a Republican. “You support Bernie Sanders? YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ECONOMICS!”
If that’s all the thought you’re willing to put in to a condescending non-argument, please shut up. All you did is say “you’re wrong,” as if that adds anything constructive to the conversation. It’s fine to criticize, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it.
It’s because as soon as the post game ends at 9PM EST, they rush to break up the day’s show and get it posted for members to watch. I agree with you (Turkmenistan) though, the descriptions on these and on YouTube are always lacking. I do wish there was more care taken in breaking up the clips and in writing about the stories, but I understand it’s the time crunch.
They really dont care. At all! Remember these are the people we helped raise 500 k for two reporters that were summarily dismissed when TYT got their huge donor.
Stories in episode description excluded from actual episode:
“White woman at pool, yells at black kids; Do major news sources knowingly lie? ; Trump broke his own record of lies; Guy who ran over protester in Charlottesville charged with hate crime.”
Would it be too much to ask to limit the episode descriptions to include ONLY the stories that were actually covered?
Sorry, just this member’s pet peeve. Please keep up the great work, albeit with a few tweaks.