TYT Hour 1 June 27, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J50 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian. Kennedy announces retirement from SCOTUS; SCOTUS union worker ruling; Federal Judge rules for immigrant children to be returned to parents within 30 days; Nancy Pelosi cant accept that AOC won last night — Steve Schmidt calls her dishonest.

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  1. Lots of pearl clutching and voter shaming from the painfully predictable idiots who sit with their thumbs up their asses all year as elections get more openly corrupt and drenched in corporate and dark money, gentlemen (and ladies) in nice suits and dresses do bipartisan deals to funnel taxpayer money to corporations and mercenary war entities, wage earners get less, and the country has its natural resources plundered and polluted. Couple of points.

    i) Blaming protest votes for Trump and the SC: 2016, Pennsylvania – HRC: 2.926 K, Trump: 2.97 K, margin – 44K. Stein had 21 K in 2012, 49 K in 2016. Assuming ***all of the Stein 28 K increase to go to HRC**** (ignoring any effect of even population growth on her voteshare), Trump still takes Pennsylvania and with it the presidency. So keep blaming protest votes, we can use it as a shorthand for “I am a math challenged idiot and nobody needs to listen to me.”

    ii) The comments contain even more fantastically stupid assertions that Trump running and the potential courts were a reason “everybody should have voted Hilary”. I guess then the ’94 crimes bill should have meant everybody voting Democratic were responsible for the numerous lives ruined by three strikes from minor drug possession. Everybody voting Democratic were also responsible for Lybia having its water infrastructure bombed and exploding slave trade, or the Obama EPA’s inaction on lead and copper testing standards post Flint.

    iii) It takes a very special combination of stupidity and overconfidence to do nothing that would change anything and give your stupidass an ego massage for being an ‘adult’. This election cycle is the first one where a vast swathe of candidates have started distancing themselves from corrupting money.That is a thousand percent the result of what became of Hillary in 2016. Not important enough for you ? Very likely because a) you don’t have a damn clue of how grassroots change happens or b) your dumbass doesn’t know how the laws you live by come into existence .

    iv) Somehow you have come to the realization that you are the spokespeople and savior of people of color and gender minorities, so let me dispel that notion – you are petty , snivelling, mentally troubled scared little racebaiting cowards that speak for nobody.
    I am a brown transgender girl. In a country where half the population has no savings and big money and military interests write all the laws of the land, my cause is to fight for economic justice and money out of politics. Stop using us as a shield for corruption, economic Darwinism, and cowardly political inaction. Nobody wants your patronizing sleaze, get the fuck off our side and crawl back into your hole.

  2. Please make the 06-28-2018 hour 1 episode available for download since the second hour is already available. Thank you….

  3. The good news is, progressives are making huge gains in local elections across the country. While wins by Ben Jealous and AOC are obviously huge news, no less huge are all the state seats being won by progressives, as well as school boards, mayors, supervisors, District Attorneys, and judges.

    Unless you know the local players, this may not be obvious, because the mainstream media is not covering this stuff, except when a group with a “notorious” sounding name like Democratic Socialists of America has candidates in the race. (It cracks me up how so many inside the media bubble still treat the word “socialist” like it has negative connotations.) But here in my area, every progressive candidate won in local races. The progressive bench is solid and growing.

    We are everywhere. And we are winning everywhere.

  4. Cenk is being dishonest about the filibuster.

    Every trick McConnell used to block Garland and then force Gorsuch was a Dem trick that Dems used because of pressure from people like Cenk. The pro forma technique of obstruction, which basically made recess appointments impossible, was a Harry Reid invention. So was doing away with appointment filibuster making the minimum required votes a simple majority instead of 60 votes.

    Only the legislative filibuster is left and the republicans won’t touch it because they will always need it.

    1. Oh and the Dems can’t block the next nominee even if they wanted to. He will get there by hook (a forced vote and a deal with Manchin, the safest Dem of the vulnerable 7) or by crook (a recess appointment because McConnell can adjourn the senate).

      They can however block him if they controlled the senate but they don’t control it.

        1. Is English your second language because if this was your conclusion from what I wrote then talking to you is useless.

          But just for other people, I was explaining context here and show that Dems are not as peaceful and useless as Cenk portrays them to be, all the actions above are from 12 years ago when the Dems took back congress in 2006.

          1. Unfortunately, Reid getting rid of the filibuster for federal judges was because of ridiculous stonewalling by McConnell. If you want to blame anyone, blame him. He knew the moment Reid pulled the trigger that he could erode the filibuster further to cover SC appointees, and he did just that when he became the majority leader. If the Republicans hadn’t tried so hard to block even procedural things that Obama NEEDED to do (fill federal judge vacancies), then Reid wouldn’t have had to take the first step to keep government functioning properly.

            That’s interesting that Reid was the one who effectively blocked recess appointments… now that truly sucks.

          2. “Every trick McConnell used to block Garland and then force Gorsuch was a Dem trick that Dems used.” Really? Explain yourself. Name a time the Democrats actually refused to hold an up or down vote on a Supreme Court nominee. That’s what they did with Garland. Tell me when the Democrats did that trick. Sure, Biden *proposed* such a trick in 1992, but they did not carry it out. Further, Biden stated he would support a future Supreme Court nominee by President Bush if he nominated a moderate (which Garland was).

            I think you have some backtracking to do here.

            1. Once you do it for judicial appointments doing it for the supreme court is the logical extension.

              And you should not forget that Kennedy was not the first pick for the open seat in 87, it was a guy called Robert Bork who was, I think, the first Supreme Court nominee to be blocked in a vote.

        2. KarinK, sec86379 can’t spell “straight.” In his preceding post, he spelled it “strait.” Oops, karma.

          1. Strait is correct albeit an obsolete form of it. Blame it on my obsession with 19th century literature.

  5. Schmidt is the model for dishonest neo-liberalism: saying anything for people is unaffordable while continuing to increase corporate tax cuts and bail outs.

  6. The only way to inject an actual spine into the Democratic Party in Washington is to elect 100 more in the Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez mold.

  7. I’ll save you some time if you want to get the VOTE wave shirt and also enjoy the FLASHSALE discount… that discount only applies to a very limited number of sale items, and does not include the VOTE shirt.

  8. Kennedy did his job well and a 37 year old Koch Brothers surrogate will replace him. Yay!

    But white, strait, rich, relapsed catholic Jimmyboy and his fans (who are mostly like him) don’t care because Hillary would have been worse.

    Enjoy your rights while they last and remember, Social Security, Medicare, de-Segregation, gay rights only exists because of Supreme Court decisions not because the people voted the right way.

    Here is the hit list of judicial precedents on Judicial Watch list:


    The only way out right now is court packing which is never good.

    1. “white, strait, rich, relapsed catholic Jimmyboy and his fans (who are mostly like him) ” — untrue, but you’ve never let facts get in your way before so why start now?

    2. Jimmy is totally ignorant of basic strategic politics. Sadly he has a big following and his sycophants believe everything he says and are incapable of ever admitting that maybe a vote for Hillary had some positives.

      He’s STILL doing videos about Hillary and the election was a year and a half ago… dude has an unhealthy obsession.

  9. The British Bliarites in the Labour Party, here in The U.K., behaved in exactly the same way as The Democrats are in this report. When Jeremy Corbyn turned around a thirty point lead to The Tories, and nearly win our last General Election

  10. How do ya like the idea of requiring the Supreme Court to be balanced: 3 Republicans, 3 Democrats and 3 independents?

  11. Comments to Jimmy Dore should probably be posted under Aggressive Progressive. I can’t remember the last time he was on the main show.

    I have a feeling that whoever HRC appointed, if it were her choice, I wouldn’t have like them either.

    1. Of course you wouldn’t have liked him/her, but at least we in the real community would know that all precedents would be safe.

      It is not just Roe v. Wade that is threatened, he is a simple list of precedents that even the worst Hillary appointee won’t touch with a mile long pole:


      These are the precedents targeted by Judicial Watch and every Trump nominee must check out well on them.

        1. If you have to label us all as Hillary Shills simply to assuage your guilt, by all means. As a hispanic male, I voted for my best interest, which was Bernie Sanders. I love the man, and during the Democratic primary, I did all I could to convince other people to vote for him as well. I REALLY dislike Hillary, and I STILL do, but I’m also not a fool. When she, very unfortunately, won the primary, I knew I had to choose between two evils, and Hillary is by far and away, the FAR LESSER EVIL.

          What was said before regarding straight, white males is true. Jimmy Dore is not affected by Trump’s policies as much as minorities are, so he can never truly knows what it feels like to be treated as a second-class citizens, and, my suspicion, is neither do you. As a Hispanic-American of immigrant parents, I fear for my fellow Latinos, and I fear for the people in my community who are here undocumented.

          Some people will be ok weathering the storm, but I can assure you, many people, including myself and those like me, will not.

          1. 1) I did not label “all” just Sec86379 because he has a long history of posting Shillery Stuff here.

            2) You have NO IDEA of the demographics of Jimmy’s fans. You simply assume that the majority are “just like Jimmy” — based on… what? You pull that out of your butt.

            I am not straight, not white and not male. There are plenty of us in Jimmy’s fan base. I don’t know the percentage AND NEITHER DO YOU.

            Stop trying to diminish his impact by incorrectly labeling people who appreciate him. That’s “Bernie Bro” crap just like the Hillbots employed in 2016, and “Obama Bro” crap just like the Hillbots employed in 2008.

            Oh wait! I see a pattern here…

          1. So basically you’re saying there is nothing we can do. Hillary did win were it not for the Republicans strategically going for states with strong electoral college numbers. It’s everyone’s fault who voted any way but for Hillary so we are now all fucked. No attempt to move forward with some idea of fixing this, just recrimination. Have I got that right?

            1. I did not say that, I was just pointing out the mistakes that we can avoid next time.

              The first mistake is the big picture. I am sure that 99% of all TYT subs, like me, wanted Bernie to win the primary and go on to win the general but when he lost instead of closing ranks a civil war erupted. People still don’t realize that the Tea Party eventually lost the battle with the republican establishment and but almost no teabaggers or the people who lost to teabaggers ever switched sides. They closed ranks and voted for the winner not a third party. Hillary would have done many bad things but the bigger picture, the legacy that will continue beyond her death namely the Supreme court which had an opening and 5 people who will be above 70 years of age by 2020 let alone the 300-500 possible and current openings in lower federal courts is alone a reason to support her.

              The Second mistake is not starting local. Dems and progressives have lost touch with local and state government ever since Bush got us into war despite the fact that 85% of all the policies affecting peoples lives from healthcare to education to housing to even drugs are pure local/state government matters. People bitch about how Obama and the Dems lost 1000 state seats but Obama had little influence on those seats lost, it was the flood of money (Citizens United was a 2010 decision) and a racialist campaign that saw the largest white flight from the Democratic party since 1980 that lost the election (in some studies the swing in the white vote was slightly over 10% in swing states in favor of the republicans). Even after the 2010 disaster the focus continued to be national while the republican puppet-masters were grooming who will be next and nearly all the republican new candidates in 2016 and 2018 locally or for state wide office were 2010 winners, i.e. career politicians who the left and right rail against.

              The third mistake is colorism. One of the very few thing Bill Maher says that make sense is that there is still a shit load of white people in the US (77% of all voters who actually vote) and this was key to the republican successes since 2010 especially on the state level. Sorry but in the next election there will be more people of color than whites in the Democratic delegation and that will send a strong signal that the democratic party in not welcoming to the white man. Dems should start investing in white, strait talent and there are a lot of them out there.

              Fourth Mistake is ideological purity. There should be no ideological purity especially in state wide elections like those of the senate. Manchin as bad as he is never voted against a liberal justice to my knowledge and neither did the other usual suspects who will vote for the Trump nominee next fall. Also guns are a done deal and I am frustrated when people like Kulinski say guns are part of their purity test. Many of the Sanders/Trump cross-overs crossed over because of guns not populism because Sanders was to the right of Hillary on guns. The lesser of two evils is still the lesser of two evils because one evil will kill you and the other will almost have no effect on your life what so ever.

              Last but not least money. With the new Supreme Court the open auction will be afoot. There are ways to raise money without instigating corruption and the progressives should realize that and pursue those avenues. Sanders did it and so should other progressives.

  12. Hey Jimmy Dore, how is your conscience today? Still feeling good about telling voters that even if they’re in a swing state they shouldn’t vote for Hillary? I do acknowledge though that the Democratic Party does seem pretty deliberately weak; we need a party that will fight as hard for us as well as the Republican Party does for them.

    1. Didn’t he say we could “weather the storm”? Yeah, this is gonna be a great 50 year storm we weather if you’re brown or gay or a woman. Those people who aren’t white men like Jimmy Dore are gonna have a wonderful time weathering this storm. a 6-3 majority means they are going to start sending the craziest fucking cases to the supreme court. My sister is gay. She’s looking for a way to get citizenship somewhere in the EU right now.

        1. And RBG will live forever?

          The 79 year old Breyer is older than Scalia when he croaked, will he live forever?

          The Supreme Court was on the minds of republicans when they voted, was it on the minds of the Dems or progressives who still think the lesser of two evils is still evil?

          1. Both major party candidates were evil. My days of wondering which one is less evil are over. No regrets about my Jill Stein vote in Nov 2016. Would do the same again.

            Blame for Gorsuch is 100% on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, for the failed strategy of “we’ll leave that seat open in order to force more people to hold their noses, stifle their gag reflex, and vote for Hillary Clinton.”

            1. You’re really arguing that Obama somehow kept the Supreme Court seat open to force people to vote for Clinton? Now that’s a whole new level of stupid…

          2. nope, it wasn’t on their minds, because they’re spoiled, pampered little children. Deb-n-NCAL is especially disgusting. She seems to not care either way, as long as she can say “Not my fault”. They are all moronic children who think they can throw a tantrum and the government is like a parent who will try and appeal to them by changing. Anyone who didn’t vote for Clinton in 2016 (including the people who didn’t vote at all) caused this supreme court nightmare. It’s ALL ON YOU.

            It doesn’t matter if it was a shitty choice. It was the only other choice. Sorry the world is full of hard decisions, children. Every new rule that will now come down from this psychotic court will be on you. That means nothing though. Blaming you won’t make it any easier for the millions upon millions of people who will now face vastly increased suffering. For all the people who aren’t white, middle-class crying children who don’t get to “vote their conscience” because their lives are on the line, blaming or not blaming you idiot fucking children isn’t actually going to help their lives at all. We’re fucked for the next 50 years now.

            Pat yourself on the back, though. In your idiot fantasy world, you’re actually doing something. Good job, kiddo. gold star.

        1. With Chief Justice Roberts as the new “swing” vote (Kennedy was barely ever a true “swing” vote), we’re in a world of trouble.

    2. Jimmy Dore thought the democrats could filibuster a supreme court pick for 2 years. Remember that? Watch his debate with Sam Seder and try not to cry at his complete lack of knowledge of how the government works.

  13. As I haves said before, Steve Schmidt’s analysis is not worth a damn because he was too stupid to see the disaster who was Sarah Palin. Now, I am reminded by Cenk that Schmidt supported the Iraq war. All politicians and bureaucrats that supported that war of choice should be thrown out of office. Another excuse for Hillary not winning a winnable election is karma.

  14. Don’t underestimate these Republicans leaving the party. They have a home with the neoliberals since they take money from the same trough, just not as radical as the new Republican now run by Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer will have no problem welcoming them in and undermind the progressive all the way.

  15. Watching Nanci Pelosi fumble over her works in a panic was priceless!!! I’d like to see some serious upheaval in the democratic party.

  16. Stephanie Rhule piped in and said that it was so naive to think there might be free public school. Ponies and fairy dust.

    1. cheryltyler11, I heard that. I agree with you. I would like to add: Ponies and fairy dust are dreams. Dreams are good, pointless but good. Dreams and desire change the world. Desire without dreams are Republicans.

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