TYT Old School June 21, 2018

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Zoe J55 Comments

Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasaparian & John Iadarola. Bond and Mission: Impossible theme songs. Shoplifting experiences, Restaurants taking misplaced money out of servers’ pay, pros and cons of unions, & the woes of working in retail and at a Ralph’s grocery store; Benefits of an improving economy is not felt by all; California housing prices discussion; Disconnect between older Americans who don’t understand costs today and millennials. Donald Trump wants to be called an elite; Trump as cult leader; Brainwashing of masses of Americans; Cenk tells a basketball story about Dave Koller; Cenk’s killer cat; Fake Mexican food; Dave Koller calling a Bush Administration official a fascist; Pet care, kids, loving pets & children.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 28 minutes, 33 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. The cashier won’t be short on their drawer since they only charged you for one bouquet and you paid for one. They will just be off on their inventory count… depending on how they do it. Every major store though accounts for situations like this and theft. It’s referred to as “shrink”. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I work for a major drugstore chain as a cashier and I literally watch people run out of my store with stolen merchandise multiple times a day sometimes .

  2. Cats and dogs? I love them both.

    Dogs: unconditional love is priceless, and worth the extra time, care, and attention.

    Cats? They are mostly affectionate, but less needy. Untrainable? Mostly.

    I’ve had cats and dogs my whole long life. Right now, just cats, because I’m still grieving my beautiful dog, who passed after a long life a couple of years ago.

    All of my cats are strays or feral cats who find me. I have a small cat much like Cenk’s that was literally dumped into my hands in a parking lot when I said, “Well, I’ll need to think about it….” Suddenly I had a kitten in my hands and the woman was walking quickly away. This kitten was part of a litter born to a feral cat.

    The other was a stray. I caught sight of him around the barn a couple of times, until he finally after several weeks walked right up and rubbed on my ankles. An obvious stray; he was socialized and neutered. So I took him in, after putting up some signs, calling local shelters, and placing a lost & found ad.

    I’m a cat magnet. I’ve got two more who’ve showed up begging for entrance; I’ve rejected that. I make sure they have food and water, they hunt rodents in the barn, and we’re all satisfied.

    My cats follow me from room to room. If there is no room on my lap, they curl up nearby. If there is room on my lap, they are cuddlers. Just as affectionate as any dog.

  3. Cenk, I think you are wrong about it being a tiny minority of liberals who get aggressive when you have intellectual conversations on an issue with nuance. Ana is right. Conservatives probably do it much more, but it’s not a strictly conservative thing. Obviously, the internet amplifies the percentage, but it’s not insignificant. I am in college and nuance and intellectual conversations are rejected by many on the left. I’m not saying it’s a majority, but it’s much larger of a percentage than you think, especially among young people. I am a progressive on most issues, but I genuinely value getting into the weeds and discussing the nuance of issues in the world, even on positions I support, because the world isn’t black and white. Whether it’s minimum wage, healthcare, Israel, etc, there are many on the left that will get angry if you don’t want to have a completely pure position or 100% agree. You will be smeared as a right-winger, a white supremacist, etc. If you agree with the other side in the slightest way, even if you agree with them on the majority of an issue, you are a monster and should be rejected as any type of ally. It is a problem and if we don’t acknowledge it, we hurt ourselves. It makes liberals look bad and pushes allies away.

  4. Cenk… B super careful bc kikicat most likely did have a UTI… boy kitties can very regularly get these and it can easily b fatal… Even in younger boys. It happened to my cats brother when he was only a few years old.. I had no idea. They get it often from using the litterbox. Def watch him bc it’s a preventable tragedy.

  5. If we have another 6 years of right wing anti-American policies… and they codify this corrupt system of govt and turn their heads to the issue of gerrymandering… we have effectively lost control of the fed govt for at least 10 years. Local and state govt will fight back… but they only have so much power.
    That may be when we need to take our metaphorical pitchforks out and make sure that the U.S. ,at the very least, represents the majority of the people.
    Not with violence, but absolute rejection of certain laws.

  6. BS. Everyone one of my cats has been affectionate. Dogs will love anyone; cats love their people and only if you’re good people. You can teach them plenty. I’ve taught them to pee in the toilet, even when the litter box is right next to the toilet. Someone up above said every cat gets a URI and UTI in their lives. Not sure what they are doing to their cats, but I’ve never had a cat with a URI or a UTI and I’ve had a lot of cats.

  7. Watching the 3 of you shooting the shit reminded me of some old-school nostalgish (new word) time. Wasn’t even really that long ago.

    Remember when Cenk used to start the main show late, like almost every day? Like btwn 10–20 mins late? It used to annoy both John + Ana, but Ana the most, as her hour was always running short. Those were some routinely fun, eyerolling good old times. Ana got really pissed sometimes.

    We still waited + tytweeted, as the mad tytarmy we were… and then the music would start‼︎
    And we watched, tweeted gleefully, and got all CenkoUnchained together. #OfCooooourse!

    Young Turks old school nostalgia.

  8. I hate how it rewinds when you comment…..SHIT I don’t mind after all. :) Any Old School is Good Old School.

  9. Union corruption is the same as in every organization. But their benefits just outweigh the downsides. You need unions. Period.

  10. Take a look at the Rooseveldt VP 1940 Henry A Wallace compared to the business friendly replacement in 1944 Harry S Truman and their ethical, morale character. Wallace was a progressive and gained a 1,000,000 votes for president, while Truman ended WWII with the nuclear option and fire bombing. The present mess began at that point. Check it out.

  11. Do y’all KNOW how cats get pregnant?

    It’s basically a gang bang, with a circle of male cats taking turns mounting the woman. She gets to decide who goes first… often has to do a little display to re-inspire some of the men to mount her a second time. It’s why cats of the same litter can easily have different fathers. It’s the craziest thing nobody talks about.

    This AND the barbed penis thing are both true. It’s insane.

  12. Dogs are still the same species as gray wolves. And as John said, the most current theory is that we didn’t kill them all, we interbred with them and out bred them and we lived side by side comfortably until the neanderthal sub species faded out

  13. John is right. Pet insurance is not only a scam, it’s going to do the same thing as it did to human medicine: Drive prices up to an unreal, exorbitant price.
    For example: think how much it costs to fix a broken leg on a dog and a human—just the anesthesia and surgery, both of which use similar drugs, skills, and exactly the same equipment. Average human cost in the 20-40,000’s? Maybe more. A dog’s leg- Around 2000-8000.. and that’s a good profit. Same stuff, same procedure. Same overnight, electrolyte fluids, and pain meds, even. The difference? Human Insurance will pay exorbitant prices and drug manufacturers can charge whatever they want. All the companies involved win. Consumer loses.

    Solution ? Put that money (and more) away into a pet savings account. You get to keep the money too, if you don’t use it :)

    1. In my experience pet insurance pays roughly 30% of the bill, if it covers it at all, like tooth surgery. It covered everything BUT the surgery. It has gotten to the point where people without enough money, like 50% of America, really shouldn’t have pets. To my mind that is about as cruel as it gets. So we have pets and cannot medically treat them. I hate that, so I do anyway even though I cannot afford it on my SSDI, which is probably going away if the fascists have anything to say about it.

  14. veterinarian here. 1) Cenk Your cat might be eating other Neighbors’s cat or dog food. (In addition to his own -/+ the kittens’ food). Also giving cats dry food is way too much carbs, too little water, often leads to obesity, sounds like he had a UTI which could lead to a blockage (common). Help avoid this by giving wet food, watered down a bit even. No dry food (kitty crack I call it). 2) wolves are a separate species to dogs. Common misconception, what happened was a common ancestor gave rise to a primitive wolf line, a primitive dog line , a coyote line and a Fox line. They all likely looked similar to a coyote with small differences that diverged greatly with time and habitat niche. Wolves didn’t work with humans, early dogs did. Wolves are too smart to play by human rules. They are very different animals.
    3) It’s also a common misperception that humans controlled all the interaction with these early dogs. Humans often think they determined all. No, it’s a two way street, and still is. The early dogs decided it was in their own best interest to hunt less and get more food from humans, thereby expending less energy and gaining some protection as well against the larger wolves and other predators like bears and big cats, who would eat them at any easy opportunity. Humans saw the advantages too and decided to go along with it. It’s very possible that these early dogs paired up with humans against “other” intruders—dogs still do that with humans to this day.
    4) Ana, the first dogs likely looked like coyotes somewhat. People did create breeds, for better (true heAlthy working dogs) or worse (bulldogs, most American bred German Shepherds, pugs , etc and other super unhealthy-by-birth breeds that have a hard time living without a vet), based on what humans needed. Hunting dogs and herding dogs as well as protection types were probably the earliest breeds.
    5) Ana, what you’re seeing in Charlie isn’t “wolf” it’s “dog”. You just haven’t pushed him enough to see the full extent of his personality, often enough. Like in humans., think about it :).
    6) contrary to what the cat people in this comment say, dogs are just as individual as cats, and as people. All animals differ from each other greatly and are individuals. My animals and my sheep are ALL unique individuals for example! Yep, they are trained, too. :)
    7) It’s amazing how much genetics play into personality— in all animals, including humans. Environment and socializing, especially with their own species counts, but genes are huge. Kiki cat is the way he is. Not your doing.
    Hope that helps.

    1. I heard Coyotes are sometimes called Brush Wolves. Or that may be confusing the Mexican Red Wolf for Coyotes, I’m not sure. The interesting thing about dogs is that they all have the same moles on their faces from the Dachshund to a Siberian Husky to a Chihuahua.
      I love cats and dogs, well all animals….except Poodles….but my experience with cats has been terrible except for two Siamese when I was 10. The next pair were fucking nuts. They peed on me, bit me and shat on my bed. Every cat since then has done the same. I was probably horrible to them but I don’t think so. Dogs have been sweet or viciously protective but always loved me. Our first Dachl loathed children (a group harrassed her with sticks when she was a puppy. I stopped it immediately but she never forgot or forgave. My current long hair Dachl is swet and demure but stubborn as they come. What a personality.

  15. This was not only the best old school ever, it was one of the most fun and entertaining things i’ve watched in a long time.

  16. Y’all need to get more union leaders to talk about the labor movement today! I feel like labor organizing is something y’all appreciate, but don’t quite have the handle on it as other subjects. I think your audience will benefit from this!

    Also, reach out to the Burgerville Workers Union in Oregon, successfully organized the first fast food union in the nation!

  17. WARNING!! John is getting some serious muscle and his hair is becoming shaved closer…I think he is a sleeve tattoo away from becoming Joe Rogan.
    P.S. John should go on JRE.

  18. I’m sure this has been said before, but there should be a New Skool show with the newer gang… Ana, John, Kim, Grace, Francis, Brett, etc…

  19. Just took our cat to the vet, suffering from allergies. Got a shot and some antibiotics. Total $48. Get out of LA.

        1. YES!! People are assholes, and they have dogs that become assholes. You can have a nice loving family that have nice loving dogs, mine included :) But you can be a loving perfect family with a cat, and I’m going to say 50% of the time that cat will just be an asshole. Sorry cat lovers, it’s just true, cats are pretty much dicks.

          1. Yep. Genetics matter, and cats simply aren’t built for social interaction in the same way that dogs are.

    1. My cats are really lovey and sweet and I have trained them and they walk on a leash with me in the park.

  20. Not Mission Impossible. Not James Bond. What Cenk was sing was the theme for The Six Million Dollar Man.

  21. Much of what you say about the shrinking middle class and wages is true, but you also must realize that you are living in one of the biggest bubbles in the country. Here in Central Kentucky you can easily make $40,000 to $50,000 and own a very nice, 3-bedroom house for $150,000.

    1. The majority of the population lives on either end of the country, in heavily populated areas. Your experience is not the typical American experience in 2018.

      1. This is true, but you must admit, places like LA, SF, NY are the extremes. If you can’t live the life you want in those kinds of places, move.

  22. I think with parents its an easy distinction to make – you love all your kids equally. But how much you like each of them, that’s a variable factor

    As for humans, I was thinking about the most important asset living beings can have to survive is adaptability, which is something humans have in abundance and has only grown. To the point that now, we no longer adapt to our environment, but adapt the environment to us, flipping the whole process on its head (and in so doing, potentially wiping out all other life and leaving this planet a barren wasteland)

    1. Theoretically, the cycles of life and keeping things in balance usually results in an over-populous species running out of food, shrinking the population to a point where it can thrive again. But because humans adapt their environment, I’m not sure it has the power to put the human genie back in the bottle so to say, and hence, the result may be that we simply go extinct at some point. That is, unless we adapt again so we no longer have this drive to dominate nature and our environment itself…

  23. John definitely bought the wrong pet insurance….. That one sounds scammy…. Most these days are not! I have Trupanion for my dog and cats…. Expensive…. Worth it!

  24. Thans for a fantastic Oldschool, Been looking forward to seeing you Three for ever and hope it will be soon again. /Tommy

  25. Don’t come back to a store if you get undercharged. There’s a 1% chance the cashier gets caught. If you come back to the store and make a big deal about paying, there’s a 100% chance the boss will find out.

  26. Haven’t seen it yet, but every time Ana is on Old School, she’s killing it!
    So I’m looking forward to it, she belongs on that show!

  27. Few things, so many things I forgot, but here it goes.

    Re: Kiki Cat – he has worms and should be dewormed. The reason I know this is
    1) I worked at a vet for almost 4 years.
    2) You said you found a half eaten mouse int he backyard, and that’s how many cats get worms (but the most common way is from eating fleas).
    3) You said he suddenly got fat, and worm infections cause distended, engorged bellies.
    The vet you went to is a scam artist, and those vets are more common than one thinks. Also, Kiki Cat definitely has a UTI. UTI’s and upper respiratory infections (URIs) are the most common infections cats get, and every cat gets them at some point in their lives.

    Re: Cenk’s skin condition. Do not Google pemphigus vulgaris unless you are interested in super graphic, super disgusting photos.

    Re: humans’ receptivity to brainwashing and good people gone bad after Fox “News” consumption. You solved the mystery of my mom’s boyfriend, thank you! When I was younger, I remember him being a much kinder, more compassionate soul. He was logical and reasonable about everything, and we usually saw eye-to-eye. These days, he denies climate change, says shit like “all lives matter,” and can’t find an ounce of compassion for the homeless. I thought maybe I just grew up and found my passion for leftist politics, but, no, I think he was just brainwashed from watching too much Fox News. How sad, but also super interesting.

    Re: What’s the value of cats? You will have to meet good cats before I can convince you of this. Dogs are all the same – happy, loving, and affectionate. But cats are truly individual – they all have such different personalities. I have one of the most amazing cats in the world – she’s super affectionate, vocal, playful, but also very independent. In the meantime, I’ll remind you that cats are amazing hunters and can solve a rodent problem in a jiff. They also keep you warm in the winter, if you have one that insists on sleeping on your head (or just your lap). They don’t have to be looked after when you want to go on vacation – just get a feeder that slowly releases food, put out extra bowls of water, and say adios kiki!

    1. I second the comments by The Young Scientist. Male cats particularly are vulnerable to fatal upper urinary tract infections that can cause a blockage. Such can kill a cat in days. I recall the symptoms are a frequent attempt to urinate with little urine produced and an excessive irritability. Blood in urine is definitely a reason to see a vet.

      The affection expressed by cats is definitely affected by their treatment as kittens. They need to be handled a lot while young to get them accoustomed to people. Feral cats can become tamed, but it is much more difficult and they will generally not be as affectionate.

      I am not in favor of outdoor cats. Their impact on bird and other wildlife is huge. Their populations are often high around human habitation and they are supported through lean times by supplementary food and vet care by humans. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/cats-kill-more-one-billion-birds-each-year

  28. My 92 yr old mother got 5 pounds ( I’m a Brit ) too much change from a shop and on discovering it when she got home and checked her receipts she walked back into town to give it back , that’s 2 miles on foot. She is amazingly fit for her age ..but still it’s a demonstration of honesty that I’m both impressed and proud to have witnessed .

    1. diremoon, great story. I would really, really like to visit Britain, and now, would like to meet your mom, but I’m afraid that if I left, Trump wouldn’t let me back into the country. I agree with what your mom did but not for the same reason. For me, I do it so a working-class person does not need to suffer for a simple mistake. When I shop, I estimate the total and verify the change. I do not verify because I worry about being cheated; I check to protect the cashier in the rare event the cashier makes a mistake.

      Now that I have written about this, I think your mom’s honesty provides the framework for my empathy for the cashier, and I would bet that your mom has a thought in the back of her mind, as she’s walking, that the cashier should not suffer for a simple mistake.

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