Cenk Uygur. Ana Kasparian. U.S. is holding nearly 1500 immigrant children in detention centers. Paul Ryan opposes separating families at border. Arizona politician complains that there aren’t enough “white kids” in public schools. Dana Loesch tells African feminist to worry about genital mutilation instead of American sexism.

I’m hoping this is a sick joke but if not, why are you are a paying member of a “regressive” site? Wonder who wins in that situation…
for goodness’ sake, Speedball271 — have you never heard of commas?
Also, for fucks’ sake, Speedball271 _ have you ever heard of the shift key?
Or maybe you don’t know the caps lock key is not the on/off power switch for your pc.
Sad. Baby. Not winning BIGLY.
Speedball is on speedballs, do not pay him attention. I hope he is happy in the shithole is currently in
Careful now you don’t go too far and find yourself on the wrong side of a Nuremburg trial. All that hate’ll get you in trouble son.
wow. . . . .
Only a few members read this, but thanks for financially supporting tyt.
“subhuman hordes..” jeez, I wonder, who is “subhuman,” them or this peace of…work
Hahahaha, the evil person’s feelings are hurt!!! You should seek a hug, stat. Love is much more fun than wallowing in your hate. Don’t be triggered, but you are a big loser.
Ana: “A fresh of breath air” :P:P:P
Imagine the publicity a left politician would get if s/he accused the missing kids from the concentration camps being intentionally “lost” for the purpose of republican pedophilia rings. There is a significant chance that it’s true, and the cameras wouldn’t be able to look away. Republicans would be forced to respond, and it would be easily countered with a “are you a pedophile or do pedophiles just sign your paycheck?”
Just repeat the phrases “senators refused entry,” “zero oversight,” “1500 missing children,” “record high trafficking rate,” and throw in a reference to the “conspiracy of silence” documentary on republican sponsored pedophilia rings for good measure. They could never really disprove it, and there’s a good chance it could be proven.
If the attacker is asked to reply to a republican’s defense, then the reply formula is universal: “anyone who likes concentration camps for kids either hates children, or likes children too much, in a sick twisted way. _______ loves the idea of concentration camps for kids.”
Imagine how quickly their approvals would plummet. No more patty cake. Lets see them cry when they take the same punches they’ve been handing out.
I can relate to Adichie’s struggle of not being taken seriously because she is a woman, as opposed to her actual skills. Dana Loesch’s whataboutism is a brilliant deflection; bad and effective identity politics.
Did Cenk talked about Ro Khanna’s,
“I’m for Crowley!”
(Uh-oh, Progressives got mad at me and I’m suppose to be Mr.Money-Out-Of-Politics JD Star)
“I’m for Ocasio-Cortez, TOO! I want BOTH of them to win!”- (Don’t know how that works since they are running against each other, but who cares. That should satisfy Progressives. I’m for BOTH the Corporate Whore and the Justice Dem. Wow, dodged a bullet there! Progressives have to believe I have integrity so they will want me for VP or Prez later.)
If I’ve missed Cenk’s going Cenko Unchained on Ro Khanna, let me know!
Thank you for pointing out Cenk’s continued silence on this.
The facility houses immigrant boys? Where are the girls? Something feels extremely wrong here, where are the girls? Are they with their mothers? Why aren’t Democrats flocking to any news outlet that will have them to demand answers?
I agree with Dana Loesch surprisingly, because where does a Nigerian get-off to come here from her shithole country and start lecturing AMERICAN women about feminism?
Nigeria has a pretty low FGM rate, less than 10%, and is almost exclusively in Southern Nigeria in certain animist ethnic groups.
Any number above ZERO PERCENT is too high, sec86379!
Very simply put we are now running “Concentration camps” in America, MAGA people I thought you were against “FEMA Camps” you know once they run through the children, they will come for you, you understand that right? You better get your head out of your dear leaders ass or else you will have shit stains on your face.
Trump has one thing right Main stream Media is the enemy of the people for they don’t tell us the things TYT reports on. They never call them out on their evil policy’s, the GOP is also the enemy of the American people and we better start waking up and put a stop to them or else we will all find ourselves in concentration camps. Vote them out or else America is doomed.
I am glad the GOP no longer hides their true feelings, for that is our hope in the near future. A lot of minorities used to support GOP, but I have seen it, they are leaving in droves. Go ahead keep treating kids like that GOP and MAGA. You guys are our best hope in showing the good Americans who you really are. Thank You GOP and MAGA keep up the great work!!!!
I agree they are not doing themselves any favors, but I like to think TYT is our best hope for showing Americans who they really are :)
lou4garcia, Hitler got the idea for concentration camps from watching Hollywood western movies and their depiction of Indian Reservations. If one looks at US history, one could argue concentration camps being used against slaves, Indians and Americans of Japanese descent. All of them, brown people. Your disgust is understandable.
About the MSM being the EOP, I thought Trump was talking about all press, probably he simply contracted from “MSM” to “Media” and I missed the original Tweet. Why is MSM the EOP? Congress removed the mandate to serve the community and allowed corporate consolidation.
Besides TYT, MSM also ignores Noam Chomsky, who has labeled the Republican party as the most dangerous organization on earth. If you are unfamiliar with Chomsky and his claim, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UNDuAPMAuw.
Finally, I am not sure MAGA has a wake-up alarm. The people I see on Facebook, who post anti-Obama and anti-Dreamer memes, are doing so because they are racist, do not see the value in brown lives and do not see a problem. The people I talk to do not understand and refuse to take an interest in politics. So, do not be surprised if there is a lot of damage caused in the meantime.
Sometime in the not too distant future, Trump Don-Un passes away and goes to heaven, where he is greeted by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who kick his ass and toss him out of heaven for screwing up their great experiment. Shortly afterwards, Trump opens Trump Hotel Hell and he is back in business.
sorry, Studezilla, but i must object vehemently to your Addendum. first of all, the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and others of their kind, wouldn’t be welcomed in heaven; they have moral compasses. Trump, who has none, would be embraced wholeheartedly. his Hotel would be TrumpHeavenHaven, not In Hell. hell is where the good times roll. i mean, seriously, where would you rather be? up in heaven with the tight-assed evangelicalistas, or down in hell with the opinionated, interesting freethinkers? and, besides, hell has a lake!
remember what Christopher Hitchens had to say about heaven — the party that, once invited to, you had to attend, and once there, you couldn’t leave.
Maxine Godfrey, new best friend, please, do not apologize for your vehemence. I simply needed a vehicle to show Trump’s anti-constitutional view and that he will survive anywhere he is unchallenged (kinda like cockroaches and that’s an insult to cockroaches).
Oh, and the “Hotel Hell” was an allusion to a horror B-movie. The politicians running this country sure seem like B-movie actors from central casting these days.
even now, fellow citizens are baby-napping infants suckling at their mothers’ breasts. and we’re unable to stop that.
we have dedicated locations where groups of people — including artificially orphaned children — are concentrated; in other times, those would be called Concentration Camps. and we’re unable to stop that.
people who were brought here as youngsters, involuntarily and innocently, are now being separated from their families, friends, and normal lives, only to be forcibly “sent back” to alien lands unfamiliar to them, sometimes even to die there. and we’re unable to stop that.
we’re insulting our global allies, our neighbors, our friends; while we’re complimenting and making love to tyrants, despots, murderers, killers … the worst trash imaginable. and we’re unable to stop that.
our political leaders are enriching themselves through ill-gotten gains, emoluments, charities ill-used, tax avoidance (?), burdensome tariffs, favoritisms granted to shady “friendships” and taken or withheld from legal recipients. and we’re unable to stop that.
we’re allowing our political leaders to label some of our cultural icons to be trashed for respectful, peaceful protests; while we embrace regimes that treat their own peoples like the dirt beneath their feet, not even the animals in their holding pens. and we’re unable to stop that.
dark-skinned citizens are being slaughtered by ill-trained or racist police officers, while white lawbreakers get “Brock-Turnered”-out-of-jail-free cards.
and Flint, Michigan still doesn’t have clean water. and what about Puerto Rico?
Maxine… Trust me, they are their own worst enemy. By doing what they are now doing is the beginning of the end for them. I say soon they will begin to fall like the cowards they are. It took 13 yrs to crush Hitler and his 1k yr reich. It will only take 4 yrs to bring down MAGA. I bet they are already digging their little holes to hide in. So keep your head high and see the light at the end, for its just around the corner.
lou4garcia, be careful what you wish for. 60 million people or 3% of the world population were killed during WWII, which Hitler started. With an estimated world population of 7.62 billion, 3% of that would be 228,600,000 people. Even though I am using five years of war to represent Hitler’s time in power to compare to Trump’s potential minimum of four years, Hitler didn’t have nukes while Trump does.
Your prediction of Trump being a one-termer may also turn-out differently than you imagine, when the Republican party is fearful of loosing power and is motivated to do anything to keep it, including voter suppression and supporting a monster for president.
We are in agreement on one thing: I hope I am wrong, too.
Studezilla — the last time i wished so fervently to be wrong was the 5 minutes before the verdict in the O.J. Simpson criminal trial was announced. unfortunately, i wasn’t wrong.
lou4garcia, oh, I just thought of something. You refer to Hitler’s prediction of a Reich that will stand for 1,000 years. Two years ago and before, his claim was perceived as delusional. Today, it’s Trumpian.
thanks for the reassuring words, lou4garcia. i do understand all that. in fact, one of my euphemisms for Trump is “America’s St. Patrick,” because he’s emboldened our nation’s snakes to raise their heads above the grasses and expose their venom-tipped fangs to one and all — we know who you are now, you base Base. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, smartphones, body cams, and surveillance cameras are all chock-full of your transgressions against humanity.
thanks to organizations like TYT, politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Twitter threaders like Seth Abramson et al. — there are lots of us out here, doing our thing as best we can.
my grandparents came here a century ago from Russia — they had very thick accents. so the fuck what? they were proud Americans, safe from the pogroms and rampant anti-semitism that still plague Russia. even though they spoke mostly Yiddish at home, they still knew English, enough to get by and raise their families and contribute to E Pluribus, Unum, to the Commonweal, to We the People. NOT to IGWT.
i know that Trump is history, sooner rather than later. i hope that he is cursed with long life because i want him to spend it in Club Fed. it pleases me that he is tasting hell-on-earth (the only kind there is); it will get worse and worse for him because although he may be as clever as, say, a cornered weasel, he’s really not all that intelligent. normally, i’m not in favor of retribution, but i make an exception for this POTUS. and i still bear a grudge against HillBilly for cheating us out of a President Sanders. i’m looking forward to Sanders/Warren 2020, perhaps.
Maxine Godfrey, excellent post. I am going to steal it and work-up my own version to use at a later, unspecified date. I would add two minor items, though: something about for-profit prisons and “and we’re unable to stop that” at the end of the “dark-skinned citizens” paragraph. Excellent post.
argh! you’re right, Studezilla. thanks for pointing out my missing chant at the end of the POC paragraph. it definitely belongs there. re: the for-profit prisons — i did consider saying something about that, but i felt that it was included in the “favoritisms granted to shady ‘friendships’” phrase. i was trying to edit myself. there really is so much that can be said, and i’ve said a hell of a lot of it, but elsewhere than here.
and thanks very much for the kind words. that means a lot to me.
Taking immigrant children away from their parent. Isn’t that why the immigrants were trying to seek asylum in the U.S. so that the drug cartels wouldn’t take their children. Sounds to me like the U.S. government has turned into a drug cartel.
The US government has been a drug cartel since the war on drugs was announced in the 60s. They just have really a really good PR team known as the Main Stream Media.