TYT Hour 1 June 14, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson30 Comments

Cenk Uygur. Ana Kasparian. NY attorney general sues Trump Foundation. Video of Trump saluting North Korean soldier. Trump’s bizarre comments during Fox News interview. Pompeo says NK sanctions to remain until complete denuclearization. Justice Department finds that Comey deviated from Clinton probe.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 6 minutes, 10 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. I’m getting so tired of the same people posting negative remarks about every show. I think you are just right_wing trolls that are trying your hardest to make the true progressives that watch Tyt stop listening to the truth. If you hate them so bad leave we don’t need people like you go back to fox or msm if you don’t like what they have to say.

  2. I’m getting so tired of the same people posting negative remarks about every show. I think you are just right_wing trolls that are trying your hardest to make the true progressives that watch Tyt stop listening to the truth. If you hate them so bad leave we don’t need people like you go back to fox or man if you don’t like what they have to say.

  3. Totally disagree with Cenk. I’m with Jimmy Dore on this – I fucking hate Trump, but if you’re going to open up ANY kind of dialogue at least stop the military exercises, unilaterally. I don’t regard it as weak, I see it as a gesture of good faith from – and this is key – the more powerful player in the conflict. Imagine the shoe on the other foot – North Korea is the most powerful nation on Earth, and are running constant military drills on how to pulverize the US right on your borders. They do it all the time, the drill is there, the plan has been fully sussed out for decades on how to blow your country to Kingdom Come.

    If I’m Kim Jong Un I’d say “Hey dude, can you at least stop the rehearsals of THAT for the time being??? And we can start the conversation from there??”

    I honestly agree with Trump on this – pull the cold steel barrel off the guy’s temple for a minute! Keep the gun in your hand fo’shizzle, but calm this the fuck down.

    1. “…I fucking hate Trump, but if you’re going to open up ANY kind of dialogue at least stop the military exercises, unilaterally. I don’t regard it as weak, I see it as a gesture of good faith from – and this is key – the more powerful player in the conflict. Imagine the shoe on the other foot…”
      Agree wholeheartedly. Would be basically a minimum of good faith to halt the exercises. Especially since one of those exercises features a decapition operation were a group of special forces go in during the assult and their literal duty is to find Kim Jung-Un and kill him. Hard to negotiate with a power when you know they are practicing your death. *shrug*

  4. 1. The U.S should have removed the troops as a gesture of goodwill and honesty. The greatest famine of the 1990’s was the undisputed fault of the American embargo on DPRK, removing those troops would show your serious about peace.
    2. those troops have only ever served to control, manipulate and support the far right in Korea, starting with dictator Rhee, and ensuring ROK was kept as a client playground for American corporations.
    The americans have no authority or right to demand that NK denuclearize or surrender to their will without American denuclearization.
    BTW who gives a shit what Japan has to say, Abe is a militarist and his party wants to rearm japan to it’s former standing.

  5. I agree that shady fundraising is reprehensible. I remember when TYT touted how much it appreciated it’s members and started a pledge drive aiming to “keep us independent, unbiased, and uncorrupted” and they receive $2 million from member donations (and their subscription rates on top of that). After you meet your drive goal, you announce that you now have several investors that are putting in $10 million. This is a surprise to the members that scraped together their hard earned and sparse money to support you and keep you independent when you had this in your back-pocket the entire time, but the organization assures you that nothing will change except how “strong” we will be.

    Then changes start happening: it changes how you speak and the words you say, there is suddenly a large increase in commercial breaks, particularly on your most popular show. Then the messages from TYT start becoming closer and closer to what every other organization says and does. TYT shows it is on the edges of becoming what it mocked and derided. In my opinion (and I realize this just may be me) TYT is forgetting what made it’s followers so passionate about being part of the “TYT Army”.

    We get it: Trump is an idiot on a universal scale. NK is a horrible humanitarian crisis, but we don’t hear anything watching TYT that we can’t get everywhere else (thanks for your excellent point on this Deb-N-NCal). The amount of time that you, and every other fucking network, have spent showing us this is pathetic. Give this much coverage to The Poor People’s Campaign. Give this much coverage to the horrendous conditions in Yemen. Give this much coverage to any number of the things that we need to be aware of, understand, and fight for or against once we have an informed decision.

    I’ll honestly keep my membership for Aggressive Progressive (as long as Jimmy is on!) but I’m disappointed in the direction of the network in general.

  6. Cenk: “Are you hearing this on cable news?”

    Answer: YES

    I’ve always shared Jimmy Dore’s enjoyment of MORNING JOE but there was a time when the fun was how wrong all the pundits on MJ were. Today, MORNING JOE nails the truth home harder than Cenk Uyger, while the TYT News Hour sounds more like The Rachel Maddow Show.

    We live in interesting times.

    1. And may I add, in agreement with so many posters here… THANK GOD for Democracy Now!

      If it weren’t for Amy Goodman, no one would be covering The Poor People’s campaign. Not to mention that when Amy covers international news, she gets the facts right.

      TYT Politics has reporters who also get the facts right, but unfortunately, the news hour hosts don’t learn from their own network’s excellent reporters, and prefer to mimic cable news. Sad.

  7. Completely disagree with Cenk re: Presidents at least pretending to care about Human Rights and other humanitarian issues is better than Trump’s attitudes.
    The tragic and scary part is his base, most self-proclaimed Christians, don’t mind at all.

  8. Ugh 24 minutes in I had to turn this video off. Minus the russia hysteria it sounded a lot like Rachel Maddow’s hot take on the Kim/Trump meeting. What happened to if Trump actually does something good you’ll admit it Cenk? (Fuck that makes me mad that I sound like a trump supporter when I say that, thanks) Why is stopping our military games w/South Korea so terrible? The United States government would lose their shit if Russia or China would start participating in war games with Canada or Mexico along our border. Damn you guys are sounding like MSM.
    Also if you don’t give a shit that trump saluted another country’s general(lol Ana “the president of the United States is not allowed to salute another country’s general & that makes a lot of sense when you think about it” yeah sure when you think like a nationalist neo-con it sure does) then WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS LONG ASS SEGMENT ON IT??????? Fucking repot on the Poor People’s Campaign & how protestors are being brutalized & arrested. What are you doing TYT? I’m done today, going to go watch Empire Files or The Jimmy Dore Show or Redacted Tonight. Fucking disappointing TYT.

    1. Agreed, the red baiting is getting very tiresome from the Libs. TYT is now running to the right of the GOP on Korea. it’s fucking gross.


      THEY WERE DOING IT TO POINT OUT THE BLATANT HYPOCRISY OF CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!, obviously, and they said so, just in case it wasn’t for some.

        1. Even if you go with the argument it is to point out the hypocrisy: How long must we devote news time to telling people who aren’t watching- or if they are don’t give a fuck at all about actually caring about the hypocrisy- that there is hypocrisy there.
          The disgusting red baiting and talking to an audience that isn’t even your majority audience is ridiculous. So many other issues that could use more time/awareness if you want to educate those about the hypocrisy.

  9. I’m in tears after thinking cenk said copulating and not complementing when referring to his treatment to other dictators.

  10. Look, I’m living on social security and trying to cut back expenses. Cancelled my TYT subscription as well as other stuff. But, got desperate and realized I need you guys and your varied, unvarnished perspectives — so renewed!! Thanks for your commitment and perseverance.

  11. The change from mp3 to mp4 audio download is hurting my soul. You’ve stolen my innocence Dave, or whoever is behind this travesty.

  12. I gotta mention something about the North Korea coverage…especially a takeaway from my own Dad.
    My Dad [65, former marine, a reformed former republican, kinda leftist leaning now, very progressive on issues] was hanging out and watching this with me.

    The reporting on the story about what North Korea was saying about the deal/agreement/whatever. I have to wonder, when did anyone ever start taking the DPRK STATE NEWS seriously? C’mon, no matter what THE STATE MEDIA will ALWAYS use hyperbole and such to make the ‘dear leader’ look as good as possible.
    No one has ever taken reporting from the news in DPRK as a set truth that we could jump off of to report. You have to treat it much like Fox News is treated by logical Americans- it is PROPAGANDA. They can and will lie.

    So your reporting off of that, taking the DPRK news report seriously, was incredibly disappointing. My Dad was suddenly embarrassed about having suggested some people check out TYT for better/more interesting news coverage. We BOTH thought this was real off the normal for y’all. [I disagree at times, but can usually get where y’all come from and still see a fair argument on the issues.] Plus y’all kept disparaging communism at multiple turns. WTF, man. Hate on dictators, hate on authoritarianism, etc, but not communism so widely. Even my Dad, a person who grew up during the ‘red scares’, cuban missle crisis, etc, thought you all hated on communism too much there. lol

    Listen, this feedback is also coming from my Dad who is definitely closer in politics to you guys than I am, I’m one of those anarchists that Cenk hates. lol Just mentioning this because I really hope they read/listen to member’s voices about how they come off sometimes as being very much like MSNBC or the like. I would think they would like to be told.

    1. Why are you saying that TYT got the story from the NK state media? The “story” was about the US President saluting Officers from foreign military. The only thing that came from the DPRK STATE MEDIA was the video… OF THE POTUS SALUTING AN OFFICER OF A FOREIGN MILITARY!!!!!!!!!

      How could you confuse that?

      1. I’m actually talking about them raising the point of what North Korea told their country through the news that the agreement was vs. what Trump said it was. The talking points of “well, DPRK says they agreed that x, y, and z will happen. So where is the confusion, what was agreed on? ” etc.
        The only reason we have a differing set of certain agreements that DPRK says was made is because it was released through their state media. Not because some DPRK official said this is what we agreed on to any US official or US news media, or whatever. The statement of what DPRK said was reached that was in contrast with what Trump said was put out through their state media. Thus, why trust it? It isn’t reliable to say they really think they had those agreements on good faith because, like I had said, they are going to exacerbate the reality and make themselves look as perfect and great as possible to their population in DPRK.
        [I mean really, why trust much of anything from Trump for that matter. But whatever.]
        SO I wasn’t confusing that. I was referencing the other story in all those combined stories on DPRK/Trump talks.

        I wasn’t referencing the salute at all. Don;t give a fcuk about that at all, beyond some initial disbelief laughter over it what with the spin he put in the NFL protests, statements about the gold star families, etc.

  13. Here is my take from today’s show. Are you familiar with the 1967 novel by Ira Levin entitled Rosemary’s Baby? Briefly, it is a story of Rosemary, played by Mia Farrow in the movie. (She was regrettably in a relationship with Woody Allan for several years.) A married woman whom gets impregnated by Satan to spawn the Anti Christ. I am of the mind, that is Donald J. Trump. He can lie, cheat, steal, do all kinds of horrific deeds. Yet some how, has the ability to get into peoples minds (especially Christian;s) and hypnotically convince them to do nothing about it. We’ve all seen that picture of Trump and Romney. You know the one where Mitt looks like he just got caught whacking off under the table, and Trump looks obviously evil. Then there is the picture of Trump with the Saudi’s fondling that mystic orb. Again Trump has the most unmistakable look of evil. Besides that, look deep into Trump’s eyes. I can see the evil, can’t you? Here is what I say to you Satan. You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you damn sure won’t fool all to the people all of the time! L.o.l. honest Abe a Republican.

  14. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the “no political bias” contention from the IG. Comey himself admitted it was politically motivated, so is there a substantial difference between bias and motivation?

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