Reporting In: Kerry-Anne Mendoza

In Reporting In - On Demand by Waldo Peterson14 Comments

Malcolm Fleschner talks to Kerry-Anne Mendoza, Editor-in-Chief of England’s The Canary about the Windrush Scandal and whether Prime Minister Theresa May can continue to dodge responsibility for Great Britain’s appalling treatment of a generation of immigrants.

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  1. I’ve finally finished “Small Island”, which I picked up after listening to this show. I highly recommend it not only for the perspective on UK immigration, but also on WWII and race in both the UK and the US.

  2. I really enjoyed this interview and like the idea of Kerry-Anne becoming a UK correspondent. If that’s not possible, definitely have her on again in the future!

  3. The Canary (puke)

    All they do is blow smoke up Corbyn’s ass all day

    independent media in the UK is shit, the US has it much better w/ TYT & its network, as well as Democracy Now, The Real News, etc.

  4. Great interview Malcolm! Thanks for still caring.
    Can you answer some questions please? What the fuck is happening at TYT? Why was Nomiki fired? We the viewers hired Nomiki with our $2M in donations shouldn’t we get an explanation? TYT has gotten rid of almost all of the investigative reporters it hired & it’s only been a year since the donation drive. TYT seems to be turning into a capitalist MSM nightmare, so very disappointing & depressing.

    1. Hey, thanks for watching and commenting. I’m not in management, so I’m actually not privy to a lot of the information you ask about. And of course I’m also not empowered to speak for the company, so I can’t even give you the official story. I CAN share with you my personal speculation, which is that YouTube’s algorithm changes, and demonetization of all “controversial” content, has hit us pretty hard. I love Nomi, and loved working with her and was super-bummed to see her go. She certainly wasn’t let go for cause. You talk about us turning into a capitalist MSM nightmare, but just because we’re progressives doesn’t mean that we’re unaffected by economic realities. When a company of any kind sees a major drop in an important revenue stream, there are going to be consequences, and I think that’s what we’re seeing. Sorry if that’s not much of an answer, but believe me that this has been a tough week for all of us and that these decisions weren’t made lightly.

      1. Thank you for answering my questions as much as you can, I do appreciate it. You’re one of my favorites and I really do feel like you care about the members, that means a lot to me. Thank you for everything.
        Unfortunately I don’t buy the money troubles excuse, not when we generated $2M for TYT to hire investigative reporters who mostly only lasted 6 months or so. Then throw in that TYT got a $20M investment from wall street back in August of 2017(plus co-founder of 3L Capital as a board member). Not to mention that this time last year in an article in the Hollywood Reporter titled “Is Bill O’Reilly Plotting His Future in Digital or TV (or Both)?” Cenk has this quote “The Young Turks now has about 30,000 paying subscribers and generates in the neighborhood of $3.6 million in annual subscription revenue.” Doesn’t sound like money troubles to me.
        On top of all of that TYT has made some content changes(i.e. TRUMP EVERYTHING!!!! & No cussing!) so the Youtube algorithm changes can’t be hurting TYT that bad. If they actually are then why in the world would TYT do this stupid Youtubetv bullshit deal?
        Just doesn’t add up to me. I am continuing my membership for now cuz I LOVE Aggressive Progressives, the Friday Post Game, Reporting In & TYT Investigates. The main show as devolved into MSM/Establishment talking points & stories, not what I originally signed up for. I signed up to be part of the TYT ARMY #TOO STRONG!!!!!!! When’s the last time Cenk referred to us like that? Probably around the same time he started courting wall street money :(

      2. @MalcolmY I thank you Malcolm for replying back to us members.
        And if you see us post on the boards with such anger & alarm over TYT’s direction lately, it’s because we CARE about this place.
        We are almost locked in permanently to Orwellian mind control.
        They’re closing the door on widely spread independent thought & commentary.
        I NEVER expect ANY media outlet to be 100% right. They all have their biases & blind spots.
        But when we get more good than bad from a media outlet, we want to protect it.

        You cannot Change the World without Media. You cannot Change the World without the Message.
        I learned that in high school in the 1990s when I read those magazines in the school library during the 15 minute breaks. EVERYTHING starts from the media. EVERYTHING.
        The question is which media is gonna do the changing?

        “The Right Wings” took over nearly all major media outlets whether it was in the form of Proto-Fascism or NeoLiberal Corporatism. Because of that we have a hard time challenging those planted & programmed belief systems gained from these taken-over outlets.
        When we FINALLY have a chance to have a MAJOR “Left Wing” media outlet that can begin turning back this tide, we go crazy when they buckle under the pressure.
        TYT is SQUANDERING their legacy & we’re trying to save them from themselves.
        And it’s not even because of themselves. It’s because we need a major media outlet to change this country.

        Cenk MUST have known that within a Revolution you will ALWAYS have infiltrators & disruptors.
        He must prepare for that & have a plan for that.
        The YouTube Adpocalypse was a ‘hit many birds with one stone’ plot.
        One of the birds was squelching Independent Media & reasserting mainstream propaganda as the primary source of information.
        Ultimately it is Google’s/Alphabet’s plan to use the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to its maximum potential.
        It’s a honeypot trap designed to put ALL media companies under its banner from A to Z, the Alphabet.
        Disney buying Fox? HA! Small time chump change. How about Alphabet buying Disney, Fox, Time Warner, AT&T, Comcast, Sony, & any other media/telecommunications company you can think of.
        The real question in the Skynet game is WHICH company will get there first? Amazon or Google/Alphabet?
        YouTube TV. EVERYTHING becomes a “Topic” then.
        “You’re all caught up in this World Wide Web” said the spider to the flies.

        The window is almost permanently closed. We need TYT to keep the door open.
        You guys had so much potential in 2016. And you have nearly wasted it all.
        Some longtime TYT fans may NEVER come back. You may have permanently lost their trust.
        But maybe you haven’t. So stop buckling to The Establishment’s games.
        You didn’t NEED them to keep this ship afloat.
        If you speak the truth with the heart & conviction of a Jimmy Dore, you will have the funds you need.

        It’s time to repair your street cred. It might not be too late.
        Rebel HQ can’t just be an empty slogan. Make it real again.
        We come down on you hard because somehow we still care.

        Thank you once again, Malcolm Fleschner—you say Fleischner.
        John Lucas

          1. @gibsonsg Thank YOU, gibsonsg.
            And I bet money you have NEVER heard anyone mention the purpose of YouTube TV & the resulting Adpocalypse quite like I did, have you?
            NOBODY is putting together that Google AKA Alphabet is scheming to own ALL of the media conglomerates.
            It’s already Armageddon now on that level but Google wants to make it Ultra Armageddon.
            TV vs. Radio. Video Killed the Radio Star. Internet vs. TV. Internet killed the Television Star.
            YouTube TV is the black hole that will absorb ALL media into its being.

            There’s gonna be a time when Google does away with the “search engine” & just becomes “INFORMATION”.
            All documented reality & knowledge will be filtered through their discretion.
            See how they already mine the websites & put up as the first result something you queried in search?
            You don’t even bother reading the website the information is from.
            It serves as a feeder rather than a source. You just read the highlight at the top.

            Silicon Valley is SERIOUSLY scary & it’s something I didn’t fully recognize until recently.
            I recognized the problems with Facebook & Twitter early on which is why I didn’t trust them.
            But it’s not just a few companies that are bad but it seems like the whole field is bad.
            And we’re walking right into their social-engineered traps blindly.
            Amazon, I mean. Wow. People better get wise QUICK.
            Owning your food supply, owning your media outlets, owning your shopping & shipping.
            All just to live out Outer Space Fantasies as they let the world burn.

            The internet has changed a lot since I got on in 2001.
            They are trying their best to make these technologies & these machines our masters rather than they being our assistants & helpers.
            We’re all coralled into centralized homogenized platforms.
            Forums are dying & so are Blogs. It’s all Facebook. It’s all Reddit. It’s all Twitter. It’s all Instagram.
            It’s all becoming hyper corporate & conformist.
            Centralizing everything makes things easier to control, people AND people’s speech.
            Everything can be gamed & manipulated on a much higher level.
            People fit the formats instead of making the formats fit them.
            No one hardly recognizes how much the way they approach things is being controlled from remote.

            It’s not good to put all of your eggs in one basket but that’s just what we have done & we created these Cyberspace Beasts. As bad as Wal-Mart is, Amazon’s taking it MUCH further.
            Amazon wants to take over the U.S. Post Office, FedEx, & UPS.
            YouTube will turn every media company into a Brand.
            It doesn’t matter what brand you watch. It’s all owned by the same owner.
            These web-based companies will descend from the Ethers & join the land of the Liquids & Solids as they buy out tech component makers. They’re already building robots & self-automated cars, the forerunners to the Terminators. Samsung becomes a subsidiary? Don’t think it can’t happen.

            Media consolidation is just a PIECE of the nightmare that’s coming.
            The end game of Capitalism is MONOPOLY. Highlander, There Can Be Only One.
            There they are. They’re the Princes of the Universe.
            The board game MONOPOLY was not created simply to be a game, it was created to be a WARNING.
            As nasty as Comcast, Time Warner, Disney, & the rest have become, they’re merely amateurs compared to what’s coming.
            Keep your eyes on the corporate moves of Google & Amazon to see what’s REALLY coming.
            Somebody wants to rule the World. Somebody wants to rule the Universe. This ain’t just about money.

            We are caught in this World Wide Web. Better get your scissors out before it’s too late.
            John Lucas

            1. John Lucas, do you write for a living? If you don’t you really should, you’re good at it.
              & No I haven’t seen anyone else connecting those dots, but now that you have I am scrambling for scissors lol

              1. @gibsonsg I used to. Well, not as a living. As a side gig.
                I wrote on this low-rent no-rent game/tech blog called PopZart/Popzara years & years ago.
                Shady webmaster I should have never gotten involved with (I’m the one who came up with “Popzara” when he could no longer use “PopZart”). Dude found me from a forum & asked me to write for his site.
                The only good things I got out of it is some random trinkets & a place to express my creative writing.

                It’s the forums & comment boards I love to write in for some reason.
                I always overrun comment boards with long drawn out essays.
                And you know people ain’t coming to comment boards for long essays.
                They want short sweet snarky comedic angry quips.
                But I can’t just keep it artificially brief. I got to speak what’s on my mind.
                And thank you for your compliments, gibsonsg. I always try to keep what I say interesting as well as entertaining.

                You wouldn’t believe it, gibsonsg, but a lot of my analytical deductive power came from studying the videogame scene up & down. Which company owns which, what is the origin of an industry feud, who are the constants that drive the business, what is the soul of a company & how does that determine what it can produce.
                Just keeping track of all the complexity in the videogame world, I think, prepared me to study the politics scene better. Just playing videogames alone probably prepared me to think in Cause & Effect.

                And you might not believe this either, gibsonsg, but my knowledge of the videogame world is causing me to make connections with things I had not previously thought were connected.
                In 2015, I was totally checked out of the political scene.
                The 2014 midterms disgusted me & I went headlong into videogame world studying Nintendo vs. Sony/Microsoft/Apple/Google. It was my accumulating disgust of the letdown Obama Era.

                My 2008 vote for Obama was dual-purposed. It was Hope of Change with a breakdown of a mental barrier due to him becoming the 1st Black President. But it was ALSO a gamble that if Obama WASN’T the Real One then he would LEAD to the real one AGAIN because he broke the mental barrier showing that anybody can truly become President. That 2nd purpose came along when he went AGAINST Rev. Wright when he came against media fire. You don’t go to that church that long & act brand new like you don’t him.
                If he would so easily turn his back on someone whose quote he named his book after (The Audacity of Hope), he might turn on anybody. We shoulda known something was off when he invited Rick Warren to Inauguration.

                I sat out the 2010 midterms disgusted with him & almost pledged never to vote again.
                But my ancestors went through too much hell to get the right to vote so I told myself I would look at it like a lottery ticket, like a scratchoff. Maybe, just maybe I might just win. But don’t pin your hopes on it.
                Each vote I made over my life I got more & more strategical. I became a smarter voter over time.
                When I voted for Obama in 2012, it wasn’t so much for his sake (though I did give him a 2nd chance to get it right), I was MORE intent on destabilizing the Republicans who go insane at the sight of a Black First Family in the White House. And I was right, that plan DID work. But Obama sandbagged & we lost 2014 due to him dropping the ball once again.

                So I checked out & told myself we gotta simply hold the coalition together.
                I hated Hillary but I knew it was gonna be her vs. Jeb in 2016. That was the deal Obama & Hillary made when she stood down from her campaign in 2008. The most important thing to bring change was to end the Republican Party & the Confederate South that powers them through the Southern Strategy.
                Unless somebody better came along, we were stuck with Hillary to give the Republicans the 3rd Strike & Out.

                When Bernie showed up with a 100% People Powered campaign, I was like “GOOD!” We don’t need Hillary after all! I started donating to Bernie’s campaign frequently even though I’m of the Working Poor.
                I had never donated to ANY campaign except in 2008 for Obama giving him $50 one time.
                Said I would never donate to a Presidential campaign ever again & then here I am giving Bernie money off of my IOU Card. I didn’t know a 100% People Powered campaign was possible. I HAD to help Bernie!

                And it was in 2016 that my videogame world analyzing skills helped me decipher the political scene.
                I learned how to see through the astroturfing. I learned how to figure out who were the real ones & who were the crooks & cronies. I was able to sort all of the threads in the midst of the political chaos.
                Suddenly I could care less about the videogame politics. Real world politics were MUCH more fun to read.

                But I had no idea how those skills to read the scene would develop over the course of 2017 & 2018.
                Epiphanies are coming to me left & right where I am able to connect my knowledge of the origin of XBox to the rise of the Alt-Right. Where I am able to connect popular movie/TV scenarios & political forces.
                Zombies are a symbol of fantasies of the Race War. Zombie comes from African words & zombies are “not quite human”. What does all that Zombie stuff REALLY mean in popular media?
                Everything I have run across in my life I am able to see the deeper political context under it.

                How we were moved away from self-sustaining farms & food sources to getting everything from supermarkets & fast food restaurants. How our relationship with technology got more & more pronounced starting with the 1970s, the decade the videogame industry was born.
                NeoLiberalism/Neoconservatism is said to be a Technocratic form of governance.
                And look at how much Technology changed the culture throughout the 1970s & especially the 1980s (how everything suddenly became synthesizers in music as Neos Reagan/Thatcher rose to power).
                The Republican worldview of Vince McMahon & his World Wrestling Federation which rose at the same time.
                How shows like Dallas, Dynasty, & Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous became so prominent at this time.

                How the complexity of videogame controls could be preparing children to operate war machines.
                Suddenly Call of Duty is perennially popular as the endless war “The War On Terror” rages on.
                How Japanese Nintendo could have been subversive in the mainstream all along with their Working Class Heroes like the Mario Bros.—RED Hat Mario, GREEN Hat Luigi. Socialist & Green?
                It added a new dimension to my understanding of the decades-long East vs. West conflict of 1st Party Developers (Nintendo) vs. the 3rd Party Developers (PC Gamemaker Exiles).
                Sonic the Hedgehog of Japan is a Freedom Fighter freeing his fellow woodland creatures from the War Machines of Dr. Robotnik AKA Dr. Eggman who is based on the look of American President Teddy Roosevelt.
                Another People’s Champion fighting against the Capitalist Technocracy.

                Suddenly I’m seeing all these political movements where I couldn’t quite trace them before.
                I KNEW something was weird with that GamerGate bullshit. I originally thought it was clickbait nonsense & usual gamer drama. But no, the “Right Wing” infiltrated the gaming scene to recruit young members to new a Fascist Movement. Same thing happened with the “New Atheist” movement. Astroturf designed to bring unwitting members into this new cult. Most never could connect those dots before 2016.
                And at the same, immediately after Hillary’s defeat all of a sudden so many people are putting up red roses everywhere denoting the Socialist Movement. And it’s swelling FAST.
                “The Center” is gone. EVERYTHING is moving HARD either in the Fascist direction or the Socialist direction.

                I kept saying to my friends & co-workers during the 2016 Election that 2016 was The Great Awakening.
                We were in a time of realignment & established political boundaries were blurring & blending in weird ways.
                2017 took it even further. 2018 is taking DRASTICALLY further. Things are changing SO fast & SO much.
                And I don’t know if it’s my age or just the times or both, but I’m starting to see connections I couldn’t HOPE to see as recently as 2015. In 2015, I could NEVER connect these dots.

                It’s a constant learning period for me & I LOVE it!
                If you want to hear me connect that XBox thing to the Alt-Right, reply back & I’ll break it down.
                Who knew that all my time as a videogame player could prepare me to see all of this?
                Knowledge is Everywhere.
                John Lucas

                1. I too feel like I am seeing the greater connections seemingly disparate things have since my 2016 awakening. It’s definitely given me a greater appreciation of the phrase “Ignorance is bliss”, boy was it.

                  I was probably more politically aware then most teenagers when I was in high school in the late 90’s/early 2000’s, but most of my awareness(that didn’t come from my hippie parents) came from sources like The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart or bands like System of a Down. Shortly after high school I got pregnant by then married to the most wonderful, amazing & smart man I have ever met but he has ZERO fucks to give about politicians/politics (he now gives 1 fuck, not enough to engage the system himself, but he listens to the info I bring him). He has always maintained that neither party gives a shit about us people so until we have more than a 2 party system he’s doesn’t see the need to put any energy into them or their games. Since he’s not into politics & I was now dealing w/being a new mom & being even more poor then we were before(we couldn’t afford to have access to the internet until 2007) I kind of stopped paying attention to politics all together. I was super shocked when I heard that Barack Obama was the front runner for President in the 08 election & after listening to some of Obama’s stump speeches I was full of hope for our fucked up country but I still didn’t pay all that much attention when it came to politics. In the beginning of Obama’s first term I totally bought that Republicans had made it impossible for Obama to enact any of his Hope & Change cuz I was only getting my news from MSM, mostly my local NBC news affiliate. But in 2016 the veil was lifted & I awoke to the chaos & decay that is our government when I came across a video TYT shared on FB of Bernie Sanders speaking on the floor of congress in the 90’s & fighting back when another senator disrespected the LGBTQ community. That sent me down a rabbit hole of politics & I don’t think I’ve ever climbed back out. That’s what makes what TYT is doing so depressing & frustrating for me I think. TYT made me see the light, so how could they have strayed so far from it?

                  I am very interested in hearing how Xbox & the alt-right are connected. That’s a world I was never into, I suck at video games. Have since super mario brothers, never got passed the second level lol.

                  Knowledge is Everywhere; that’s so true. Since I totally & completely believe that Knowledge = Power, Power is Everywhere too. I just hope we as a species figure out how to handle said Power soon because so far the Power has been abused & misused to the point that we’re close to self annihilation.

                  1. @gibsonsg Gibsonsg, I think the antiquated forum model here at TYT ironically gives the commenters a connection that might not be possible if this thing was more interconnected & broad like most social media outlets.
                    It’s sort of like a lounge instead of a stadium, you know what I’m saying?
                    You get to really have a conversation here instead of just rail on with short & sweet quips & slams.
                    Talk with concepts instead of GIFs, you know.

                    I really enjoy talking to people like you. And we got a lot in common. We’re both slowly figuring this shit out.
                    We both enjoyed TYT for giving us some insight on these things & are both dismayed at them betraying themselves & their mission. What happened to these guys?
                    I think I let my subscription auto-renew more for the commenters here rather than TYT itself.
                    I really contemplated letting it lapse after originally dedicating myself to being a lifetime member when I joined in 2016. March 2016. You can look at TYT’s coverage of the March 9th Univision debate between Hillary & Bernie in Miami (where he DESTROYED her!) to see my very first comment on the TYT boards.

                    Anyhow I’m gonna breakdown the XBox & Alt-Right in the next reply.
                    Because it’s gonna be LOOOOOONG. I’m taking this thing back all the way to 1972 when the videogame industry was born. So prepare yourself for yet another entertaining & informative read.

                    And you’re absolutely right about the Knowledge = Power concept & how we have abused it.
                    John Lucas

                  2. @gibsonsg It looks like TYT is upgrading to the new site.
                    I never did finish getting back to you on this XBox to Alt-Right story.
                    EVERYTHING changed after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got that win.
                    She got it the day AFTER I wrote my last reply to you too, isn’t that funny?

                    I have been totally caught up in her rise & the MASSIVE boost it has given to “The Left”.
                    So that’s why I haven’t finished my story to you yet.
                    For now it seems there’s a small window into the old site so I can make this reply to you.
                    The “Deep Archive” they’re calling it now.
                    But I believe this window will be soon closing once they fully migrate everything over.

                    They have wiped the old comments in the upgrade so we won’t be able to see our old conversation.
                    So for that reason, I want to give you one of my emails so we can continue to correspond.
                    I don’t use Social Media really. I still operate a lot from Web 1.0.
                    If you get this message, email me at & I’ll respond so we can continue this conversation there. It’s a good story & it will shed light on how this Fascist Movement took root leading to the Trump Presidency. Hope to talk to you soon.

                    John Lucas
                    P.S.: I haven’t checked into it yet but maybe the new site has a Private Messaging feature.
                    If they do, I can message you there as well.

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