Aggressive Progressives: June 13, 2018

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Waldo Peterson44 Comments

Woohoo! Jimmy’s back! Along with Stef Zamorano and Ron Placone for this week’s Aggressive Progressives. Everything that went down at the 2018 Oslo Freedom Forum. Democrats rally to support Sen. Bob Menendez in the New Jersey primary despite his numerous corruption charges. North Carolina activists are petitioning Apple and Amazon to stay out of Raleigh after state lawmakers drafted another discriminatory voter ID bill. Victories and losses in the California primary. 39 arrested after protesting a chicken farm that supplies Whole Foods.


  1. I & We must Boycott anything that is owned by Jeff Bezos Amazon & Whole Foods 39 people get arrested protesting at a chicken farm that supplies Whole Food Jeff Bezos WANTS YOUR FREEDOM.

  2. I have left the DMC party i am a register party of none in Ca. hopeful for a all new progressives new party.

  3. This human rights story where they slam down jimmy is one of the best pieces I have seen. Jimmy just asked a logical question and you saw how fast they got flustered and said “but but these countries are worse, so you are not allowed to complain.” I didn’t realize you could play that game when dealing with life and death. “Yeah but our death is worse!” This is the reality we live in. Thank you Jimmy for exposing them without effort lol

  4. Great show as always. You’re a true champion Jimmy and you don’t accept excuses.

    I do think you are being a little unfair to their point that in the U.S. we ,may have many more tools to affect our own change than true authoritarian led countries.

    We may be flawed and have our issues but are you really saying we are as bad as China?

  5. Jimmy, before you keep railing on Katie Porter for running away from you at the Dem Convention in February…

    I remember watching your convention coverage and the startled look on the woman’s face when you ran up to her saying “Katie Porter! I’m Jimmy Dore! ” etc. And i agreed with you… how insane, for anyone wooing the progressive vote to turn down an opportunity to be interviewed by Jimmy Dore…?!

    Later, I think I now know why she ran away. Because… that was not Katie Porter.

    Check out the interview with her a month back on Rebel Headquarters. Take another look at the woman who ran at with your mic.

    Two. Very. Different. People.

  6. I really don’t care that Jimmy is back, but Stef is a different story! Haha, just slightly kidding. The Human Rights Watch has Goldman Sachs people on it’s board. Nuff said.
    You brought up Les Moonves and his comment. He was at an UBS event and I am convinced that the country that meddled in the election was Switzerland and the Trilateral Commission. I am trying to be a Progressive Aggressive in my own way here in Heidiland, but I think that it is a tough nut to crack. Several people have advised me to have a bodyguard. I am only fighting the oil lobby in the nation that is home to the Petroleum Trading Office and has quick-drop underwear when the Saudi Royal Family comes to visit. They loves them some rich folks. They are not racist in Switzerland, as long as they have money. Our Federal government just voted to nor ban plastic, nor Glyphosate, to not promote electric vehicles, and they decided to allow the sale of arms to countries that are in conflict since those moderate rebels might need thems some good killing stuff. I know that Switzerland is supporting the NRA. And they are all right that Israeli soldiers are defending their lives with fragmenting bullets since those evil Palestinians are attacking the sovereignity of those snipers zip code. Score; Palestinians +140 dead, 13,000 wounded, and Israelis coming up to bat. Close game folks, don’t touch that dial.
    The Swiss Sunday Rag had stories about Swiss treating Libyan fighters in Switzerland that turned out to be with ISIS. Who the fuck woulda thunk that. Push me over with a fondue fork. I am shocked that the Swiss would give material support to CIA backed freedom fighters.

    And a further comment about any political commentary. I don’t want to hear about it. No percentage points, poll results nor election results. You Cucks are getting screwed. Jimmy Carter and the UN cannot oversee the elections since they are so corrupt. And you guys complain on video commentaries. When are you going to go out into the streets, to go to your county courthouses, to become members of our world? Every other country would have led protests and at least been usurped by the CIA, but you Cucks sit behind your keyboards and complain. Go down to the election boards and demand that you have the right to vote. What are they going to do, sic the police on you? They do that already. I am convinced that no political solution is possible, but the revolution should not be violent from our side. Let them do the oppression, they are good at it. But Cornell West says that they don’t like just fighters that are on the right side of the issue, because they keep on coming. But in the bible, it says “Thou Shalt Not Be A Cuck!” At least my bible says that.

  7. Jimmyboy defending Venezuela’s dictatorship, why am I not surprised.

    If he likes the government there so much why doesn’t he move there and speakout against Maduro in public.

    Oh and don’t forget to bring a year’s supply of toilet paper because 14000% inflation has made the currency there worthless and forced the government, which has more oil than Saudi Arabia, to stop importing virtually everything just to pay the interest on the debt. Talk about a “leftist” government that is from the people to the people.

    1. Thanks for your service. You are a TYT viewer? I thought I was on You Tube. There was an issue about people wanting to quit TYT since the only show worth a damn is AP, and the average viewer has bought that Russia Shit. I have not watched a Main Show since the Primaries. And now AP is invaded by trolls? What have they done with my song?

      1. 5 Americans, 14 Russians and 1 Dutchman are either facing charges or already plead guilty and you call the Mueller Investigation “Russian Shit”?

        If you want to find a troll look into a mirror.

      2. Don’t listen to Sec, he’s a Libertarian who makes up statistics to suit his skewed point of view & apparently can’t hold a thought for more than a sentence.
        Case in point: Jimmyboy defending Venezuela’s dictatorship, why am I not surprised.
        If he likes the government there so much why doesn’t he move there and speakout against Maduro in public.

        Sec- you do realize that Maduro is the leader of Venezuela, right? So how’s Jimmy suppose to defend and speakout against him? Maybe proof read before hitting submit next time.

  8. I’m not sure I agree with the narrative of Garry Kasparov being a charlatan, but do think that he is useful to in condemning Russia. It seems narcissistic to only be concerned with one’s own circumstances. I do think that putting pressure on Russia for humans rights abuses is the right thing to do. Unfortunately, opening up Russia or China to foreign markets is profitable, whereas stopping human rights abuses in America is not profitable.

    I’m glad that Jimmy is letting his morals influence his spending. I have so many friends who complain about companies’ exploitation, who then drop hundreds of dollars every time they issue a new product.

    It’s hard to have a real discussion these days, when you need to preempt everything so you don’t get straw manned. Really glad Jimmy is back!

    1. amazing how “we” condemn and pressure other countries for their human rights abuses, and continue with “ours” as if…

      1. Not only “continue”, we’ve been increasing our rate of bombings, of illegal incarceration, of depriving people the vote, of systemic human rights abuses. America is no longer the shining city on a hill.

        1. It never was the shining city on a hill. The United States of America was founded by rich white land owners who didn’t want to pay their taxes & were willing to let other poorer people die to make it happen. Since it’s inception it’s perpetrated a genocide against the indigenous people that hasn’t ever ended. For the first 100 years it allowed white people to own other human beings just because their skin was darker(cuz rich white people don’t do their own work, lazy fuckers) & had to fight a civil war to end the practice. Then came the next 100+ years of crafting a systemically racist & misogynistic government that has seen fit to violently over throw any other country’s government as long as it benefits said racist & misogynistic government. You know, as long as that other government doesn’t have nuclear bombs, then it’s just accused of trying to rig our elections.

  9. Anyone who changes their diet for political reasons should be aware of the health implications. Something that is politically heroic could be detrimental to your life.

    1. moral, not political. And I have been land animal free for 10 yrs and healthier than ever. I occasionally eat fish. If more people would TRULY think about the atrocities animals face before heading to one’s table, and actually FEEL something, they may eat them less. The amt of protein in many Americans’ diets is astoundingly high and unnecessary. Think compassionately before you eat.

  10. I couldn’t do what Jimmy did. Get in front a panel like that, wow. Jimmy has passion and goes to important events to express it. I’ve tried. Failed. Good on Jimmy.

  11. This is case of moving the needle (in other nations) vs wanting (our own) utopia. Someone tell me I’m wrong.

  12. A couple things about Bob Menendez, from one of the few citizens who bothered to vote against him in the primaries.

    It’s true that he got 62% of the vote in the primary. But the number I think is more telling than that is that only 7% of New Jerseyans bothered to vote in that primary at all. Of those, 65% voted Democrat, and of those is that 62% figure who voted for Bob. If you crunch those numbers against the total population of the state, just 2.9% actually voted for him and 1.7% for his no name opponent.

    His campaign was practically non existent. People who bothered to vote are most likely aware of who Bob Menendez is – those who voted for him did so because they know what his name is and it has a D after it, and those who voted against him did so to vote against him, not to vote for his opponent.

    He’s transparently corrupt, as Jimmy said, but for some reason that’s all we elect in this stupid state. Think about it – 93% of us didn’t vote. We’re complacent because we’re used to our politicians being overtly corrupt. Does anyone remember a time when that wasn’t the case? I know I don’t.

  13. When these fools in Oslo get outed by, in Jimmy’s words, “a night club comic,” and the press applauds, it makes me absolutely giddy that in less than 10 years we crash through the 450 ppm CO2 the planet will start culling idiots from the planet. Jimmy Dore, telling the powers that be that the emperor is not only naked, but fellating himself on the corner of Main Street.
    By the way, how do I up my donation on the Dore sight from $5/a month to $10/a month? I want to get more goodies.

  14. yea they definitely don’t read their emails. people still haven’t gotten their rewards for the indiegogo campaign that bought their studio

  15. The Seattle City Council just caved and repealed the $250 per head tax that they placed on large employers like Amazon just a few weeks ago. Amazon made threats and stated that they would “continue to contribute to non-profit organizations to support a wide range of social programs”. My guess is the main benefactor will be Bezos Space and Air, LLC

  16. I’m glad Jimmy exposed Garry Kasparov for the charlatan he is. Where does he get off representing himself as some kind of world affairs expert – much less a human rights expert?t. But was Jimmy only in Oslo for the opening press conference? I don’t recall seeing any clips here, on his own channel, or elsewhere, about anything else that he did while in Oslo. Did he try to approach anybody one-on-one about what went down? Did he actually interview dissidents? I hope he accomplished more on the trip than just this (unintentionally) comical exchange at the opening.

    1. On the Jimmy Dore Show Jimmy said that he interviewed 4 dissidents after the opening press conference then got sick & was stuck in their hotel for the rest of the week :(

      1. I’m concerned about Jimmy’s health. He has had recurring issues for what seems like a long time, and he doesn’t look like himself even though he always tries to bring the fire.

  17. Jimmy is correct about Texas. I was born and raised in Pasadena, TX and I’m a progressive. Just about everyone I know in my age group (30s) are progressive or liberal, although we’re mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas.

    As far as voting rights are concerned, Texas has incredibly restrictive rules. When I came home from the military I went to vote in the Houston Mayoral race and was turned away because I didn’t have my voter registration ID. I had my Texas driver’s license and my military ID but it wasn’t enough. Now, I make sure to have all three forms of ID every time I go to the polls.

  18. OH THANK GOD !!! Jimmy is back!

    With all respect and love for Ron Placone and others who filled in over the past month — thank you, love you, you did great, but… OMG THANK GOD JIMMY IS BACK.

    Jimmy, don’t ever leave us again for so long. We need you. I feel like an addict who just got my first fix after weeks without. Oh – what a – relief – it is.

    1. LOL feel the same way! AP just isn’t the same w/o Jimmy! Although I would like to see a Stef led AP, I think her story selection would be great & she’s feisty<3

  19. Welcome back Jimmy & Stef! David Sirota just did a segment on Amazon and how Bezos wants to donate his $ to space travel as opposed to paying his workers a living wage

    And your clip mocking Seth Moulton, he recently traveled to Iowa so there’s speculation he wants to run for President. He pretends to be progressive when in reality is a corporatist Democrat who votes for the military industrial complex and propagates the Trump Russia narrative yet votes yes to expand the government’s powers to spy on Americans.

  20. I’m writing these comments on an Apple computer. I bought it because there were how to classes at the Apple store in San Francisco. It turned out that they were churning their staff and paying them $12 an hour. That’s not a living wage…anywhere, but especially in the Bay Area. It also got into the press that Apple and several other big Silicon Valley tech firms (I forget which) colluded to deny the opportunity to their engineers to job-hop in search of better pay and benefits. Furthermore the big tech companies are importing engineers from India and China because they claim there aren’t enough engineers in the U.S. Consequently, many of the U.S. engineers get laid off and wind up joining the ranks of the permanently un-employed. It’s ironic that you guys are using Apple computers.
    Maybe get some stickers-the red circle with the slash through it to put over the Apple logo on your computers. It’s easy to call out other’s hypocrisy but then when one looks in the mirror, well the image doesn’t look so good.

    P.S. Gavin Newsom is an out of touch, well connected twit. He’s a high tech apologist and cares not one whit for the working class. To him, we’re all just a bunch of losers, who deserve our lot in life. Which is a constant struggle.

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