TYT Hour 1 June 12, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Waldo Peterson93 Comments

Ana Kasparian, Brooke Thomas, Mark Thompson. North Korea and U.S. summit updates. Comparisons between the North Korea and Iran nuclear deals. Trump’s craziest comments. Dennis Rodman’s bizarre CNN interview. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made $82 million in outside income last year.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 1 minute, 11 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. I feel a lot of you in the comment section are just trolls or have a real hate for women because I see the same people always post negative posts about whatever And or any of the other women have to say about any topic. They can say the same thing as one of the men and you’ll disagree with them and agree with the men. Why are you even watching if you hate them so bad.

  2. Meanwhile at the NK summit…

    DJT: Mr Kim, let’s talk about the North Korean human rights issue. It’s terrible how you lot treat humans.
    Kim: Sure & let’s also discuss the Dreamers, Black Lives Matter,, Puerto Rico & hurricane Maria, the move of the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem which has destroyed hopes of a two state solution for the Palestians – & the fact that the USA drops 200+ bombs on other countries on a daily basis.
    DJT: OK next topic!

  3. There is some solid criticism of the hosts here, and others that kind of straw-mannish (like that they are somehow in favor of a war.) But overall I find it hilarious that so many commenters who are usually cynical about politics are putting so much faith in the words of two guys like Trump and Kim.

  4. Started download.
    Saw the comments.
    Realised watching was just going to make me angry at TYT.
    Cancelled download.
    Will wait for Cenk to return.

  5. Why the fuck are we getting neocon talking points on this show? Lets be real: If Obama had done this, we would be celebrating, as indeed we should when there is deescalation of conflicts, no matter who is behind it. Enough with the partisan hackery. Just because the hosts don’t like Trump suddenly making peace is a bad thing? WTF TYT?

  6. Is it really considered a concession if we agree to stop terrorizing North Korea with our military invasion exercises with South Korea within sight of their borders? Are you framing it as a concession just to poke a job at Trump, because even under Obama, I thought we were being very provocative in our military actions around the Korean peninsula.

  7. This was the most disappointing show I have seen in the last couple of years. (And I have seen a lot of Cenk’s Trump Trump Trump Russia Russia Trump shows.)

  8. I agree with the general sentiment in this comment thread that TYT’s NK coverage was too far right.
    Hasn’t Noam Chomsky been saying for years that NK offers to denuke if USA stops these war games?
    And the point trump makes about the cost makes him seem like a left winger!
    It just looks like another example of “It takes an X to do Y’s policy goals”, Clinton with glass stegal, Obama with making the Bush tax cuts permanent, Nixon with the EPA, etc.
    I learned about the NK decades long offer from Secular Talk, I advise everyone watch him, he’s far better than TYT main show in my opinion. I will also watch the Democracy now coverage of the meeting, keep the political revolution going my friends :)

  9. What the fuck is Ana “Maddow” Kasparian doing on TYT? She should be on the blaze with Tomi Lauren with her war mongering propaganda. If I want to watch bipartisan hackery I’ll watch MSM. Her entire analysis of NK is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever herd. She complains about trump removing US troops from the broader and ending war games and she’s worried about the safety of South Korea?! Really!? Have you ever fucking herd of ICBMs you fucking clown? Attach from the right some more why don’t you.

    Most neocon bullshit taking points that I’ve herd from this network. TYT should be ashamed and embarrassed. Ana should also issue an apology.

    And fuck Otto wanbeir. That kid had no business being there in the first place and played with fire and got burned. Now your using this to prop up the military industrial war machine?! Fuck off, you’re a bunch of conservatives and you don’t even know it.

    Funny how this took almost the full first hour but we don’t hear anything regarding Yemen which is now described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. If this happens again I will be cancelling my membership and be giving my money to progressives not neocons.

    1. You go on a rant and start calling people names then demand an apology from that same person?

      Sounds legit /s

      1. Oh look, another TYT lemming.

        You attack 0% of that rant to make a sarcastic remark while implying support for neocon talking points.

        I pay to hear progressive opinions on issues not war mongering bullshit. And yes she should apologize to the portion of the audience who is actually progressive since this is a business and that’s what I’m paying for.

        You sound real bright btw.

        1. I’ve only stated two items… A sarcastic question and remark, none of them even stated my position on any subjects. And yet, you somehow deducted my intelligence from it and even get the implication that I supported some narrative?

          You need to take a chill pill… Because the point of my comment was to make you think about how you try to get an apology from someone while also insulting them.

          If I was to call you a belligerent fuckwit and tell you to apologies to me. Would you do it? If not, then why in the hell would you do the same to someone else? Like do you really think Ana is going to say sorry to you after you’ve just insulted her? Then not only you do that… you read the intention of my comment COMPLETELY wrong and even implied I’ve sided with someone on a subject when I didn’t even state any of my points nor stance for any subject.

          So far, I can see you’re not an effective communicator… Try reading carefully next time and stop trying to insult everyone you disagree with. You’re truly not a bright person here if you continue to operate like this.

          And I would like an apology from you for your assumption of me supporting “neocon” talking points when I in fact don’t because I even disagreed with what Ana said. The only difference between me and you is, when I disagree with her, I don’t have an all-out rant and start hurling insults at the person I disagree with.


  10. Honestly the most frustrating first hour I’ve listened to. Why the fuck is tyt pushing for more hostile relations with NK? A good move for a bad reason is still a good thing.

    1. North Korea hasn’t promised anything they have not promised before and later never followed through with. There is also no outlined framework on how anyone will verify that North Korea will actually denuclearize. Contrast that with the Iran Deal that had very specific methods to verify that Iran was complying. A deal that Trump claimed was no good.

      This does not get us better relations with North Korea. Trump gave away the store for nothing, and North Korea is just buying time until Trump is either out of office or politically castrated by a new Congress in 2019.

      1. Your post reminds me of another critique I forgot in my post: the hosts seem to want to have it both ways: 1) this is a photo op that has no meaning and (2) this is a HUGE giveaway and we got nothing, and its a big agreement.

        Well, which is it?

        This is not a legally binding agreement like the Iran Deal was so the hyperbolic comparisons of the two are really apples and oranges.

        Relations are already better under Trump (right now) than under any Democratic or Republican president that I can think of. Your statement makes absolutely no sense: why would they be buying time when the US is supposedly “giving away the store”?

        My prediction: the war hawks and establishment on both the Dem and Republican side torpedo any effort at future talks about a peace accord so debating the point of what was given up is probably moot anyway.

        Still, I’d rather talk with North Korea than tweet about how much bigger Trump’s “button” is any day of the week and twice on Sunday

        1. This was a photo op for North Korea and Trump. Trump gave North Korea what they wanted without North Korea making any firm commitment with checks in place to ensure compliance. Comparing this deal with the Iran Deal is exactly the point. Trump lambasted the Iran Deal with its legally binding agreements and checks to ensure development of nuclear weapons was not happening. However, Trump just declared today that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat thanks to a non-legally binding agreement he made with no checks to ensure compliance.

          As for North Korea, they got everything they wanted. The joint military exercises between the US and South Korea will stop. Kim Jong Un was seen standing up to the United States whom they have repeatedly called the enemy. Kim got a huge propadanda win by being able to claim that their nuclear weapons force the major world powers to sit down at the table with North Korea. No inspectors will be traversing North Korea to actually confirm they are shutting down their nuclear program. According to North Korea media, Trump will also lift various sanctions to provide economic aid to help the North Korean regime.

          Trump just got a photo op for his 2020 re-election campaign.

          1. It all hinges on whether North Korea starts to denuclearise and it is too early to tell. If not, all this will backfire on Trump and it’s scary to think how he’ll react, he may even go to war as a “face-saving-measure”.. This is the danger of demanding denuclearisation, rather than perhaps the more realistic goal of making North Korea into a nuclear power like China or Pakistan, whose nuclear arms are not questioned. If denuclearisation works though, than it’s better of course..

          2. You’re making no sense. If you agree that whatever was agreed to at the meeting is non-legally binding, we can renege at any time and we all know Trump goes back on his word all the time. Therefore, it was just a photo-op. Nothing to get hysterical about.

            And again with the “propaganda win” for just sitting down with the dictator: why do people care so much about this? If we don’t sit down with the guy, he’s still the dictator of the country and we accept the status quo which includes North Korea further developing nukes and its people suffering tremendously. Hope you can understand how statements like that and what Ana said make it sound like you’re against negotiation AT ALL. So I ask you: what else do you want him to do? Would you rather him go back to threatening to obliterate the entire Korean peninsula? A US-backed regime change that always has blowback for us? What, exactly, would make you happy?

            Watch Michael Tracey’s interview with Tim Shorrock. Refer to Democracy Now’s commentary on the conflict or Secular Talk. Get alternative perspectives.

            1. Totally agree with jlavin17 – watch TYT Interview with Michael Tracey with Tim Shorrock from The Nation for a rational analysis of NK Summit https://youtu.be/0lBphN4hCac.

              BTW any chance some of the TYT Reporters (Ryan Grimm, Nomiki or Emma) can be substituted in as commentators for TYTLive during Cenk’s absence?

        2. Agreed. I don’t give a shit if they talk beach condos or bowling ball manufacturing; if they are talking without threats, it de-escalates things. We want to keep pushing them until they give us everything we want. That is not negotiation, that’s capitulation. Pushing the NK to further desperation is foolish. A country nuclear weapons with nothing less to loose (which they are close to) is the most dangerous situation we could create. ” Fools are we that hate the path to peace”

  11. Ana, please do not make one more comment about the Korean situation until you visit TYT Politics and watch Michael Tracey’s interview with Tim Shorrock — someone with many-decade-long intimate knowledge of the countries and the conflict.

    TYT hired some great goddamn reporters two years ago, and they are doing great work. WHY do we have to listen to the uninformed commentary of people who are NOT reporters and who know NOTHING the fuck about what they are talking about?

    Please, TYT — you made the effort to get the job done right. Now please, take the next step and INFORM your own news hosts like Ana, so she doesn’t project drivel during the news hour.

    1. What the hell are you talking about? Specifically. What comment made was out of line? I’m getting tired of the ad hominem attacks here. Put up something to argue with or enjoy other shows and stop wasting everyone’s time here.

      1. In the interest of saving my own time, I refer you to jlavin17 below who cites enough specifics to make my point too.

      2. David,

        There was no ad hominem attack from Deb-n-NCAL. So while you are correct that there were no specifics cited about what that person feels was uninformed, there was no attack on Ana personally, just a request to get informed and utilize the TYT resources available before making commentary.

        I personally agree with Deb-n-NCAL’s assessment (see my post for specifics) that the hour long segment was a really bad showing for TYT and I empathize with the frustration.

  12. Mark is the only saving grace of this hour. Where are Ben, Michael, John? I must sound anti-female which I am not but the ones on this show are not up to par (except Aida Rodriguez). I miss Jayar. As good as Cenk is if these other men were on when he isn’t the show would be much stronger.

  13. Wow, that was incredibly difficult to listen to, but I felt I had to listen to it all before making a response. With the exception of a couple of comments from Mark, that was agonizing for me. I’m hoping that the hosts/producers keep an open mind and do read the honest, civil, genuine feedback. As Ana led this, I direct most of my criticism her way:

    what, exactly, do you want Trump to do? You criticize him for his juvenile “my button’s bigger” comments, but now that he’s having a dialogue instead and deescalating tensions, you still have a problem with his actions? Seems there’s nothing he can do that will satisfy you. Please explain how that is any different than other people’s unwavering partisan support of Trump no matter what he does. Mark said it is better than the stupid tweets and I agree but you said, “yeah but…” But what? he’s a evil dictator? OF COURSE! Nobody disputes that, but you negotiate with your enemies. Honestly, what can he do that will be acceptable to you?

    What did he “give up” without getting anything in return? On Democracy Now we heard that Trump is suspending participation in military exercises and in return the US gets to search for remains of fallen soldiers. Its a suspension. He can restart any time he likes. Pretty cheap concession in my opinion. Trump put withdrawal of troops on the table. He didn’t agree to do it now. I do think it should be on the table. IF there was a peace negotiated later, I think troop withdrawal should be on the table. Again. I don’t know what you want here instead. Negotiations require give and take.

    why do you keep repeating the story about the poor kid that came home in a vegetative state and died? It seemed by the repetition that the kid’s story is the only other thing you know about the Korean conflict.

    you made an (as far as I know) unfounded assumption that South Korea is unhappy with the concessions Trump gave North Korea. Where is your basis for this statement? You should provide reference. What I DO know is that President Moon Jae-in has already met with Kim and also agreed to a “fluff” joint statement and that President Moon was elected on a pro-peace platform. While they may not be happy with not being informed about it, I don’t think you can make such an unfounded claim that they’re unhappy with it. Please cite a source, not make a supposition.

    I’d also like to know why “legitimizing the North Korean Leadership” is such a terrible thing to you. To me, it seems exactly the same as what Cenk said about Hamas not recognizing the state of Israel. Does Ana think that if we don’t “legitimize” North Korea and their leadership that they don’t exist? I think they’re both ridiculous statements and I don’t see a whit of difference in them.

    Again on Democracy Now, we got more context and feedback from different sources. Listen to their segment, they quoted Lindsey Graham’s response in addition to many peacemakers’ comments. Now, go back and listen to the commentary in this hour. Pick which person TYT commentary sounded more like. I pick Lindsey Graham. In fact, if I put up a quiz with unattributed quotes from both, I think you’d have a hard time picking between Lindsey and Ana.

    I think this hour is exhibit 1 in why TYT should avoid covering International News, they don’t have the context and experience that they do for domestic stories.

    Hopefully this feedback and reference will lead to some introspection, hopefully.

      1. yeah, generally, I think you’re right. The skepticism may not have come through in my “hopefully” statement :-)

  14. Yeah but Hillary had her emails on a private server! And she was a b*tch too! And a woman! Still happy with your vote for Jill Stein, Jimmy Dore?! I’m still happy with mine for Hillary!

    PS- PLEASE don’t EVER cover North Korea for nearly a full hour ever again! I’m having MSNBC flashbacks and it’s NOT fun.

    1. You’re happy with your vote for Clinton, great. I’m still happy with my vote for Jill Stein, as at least now people are paying attention to what is actually happening. During the Obama administration, people focused on his eloquence and how hunky he was instead of seeing the corporate backed damage he was doing. If Trump is what it takes for people to stop blindly supporting “their person”, it will be worth it in the long run

    2. As a Canadian, I can only despair from afar as the American Left tears itself apart. One person goes on about corporate this, corporate that and thumbs-on-the-scale; another person goes on about sexism or how destructive purity tests are. Thing is, all those things may be true at the same time. But let’s discuss, not insult each other. I don’t think it helps the conversation one bit to castigate people for their vote–right, centre, or left. My parents are conservatives (of the Trump-hating kind) and I would never say How could you, or something like that. I just explain my ideas about policies and why the conservative ones are (usually) wrong.

      I would have happily voted for Hillary in a purple or red state, despite not thinking much of her as a politician and hating how the DNC treated Bernie. But them’s the breaks. It was always evident how much of a monster Trump would be, and he has ultimately been worse than I imagined (except for literally being a dictator). The genie can’t be put back in the bottle on the White Nationalist stuff or the environment or the judiciary or Iran and a dozen other issues (not least of which all of the positive aspects of Obama’s term have been eradicated). It is much easier to tear things down than build them up in a society. Trump will not lead to a progressive revolution; his election just indicates the lowering of the bar for the next Republican monster–who will be much worse than Trump.

  15. Bad coverage of the North Korean summit. Mark’s the only one half-right on it.

    Making a one-sided concession is often needed to break a stalemate. Who cares if he got duped into the right solution, or all the dumb things he’s done elsewhere?

    Kim is already the legitimate leader, the only legitimizing this does is in a good way; there’s real desire in SK to improve relations for the first time in 30 years. Moon’s already making progress with NK, and this is a green light from the Americans for him to go even harder.

    What’s the best case, medium term, realistic outcome? Pretty much Moon’s main aim. Improve the lives of the North Koreans. It’s not realistic to say ‘in ten years we’ll get rid of Kim and shut down the gulags’.

    However, it is very possible these concessions are the first big step to getting 20 million people food, clean syringes and parasite medication (and yes, the regime will use this aid to further enrich themselves).

    America (and Japan and China) butt out now. They don’t need to do anything else. Koreans are pretty adamant this is a problem for Koreans to resolve.

    It’s also an immediate easing of tensions. The Americans had no business winding up the paranoids in NK with war ‘games’. Who cares if it won’t save any money? That’s not how military budgets work.

    1. I hate Trump as much as anyone, but it’ll be hi-larious in a couple of years when he gets a well deserved Nobel Peace Prize, after Obama got one for not being Bush.

  16. And in other news … Ro Khanna, TYT’s “Big Deal” Justice Dem supports…. Crowley the Corporae Dem AGAINST Ocasio-Cortez, who is a …wait for it… Justice Democrat.

    Yes , Ro Khanna the guy who supposedly wants to get money out of politics, supported the fuckface who is SWIMMING in corrupt Corporate NY politics.

    SO…. now what.
    I was watching a vid of Kyle on Secular Talk, saying how great Ro Khanna is and how he could run for president. Well, not fucking anymore, buddy.

    Looks like he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
    Hey, Cenk… I’m wondering how connected to TYT’s $20 mill Ro Khanna is? Is your Big Investor (don’t say donor) good buddies with Ro? This all smells to fucking high heaven.

    1. The next comment?excuse will be…
      Ro Khanna is (fill in the blank).

      A~ playing smart politics.
      B~looking at the Big Picture
      C~playing 3-dimensional chess
      D~has a strategy, it’s all about incremental gains.
      E~didn’t know another Justice Dem was running.
      F~was busy, tired, washing his hair, missed a cab, has a brain tumor, didn’t answer his phone, etc.
      G~NOT a JD, and he’s playing Progressives so he can run for Prez or a cushy VP spot.

    2. OMG. My heart is broken. Ro, how could you do it?

      Crowley’s campaign site has the endorsement on it — if this is some kind of mistake, Ro Khanna needed to scream out in 3-inch headlines a correction.


      Crowley is the second biggest money whore in Congress, second only to Nancy Pelosi. He intends to succeed her as Leader the same way she did it — by buying people’s votes with giant cash bribes thanks to Wall Street.

      I am literally sick to my stomach over this news.

      1. At least he responded to the backlash by endorsing Ocasio-Cortez, but he hasn’t rescinded his endorsement of Crowley, so he now supports both her and her opponent. It’s better than if he just ignored our complaints, but still disappointing.

        1. Anomalocaris~ That only tells me that he’s a pussy. Like the thief who’s not sad he got caught, but he’s terribly sorry he’s going to jail!

          “Wait! People are mad at me for backing Crowley??? I like Ocasio-Cortez too!”

          Like Crowley is the poster boy for knee-deep Establishment Corruption.

          Fuck Ro Khanna. I want to hear Cenk’s excuse for this RAT shivving another JD>

      2. Ro Khanna’s <$200 donations stand at 5% (which I hardly need say is fairly abysmal).
        The affiliations with Justice Democrats and "rejecting PAC money" is fairly token in his case unlike Tulsi Gabbard or Beto O' Rourke, who are 3rd and 4th respectively in terms of small dollar donations in Congress (behind Keith Ellison and John Lewis), and have actively increased this share of their campaign finance since announcing rejection for a variety of corporate donations (not merely PAC money, which really is a very thin slice of corporate funding to politicians).
        If anyone thinks he will be a champion of progressive politics and grassroots activism / leadership, that's because TYT's coverage doesn't make the distinction between whom they "like", based on completely arbitrary metrics and who is actually doing the right thing. So next time you look at "rejects corporate PAC money", please take a few seconds and check with Open Secrets to make sure it means anything with regards to leading a popular, grassroots driven political force. These people are doing all of us a service by putting all this data together, use it and use it often.

        1. You always provide valuable insights and real-world stats, thank you. I’m a big fan of Open Secrets and I have noticed the disparity in percentages of small dollar donations.

          This is why I continually caution people about Kristin Gilligrand, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and that ilk. It is easy to say “no corporate PAC money” and still be a total big-money whore.

          However, looking on the bright side — the fact that even corporatists like Gillibrand, Harris and Booker are now trumpeting about no-corporate-PAC money means that we have won that particular message war. Winning the message war is no small feat.

          regarding sec86379 — I appreciate that you are trying to prevent that troll from mis-informing readers here, but I’m afraid trolls have all the time and incentive in the world to keep spewing false narratives, and there isn’t enough time to set every lie straight. Sometimes, you just gotta call a troll a troll… and move on.

          1. Thank you for the kind word. i respect you too, you care for progressives, but you say it like you see it.
            Would just like to point out that Gillibrand is actually doing more about her campaign finances than others, both in terms of small dollars and the “top heaviness” of the donorlist, unlike say Booker, who hasn’t really done anything substantive.

            I agree that a few years ago, Booker or his kind would not even talk about corporate PAC money. When people talk about evaluating progressives’ efforts post 2016, this is a major datapoint. Also a Congressman backing down to activists’ outrage over supporting the corporatist would not happen.
            I don’t know if this positive movement will eventually go anywhere in terms of positive change, but we need to keep applying pressure relentlessly, every primary and state elections.

            You are right about wasting breath on intentional misinformation not being a good use of time. I mostly try not to but sometimes fall into the trap :) Will be more restrained in future. Thank you for reminding.

    3. Finally you are seeing the light.

      Ro Khanna, Tulsi Gabbard and the other Hinduvta extremists have always been sheep in wolf clothing and I said that many many times before here. They take their marching orders from RSS HQ in Nagpur and have always taken positions that are politically expedient to them which is why Ro supported Kevin De Leon who already announced he won’t seek a serious campaign against the witch of San Francisco.

      1. “Ro Khanna, Tulsi Gabbard and the other Hinduvta extremists have always been sheep in wolf clothing and I said that many many times before here. They take their marching orders from RSS HQ in Nagpur ”

        Your magnitude of fucking stupid only matches the size of your warboner, liar Langleyboy. Don’t think anybody fails to see your beef with Gabbard – she opposes all the wars you have a particularly strong boner for, and she takes it up publicly and vocally.
        And you got religious bigotry to add to your other nefarious traits of endless misinforming and warmongering.

        1. Her anti-muslim stances and her pro-RSS, pro-BJP stances are legendary and well documented and no, she is not a peaceful person or an anti-war person, she is pro-war, a hindu crusader against anything muslim:


          If this cunt is who you are supporting then you are no progressive.

          1. Those hitpieces are as old as and as devoid of ANY legit points as your warmongering trash, Langleyboy. Opposing regime changing wars being spun as somehow being hawkish and antagonistic towards some is getting old, and has failed for a few years now, but you and your breed of Demparty warpigs don’t learn and keep trying anyway.

            Tulsi has no “pro-RSS” stances, you fucking bag of lies, she has no opinions on RSS, period. Keep lying.
            I am not going to take lessons on progressivism from a scumbag that never met a war and didn’t like it, takes up raebaiting/ religion cards whenever convenient, makes excuses for voter suppression among other mudmonkey whoppers.

            1. The fact that your are so defensive to the point of insults directed towards me and ignoring the core of the issue, that Gabbard and Khanna are unabashed, unapologetic hinduvta racist scum, proves my point.

              The articles are not hit pieces, they are solidly sourced:


              If there is any idiot it is you.

              1. I call out a warmongerer, racist bigot and a habitual misinformation peddler when I see one, I am least bothered about your reaction to that.
                And its Hindutva, not “hinduvta”, wherever you’re copypasting from idiot. And no, none of those two members of Congress have anything to do with it.
                The core of the issue is your and your cronies’ lying about it, endless with ZERO factual basis.

                And for your solidly sourced bag of stupid:


                  1. I keep needing to hit keys because your dumb and bigoted ass keeps misinforming people here:

                    1) A right wing organisation saying things about you, and you saying things about them or endorsing them is not the same thing if you have an ounce of grey matter (you don’t). So once again, answer to your specific kind of stupid:


                    2) Do you read what you reference ? Because it’s mighty rich for someone covering up for US’ funding of terrorists 18 ways to Sunday to be calling sanctions “war”.

                    1. 1. Mental gymnastics that can’t hide the ugly truth supported by many many links in the links above. If she truly was against the RSS she would have come forward but then again she still defends what happened in Gujarat in 2002 and the anti-Dalit, anti-Muslim terror by the RSS and affiliates going on right now:


                      2. I do read what I post and I do read what you post. Do you read what I post?

                    2. 1) Your list keeps getting longer Pinocchio !
                      Once again, you reference something and make a claim that is ABSOLUTELY not supported by your link.

                      She has NOWHERE given an opinion of Gujarat 2002, much less defend it.

                      To other’s, beware of sec’s ports – read links carefully, because he flat out lies about what he claims his links say.

                      2) I read your post and that’s fairly evident from what I took away from it. Your tapdancing doesn’t work, sweetie.

      2. sec86379 what the hell are you smoking?

        I know you are a troll, but even a troll should have at least one foot in the real world.

        1. I am not a troll, I post facts and if you don’t like those facts then you are no different from the Trumptards.

          I dare you or anyone here to prove me wrong.

  17. Moving on to other news, Donald Trump…blah, blah, blah. And now in other news, Donald Trump…blah, blah, blah.

  18. This panel offered very disappointing coverage regarding the US-DPRK summit. They sounded like the pro-war neo-cons on MSM.

  19. A country that rips small children from the arms of their mothers lacks the moral authority to talk about human rights in other counties

    1. Absolutely! We are becoming more and more like North Korea everyday. We need to clean our own corrupt house.

  20. Forget how much the trumpkins are stealing from the government. Let’s not forgot that their last names are Trump! That is nepotism by definition as defined in FEDERAL LAW. WTF

  21. I would like to see how much money Donald has made and has too. But I guess his taxes are still being audited.

    1. I doubt you would see how much money he has made even if you could see his tax returns. He is not about to claim all the bribes he is taking that are going into offshore accounts.

  22. I’m sorry, but I completely disagree with you guys on the concessions. We should not be having military drills on their border. Trump is completely right on this issue, we are the ones being provocative. Now don’t get me wrong, Trump is a hypocrite. He has also personally been provocative (rocket man, e.g.), and he said that it costs too much as he raised military spending by 80 billion dollars. We should not have been doing military drills on their border in the first place.

    Also, I don’t really see why we need troops on the DMZ. North Korea knows that if they attack South Korea, they will suffer consequences from the United States. Besides, we’re the one being provocative, not him.

    I don’t know whether or not we will actually get anything in return, but it doesn’t really matter, we shouldn’t be doing this in the first place.

  23. I think for once Trump should have gotten much more praise as he’s actually building momentum for things to go in a positive direction here.

    Suspending exercises (with a clear threat to resume them) is a very little concession since the U.S. and South Korea already have more than enough training to last quite a while & can continue training in other ways.

    “Legitimising Kim” actually means little and surely shouldn’t be used to criticise talks – see the sensible comments of your TYT Michael Tracey… Talks & business contacts enable leverage to improve human rights. What’s the alternative?

    If KJU were to really abandon nuclear weapons it would be an enormous concession so the U.S. needs to do something. . I for one don’t understand why North Korea doesn’t aim to be like China whose nuclear arms nobody questions…

  24. I have to say, I am a bit disappointed with the singapore summit coverage by tyt.
    I’ve seen no points of view different of those of MSM.
    Yes, trump went back on his words, yes North Korea is a dictatorship.
    So what?
    Couple of days ago, doomsday clock was at 2 minutes to midnight, the closest it HAS EVER BEEN.
    Now it will go back by at least 1 minute and that is the story the should’ve been covered.

    1. This.
      Even just the discussions and lowering of the talks about “my button is bigger and works” kind of crap is a big deal in terms of tensions.

    2. What hyperbolic horseshit. Good Watchmen reference though. The Nuclear Clock, according to who? The insane right wing website that says they’re the UN?

    3. I agree with the general sentiment about TYT’s coverage of Trump and NK. But there are some here who seem to be suggesting that TYT are neocons or want war — which is utterly ridiculous, if you’ve listened/watched more than a few times. Thing is, it’s human nature, people in the same camp often hold differing opinions on issues.

      This panel is justifiably dubious about Trump’s ability to land a real de-nuke agreement; on the other hand, I don’t see much problem with suspending the war games.

      Re: doomsday clock. That thing is the biggest load of BS ever. It’s been set to a few minutes or so for most of my entire life (45 years). During the Cuban Missile Crisis, it should literally have been set to 1 second away but it wasn’t even close. I have zero worry of NK actually deploying nuclear weapons, and only a moderate fear of Trump. But maybe I’m naive.

    1. Yeah, to pile on: have you ONCE heard a report about the Poor People’s Campaign on TYT? I’m positive the main show hasn’t, but I don’t even think TYT Politics has covered it, but I don’t see all of their posts (thanks alot, youtube) when they’re uploaded

  25. Ana was ON tonight! I really admire her jingoism. I especially liked how she omits any historical context on how America killed 20% of the Korean population in the 1950s, while explaining how brutal Kim Jong Un is to his own population. Earth belongs to us. We’re king cock. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! Keep it up, Ana!

    1. All hosts on TYT have discussed many times the numerous atrocious things the USA has done in the past in a variety of countries. But how does what happened in the 1950s have any bearing on the acts of a brutal dictator today? Are you suggesting that Kim’s treatment of his own people is somehow in response to the Korean Conflict?

      1. What happened in the 50s is context. It doesn’t excuse current behaviour, but it is good to know here some of that behaviour comes from.
        Just because it happened decades ago it doesn’t make it better.

        1. OF COURSE it doesn’t make it better. Who said it did?

          Yes, a bit of Korean history explaining how it got separated into North and South and how the North managed to end up with a dictator would have been great. Ranting about how evil the USA is would not be relevant.

    2. Seems like something most people never bothered to learn and figure out about context of why DPRK is the way it is. The US decimated them, their lands, their population, their infrastructure….etc, etc.

      Yes, of course Kim Jung Un and his family have been horrible and done unspeakable things to their own people- no question about it; however, context shows us why they have become that way. The US military had a hand in the atrocities that would lead to the current day circumstances and atrocities.

      I wish more people would understand how much trauma and damage we caused, and only 70 or so years ago. That trauma is still fresh and people that lived through it are still there.

    3. What nonsense is that?

      You do realize that 70% of all Koreans live in the South and that at the darkest days of the Korean war when NK controlled 90% of South Korea almost all South Koreans fought tooth and nail against the communists?

      Ask a Korean who lived through those years not some crackpot conspiracy peddler.

  26. I don’t always watch TYT. But when I do, I prefer Cenk.

    These three are great in their own right though.

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