TYT Old School May 30, 2018

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Zoe J42 Comments

Cenk Uygur & Ben Mankiewicz. A Celebration of the freedom we have in America; Furries & their affiliation with TYT, the origin of Fetishes; Blacklisting, shame and what to do with it. Roseanne Barr; How painful experiences are celebrated; Cenk shares an epiphany he had about the fear of the MSM; Cenks Nightmare; Standing up to Donald Trump & What happened with Joy Ann Reid.


  1. On furries: I honestly didn’t know this was a thing. I had a student, and 8th grader, about 5 years ago, who was constantly drawing animal characters and talking about furries…I thought it was just her. Or him; he stopped by last year with a new name and a new pronoun. Somehow he knew I’d be fine with that. Maybe because I spent 3 years patiently giving him attention when he needed to talk about furries.

    Shame? The draft? I can intellectually understand Springsteen’s take, BUT:

    I’m a mother. If we reinstituted the draft and they called up my adult sons, I’d have them to Canada in a heartbeat. No shame whatsoever. I didn’t carry them, birth them, love them, raise them, and teach them to have them become cannon fodder for the U.S. oligarchy. If they refused Canada and failed the physical, I’d be dancing in the streets. No shame. The shame there is not that someone else will go, but that we’d induct young people involuntarily.

  2. I took a history seminar on the holocaust and a large part of the class was spent listening to/examining the accounts of holocaust survivors who told their stories to the USC Shoah foundation. A theme that was disgusted in the class is how often people would say things like “I saw this happen” or “I know of this happening,” and it seems as though people would do this to distance themselves from horrible things that happened to them or they were forced to do to survive. Another thing about the holocaust is how prevalent cannibalism was and I believe this is a large part of why people don’t talk about their experiences and why they do feel guilt.

  3. The only personal qualifier I would need in the story of the hollywood guy is that he is ok with the ladies having their own thing if they want it. I am not bothered by open or poly relationships on principal but there is an inbalance in some of them that bothers me. So if a dude can be with whomever but he expects loyalty from the women that’s not my jam… If a dude can have sex and the women can (and everyone is above board) great. And even if the women DON’T seek sex outside as long as they know they are also open. I assume given the whole thing that is the case.

    I also love the idea that gay people were going to open up poly marriages and honestly… bring it on.

    1. Also not a furry myself but due to the circles I am in know plenty and it’s whatever. But just as a point… have you seen the Disney movies with animals that my generation grew up with? Is there any wonder? Like legit they were trying to make animals attractive it was bound to happen.

      Furries like any group as long as everyone is consenting whatever. I’ve heard rumors that they sometimes show up in kids spaces which is not ok but I also wonder if that is just to make them look bad. I have more issue with bronies since they impacted a show for kids to suit their own ideals, even not always sexually. Like that to me is so much worse than people that like to have sex that I don’t enjoy myself.

      1. *just to clarify I know not only furries but people that do art for furries

        btw every artist I know says that people that request furry art are like the nicest about it so thumbs up on them because people that commison artists apparently suck. I paid ten dollars over asking price (just ten dollars) for art for my twitch channel and the person had like a break down that I had done that because people never wanted to pay her asking price etc etc. I felt bad that I could only tip 10 dollars and she was shocked that I paid anything over price. So furries apparently great for artists so 10/10

        Now spamming comments my bad

  4. This was one of the greatest Old Schools I’ve ever seen. Started off so hilarious and giddy, and then got into pretty dark territory. Also Cenk you look really good in that Blue Wave shirt + blue hoodie! Makes me wanna buy the shirt soon, though I’m a little disillusioned right after the California election so I’ll hold off for a bit. Love you guys!

  5. I am super upset about how tyt is now just cutting off the streaming feed. I guess I get it on the main show. But it pisses me off in old school and the post game. These are the shows I love the most, if the hosts are still talking let me listen. I pay for these shows every month.

  6. There is nothing better in the TYT Universe than Cenk & Ben doing Old School. For those of us who have been there from the very start, an Old School like this one represents the quintessential program that drew us into the TYT orbit in the first place.

  7. Only like 15% of furries own a full suit. They mostly do tails and ears and stuff. And most fur suiters don’t have sex in the suits. They’re heavy, they generally don’t breathe well, and it risks damage to the suit which is expensive.

  8. I really think that Muller releasing his report anytime before the mid-term elections are over and done with, will be disastrous. #patience #allinduetime

  9. This Old School was the BEST????✨

    It’s Ben & Cenkie’s caramel vanilla swirl with Red Hots mixed in. What do we call this flavor guys? Fire & Furry?

    We have GOT to keep fresh analysis going on this donor disaster that’s got Chuck Schumer Democrats in cahoots with Republicans.

  10. Cenk and Ben are painting a pretty bleak picture of what the next few years of the US will look like. Question is, how do we avoid it and how do we stop it? Agree with the consensus that Old School is the best program on TYT.

  11. I was into Loose Change when I first saw it, and back then Alex Jones – to my young mind – didn’t seem that crazy. I never believed the official account of 9/11, promoted by a government we know lied from the beginning and at the very least was extremely incompetent before 9/11. Even knowing who Alex Jones is now, doesn’t take away from my – I think – reasonable questions about 9/11.

    Just prefacing with that to, in this one moment, defend her in saying that a lot of people doubted the account of 9/11 based on some scientific evidence, and mainly, because of the government that told us the story, run by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, known liars.

    So yeah that is the least convincing reason I’ve heard to not like Joy Reid. Plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize her.

  12. Yes you can listen and not watch I’m doing that right now. You select listen on this video. Or do they mean live?

  13. People only jump over like that if their left-ness is exceedingly superficial. Or if they are exceedingly racist and thus not really “left” to most modern leftists.

    Really, it’s just that politics are not linear.

    1. Where by “not linear” I mean “not one-dimensional”. Just to be clear.

      It’s not a horseshoe.

      1. I was going to share some personal testimonial of people I’ve known to switch their political views (in depressing ways). But I’ll summarize instead like this: there is nothing about being a far lefty that makes you more likely to become a far righty than if you’re a moderate lefty. But it does happen. The reason it is so memorable and talked about is because of how shocking it is, because in our minds, that’s the most extreme switch, because we’re looking at policies. But really, it might boil down to populism, a cult of personalities, a bad bullshit detector, and a very filtered form of reality.

  14. Survivors guilt – my mom was about 14 years old when Hitler invaded Austria and she was forced to join the Hitler Youth Corps. She never would talk about it and I always suspected that it was partly because of things she did or thought at the time that she later felt bad about. I tried so often to get her to do an oral history, but she wouldn’t talk about anything except when the Americans were there (and she met my dad). I can’t imagine dealing with choices people had to make in order to survive, particularly in the camps.

  15. I’ve known two Furries. They were also both adult diaper wearers (by choice). Whatever, that’s fine, but they both brought their dogs into it, would dress their dogs in human diapers and practiced beasteality (sp?). We tried to get the SPCA to take their dogs away but we’re unsuccessful.

    I know this is not true of all Furries, but there is a dark side there.

  16. Something to consider: Trump may end up being defeated, but countless others, the wrong sorts, are watching right now thinking “oh, America will let you go that far? I wonder how much further it can be pushed…”

  17. Thank you Cenk and Ben for talking about Joy. I do not like her at all. What you said made sense though and changed my mind about how to go about fighting her because I really wanted her to be fired. When I thought about it after you talked about it I realized, really I don’t give a shit. Let her have her show and her followers. It’s no skin off my ass. So thanks for helping this old Mama change her mind.

  18. To Cenk’s assertion that you can’t get just the audio, you have to watch the video, ummmm…. us members get the option to download just the mp3 audio of the video, just like a podcast. There’s the “Download Audio” button just below the video, lol.

  19. I love TYT though these days I sometimes cannot listen to the main show because of how distressed all the shitty things being done in this country get me.

    However, I love Old School and this is the best line-up. I also love Jayar(sp?) in that setting. I wish he could be there as well, but this is not a complaint (just a suggestion). Great show.

    1. My sanity now requires limited viewing of the main-shows, but, I look forward to checking in with the boys on Old School:)

  20. the crux of the matter of our current leadership – poor sociopaths/psychopaths end up dead or in jail – rich assholes run our country and determine our policies –

  21. Thanks for being cool with furries; you guys are awesome.

    To answer Cenk, no, there’s no way anyone could watch you guys and NOT like you! Old School is my favorite show. :)

  22. for those members who joined so that they could feel special – wake up snowflakes! the mission is to spread the truth!! that’s why you are called supporters.

    1. Preach!

      Corporate media drowns out voices like the ones heard here. TYT needs all the support they can get so they can compete with that behemoth.

      I remember when I first found TYT. The right wing of the MSM is entirely made of lies, and the left wing of the MSM is made of lies of omission, but here was a network who spoke openly and plainly of corruption and greed. My first thought was that it was refreshing, but more importantly that this kind of voice needs to hit the mainstream by any means necessary. I didn’t sign up so I could hear that voice, but to help amplify that voice so others can hear it.

    1. old school has gotta stay classic.. my favourite show on the network.. love seeing cenk n ben on

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