TYT Old School May 23, 2018

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Zoe J48 Comments

Cenk Uygur & Ben Mankiewicz. Political Tribalism in the south and on the left. Ben and Cenk’s time at WAMI Miami. The perception of TYT around the country. Judgements on the various rather liberal stances of the current pope. The Obama’s after the election. The GOP going pro-choice, what they really think of Trump. Cenk’s foster kittens, the life of an actor, and Val Kilmer. Kurt Russel was a child star?! A promise to ‘seed’ actors in how good they have been over the years.


  1. Ben’s talk about tribalism is nonsense. Humans have a tribal instinct. That doesn’t mean that its innately bad any more than the instinct to have children is necessarily bad. Tribalism can lead to racism and hate and when it does that its bad.

  2. It’s late but I hope this get to Cenk and Ben – for Kurt the eclipse guy, rather than Keifer Sutherland is Jeff Bridges.

  3. When a cat pees where you sit, it’s trying to tell you it hurts when they pee. It’s also why they don’t want to be pet. I’ve had many cats and that’s ALWAYS been the case. Whenever it happened, I brought the cat to the vet and BINGO infection!

    Just sayin’…

  4. I happen to have some info about the Popes and how/why Francis got chosen. Long story short, Benedict was extremely corrupt. He was (Benedict) the main person who was responsible for moving pedophiles from church to church. He had other sex scandals involving cardinals participation in under ground sex cults. But the most important reason to the other cardinals for ousting him was bc of all the banking scandals with the Vatican Bank. Basically they were laundering money for oligarchs and other undesirables. All of these scandals were causing a huge loss in the numbers joining the church, so a decision was made to kick him out and put in Francis, who at the Rome was VERY popular in South Amarica.

    1. Thanks for sharing this. It’s obviously something the church doesn’t want to expose- and although I am not Catholic it makes me appreciate Francis even more for stepping in.

  5. So agree with Ben on Obama. Where the hell is he? The world is burning and he’s out on Branson’s yacht. This is why he was such an ineffective president. Too afraid of speaking out, always wanting to be pragmatic and stick to the rules. It’s shit like that that will allow fascism to blossom here.

  6. I’m a sixty one year old, retired OR nurse. I can remember a surgeon taking out a sixteen year old’s , septic, infected with gas gangrene womb, crying his eyes out. Because she would never had kids, courtesy of a back alley abortion. It was a smell I’ll never forget, I was two years older than her. Still brings years to my eyes.

  7. If Cenk likes Martin Luther King, Jr. so much, I bet he’d like Rev. William Barber as well. He said as much at the Democratic National Convention in 2016. Rev. Barber backed Bernie then and now.

    What Rev. Barber is doing now is the Poor Peoples’ Campaign. They’re in the middle of 40 Days of Action. Below I copied a bit from Ben & Jerry’s website:

    40 Days that Will Change America
    Back in December, Rev. Barber said, “We aren’t going to protest in a corner somewhere. The US Capitol, US State Houses are the people’s houses. These are OUR houses.” These 40 days will ratchet up the pressure on local and national leaders to end systemic poverty, to end systemic racism, to end out-of-control military spending, and to end the destruction of our environment. But for this to work, we all need to get involved.

    After all, Dr. King couldn’t do it alone, brilliant as he was. It took marchers and protesters filling the streets. It took going to the polls, it took pressuring politicians. And now it’s our turn. Every week between May 13 and June 23 has a theme—and plenty of ways to show your support.

    Week 1: Child poverty, Women, LGBTQIA+, and People with Disabilities
    Week 2: Linking Systemic Racism and Poverty: Voting Rights, Ending Mass Incarceration, and Justice for Immigrants
    Week 3: Militarism, the War Economy, Veterans, and Education
    Week 4: Ecological Devastation and Health: Clean Air, Clean Water, and Healthcare for All
    Week 5: Jobs, Income, the Right to Organize, and Housing
    Week 6: A New and Unsettling Force: A Fusion Movement Rising Up
    Across the 40 states where these events will be held, people will be able to take direct action in state capitals, learn about the week’s theme, attend cultural events, and so much more. Sign up with the Poor People’s Campaign to find out what’s happening near you. We need your voice—and we need your help.

    Cenk, you got arrested for peaceful protest at the Capitol for Democracy Spring. On June 23rd, there will be a mass meeting at the Capitol with everyone there. It would be so cool if you could reprise your role as jailbird, and be arrested again!!

    Anyway, if you can’t go, I sure wished you could interview Rev. Barber and at least let him tell you about it. He’s basically doing and saying the same progressive message as Bernie, but in his own way. Like Bernie, he’s trying to move the narrative towards progressives.

    PS: I need to make CLEAR that this isn’t just for Christians. This is a fusion movement of people of faiths and non-faith. Like MLK, Barber is a preacher and his words are couched in religious language.

  8. Ben said he wasn’t contrarian and asked, who thinks its a good idea going through life telling everyone else they’re wrong just to see what happens? Answer: Dave Koller.

  9. Do not forget that Gandhi while doing some good also did and said some terrible things, for one, he was extremely racist. The other thing is that Gandhi had an unhealthy interest in giving underage girls enema’s.

  10. If you’re liberal in a red community/ state, there will be those that will at least try to smear you and make you out to be a creep. i only have the TYT seal shirt and it seems like most people here probably wouldn’t have known what it meant, BUT…

    I am certain that i “somehow” have become some sort of ” person of interest” on Youtube in my town, and the town i lived and went to school previously. Only for the videos that i give a thumbs-up or put into a playlist. Many are politically charged TYT videos, others are music videos that have more to do with my taste and mood.

    By the time i got my current job, i thought that my co-workers were trying to make me lose my job ever since i made some political/psychological comments at lunch. My work was being sabotaged for months after that. Now I’m of the perspective that they are both retaliating and trying to surreptitiously change my behavior/politics. Like, “see, he can’t do his job (machine set-up). He obviously doesn’t know what he’s taking about.”

    I’m not a contrarian, but in this environment i find myself i would seem to be. And i would seem to be since i ask questions because i usually don’t take things at face value.

    Call me a tribalist, but i really need to find my tribe.

  11. Pope drives european version of ford focus II, not a fiat. He was driving a fiat in Brasil in 2013.

  12. Yet another great show, THANKS GUYS!
    I’ve been a member since 2012, & OLD SCHOOL is definitely BEST show on the network.
    I enjoy it most when it’s just Cenk & Ben, it’s like hanging out with friends.

  13. Wow- I was thinking the same thing,. (not that I’m complaining about downloading faster)

  14. i have a cat that I got when I found her abandoned (2 weeks old) behind our apartment complex. She is part of the family now. (She even joins our smoking circle.) We are her pack. It is awesome :) Seriously- consider keeping the kittens …

    1. fyi, if they have trouble with the bottle (mine always tried to grab onto it, like she was kneading her mom cat), try cutting a little hole in a washcloth, and then putting the nipple of the bottle through that.

      1. also, I used dawn dish soap to kill the fleas. It doesn’t take care of them right away, you have to bathe them quite a few times, but it will eventually get rid of the fleas, and it is safe for kittens.

  15. That ending fade-out/fade-music-in combination was masterfully executed, well done to the person who pulled that off

  16. Is your cat castrated?
    We didn’t castrate our male cat back in the day, bad idea.
    He was almost a wildlife cat.

  17. Not so bad, Cenk, “Nummer fuenf / fünf”.

    Benedict possibly knew of child molestation cases in the church and covered them up.
    If that is proven, and he still was the Pope, it would tear down the entire church.
    That’s why they had to bring in Francis, because he, apparently, has integrity.

  18. Lol Cenk.
    Not all of us live in Liberal areas.
    I have one JD shirt and that gets me some serious looks or passing comments whenever I go to Walmart… Just because idiots here see Democrat.
    They don’t even care about the J stands for.
    I like having political conversations… but in certain areas, and being black.
    Those shirts would be a DISASTER for my well being.
    Especially that impeach shirt.
    I’ll still take one for home though. Please and thanks

    1. Same, pretty much, though I’m not black or a person of color. But I live in the deep south, and I’d be too afraid to wear most of the TYT shirts. I’m female, too, so that adds another little level of fear.

  19. I dont think they were fair in any way to Kurt Russel. I can’t believe no one mentioned Tango and Cash!

  20. Well, Cenk was actually pretty close with the “Nummero Fünft” since “Nummer Fünf” is correct lol.

  21. IMO, Val Kilmer’s best role aside from Tombstone was in the “Ghost and the Darkness.” I have no idea why this movie didn’t score bigger at the box office, but to me it’s a must see.

  22. Ben is right – kitties do remember if you take care of them when they’re babies. Or at least the experience causes them to bond with you in a special way.

    I have raised multiple cats from blind helpless kittenhood… and compared with cats I’ve acquired in their adulthood, they are generally much more affectionate and attached to me.

    1. I agree fully… More Ben… More Ben… More Ben — Especially on WTF and the main show Fridays…

  23. My pope name is Sixtus according to caffeinenebula.com’s dumb quiz. So, there’s that, then… isn’t there?

  24. Wow! Fast upload, I thought it was Friday because of that! Did I time travel or is this real? ;)

    1. Wow- I was thinking the same thing,. (not that I’m complaining about downloading faster)

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