TYT Hour 1 May 23, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J33 Comments

Cenk Uygur & Ana Kasparian. Ukrainian President arranged to pay Michael Cohen to meet with President Trump at the White House. Democrats are excluded from DOJ briefing about FBI informant. Donald Trump admits to bashing the press on purpose. 59% of Americans believe Trump investigation has not uncovered any crimes. 4.6 Mil U.S kids live in homes with unlocked, loaded guns. A 4 year old boy accidentally shot and killed his 2 year old brother.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 56 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. No, it would not. “Bluest of blue” means they care about DACA…and the drug epidemic…and Flint. Also, the democrats are not fighting for the rights of “illegals,” they’re not fighting for anything.

  2. Ana: “We never talk about non-responsible gun owners”

    Yes we do, all the time. It’s the other half of that woman’s statement. It usually goes: “I can’t believe it! They’re good christians, hard working, and loving. It’s not like they’re THUGS or CRIMINALS, ya know….they’re just good people.” Those two words take gun ownership from backyard can shooting in rural, white, toothless Mississippi; where the amber waves of grain sway as a bald eagle swoops overhead with an American flag bandana around its leg; and takes it to Detroit. (where the wild things are) That’s where irresponsibility lives, where “those people” are.

    That’s why it’s important that Cenk mention the Obama v Trump actions because people must be reminded that this is racism and xenophobia showing up in “bias” (which tyt uses to absolve people of their clearly blantant racism too much). Why doesn’t it bother more people that Trump is just breaking laws and is surrounded openly by criminals, mobsters, THUGS, RAPISTS, anti-semites, and klansmen. Yet Obama was at a church service with a pastor who was openly militant and critical of white people and culture, and that was a national scandal! Again, black reverend says “white people” too hard and Obama is a far left black terrorist. Steve Bannon…..nothing. Ted Nugent…..nothing. Why is Trump able to associate with these type of people and it mean nothing??….a tan suit v secret meetings with foreign governments…..it’s not just about partisanship that’s for damn sure, it’s an internal understood feeling/knowing. It’s the same feeling that makes people look for clear evidence of wrongdoing before approaching a white person who’s acting weird or trying to get into a building vs approaching black people immediately, questioning them, not believing them, and calling the police. It’s the same feeling that makes people suspicious of Spanish speakers vs German speakers. It’s a feeling based on unchallenged stereotypes and we shouldn’t remove the mentioning of this free floating radio wave of behaviors and understandings that is America’s race issue because some people are “annoyed by it.” Instead of complaining about how annoying it is, people need to do some personal reflection on why they’re soooo bothered by the mentioning of it.

  3. Yay, Cenk swore! It will be edited, but then we’ll get the blank which is almost as good. Keep up the passion and bring it Cenk and Ana!

  4. Ana’s on air pondering of what Ukraine could possibly use US support for (“I mean, protection from Russia, is that likely to happen??”) is yet another example of poor research on her part and a very poor production team. They are supposed to prep the hosts for the subject matter and yet when it comes to foreign policy its a disaster as usual.

    1. Foreign policy has never been Ana’s strong suit and I used to get pissed when she was in the first hour because of that. However, I have noticed her improving in that area so for her to seem to not be able to speculate on what Ukraine would want in return was a little cringe worthy especially keeping in mind the new audience they are now reaching.

    2. Explaination? Sources? Expert?

      Oh, thanks!

      It’s probably best to share and explain knowledge and understanding instead of complaining.

    3. So, why don’t you enlighten us? Or is this an example of poor research on your part and very poor thinking on your side?

      You earn the right to complain when you try to fix something, but in here you’re not trying to fix shit, you’re just criticizing, so let’s hear it, Mr. knowitall

  5. Worst thing about watching these in the mornings at work: the snapbacks are always sold out by the time I know they’re on sale!!

    1. Not to mention offering them up near the end of the month almost guarantees the segment of members on a fixed income who are usually spread pretty thin financially at this time of the month will not be in a position to purchase the hat. I don’t believe TYT needs to bend over backwards to cater to its less fortunate members who often times can only afford the $10 level. But maybe think about offering some of these member only items closer to the beginning of the month when it is easier to come up with the funds. Because damn it, I wish I hadn’t bought that stupid hat that says “Make America Great Again” at the first of the month. :)

  6. I was pouring over the Constitution and the folks who helped influence it, to see what thought. George Mason of Virginia…Was the only one who did not sign. His objection to/concern was , how the government w/out a bill of rights for the People would become 1. A Monarchy. 2. A Corrupt Tyrannical Aristocracy. And, do check out his short and very concise course revealing exactly how and what to do, in order to take over/defeat a Democracy. Very Nostradamas!

  7. I’m as hobbit-like as I can be; I don’t ever watch tv news, and almost never listen to news on the radio. I do read news, and I am informed, but I take every single news source with a large lump of salt, having recognized decades ago that the information is manipulated for political purposes.

    And yes, my life is much less stressful because I’m not listening to the same stories spun over and over and over.

    That doesn’t mean I’m not aware; it means I’m not allowing myself to be manipulated.

  8. Today’s Hour 1 is why Jimmy Dore is so popular and why I love his shows. Besides the ending gun story, we had 50ish minutes of Trump and Russia stories. I understand the importance of this, I really do. But can we please leave that for the MSM? Can we cover other stories? I hate to break it to you but news is happening in others parts of the world too. It would be nice to not hear about Russia or Mueller for one day here and there…

    1. I get bored watching Jimmy’s show because he talks about the same shit all of the time too. That’s why I think having different shows and different hosts is benefit to TYT. If you don’t like a story, check out a different show.

  9. I have never liked the comment Cenk makes when he says “Well, if Obama would have done XXX (something Trump has done) then imagine what would have happen ?” My problem with this statement has taken a few weeks for me to process this. Here is what I believe some of the problems are: 1.) If you are comparing two Presidents side by side you need to wait until #45 has served as long as #44 to make this a valid comparison. If this is a Party difference, then be clear. 2.) If you are comparing the situation against 2 men (one white and one black) to point out racism ONLY, then whom are you accusing is racist? The men? The media? The news people? The public? I dont know. or 3.) if you replace the names of each man with the only distinction of “white man” and “black man” that promotes a racist point of view. This is a passive aggressive racist attack. After reviewing why I (Robin Rae Bitrick) does not like this constant comparison I feel it is further stirring the pots of racism in America. Why are we not more mad that if Black Man did what White Man did – we (America) would be out in the street up in Arms! Ask yourself Cenk, why do you feel a need to constant do this? My only other comment (that I feel you wont respond to) is where do these new platforms leave us? I am a Native American, living on a reservation and totally and permanently disabled. I do not have much of a disposable income, but I rob Peter to pay Paul to make sure my $10 is available for my monthly subscription. When I became a member, the only way you read post and live feed information was to have “twitter”. So at the age of 54, I created a twitter account just for TYT. I dont know if I ever used it correctly. Now, TYT is offering for $40 per month (which I cant do) the platform to watch TYT more. I feel like I am missing out on something, but I dont know what. I also cant send info or questions because you now want a new platform (I dont know, something SUPERCHAT). I dont know what that is either. I feel TYT is leaving me behind and I dont know where you are going or if I can or should follow. I am not a “super chatter” nor can afford the new package – so as one Patron from the cheap seats, this is my two cents.

    1. Wow.

      You could try calling them at (323) 866-8200

      Or these days real mail will likely get you a direct response of some form.
      The Young Turks
      6230 Wilshire Blvd, Box #140
      Los Angeles, CA 90048

      My best guess is that Steve Oh is the guy to contact regardless how you contact them.

      In the end, I am certain you are NOT missing out on anything offered by the TYT network by just going with the 10 bucks per month membership.

    2. Hi Robin,

      I am black and a descendant of slaves unlike Barack Obama. Keep that in mind for later.

      I disagree with your assessment about “stirring the pot”. What is there has always been there in terms of racial tension. What has changed over time is what John Naisbitt called the “information float”. That is, how long it takes the news of an event to propagate through out the public. With today’s technology, there is no longer an “information float” (ie live streaming police shootings, etc). Reactions to events like this can be real time or near real time. So, it is the technology that is allowing people’s thoughts and emotions to, in real time, react to events and also allows the reporting of these events to be in real time as well.

      Now, back to Obama. He did not grow up in typical black male American culture. He is not a descendant of slaves so his thought process and how he reacts to things is outside of the general experience of the average black male (white grand parents, private schools, etc). When Cenk is mentioning things Obama should have done, I look at it through the lens of somebody who did not really grow up in the black experience and it makes sense to me.

      Cenk’s assessments of Obama and how the white public would react are spot on. What get’s me is how tone deaf Obama was when he went on TV and said, several times, #DonnyTinyHands will “never” be president. I cringed every time he did this because, if you grew up black, you would know that is like a dog whistle to certain white segments of the population to make sure they vote. And they certainly delivered on Nov 8.

      I truly believe that Obama has no real idea of what it means to be black in America. #privateschools #Havard

      PS – I truly hate Obama did nothing at Standing Rock to support the protest and tone down the police response.

      1. I wasn’t going to say anything but, eh, why not? I also don’t believe Obama really had much experience with growing up black in the US. I bet he got hit with the reality of being a black man after he moved to the mainland for college, but even then his reality was probably slightly less real than… “real”… Before college he was in Hawaii and briefly in Indonesia (attending a private school). Three decades after Obama, I spent the latter half of my adolescence in Hawaii, and obviously I can’t speak to his personal experience, but he most likely wouldn’t have been a major target for racism in Honolulu as a light skinned black kid. He had an usual and privileged life trajectory so maybe that’s why he’s always seem to be a little out of touch with average Americans.

      2. Maryland Chuck,

        Thank you for your response. I have been “stewing” over this point for several weeks, not really able to put my thumb on the answer. I am proud to be a supporter of TYT, and although just a small donation, I feel I help to make real news heard and connect with real people who want to solve problems.

        Your comment about reaction time to events is also correct. We (society) does not have “filters” aka new bias to interpret news – all of the news is just dumped on us at real time and we need to learn how and when to respond. Too bad too many of Americans just chase the shinny object.

        I am glad to understand Cenk does not make his comments out of ignorance. I also understand Obama’s childhood and college life ever helped him understand the real struggles. He did not do enough and he was not involved enough to care about the problems facing most Americans. He broke my heart and support when he did nothing for Standing Rock.

        Thank you for responding and listening to me. I feel less alone!


  10. I’m just here to point out TYT should sell a t-shirt of cenk saying “OF COURSE!” Because EVERYONE wants that shirt.

    1. Maybe we can start a petition cuz I bet it would be a best seller! (hoping to appeal to Cenk’s capitalist side)

    1. They don’t talk about it in the right way was the point. They are weak sauce and talk and talk but accomplish nothing. If they were strong and talked and talked then maybe something would be being done about the deplorable state of affairs.

  11. hahahaha – nice swear jerk right at the end, PMSL

    after all the recent uproar in the members comments, this was a surprisingly strong, upbeat & particularly funny Hour 1. No Weak Tea evident yet…So i continue to reserve judgement on concerns expressed over content dilution, but seems promising based on this hour, esp in contrast with the all time low last Friday.

    …altho a distinct feeling of awareness of a new audience – a little bit of progressive 101 thrown in – but personally i don’t object to that – if it gets more people thinking straight, that should be TYT’s no1 mission, not to pander to the existing audience of solid progressives; but to ‘evangelise’ to potential progressives and widen the groundswell of the ‘woke’ viewer/ voter / activist base.

    Like the change up with Jayar on the tweets.

    1. It blows my mind how they don’t curse so they are holding back. Nothing else about the show has changed at all other than they don’t curse so more people get to hear the show. I’m not anti-cursing I curse all the time but seriously people grow up

  12. My dad is a “responsible gun owner”, and he almost killed me when I was 3. We lived in a rural area, and one night, he woke to the sound of the sliding glass door opening. He crept into our dark living room with his loaded gun, ready to protect his family from an intruder. Except that it was me, and I had gone outside to retrieve a doll.
    I am thankful that he keeps his firearms locked up in a gun safe, now that I bring my own small children to visit sometimes.

    1. No one wants to hear this but for most “responsible” gun owners the harsh reality is they just haven’t had someone accidentally get shot yet. I see a lot of people describe themselves as responsible and do things that are not in the least bit. My mother would describe herself as a responsible gun owner and she’s not at all. She misplaces her gun, keeps it loaded and just out where anyone can get it, shoots for target practice places people shouldn’t. But she gets to call herself a responsible gun owner because she hasn’t messed up… yet

      1. It’s difficult for me to understand how anyone can misplace a gun, but I’ve never been a gun owner so I can’t really put it into context. I regularly misplace my keys so I wonder, are gun owner/lovers just so accustomed to their firearms being around that they might as well be a set of keys?

  13. Cenk’s “of course” to the press is a little unfairly easy. One could easily use the same tactic he does on most points he makes, “Wait… you didn’t know that already?” Like, sure, I know Trump plays that trick, but that he just directly said it a while back elicits a reaction from me too because it’s a visceral reminder he willed this shit into being and it is to some small extent an accomplishment on his part. Lately, this just feels like the same critique on the media repeated a bunch of times. I get it, they’re still corporate, but try playing with framing or structure to not be saying the same things the same ways.

  14. All the theatrics Cenk described were done before by the republicans and failed miserably (Trump was not the first to line Clinton accusers, the mass walkout of republicans back in 08 etc.).

    When you are out of power you are out of power, that is it. Screaming conspiracy is just another term for “whining”. There are smarter ways to challenge republicans and indeed from an election PoV it makes great ad material.

    As for DACA, shutting down the government to pass a law that benefits illegals (and you can spin it all you want, DACA recipients are illegals) is a losing strategy pure and simple. People are being poisoned in Flint in a time when the EPA is decimated and dying en masse in the Rust Belt as a result of the opiod crisis and the Dems are fighting for the rights of illegals who can’t even vote. Run an ad like that in the bluest of blue district and you will turn it red.

    1. No, it would not. “Bluest of blue” means they care about DACA…and the drug epidemic…and Flint. Also, the democrats are not fighting for the rights of “illegals,” they’re not fighting for anything.

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