Update from Member Services

In Communications to Members by TYT MemberServices29 Comments

Yesterday we made a very exciting announcement about the launch of our channel on YouTube TV. We are thrilled to be on a level playing field with the cable news establishment, getting TYT’s message out to potentially millions more people.

I understand some Members have had questions about the launch announcement, and I wanted to say a couple words here.

First, we really appreciate you guys. Your membership has been so important as a source of support for the company and the work that we do. It’s also evidence of just how many fans we have out there, so when we go to the table with a company like YouTube, our membership lets them know we should be taken seriously and that we will be a successful network on their platform.

Second, it’s important to us that we can now reach so many NEW people that haven’t yet had the opportunity to hear our message.

Third, some specifics around programming:

  • Members still get access to all the content you got before. In addition, you still get a lot of that programming FIRST. Aggressive Progressives, Old School, and the Post Game go up both live and on demand for Members before they go on YouTube TV — uncensored and with no ads.
  • Speaking of the Post Game: within the next few months, the Post Game will come back to being a Members-only show and will not be accessible to YouTube TV subscribers. (We’ve also got some new “members only” stuff up our sleeves for you guys that we’re not ready to talk about yet!)
  • We have great new shows called Damage Report, #NoFilter, Happy Half Hour, and Old School Sports. For now, as part of our launch with YouTube TV, these shows are exclusive to that platform.

We are having a big year — launching our app (iPhone for now, Android this summer), working on a new website, and launching our YouTubeTV channel — and are so grateful for your help in making this all possible.

TYT couldn’t be doing any of these new, cool things without you guys, the Members who have always been TOO STRONG. Thank you very much for your support as we try to grow.

— Matt Atchity, Head of Programming, TYT Network



  1. TYT, I thought you were different. I look at TYT content almost every day. I am a big fan, or was. I ponied up money to join TYT because I believed in you. Now you have new shows that I cannot see because I do not want to support Youtube TV? I feel ripped off, I feel that my contribution and membership are being devalued. Youtube is a rip off platform. Many of the people I watched on youtube had their monetization taken away because they didn’t meed the wants of the giant corporations that advertise on youtube. Gay content is seldom allowed to be moetized because of Corporate objections. How do you defing jumping on a censored, corporate platform like Youtube TV when many if not most content creators can no longer be monetized because of Youtube. Cenk, Ana, John when did you guys sell out to CORPORATE control by Youtube. This is a ripoff. I will never give forty dollars a month to youtube to prop up Fox News and the rest of the corporate trash just so I can watch content not available to TYT Members. I have no plans to renew my membership when it runs out, You have really disappointed me. I really dislike the new new TYT/YOUTUBE CORPORATE CONGLOMERATE.

  2. This is pretty outrageous, I am paying for Youtube red, I am paying for a membership to TYT. Now I am being told that I cannot access new TYT content in the future because I cannot afford to pony up $40 a month to keep fucking youtube in business. No thank you, TYT has become just another cable TV chqannel like Fox news. I doubt that I will pay again for TYT given that I who helped build TYT am no longer valued.

  3. I don’t care that TYT has chosen to be on Youtube TV, good for them, but I’m royally pi$$ed that, as I am not in America, I cannot choose to subscribe and see the new shows. I think this kind of comes off as a bit of a f-you to all your supporters around the world. I’m not sure I’m going to continue my membership. Cenk’s message on May 17 did not help, particularly being told that we who can’t access it can still get “clips”. That is really not cool. And this excuse of getting the message out really annoyed me. Like he was trying to make us feel guilty for being angry that we can’t access (even if we want to pay for it) youtube tv.

  4. Wow, just saw this (thanks to Xenophrenia for posting the link in a comment), way to communicate to your members TYT. Happy Post Game is coming back to members only but more needs to be done to mend this slap to the face. Please start by actually sharing & highlighting TYT Investigates reporting. The link on this website is hard to find & Investigates wasn’t included on the new app. Why were they hired? I’ll admit I haven’t read all the articles(working on it) but the ones I have were well written & researched. I didn’t find TYT until 2016 so I am very jealous of old school members, I’m afraid I’ll never know that TYT. Do better TYT, we need you.

  5. People, let’s keep the big picture here. Cable news shows may be struggling, but the right wing political establishment is gaining. As Cenk says, they won the White House, Congress, SCOTUS, and thousands of state races. TYT, and the organizations it has started, Justice Democrats and WolfPAC, are one of the main, if not THE main force galvanizing the left. And it’s influence is starting to make a difference, moving the center more to the left, affecting primaries – which is what we need to actually change the trajectory of elections and our government.
    Getting the word out to a broader audience, and competing in the political sphere with behemoth propaganda machines like FOX is crucial to pulling the center back towards the left and getting control again. Being on a platform where a newbie can flip the channels and have their mind blown by TYT’s fresh, real, hard hitting programming is how to bring more into the fold and increase the resistance.
    While it is nice feeling like TYT is our own sanctuary in a sea of corrupt, bigoted right wing ideology, the only way it can really change the system is to reach more minds in the center and normalize progressive political philosophy.
    People at the vanguard of a movement often feel like it’s uniqueness and spark is diluted when more people join it, but that’s exactly what is needed to reach a critical mass. If we really hope to succeed against the overwhelming moneyed forces controlling our politics and government, we need to reach the people in the middle.
    I for one will keep my membership and look forward to some shows being only for members. But the main show and message need to get out.

    1. You aren’t wrong, your points are totally valid and I agree… I also agree with those concerned that TYT could be put in a compromised situation and are concerned that too many cooks in the kitchen may water down the message beyond anything recognizable as TYT (not by more viewers and members but by YouTube and Google executives). That and the frustration about the PG being made public when it once served as a way to speak to members. All that being said ( for the hundredth time), you are right about the necessity to broaden viewership and have an actual chance to counteract propaganda. I’m tired of debating all of this and I only wish in general, members might agree that the points your points are totally worth making while simultaneously, a couple of the changes taking place kind of suck.

  6. One thing that is really important to all members here to know is that if you decide to pay the $40 a month subscription to YouTubeTV, you are actively propping the MSM. That money is split up between the different networks (that are failing as the cable model is dying, why on Earth Google though it would be a good idea to try to revive that dying model like this is beyond me), with larger portions going to those networks who have managed to convince Google that they are worth more, just like with a regular old Cable subscription bill.

    TYT most certainly is not going to be getting preferential treatment here, with networks like Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC certianly getting a larger portion of that $40 for themselves than TYT will, because TYT doesn’t have any leverage to negotiate, especially considering that YouTube is TYT’s primary vehicle anyway.

    I don’t know what TYT is getting per subscriber, but if you think about the fact that they get everything we have to spend $10 a month on, plus extra content to boot, and TYT is only getting a very small fraction of that (maybe $0.50 at best?), does that really make your $10 a month membership feel worth it in comparison?

    I’m not saying don’t be a member anymore, but if you are one and you’re not feeling at least a little bit ripped off, I’d question your common sense. Maybe you’re just rich, so this is just a pittance to you, and if so, fine, I’m glad you can afford your altruism. Also, I’m definitely not advocating dropping your membership to instead get this YouTube TV service. You get more content, and a bunch of other channels (garbage mainstream channels that are mostly irrelevant anyway), but you’re money will be doing more to prop up the mainstream media and their attacks on progressives, and that will hurt more than any benefit TYT gets, especially since they’re loosing probably around 95% of what you were paying as a member.

    Honestly, I just think this is fucking stupid. The MSM will never treat TYT as equals, and no matter how much it makes Cenk and Co feel like they are on more of an equal footing with Corporate media, they’re not and this doesn’t even help them get closer to that misguided goal.

  7. It is a little disappointing that we cant see the new shows, BUT… im sure YouTube wanted some exclusive content. I doubt TYT sat out to make us mad. Its a compromise. Cenk did mention clips would be available. Better than nothing. I want TYT to do well, thats why I support them. I dont get everything i always want, but thats life.

  8. I am 100% okay with new shows being available only to those who buy the new service. (It helps that I find John childish and irritating, so anything that reduces his participation in the main TYT news hours is great in my book).

    I don’t mind current TYT content being shared on the new channel, so long as being on the new channel does not adversely affect the integrity of TYT’s coverage.

    I do not regard the “no swearing” rule as adversely affecting anything. I welcome it because it widens the potential audience. In olden days, when I wanted to share You Tube clips with people because the content was so urgently important to educating folks as to what’s going wrong in this country, I would have to start each email with apologies and “please, please, please don’t be put off by the swearing, please watch the whole clip…”

    If participating in TYT can turn existing MSM news people (like Carol Costello) to the left and liberate them from the constraints of fence-sitting and lets-hear-both-sides-and-make-no-judgements garbage reporting… that’s good. But if wooing MSM people like Costello means TYT turns more mainstream in its coverage… Fuck. That. Shit.

    My two cents.

  9. Thank you for moving Post Games back (eventually) to member only content. It’s a solid start. Old School should also be moved back to members only content. The Post Game and Old School are two shows that create a private link where TYT hosts can be more open, intimate, and honest with members. It’s what made membership feel like a relationship and a family, and selling those two shows out to the YouTube TV audience feels pretty shitty and leaves membership feeling rather useless and deflated. Things change relationally, so changing who has access to previously members only content is, by proxy, changing our relationship to that content too, even if our access hasn’t explicitly changed. Making Post Games and Old School members only isn’t about wanting/needing more hours of content to fill the day, or those being member’s favorite shows, it’s about making good on that supposed relationship and returning the intimacy to where it belongs. Some still might be salty about being locked out of the new shows etc (maybe even me a little), but I think it wouldn’t feel like such a slap in the face if we at least had the candor that Post Games and Old School created between hosts and members.

    Last thing, even if you return some of the specialness of membership to us, I am still very concerned/frustrated by the possibility of corporate control that this move represents. The ‘no cursing policy on live shows’ is already a direct appeasement, which certainly makes me uneasy—not because I have a penchant for hearing the hosts say fuck, or because I think cussing makes you more real or smart or dumb, but because it represents a concession, and the hosts don’t even seem to want to directly acknowledge that. I would love to have the host’s level with us and be more honest about their feelings on this in more depth, as well as share their concerns about the possibility for corporate control generally, because if they are not at all worried and can’t even acknowledge the possibility for disaster in this move, that hubris makes me even more concerned. I am certainly willing to hear them out and to even possibly go along with some concessions; I just need that real talk from the hosts to make sure we are still on the same page (although the main hosts currently don’t have any way of communicating directly or intimately with the members through a show because that would have been done through Post Games and/or Old School, which are now available for the broader audience… which is rather exactly my point above).

    1. I couldn’t have said it better myself- and I’ve been trying to do so many times the past few days. I’m also very concerned about the fact they are doing this on a YouTube owned and operated platform- if this was happening on something like SlingTV and if for whatever reason TYT decided they wanted out or tried to break their contract, then they’d still have YouTube as their streaming platform per usual. If anything goes awry with this deal, YouTube might fuck the entire network. Maybe that’s me being a little too paranoid but I can’t help it- I don’t trust big companies like YouTube.

      1. Even worse, YouTube isn’t a big company, Google is the big company, and YouTube is just one of Google’s brands. Add that to your paranoia.

  10. So we can’t see these “amazing” new shows? I get there’s some exclusivity to push a new platform but I’m not paying for YouTube TV on top of my membership with TYT. I’m sorry but that’s unacceptable that we get blocked out of content.

  11. Thanks for letting us know about the “great new shows” we can’t see “for now”. The new TYT is “TOO STRONG” for it’s loyal members. The new “members only stuff up your sleeves”, will that Involve Carol Costello? WTF!?

  12. so you accept the members money, to build your base, create your content and pass the word along, now youre basically saying, hey, thanks for your money, we dont need you now. you still get existing shows, but the new shows we created which was made possible by you, the member, is not available to you, unless you pay for a 40 dollar membership which isnt available in ost places inside, and not at all outside, the states. looks like you no longer need our money, so if thats the case, i will gladly keep my membership funds for a rainy day. sorry youve gone this way cenk, but youre basically saying, thanks for building us, but were bigger than you now…

  13. Just like I am embarrassed that my countrymen elected Donald Trump, I am embarrassed that my fellow TYT members are complaining about what we get in return for our 50 cents a day (5 day week). I subscribe to support the show and as a bonus it’s pretty cool to have access to the archives, so that I never have to miss a show. Come on people… 50 cents!

    1. you’re forgetting that the members BUILT THEIR STUDIO and HIRED THEIR INVESTIGATIVE TEAM … their members gave them MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and now they’re fucking them over … this is more than just the cost of membership – this is a betrayal of everything the members have done for them over 16 years

    2. If TYT is a network, then a $10 subscription to their network should include all of that’s network’s content. My $10 HBO Go subscription gets me all of HBO’s content. Damn right I’d be pissed if I only got half the content, with the other half going only to a different platform that I can’t have access to unless I buy it as a bundle with a ton of other networks that I don’t want, it’s 4 times as expensive, also supports the competition, and to top it all off, I’d have to up and move as well.

      Fuck that.

  14. working on a new website – taking away comments by chance? … any bets?

    Post Game will come back to being members only … and the rest? exclusive for now? meaning? we are going to get access to them? …

  15. Wtf is people’s problem? Do you not want progressive shows to succeed? Right wingers are all over TV, radio, internet, everywhere and you guys are bitching about the one major progressive show reaching new ears. If they really wanted to “sell out”, they would’ve done a while ago. Cenk could easily be making $30K a day at MSNBC like Rachel Maddow. You assholes don’t deserve TYT.

    1. we don’t want them corporatized – they’re already having CNN shills on the main show … what’s wrong with YOU? they handed YouTube TV nearly ALL OF THE MEMBER CONTENT – they corporatized the Post Game into a hollow talk show … they sold out the members and then expect them to pay $40 to get shows that are taking away the energy of the hosts to make money FOR YOUTUBE … this channel IS NOT AVAILABLE IN MANY PARTS OF AND OUTSIDE OF THE US … you’re okay with screwing foreign members I take it?

      you’re the asshole honey … good thing they’re listening to us and not sycophants like you ;-)

        1. You’re still a sycophant, just like Xeno said.

          Also, what part of his/her statement indicated any kind of mental illness? So on top of being a sycophant, you’re certainly and asshole, just like Xeno said. Fucking dickwad.

  16. So as a supporting member I get to be LAST to see FOUR new shows after an indefinite period
    …If I don’t want to support YouTubeTV.!?!? The ways YouTube treats small creators unfairly have been well documented & I will never support them for $40 a month. You must be tripping if you think this is fair to us-

    1. You’re actually reading into a lawyered up statement. That statement just implied that you’d eventually have access, without actually saying it. You’re probably never going to have access to those shows, at least not until the whole thing crumbles, and hopefully that doesn’t take TYT out with it.

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