TYT Hour 1 May 18, 2018

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Zoe J275 Comments

Ana, Cenk, Ben Mankiewicz, Carol Costello. Texas school shooting leaves 10 dead, a suspect is in custody. NRA’s spending in politics to prevent gun regulation. Texas Students react the school shooting. Donald Trump says “this has been going on too long”. Rudy Giuliani cries unfairness in an interview with Chris Cuomo. Georgia gubernatorial candidates battle for the title of most conservative. California congressional candidate harasses transgender customer on Facebook live.

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  1. Who is this lady from HLN? She is horrible she is one of those “Both Sides are equal” journalist. Why did TYT waste time with her and then Anna and Cenk don’t call her on her BS.

  2. PLEASE . . . may I say it again: “MEMBERS!”?

    Yes, we want you to do what’s good for the TYT Network – BUT – we need (and expect) you to do what’s good for the TYT members. That’s why we do what we do to support you.

    I have never understood why membership access to tytnetwork.com does not provide clickable links to all the materials discussed in the on air shows. [Fuck “go to facebook”! Fuck “go to youtube”!] I’m already here at TYTNETWORK.com . . . why doesn’t THIS site consistently furnish this useful information, so I can continue my progressive actions and support for these other important issues? I have to hope that the other TYT members will post a link (THANKS always to those of you that participate too!).

    I’m not going to purchase a membership to youtubeTV.

    Also, regarding CC on the hour1 show . . . in my personal opinion, it was a failed audition. Bad mix with the other hosts, tepid performance, questionable responses/remarks to stories/discussion, no “lift” to the program. Thanks Carol, but you do not exhibit the TYT journalistic rectitude that is required in these consequential times.


  3. fuck me running this is a total uproar, has there ever been 250+ member comments?!

    “can I see 300?” lol

    ive so much to add but reading 20% of this has given me a headache cos of this crappy website – have ur app & go with the Failing Utube Times I trust it’s for the best, but for the love of god invest in this ramshackle website for MEMBERS FFS!

    “Ouch” in so many ways

    1. ◄Part 1►


      The reason why this count got so high (maybe not quite as high as the entries from July 2016 when Bernie dropped out to endorse Hillary which comments were scrubbed) is because the people who still hold out a sliver of hope for this place want TYT to live up to that remaining sliver.

      TYT has really rocked their credibility over the past couple of years.
      The Dave Rubin fallout was not really a big deal because Dave Rubin was an opportunist using this place to launchpad his enterprise.
      But people REALLY started questioning TYT when Hillary & the DNC rigged & screwed Bernie out of the nomination in 2016.
      A decade & a half being one of the most firebrand voices rebelling against the Political Establishment…
      …and then you FOLD so easily Just Like That???

      They angle for months & months to get Bernie to show up on their show.
      He finally arrives. It’s a breakthrough interview that FURTHER boosts TYT’s profile IMMENSELY.
      Bernie runs that magical streak of wins after the shock in Michigan complete with the appearance of the Bird in Oregon. We got Cenk & Jimmy Dore giddy live on air as they “Whisper of a Dream”.
      Then right as we get to New York in April after Bernie gathers the largest crowds EVER complete with overflow attendance…
      …we got Cenk asking about when Bernie should drop out & endorse Hillary.

      For some fans, this ALONE was the line that should not be crossed.
      For the rest of us, we could see it as a one off. A legit worry that Bernie can’t overcome the rigging.
      It was actually consistent with Cenk’s take on Hillary herself when she went against Obama in 2008.
      Hillary hung on hard even though it was too late for her to catch up. Cenk called for her to give it up early on.
      The difference this time is the results were not legitimate. At least Obama vs. Hillary was an aboveboard contest.

      Bernie trudges on through April & May as TYT speaks at his rallies & tries to insert the TYT chant with the Bernie chant. Trying to get the rub from the Bern.
      Bernie comes on TYT for the 2nd time in May but THIS time Cenk immediately asks Bernie ‘when will you back out & endorse Hillary?’
      Cenk wants to get the rub from the Bernie Movement but asks a question like this right to the man’s face KNOWING this primary was fixed???

      Some gave up on TYT at THIS juncture while others of us were willing to forgive Cenk for his errant outburst.
      We could chalk it up to Cenk asking the tough questions & not softballing Bernie even if they support him.
      The Split of the Democratic Party voters on this issue between Hillary & Bernie mirrors the emerging Split in TYT viewpoint.
      Some were Full Hillary, some were Bernie but could go Hillary to stop Trump, some were Bernie Or BUST.
      It seemed that hardcore Democrats like Michael Shure & Ben Mankiewicz leaned more to Hillary, a spectrum of stances for Bernie then Hillary vs. Trump showed up in Cenk, Ana Kasparian, & John Iadarola, and Bernie or BUST was expressed most intensely by Jimmy Dore.
      And with each week that passed this Split shows itself to be more & more of a Schism.

      So no matter how hard Cenk, Ben, Michael, Ana, John, & any others tried to convince Jimmy to come around from Bernie Or BUST, Jimmy SIMPLY WOULD NOT DO IT. And the TYT Members reflected this phenomenon.
      This was no longer a mere Presidential Primary, this was the Future of Politics & the Future of America.
      ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH! And the fact that the Democratic Establishment rubbed their crookedness & cheating in our faces (see Barbara Boxer’s middle finger in Nevada to the delegates) made it a Do Or Die scenario. They made it a US Or THEM situation and we were going to have to bet on US.
      Each time Cenk & company pushed us towards Hillary, the deeper the schism got.

      California & Washington D.C. in June were the last contests & we KNEW something crooked went down in California when they announced that race so early.
      We were BEYOND fed up & this was just one more paper on the stack.
      We wanted Bernie to challenge Hillary’s crooked ass at the Democratic National Convention.
      They will NOT get away with this robbery! NEVER!!
      Then we got Cenk Uygur in June with a formal upfront piece telling us that Bernie needs to drop out & endorse Hillary.

      It was THIS piece in June that finally made ME step back & reassess TYT as an organization.
      I could write off the other ones with a logical explanation but THIS time I wasn’t giving Cenk the benefit of the doubt. He KNOWS what Wikileaks revealed. He’s not dumb. He knows his politics.
      Why would someone who spent so long fighting the Establishment so quickly & so completely implore us to get in line? Even more importantly, why would he EXPECT us to listen to him on such a deal?
      I drifted a bit from TYT Main after this. Not fully dismissing them as an organization but now more skeptical on their aims & their mission. I began to watch more of the TYT Satellites within the TYT Network as well as OTHER newly popping up Progressive channels. I am DEFINITE that I was not the only one who did this.

      Many TYT Members were done with them completely because that June report.
      And when Bernie dropped out in July to back Hillary, many members seeing more & more calls from TYT to calm the RAGE of the Bernie Voters, many of those same people WENT TO WAR AGAINST TYT seeing them as part of the problem. They saw TYT as co-opted like so many other media outfits they have come to trust over the years (DailyKos, Democratic Underground, The Daily Show, MSNBC, CNN, comedians & celebrities of all kinds).
      It seemed like Hillary Orwellian Campaign was infecting EVERYTHING trying to mind-control the public.

      By the midst of summer, you could see the pressure of the TYT Schism bubble up from beneath the surface.
      Jimmy Dore & Ben Mankiewicz getting into that SERIOUSLY heated argument at the Republican National Convention not long before rival organization Alex Jones’ Infowars crashes the set.
      Rumors spread that the Fusion TV deal was influencing TYT’s commentary & deepening the Schism.
      Did Haim Saban buy out one of the most outspoken critics of his preferred candidate Hillary Clinton???
      To cool all of this pressure off, Cenk & Company decides to dedicate an entire show to Jimmy Dore & the Bernie Or BUST contingent called Aggressive Progressives.
      This move along with Jordan Chariton’s reporting in the field for TYT Politics restored credence to the notion that independent thought is valued at the TYT Network. Disagreement in stance is allowed & encouraged.
      Cenk can continue on with his #LoserDonald segments in fear of a Trump Presidency while Jimmy & Jordan promote 3rd party options like Jill Stein & the Green Party.

      This truce of sorts carries on all the way until Election Day in November.
      I come back to watch TYT’s coverage of the election when I haven’t regularly watched the main show since the summer. I wanted to see them realize that JIMMY DORE WAS RIGHT.
      I wanted to see them SQUIRM! I wanted to see them EAT CROW!
      They had to be taught a lesson not to bow down in the face of overwhelming corruption.
      I cared about these people somehow. They were wrong & I wanted them to see the errors of their ways so that they can remain a STRONG force for change in this country.
      They CANNOT shirk with fear when the pressure to conform is strong.
      That is when they’re tested. That is what gives them the credibility & authority to use their voice.

      Hillary Rodham Clinton goes down in shameful embarrassing defeat to Donald Trump, a reality show host unfit for the office. And TYT slowly & gradually realizes the mistake they made.
      With every half hour the evolution of their reaction to this event was tasty dessert for friends & enemies alike.
      As the disappointment, disbelief, & anger builds all of a sudden you see the TYT we once knew reemerge.
      Cenk: “WE’RE AT WAR With The Democratic Party!!” “WE’RE STILL AT WAR!!! WE’RE STILL AT WAR!!!”
      The Renegades are back & they have finally shaken off their fear.
      Some of us like me forgave them for giving in to that fear. Some would not forgive.
      But TYT had a chance to restore this lost credibility if they continued on this track.
      Time heals & they could regain everyone they lost in their capitulation to The Clinton Machine.

      ◄Continued in Part 2►
      John Lucas

      1. ◄Part 2►


        By the end of 2016 & at the start of 2017, TYT starts up the fund-drive called The Watchers On The Wall to gain more field journalist teams to help Jordan Chariton out with those untold stoires.
        And Cenk with fellow TYT Network partner Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk founds the organization called Justice Democrats, a strategical DemInvade organization designed to run candidates Bernie-style in order to get TRUE representation in office for all the people.
        Cenk & TYT have a good track record on these things as WolfPAC shows. And it shows that they’re willing to do more than just talk, they’re willing to put action behind their words.
        THIS is how you repair lost credibility for the Members you disappointed in 2016.
        It looks TYT is fully back in tact.

        But THEN as Trump in surreal fashion unravels everything we thought an Administration can do in office, TYT seems to go into Trump Derangement Syndrome.
        They seem consumed on getting Trump dislodged from office by every means necessary.
        Even if it means damaging their now-shaky credibility.
        Instead of using their time to highlight the needed stories in a useful manner that can bring the antidote to the Trump poison, TYT instead gloms onto Mainstream Media/Establishment narratives like Russia Hysteria.
        The Main Show is FLOODED with Trump gossip & speculation about a go-nowhere investigation as well as useless Rachel Maddow-like exposition on Joe McCarthy-reminiscent Russia scares.
        TYT Politics teams—The Watchers On The Wall—are not prominent on the Main show.
        Their reports are not well-integrated in the Main show’s layout.

        The Split & Schism reopens as long-time members become absolutely puzzled at TYT’s seeming loss of perspective & objectives. How does THIS really help the Progressive Movement?
        All this does is help Trump build his power. This backfires on you just like the call to get behind Hillary did.
        The TYT Satellites within the TYT Network are actually getting STRONGER since the election message-wise & impact-wise as their audiences grow rapidly.
        Jimmy Dore with his wife Stef Zamorano—The Miserable Liberal & fellow comedian friends like Ron Placone (Howdy Howdy!) & The Political Vigilante Graham Elwood especially benefit from this aftermath.
        Each & every day proves his theory right as Trump wakes up “The Left” from its 8 year slumber becoming more active & resonant than they had been in DECADES.
        These little shows without near the resources & audience as TYT Main are doing everything they can to cover what’s necessary to advance the movement.

        Those of us still here fighting for TYT had to return to that Summer-Fall 2016 stance that TYT hosts a RANGE of views & allows dissent & disagreement within its Network.
        At least Kyle & Jimmy & Jordan & Michael Tracey & Mike Figueredo can see through this Russia nonsense.
        At least THEY can see that blindly railing against Trump is not the answer.
        We HAD to take this stance because what TYT Main was doing did not make sense given their history.
        A few who gave them a 2nd chance after the election may have checked out again due to TYT’s strange editorial direction. For others TYT was on a thin line & they were one foot inside & one foot out the door.

        But in August 2017, any of the various people still holding out remote hope for TYT to get back in shape finally got an answer to what they intuitively felt was shaping the company’s direction.
        The $20 Million deal from the shadowy group of Venture Capitalists most famous one being Democratic Party Kingmaker Jeffrey Katzenberg from Dreamworks.
        AH! So THIS is why they started leaning direction towards the Hillary Freaks in their coverage.
        It was an echo of what people rumored & feared when TYT had that deal with Haim Saban’s Fusion.
        A great number of members checked out once this deal was made.

        Months before in April, YouTube went under siege with the Adpocalypse which conveniently has the side effect of making it difficult for Independent Media to monetize their content & keep their shows afloat.
        It was very obvious that the Entrenched Powers were cracking down on dissent all across the board.
        This current political climate is life or death for the future of their enterprises so they will do whatever is necessary to clamp down on any resonant rabble-rouser.
        TYT pleaded their case to us members saying that the deal WOULD NOT change their content or editorial direction. That they would still be the same as they always was before.
        But this was getting harder & harder to believe with every moment.
        Only the most optimistic (like me) could recognize that they have had corporate funding since at least 2011 with the Current TV deal yet still remained the same in their presentation.
        Those of us still holding out hope would have to wait & see.

        Then in November of 2017, Jordan Chariton is ousted from TYT after a manufactured scandal accusing him of rape. The guy who not long before showed up in St. Louis Missouri in the midst of a protest against police brutality getting arrested with his right-hand cameraman Tommie Tyhefe Bayliss. The guy who kept the spotlight on Flint, Michigan & a host of other places in America with contaminated water. The guy who was one of the people highlighting the travesty Standing Rock Sioux & that damned pipeline. The guy who dared to defy the Establishment in those ways as well as defied them when they demanded his vote for Hillary Clinton. All of a sudden he’s gone in the most transparent liability-avoidance maneuvers TYT has ever done.

        Regardless of the cover story casting shade on Jordan’s Truth Against The Machine (which TYT always knew about), TYT NOW directly buckled under pressure from the Establishment by cutting one of the Renegades loose. So much for the range of viewpoints & the freedom of dissent.
        That thin string keeping many of us from totally washing our hands with TYT has now been cut.
        Is Jimmy Dore next? Because he’s only getting more rebellious with every new video.
        Cenk thought he was avoiding the onslaught of the Establishment with that move but they would soon come directly for him. Old posts from Cenk’s earlier evolution in thought got him drummed out of his own organization, The Justice Democrats. Kyle Kulinski followed him out the door in solidarity.
        Once again, fear cost TYT. Fear did not help him. They should have stood by Jordan & held UNITY.

        As 2018 gets started, longtime TYT fans notice no more reports about water contamination in Flint or anywhere else, no more reports about Standing Rock, no more live reports on corrupt police departments.
        TYT instead covers endless Trump noise as well as continues the fruitless Russia Hysteria.
        Any GOOD that they can still do is HAMPERED because of how much they have lost their way as an organization. Justice Democrats lose valuable ability to capture mindshare because so many have tuned out TYT. The majority of The Watchers On The Wall have quietly disappeared for one reason or another, only left most prominently with Nomiki Konstandakis. Nomiki, the Democratic Party operator, giving her well done but non-disruptive sitdown interviews inbetween telling the Dem Establishment “It Stinks!” at the hapless Unity Reform Commission. AT LEAST TYT will broadcast Bernie’s Internet Town Halls. So many members have lost so much hope in everything else at this point. It’s THE LEAST they could do.

        The few who have virtually lost all hope in TYT but still had a fire deep down that they could save themselves keep getting water dousing out their flames.
        It was already bad enough with all that had gone on for the past 2 years but now you’re CENSORING cuss words??? Now you’re putting commercials in Member Content??? Now you’re delivering all of this member-sponsored content to everybody on YouTube TV??? And now you’re putting on a goddamned CNN host named Carol Costello on the main show??? Not just having her on but ALSO letting her take over the conversation with her empty CNN spiel??? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS PLACE?!?

        People like Xenophrenia, robertjordan18, chetzmom, me, & bunch of others know that this company is going in the wrong direction. Those of us who are not actively fighting against it out of a sense of betrayal (robertjordan18) recognize how important this place is to bring change in this country.
        We don’t like seeing TYT waste their potential & everytime we see them squander it, we’re at 5 Alarm Fire.
        The people here critical of the alarmed ones’ comments should be thankful.
        This furor shows that we still somehow care about this company. We still think it’s good & can continue to be good. Be worried when you DON’T see the backlash to bad decisions.
        Then they’ll be CNN in the worst way before you know it.

        John Lucas

        1. AMEN

          again ;-)

          they’re really doubling down on this aren’t they? the lame reasoning Steve Oh gave in Friday’s (5-25-2018) Post Game says so much about what’s wrong with this whole deal.

          I still don’t understand how making a ‘channel’ on a second rate cable network wannabe that reaches FEWER people than YouTube proper (not available in many parts of the US and NOWHERE outside of the US) ‘expands’ the audience … how does one square this circle? do they understand the cable network model IS DYING? people are cutting the cord and turning toward more YouTube type of models – where the choice is SHOWS not CHANNELS … I just don’t understand such backwards thinking

          the only thing that I can see as a ‘reason’ is they want to have legitimacy with their MSM peers – they get scoffed at – they’ve said so … it rubs them the wrong way when they hear the condescension in the ‘internet channel’ … but how is this YouTube TV thing EVER going to be as large as Comcast and Time Warner once were? it’s not … because people aren’t JUST leaving cable because of the price …

          such stupidity just disgusts me really … Cenk is NEVER going to beat CNN at it’s peak – EVER … he may if CNN keeps falling … but it will only be a shadow that he beats ..

          1. ◄Part 1►

            @Xenophrenia Hey Xenophrenia! I think I saw a video you put up called “Kathi Weeks We Work Too Damn Hard!” on YouTube. Found it from a Chapo Trap House Reddit entry from poster ‘doctorofyourdoctor’ called “A nice short interview with Kathi Weeks about why the fuck we work so much and think it’s the most natural thing in the world”.
            I said is this the SAME Xenophrenia I have been seeing all over these TYT boards? If not, interesting coincidence.

            For the record what was spoken about in that Laura Flanders interview of Kathi Weeks is something I agree with & came to that conclusion independently ever since I was a kid & a teenager.
            I told myself from a young age I’m NEVER gonna work more than 1 job at a time. I have ALWAYS valued MY time over COMPANY time. My motto has always been Work To Live NOT Live To Work.
            The seed may have been planted into me by Ducktales’ Scrooge McDuck who said “Work Smarter Not Harder!”
            And I came to the conclusion that working like a slave to build someone else’s wealth was DUMB not SMART.
            I questioned the entire work mentality of America from a young age. It’s very fucked up.

            Anyhow, back to the topic at hand.
            I’m reevaluating my view on Cenk & TYT at large from my earlier negative view.
            I think somebody scared them, man. They got spooked somewhere along the way fighting this system.
            I think they sold out maybe because they were scared that they would be CRUSHED out.
            I think they lost their nerve because they were scared for their professional & even physical futures.

            The reason I make this slight distinction now is looking back at how 2016 went down.
            I rewatched TYT’s coverage of the debate between Bernie & Hillary in Miami on Univisión from March 9th.
            I joined TYT as a paying member RIGHT AFTER that debate & saw TYT’s coverage of it.
            My very first comment on these boards was on March 10, 2016 on this very entry.

            I ENJOYED their camaraderie in commentary & their outsider bonafides with them pretty much doing a YouTube Reaction video to the official debate coverage from the big media networks.
            They weren’t allowed to put up the footage firsthand for copyright reasons so they played the audio & watched it to react to it. BRILLIANT!!! I thought it was simply BRILLIANT!!!
            I said right then & there this is the way I wanted to watch footage of the political campaigns.
            This little media company that could is scratching at the door of the media establishment.
            It fit so much with what Bernie was doing. The outsider piercing the fortress of the establishment like the dawn before the sunrise. We see the twilight on the verge of becoming sunlight.

            They didn’t hold a DAMN thing back. They were authentic. Rough & Raw despite the glossy set. And REAL.
            When Bernie burnt Hillary all over that Miami debate it felt so good to see TYT react in a real way with passion.
            When Bernie said this about ‘The Gentleman who is Head of Goldman Sachs’ “Now he didn’t give me $225,000 is speaking fees. He said I Was Dangerous…And He Is Right. I AM DANGEROUS…TO WALL STREET!”
            When Bernie said that & you saw Jimmy Dore lose his goddamned mind with that seat-rising yell, you saw Cenk go ballistic with his Breaking Bad references, you saw Johnny Pie say ‘Oh Shit!’ when he holds his mouth & rears back in his chair, you saw Ana do her joyous cheer…
            …when Bernie said that & you saw TYT do that, you KNEW this was the HQ for The Revolution.
            TYT would break the blackout the controlled & owned media was placing on Bernie & allow him to succeed.

            That’s why I decided to become a paying permanent member instead of a just a fan who watches them on YouTube alone. I wanted TYT to help Bernie get over the threshhold & I wanted to help TYT become the media that REPLACES the CNNs of the world. We can’t do anything without good media.
            Media Is The Message & I knew this ever since high school. Can’t change nothing without a resonant message.
            And when Bernie finally showed up on the set on March 23rd, I knew we were looking at the future.
            My financial sacrifice was a worthy investment in this future I wanted to create.
            Working poor or not I NEEDED to spend that ‘IOU Card ‘money. It WILL bring change to this country.

            You saw Hillary realize how doomed she was at that Miami debate in real time.
            Look at her expressions to the crowd’s cheers & Bernie’s relentless onslaught. Woman was SHOOK!
            I think right then & there the plan was put in place to fix the New York Primary in her favor.
            To purge Brooklyn & who knows WHAT else. Iowa seemed fishy from jump but you KNOW Bernie won NY.
            You don’t bring the biggest crowds of all time overflowing in tens of thousands outside of the designated area & then lose. Bernie won New York & Hillary wanted to put a cold stop to his campaign by hitting him there.
            Ever since the shock in Michigan where Bernie totally defied the odds, then this performance at the Miami debate, THEN the magical Bird incident in Oregon, then the streak of wins building his momentum…
            …they knew if Bernie won New York, Bernie won the Primaries. And Bernie would be President.

            And it was the April New York result that showed a subtle shift in TYT when Cenk suddenly started talking about possibly needing to back Hillary if Bernie didn’t win. Easy to overlook at the time but here was when the shift appeared. And it seemed like A LOT of Progressive media personalities did this same 180° flip.
            How many times have I heard reports of Thom Hartmann seemingly become a whole different person around this time in the New York Primary? People who were strong for Bernie suddenly going cold on him.
            Anybody who was member of ostensibly “Left-Wing” sites like Democratic Underground (me) & DailyKos already saw purges expelling them from these sites to control the narrative. These tended to happen around Super Tuesday in the middle of March not-so-coincidentally.

            Is it a stretch to come to the conclusion that organizations & media personalities were either in cahoots with Hillary’s DNC regime or were threatened by it?
            Those who were NOT in cahoots MUST have been threatened.
            TYT was way too open & wild to be controlled opposition like the Daily Show was (makes you wonder why Jon Stewart REALLY stepped down so early in 2015 right before the Presidential races started).
            Cenk might have got a phone call. Somebody mighta pushed weight on him.
            But since TYT had long been known for its unapologetic RENEGADE stance it would be HARDER to rein in the culture of the company. So Cenk would be forced to nudge things in that direction to avoid the threats.
            Easier for guys like John Iadarola to cotton to since his employment is dependent on TYT.
            Harder for guys like Jimmy Dore who has his OWN independent show & source of income.

            Cenk tried to balance cowing to establishment threats & letting TYT be TYT by the plausible deniability of independence of opinion within the network. Cenk could meet them halfway by doing this.
            He loses personal cred without members of his crew losing personal cred.
            It would make TYT a wash. One up, one down. They would separate elements of TYT praising some while denouncing others. Hence stuff like Aggressive Progressives with Jimmy Dore & Steve Oh.

            In November on Election Night when Hillary’s world came crashing down for all the world to see, you see TYT revert to its full identity once again. Once Hillary was no longer a threat due to defeat, Cenk lost his fear.
            They cussed, they got mad, they talked major shit. HEATED! Dismayed. And PISSED!
            “We’re at TOTAL FUCKING WAR with the Democratic Party!” “I Don’t Care! WE’RE STILL AT WAR!!! WE’RE STILL AT WAR!!!” “We’re gonna fuckin’ shred ’em. We’re gonna…”
            You can’t fake that. That was a real reaction. Cenk realized his mistake into bowing to that pressure.
            He was ready to fight with all of his heart like he was supposed to all along.

            At first he was legit & was ready to repair his lost credibility.
            The formation of Justice Democrats was a sign of a man putting his money where his mouth is.
            But I think almost from the beginning of that group’s founding, he put himself dead in the crosshairs of the Clintons & the rest of the Establishment. I think the threats came down even harder.
            Possibly because they figure that TYT was one of the figures responsible for exposing Hillary.
            And Hillary the Scorpio is one vindictive petty chick. She’s looking to punish everybody who got in her way.

            ◄Continued in Part 2►
            John Lucas

            1. ◄Part 2►

              I think this is what led to Cenk & TYT’s Russia Madness.
              If Cenk didn’t play ball, something very bad may have happened to him & his.
              His company’s reach is too broad & too strong to let him rip the ground up on this Establishment.
              What I’m getting at is I think Cenk thought back to what happened with Michael Hastings.
              Cenk used to associate with Michael Hastings in the Current TV days & then Michael was killed in that obviously suspicious car crash/explosion. That’s part of what made TYT back off from their ORIGINAL TYT Investigates. The idea isn’t new. Just look at the username of YouTube channel The UnderCurrent ran by the 1st TYT Reporter “Lady Libertine” Lauren Windsor (username of channel says ‘TYTInvestigates’).

              Cenk tried to split the difference once again by plausible deniability letting his satellites like Jimmy Dore & Jordan Chariton of TYT Politics remain full-throated rebels while TYT Main conforms more to establishment lines. And it was in that Spring-to-Summer period of 2017 where the seeds were planted to infiltrate & dismantle TYT organizations. This is when H.A. Goodman gets into that scrap with Jordan Chariton leading to a guy calling himself ‘Bernie Wan Kenobi’ @OldBernKenobi on Twitter who started something called RevolutionGPS_ threatening to end Jordan’s career in May of 2017.
              Look at these series of tweets from this guy to recognize possible COINTELPRO type tactics being deployed.


              Saturday, November 18, 2017 at 9:25PM.
              “I understand we have a difference of opinion on this story, but trust me: Jordan is a piece of garbage. I started @RevolutionGPS_ just to take Jordan down because he is a toxic element within our movement. If someone else does it, that makes my life a lot easier. Next Kyle & Cenk”

              Monday, November 20, 2017 at 5:08PM.
              “Remember: I told you in May your career was over, douchebag. Don’t cross real progressive journalists, Fox News’ boy.”

              (embedded within this preceding tweet was this following May tweet)

              Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 9:52PM.
              “This is the only video of yours I will remember, Jordan. Remember this avatar after your career is over.”

              The video within that May tweet (dead link now) coincidentally runs in tandem with a contemporaneous May tweet from Jordan pertaining to his continued coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

              Wednesday May 10, 2017 3:11 PM. (Jordan Chariton’s tweet)
              “I said REMEMBER this video of mine when #DAPL first leaks. Strong evidence they were drilling w/ out permit #NoDAPL”

              It was the Dakota Access Pipeline situation that began the change in longtime friend Wes Clark Jr. which leads to him turning against TYT in the Summer in a crazed manner.
              Same situation that caused a fallout between activist Michael A. Wood & TYT—particularly Ana Kasparian.
              But overall Jordan’s STELLAR investigative coverage seemed to be ruffling some powerful people’s feathers.
              And we all know that one of the goals the YouTube Adpocalypse is to weaken Independent Media’s outreach & funding. The Establishment is ANGRY at the Rebels & cracking down HARD.
              By cracking TYT’s YouTube funds, it makes it that much easier to accept “a $20 million investment” from elite power brokers who are not satisfied with Cenk’s half-hearted efforts to rein in his own organization.

              While that deal was going down for August, TYT Politics content seemed to slow to a crawl.
              We never saw the full capabilities of The Watchers On The Wall that we crowdfunded.
              Then months after the deal was done & Jordan is ruffling even MORE feathers with that St. Louis protest in October, it wasn’t long before Christian Chiakulas promoted that slander/libel on Huffington Post calling Jordan a rapist. Cenk cuts bait rather than deal with the Establishment putting the squeeze on him even harder.
              And once Jordan was gone, the kind of reporting he did was gone.
              Semi-independent TYT arm Truth Against The Machine fully infiltrated & dismantled by fraudulent staff.
              Also, Cenk & Kyle Kulinski not long later dislodged from Justice Democrats just like it was predicted by ‘Bernie Wan Kenobi’ from RevolutionGPS—a name reminiscent of Fusion GPS, the sinister intelligence firm.

              But all the while we have jagoff nightclub comedian Jimmy Dore blowing up in popularity marvelously in the wake of TYT’s hijacking. Why isn’t HE being cracked down on like the other TYT satellites?
              Well, his subscriber count is still comparatively small so far & he’s mostly just a voice not an investigative journalist like Jordan. He’s not directly involved in stuff like Justice Democrats either.
              But as he gets more & more resonant & impactful, here comes the slanderous/libelous CNN smear.

              In this current atmosphere, the Establishment is attempting to FULLY get TYT under its control to co-opt it.
              Cenk got shook by Establishment threats. He doesn’t want to end up like Michael Hastings.
              But he’s desperately trying to hang on to his creation in this compromised state at the same time.
              He’s making countless compromises to hang on while waiting for Bernie to save everything in 2020.
              The circle is not yet complete though at this point the opening is getting smaller every moment.
              TYT still does the Bernie Town Halls. TYT tries to hang on to Jimmy Dore EVEN when he calls them out.
              Jimmy prefers to fight it out even with his bad back. He’s not as scared as Cenk is.
              And deep down Cenk appreciates this courage. But Jimmy is not as responsible for so many lives like Cenk is.
              Not just Cenk’s immediate family but Cenk’s professional family at TYT.

              With this aspect in mind, I have a little more sympathy for Cenk & TYT’s situation.
              I STILL hate it & will call it out. But I’m starting to see the bigger picture on why they changed so much.
              I now believe they’re being prodded into this position. I no longer think this is fully voluntary.
              TYT is at The Crossroads. They’re too big to be The Little Upstart That Could in one aspect yet too small to be The New Mainstream in another aspect.
              On the Internet, TYT IS the ESTABLISHMENT. To Old Media, TYT is JUNIOR.
              And I don’t think Cenk & Management realized how difficult this jump would be when they got here.
              Little internet upstarts are taking shots at them just like they took shots at the big media companies.
              Yet TYT still fights for mainstream respect & the need to be taken seriously by media & political figures.
              Influential as HELL yet still dismissed. Weird place to be in.

              Their ability to shake off this hijacking depends on Bernie Sanders’ ability to continue being a powerful political beacon. The stronger & more inevitable Bernie becomes, the easier it will be for TYT to restore themselves.
              Yes, TYT has Sold Out. And I think they were FORCED to Sell Out to survive.
              Sometimes the strategy is to co-opt rather than outright destroy. TYT was given the option of being co-opted.
              Every maneuver after that co-opting has to be seen through this lens.
              The signal has been hijacked but the original TYT signal is still in there somewhere.
              The stronger The Revolution becomes, the weaker the hijacking’s effects on TYT will be.

              Every Power can & will be met by a Counter-Power.
              This is the reason why we don’t see an overt outright abuse that cannot be denied.
              Blowback is a real thing. You have to separate & isolate targets before eliminating them.
              Michael Jackson, the rare subversive in the mainstream, was saved largely because of his millions & billions of fans who could possibly be radicalized into a Revolution. You had to sneak the kill in on a guy like that.
              And you had to divide the public’s opinion of him first before even attempting that sneak.
              Unintended Consequences from Blowback is sometimes the only thing keeping us safe.

              Dead Man’s Switch is real. It’s the only reason why Julian Assange can hide out in a weak nation’s embassy & get away with it. Taking out Bernie directly may lead to something MUCH more undesirable & uncontrollable than Bernie himself. I think this is what is protecting Bernie right now. His support is just too damn strong.

              So we must make use of this phenomenon to save TYT from itself.
              Yes, they have Sold Out. We got to give them the opportunity to Buy Back In.
              We’re gonna need this media megaphone to get Bernie to the Presidency in 2020.
              We must continue to protest their hijacked decisions in these comment boards & get them the freedom to get back to their true selves. We KNOW who these people really are.
              We KNOW these decisions are made from a compromised position.
              It’s not easy Fighting The Power when your livelihood & actual life is on the line.
              The TYT staff is scared. The Establishment spooked them.
              So we are going to have to inject that courage back into their veins.

              Hard to fight the Alphabet. Google virtually rules the World Wide Web.
              Google is the owner of YouTube. Google is part of the very Establishment TYT fights.
              And TYT’s no longer the little upstart company making jokes with Pastor Manning.
              TYT helped cost Hillary Rodham Clinton a key election. TYT disrupted the Establishment.
              YouTube TV is Google’s/Alphabet’s/Skynet’s attempt to own ALL of the major media conglomerates.
              The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has ramifications beyond ANYTHING you thought possible.
              What happens when Disney owns Fox? Ha! What happens when Google owns Disney?

              It’s our job to make sure YouTube TV fails. Yes, TV IS Dying.
              And they’re seeking an extension on life through Google’s Internet. Perfect Honeypot.
              Once Google becomes the main source where content flows, they can then control all the levers of the machine.
              Until Bernie gets in there to finally break up this monolithic corporate control of our lives, we have to throw monkey wrenches in their plans. That’s how you save TYT from its hijacking.
              And ultimately that’s how you get TYT to REPLACE the controlled media keeping us in dystopia.
              So we must fight for this place despite our disappointments. TYT can be saved & MUST be saved.

              Hindsight IS 2020. In more ways than you can even imagine.
              It all changes once Bernie Sanders demolishes Donald Trump to become President 2 years from now.
              Everything will start becoming clearer after that moment.

              John Lucas

      2. John Lucas, that is an accurate and humbling account of TYT these last few years.

        Member#153 stands with you. This is such a tragedy… and I dont believe the inevitable conversion to CNN can be stopped.

        Ana threw Jimmy under the bus as a conspiracy theorist, siding with CNN in their hit piece on Jimmy. It is only a matter of time before they officially remove him…

        The manufactured removal of Jordan reminded me of when MSNBC began to fire those who opposed the Iraq War. I despised their betrayal of Jordan but didnt see it this way until now: There is now irrefutable evidence they have ALREADY fully turned into a MSM corporate owned show.

        Jimmy’s removal will seal this theory in fact. If it is true, Jimmy’s firing (slowly inviting him on less and less until gone) is inevitable.

        I honestly wouldnt be surprised if Jimmy isnt fired only because SteveOh and Kyle would innediately resign, and that would hurt TYT too much. Once those two become irrelevant, or just Kyle’s financial influence, you will see Jimmy removed and SteveOh resigning in disgust.

        One step more for the old crew (who resist the change, citing betrayal of their original values) to disappear and replaced with new faces – and then the transformation to full throated Msm will be complete.

        I hope I am wrong, but I know I am not. My bullshit detector is very good and TYT has already made it past the point of no return with Ana siding with CNN against Jimmy, firing Jordan and adding CNN to their panel.

        Another prediction: If TYT remerges as heroes of the left, Ana will not make it back up and will sink down to the CNN or MSM career and get that MSM validation TYT hosts seem to crave in that MSM bubble and influence.

        1. @ronnyrulz Thank you ronnyrulz.
          It was an overly long post but I had to break every component down for those who don’t quite understand why some longtime members feel the way they feel about how TYT has changed.

          I have been around this place long enough to remember its RAW RENEGADE days.
          In fact, Cenk didn’t use to call us “Members”. He used to call us “The TYT Army”.
          Like that soundboard clip where you hear “Your Host…A Turkish Barbarian.” “IHR SEID VERFLUCHTE HUNDE!!!”
          He played up his “menacing” (to xenophobes) hulking appearance & made his show equally dangerous & raw.
          Who is this foreign brown man out here upturning the tables in America?

          The show built that reputation based on its radio roots. And you gotta be compelling on radio to be heard.
          They used to even take random phone calls from listeners with unexpected results.
          The place always felt a little out of control and….well…RENEGADE. Can’t think of any other word to describe it.
          I mean this guy even named his son Prometheus Maximus Uygur! Nickname: PRO.
          I mean, come on! Cenk Uygur was RENEGADE.

          A lot of these members here today only know TYT in its current formation.
          I don’t think they fully realize the spirit this place once had.
          Any time I’m hearing commenters in the member site cheer on the move to end cursing, I’m like “Are you sure you’re in the right place???” “Do these people know who The Young Turks are???”
          This place was NEVER supposed to be Milksop & Milquetoast.
          It’s SUPPOSED to be edgy & RAW. All this talk about “being professional” is code-talk for conforming to mainstream standards & losing edge.

          Cenk used to BLOW UP often on stories & show his core RAGE. He used to HULK OUT live on camera.
          He would drop his elbow on the table hard. He would bang his fist on the table hard.
          He wouldn’t be so measured & subdued. And he would end it with his nationalistic battle cry “YOUNG TURKS!”
          His emotion sold the truth of the story. So long as he observed the story right, that passion would make the biggest impact. So much resonance from that realness.

          The reason Jimmy Dore is blowing up (every day he grows another 1,000 in subscribers now) is because he still does this. He still has the original RENEGADE TYT spirit.
          Jimmy may not be a big brown hulk like Cenk but he’s still the scorching firebrand who knows how to marry his passion & outrage to the stories he tells. He chases it with humor to make it stick even harder.

          I don’t see Cenk dropping Steve Oh. They’re childhood friends. In fact, it might be Steve Oh that’s behind some of these changes lately. He IS the Chief Operating Officer after all. He’s the one traveling around the world & making these business deals. And because of these deals, he may be influencing these bad compromises that’s damaging the company long term.

          Kyle Kulinski already had his thing going before TYT. His show is his own.
          He just links it up with TYT for mutual benefit.
          Kyle still has a lot of that old TYT spirit which is why he still has credibility.
          I HOPE that Jimmy Dore’s presence here IS kept in place like you said it is. Through other people within the company & the TYT Network.
          You KNOW many at TYT were not happy when Jordan Chariton was dropped.
          There’s a REASON why many of the TYT satellite channels like The Jimmy Dore Show & The Humanist Report featured Jordan on their shows as he launched his Status Coup media company.

          I believe that 16th Anniversary Special TYT was done to regather the troops because everybody can see that they’re not quite this big happy family we used to believe they were.
          The TYT Split is real. The TYT Schism is real.
          And people like us are trying to put this place back together THE RIGHT WAY. With TYT’s original spirit intact.
          We can forgive them when they get a story wrong so long as they make that conclusion from an honest stance.
          Once we question whether that stance is actually honest or not, TYT has a major problem.
          In Internet Media, INTEGRITY & CREDIBILITY is everything.
          We laugh at CNN’s Chris Cuomo when he tells us it’s illegal to look at & possess Wikileaks documents.
          We already know mainstream media is a joke. Internet Media should NOT be a joke.

          Anahit Kasparian is a curious one. She has tendencies to careerism. She looked up to Barbara Walters as a little girl when she chose the journalism field to make her career. She used to go on & on about having this big house. Now you hear endless post game stories about HOA drama.
          She’s credible when talking about her poor roots & the importance of public schools.
          But there’s something about her that would give in to the money if the right offer was made.
          Her entry to TYT was not necessarily for the politics. She saw a novel opportunity even if the place was a hole in the wall. She’s very strategic & is always looking for a way to build her résumé.

          The future of TYT determines the future of Ana.
          If TYT becomes CORPORATE, Ana will follow suit. If TYT stays RENEGADE, Ana will follow suit.
          She’s the Queen Bee of TYT which is what keeps her here. She has built her legacy here.
          She’ll ride it out either way so long as it benefits her professional standing.
          That’s why it’s dangerous when TYT keeps doing these CORPORATE things.
          All of a sudden Ana the Salty Bitch™ has been thinking about cutting back on the cussing???
          Get Outta Here!! Nobody’s buying that bullshit. She’s saying what she has to say to fit corporate pressure.

          TV is DEAD. Video Killed The Radio Star? Internet Killed The Television Star.
          TYT needs to remember that The Revolution INCLUDES The Media Revolution.
          Keep striking at the Mainstream Media until they are dismantled.
          REPLACE them in terms of Impact not in terms of Mimicry.
          TYT may have smaller budgets than CNN but they reach the world more immediately & more impactful than CNN does. So long as you have a connection to the Internet, TYT’s voice can influence you.
          Be proud of that power & use it correctly & effectively to bring POSITIVE change.
          Quit following the established media & finish building your own.
          That’s what people like us are fighting for, ronnyrulz, when we rail against TYT’s worrying direction in these comments. Am I right or am I right?

          John Lucas

  4. How hilarious was it when Carol took the meager platitudes of Gov. Greg Abbot of Texas as proof of progress. She makes me sick. I haven’t watched MSM in nearly 20 years, and this is why. The same type of Democrat that thinks Democratic politicians are doing great job with just their words, even though there is never any follow through.

  5. I think it was great having Carol Costello on the panel. Such a perfect example of the shallow thought and reporting done by mainstream news anchors. It just reinforces the importance and relevance of TYT providing in-depth reporting and commentary on American politics. They’re not in the same league at all, it shows how out of her depth Carol is, as her commentary is basically repeating talking points with a seeming inability to read the sub-text and nuance that viewers of TYT are use to.

    1. i also concur with Stephen Hunter’s comments entirely. Why not have the occasional establishment corporate democrat type on and let the audience behold the piss poor weak tea they spout. ‘Maybe they should have less doors’ FFS, are you for real?

      I also agree with Kyle R – altho I think he has gone OTT somewhat – that threatening to cancel ur subscription cos you find a certain guest panellist objectionable is a knee-jerk and fruitless reaction.

      If anyone at TYT is listening – there is a ton of excellent progressive talent corralled over at RT, who would have a solid contribution instead of weak tea. Lets see Lee Camp, or Tyrell Ventura, or the mighty Chris Hedges…

      …. I guess they are more suited for aggressive progressives, which says a lot about the main show; which allows themselves to be gaslit into giving profile to alt-right lunatics. several stories here of “look at this idiotic bigot” – NO, ignore them please, or at least relegate them to hour 2 FFS if u feel obliged to call them out Ana Please.

      and maybe stop preaching to the choir by now on the trump is an ignorant bigoted corrupt narcissistic crooked semi-literate lazy compulsive liar narrative. we get that! sure commentary on e.g unprotected phones -well justified. commentary stating the obvious conclusion he is a clown – skip it pls and move on, make room for more international news?

    2. me too but it was good to have her up there beside people who actually think critically for comparison sake

  6. Sure , every time there’s some thing we don’t like the first thing idiots say is “i’m going to threaten to quit my 10 dollar a month account !!!!” . Sure , some thing tells Me You’d rather stay here and complain than not be able to complain at all . Go ahead cancel Your membership , We don’t want to listen to you whine or make empty threats either . I didn’t like that woman either , she’s willfully ignorant and arguing dumb points that she obviously hasn’t thought about beforehand . TYT won’t have her on again I’m sure of it . Don’t get so easily triggered and start threatening , if You can’t handle it then just leave , TYT’s not going to notice Your missing 10 dollars a month , nor will they pamper you because you were so easily triggered by a guest host that will never be on again , AND none of Us will care either .

  7. Just watched today’s postgame. No mention of the reaction to Carol Costello from the viewers.
    Surely, there is no way Cenk doesn’t know about the reaction.

    If they are just going to ignore the concerns of their members….and just piss us off….then lots of things start going through my head, that I don’t usually entertain, like cancelling membership.
    I like Cenk’s commentary, but deep down I know I’m only sticking around for AP.
    But then I think, maybe I can even do without Aggressive Progressives after all and get the same stuff in more condensed form from Jimmy’s Youtube channel, which I’ve been watching more often than TYT’s main show lately.
    I’m a Jimmy Dore member….I might just increase my subscription with him.
    If this show is just going to aggravate me, and even not address our concerns, then maybe…. just maybe…… I’ll come back to TYT come the Presidential Primaries…..when things start to get interesting again.
    Again…. Maybe…. Why do they force me to think this way?

    1. Whether you stay here or not, if you like Jimmy, definitely recommend his Patreon. AP is only a small subset of what all he puts out all week. TJDS is a rich reservoir of progressive material. Interviews with real experts – Glenn Greenwald, Oliver Stone, Bill Binney on surveillance, the police state and media, Richard Wolf, Peter Joseph on economics, Carla Ortiz on the Syrian war. Nick Brana, Jesse Ventura on how to run a third party in America.
      He surrounds himself with experts, that’s why his material is so good. If you haven’t done it already, definitely recommend his Patreon.

      1. its unfortunate that the best creator is being so many paywalls that nobody will ever be swayed by his message… it’ll be preaching to the choir in perpetuity

  8. I’ve never seen so many comments about a guest like this before. From now on when I see her, I will not watch the show. I do enjoy when guests have different opinions but not when they’re completely baseless and idiotic. Has she been to a school lately? Multiple doors are needed in case of things like a fire. When I was a senior there were two bomb threats in my school and during the initial panic stages everyone was running out to the nearest exit. If we had less exits, there would have been injuries. Idiotic to say the least.

  9. I thought members here might have been over-reaction (no not us)…. but wow! This was such a cringey hour.

    Really, getting rid of doors was is a good idea? Have you never heard of fire codes? How the hell are students going to get out of the building if there’s an active shooter?

    I must have face-palmed like 10 times with Carol’s idiotic statements. I like having diverse views on the panel, but this was absurd. Ana did a great job pushing back. I think Cenk and Ben did the best job they could and still stay civil. Maybe Carol will come away from this experience with a better understanding of the bubble she lives in, but who knows. Just trying to find silver linings to this DISASTROUS hour. :(

    1. You make the exact same points I wanted to make. Honestly, though, I think Carol walked away from this thinking “Nailed it!” In her mind, she showed these amateurs how a REAL CNN journalist handles the news. Types like hers will never change, they’re just too used to feeling that they are the ones who are in the know. Almost the entire hour Carol looked disdainful or incredulous at Cenk’s comments. She even managed to make Ben look extreme progressive, even though besides Michael Shure he’s the most mainstream of the TYT regulars. I still like him, but I just find myself disagreeing with more than the others.

      1. yup – just when u think Ben & Michael are a bit mainstream, u have an actual mainstream journo on and suddenly u realise its all relative.

        Ben’s charisma carries him whatever his take IMHO; only Cenk, Jimmy & Bret (yeah I said it) come close in charisma stakes…

        But there is a distinct feeling that half the members are on the AP side of the fence, and if Jimmy took AP to RT for example, I would have to seriously consider ditching TYT, which half the time feels like TMZ these days!

  10. I think like many of us here, we’ve pretty much completely stopped consuming mainstream news in favor of outlets that provide substantive analysis and commentary.

    Because of this, I nearly forgot and I actually found it informative to see exactly the lengths of the desperation that a mainstream corporate shill in the TYT environment would go….just how sniveling and how apologetic they would be to create false equivalency and pander for access to those in power. The “Rudy Giuliani is really a good guy” comment made it unmistakable. It’s downright shocking to see this method in action because we’ve had it good here for so long.

    That said, while I found it interesting and informative, these types of appearances need to be kept to a minimum, and if someone like Carol gets invited again, make sure Jimmy Dore is also present to make sure this mainstream BS is mocked and shredded into complete embarrassment.

    1. JD would have not sat by and half heartededly acknowledged her weak tea – guns dont kill people, doors do -but i guess thats why he’s not spotted on the main show often /ever(?)…

      1. @Default Jimmy woulda slapped the FIRE out that woman if she said this stuff in his presence.
        Metaphorically of course.

        John Lucas

  11. I agree with almost all of the comments here. This hour was super hard to watch, mostly because Cenk, Ana & Ben didn’t push back enough. I fell in love with TYT when I found them in 2016, felt like coming home, but I too have noticed the decent into MSM behavior since they received the $20 million. JohnLucas has a great breakdown of the evolution of TYT, it’s long but for new-ish members like me it was very informative. I am still hopeful that TYT will realize the error of their ways so I am not completely cancelling my membership but I am reducing to $10(in 2017 decided to become a “producer” at $25 a month) as I feel my money is better spent supporting Jimmy Dore, Jordan Chariton & Lee Camp.
    Love you TYT, please come back to us, we need you.

    1. @gibsonsg Thank you, gibsonsg.
      There was no other way to put it down than in that drawn out elaborate way.
      I wanted everybody to fully understand the backdrop & history which causes this split in members’ views towards TYT as an organization.

      This place has evolved GREATLY over the years. And with each change they collect a new set of viewers who may not be attached or even aware of its earlier incarnations.
      When you have members complaining about the excessive cursing at TYT, you gotta take a step back & wonder who TYT is attracting these days. Cussing & TYT go together like peanut butter & jelly.
      So what TYT fan complains about that? A sign of troubling changes.

      TYT’s change may ALSO be influenced by the staff’s aging.
      Cenk is not quite that vigorous young dude striving to get the show off the ground like he used to be.
      Ana ain’t quite that baby-young girl looking for an exciting adventure fresh out of college.
      Hell, even Jesús Godoy has gray hairs in his beard now!
      The Grandpa Cenk effect may be influencing some of these softening attitudes as well.
      What happens when The Young Turks are not quite so Young anymore?
      Loss of Vigor, Loss of Will to Fight The Power.

      gibsonsg, I have been following TYT since around 2008 maybe late 2007, can’t quite remember.
      But it was only in 2016 that I FINALLY decided to become a full-fledged member after watching them only on YouTube all these years.
      And I went in BIG. I paid for the YEARLY subscription & planned to do so INDEFINITELY.
      I planned on becoming a PERMANENT member to TYT giving them $100 per year.
      And I’m working poor so you know this is a big sacrifice.
      I wanted to support them & help them overcome & takeover the mainstream media.
      I wanted TYT to REPLACE these fuckers. I knew ever since high school that you need a media to change things.
      I used to go to the school library during breaktime & read the magazines. I figured out early on media is the key.
      When TYT backed Bernie Sanders amidst all of the Democratic Party’s & Mass Media’s rigging for Hillary, I said THIS is the one. TYT, that’s the one. That’s how we drown out all of the propaganda.

      So what the hell does it do to a guy like me who made such a financial sacrifice when TYT becomes the propagandists? What happens when TYT serves the propagandists?
      What happens when they keep us from drowning out the propaganda?
      Now you know why my posts are so long & why I break it down detail by detail so completely.
      I want people to FULLY know what this place was & what happened to make them what this place is now.

      John Lucas

  12. Any other international members feeling exploited? The whole point of being a member is that you get access to ALL the network’s content! YouTube TV doesn’t exist in Canada, and even if it did a 400% mark up is insane!
    Aside from the US where is YouTube TV available? They don’t care about their members anymore, if they ever did. I wish I didn’t like the post games with Ana and the other hosts (pretty much anyone but Cenk) or I would have dropped my membership already.
    You know what really sucks about this whole thing, they’re doing exactly what they were fighting against. And no matter what we say they’re going to prioritize their partnership with YouTube TV over their loyal members and there is nothing we can do about it!

    1. One thought is that TYT is concerned about the loss of net neutrality. The closer they link with a big-tech company such as YouTube (Google) the better chance they have to survive in the coming days of speed-changes enacted by the ISPs

      1. TYT was the first YouTube Partner. They’ve always been at the cutting edge of Youtube. Partner, Live, SuperChat, whatever. They’ve been close with YouTube for a very long time.

  13. OH and I LOVE the photo you put up on the first hour (at the top).

    ANA looking like she might explode any second. BEN looking at is watch hoping the torture will soon be over.

  14. I’m laughing: “Even if nothing happens, that’s still a tiny step forward, right?”

    Bravo Costello. Bravo.

    But seriously, wtf.

  15. I just want to sit down and debate this woman on so many of these issues and I can’t. There are just very blatant flaws in what she’s saying and defending and you can see the TYT crew knows this and they start at it, but don’t get to go into it because it’s a show not a debate. I imagine Ana was going nuts wanting to go into a full debate sitting there next to her.

  16. I’ve learned to give TYT the benefit of the doubt. So maybe Cenk knows Carol personally and invited her on the show, not realizing just how much of a mindless drone she is even when on a show that lets her speak her mind. But yea she absolutely ruined the show no doubt, both her idiotic, derailing opinions and the condescending way she spouted them.

    Inviting on such an awful person is a mistake that I would expect TYT to make every now and then, especially with trying out a lot of new guests. I feel like people on the panel were also rather confused and stunned about why Carol was there.

  17. First of all, they have numerous doors on schools so in case there is a fire the students don’t suffocate trying to get outside in time. So let’s just remove all of the potential life saving exits and have kids burn alive. Who is this lady?!

  18. Before defending Greg Abbott remember that its election year for him, there’s a lot of talk about a blue wave, and ever since Beto O’Rourke won the primary he has been out raising Ted Cruz. Governor Abbott still doesn’t know who his opponent will be (runoff election tomorrow, the 22nd), and doesn’t know if the huge support behind O’Rourke might seep into other Democratic candidates.

  19. Yeah, Carol, don’t take away the guns to prevent mass shootings, remove the doors instead and create a fire hazard!

    Please think before speaking.

  20. First we have to pay an extra $40 for the new shows,
    But worse, next Cenk brings on fascist apologist Costello.
    WTF is wrong with Cenk?

  21. NEVER right wing apologist COSTELLO AGAIN!
    WTF was Cenk thinking?
    Cenk should have kicked her off the set after the first break.
    How could Ana not vomit at her?

  22. One or two doors? So, schools don’t have fire codes now?

    I’m fairly sure buildings have to adhere to codes regarding a certain number of doors and locations of doors in comparison to the size and capacity of the building.

    1. This woman is not what I want to see. I would go to Fox if I wanted her slanted views. Paid to be here she didn’t, Right? Dump this right wingnut~

  23. WTF? Cenk knew what TYT was getting with Castello (nauseating and cringe worthy). He could have guessed how much TYT members would gag. So the question is … what were his intentions? I would assume he did not invite Castello thinking of TYT members. So who was he thinking of?

  24. Its nice to point out how allison is not covered but the Nazi is. Yet when you cover my state ( Georgia) you only talk about our crazy right wingers. We have a democratic primary also. On top of that im not sure who to vote for. But thanks for showcasing my states turds.

  25. Costello just showed herself to be everything you hate about MSM Cenk. Just watched your Google talk from 2016 where you said CNN and msm’s main disadvantage is that “they’re reading from a prompter, everybody knows it. They feel it in their gut, like why is that guy not talking to me like a human being? Why is he talking to me like a robot? ” Well Costello produced the same intellectual smear job she does on CNN, but IN YOUR STUDIO! It really was shocking to see her dishonest defense of shooters, racists and right wing extremists on the power panel, like it’s just another reasonable point of view. Because you had to be polite to her, you normalized her inane positions. We don’t need TYT to be “fair and balanced ” when the rest of the MSM are pandering to the right. Go back and watch your Google talk Cenk and get back to your core values.

  26. Since there’s a lot of hurt around here’s a weak joke.
    Somebody keep this episode out of Jimmy’s reach. If he heard “Rudy’s a good guy, he was nice to me…..” he’ll jump out of seat so hard it will injure the operated hernia again.

  27. Weird, weird choice made by TYT.
    EVEN the assumption that the money is everything and quality of the product nothing cannot explain this bizarre episode.
    Youtube TV would make no sense for members, but one can understand some amount of financial rewards still. Because of the low cost, streaming TV will obviously turn into a big pool of money very soon. News and politics do very little to create the money pool, most people will subscribe for sports and entertainment type things, and news and information networks tend to benefit from that money pool. You can just have your channel on it and get paid some amount of carriage fees (the way CSPAN runs), Till that point it made sense – unhappy / uninterested members, some extra money.
    But what exactly did this spectacle achieve ? Apart from being a vapid, uncritical thinker and basically representing everything wrong about American journalism, Carol Costello isn’t exactly well known or interesting to any group of viewers. It’s not like TYT will get ANY new viewers if they had Costello or other similar pundits on air for 100 days in a row. I really think there’s some broad thinking on the lines of – “lets start having these MSM people on a regular basis, slowly their audience will come with them.” Well, this is what they will do to the optics of your show in the meantime. Maybe just another weirdly bad decision at the top.

    Just for those of you who sound genuinely hurt by this and are talking about leaving, here’s how I see this:
    TYT is not a social movement or a media revolution as you sometimes hear bombastic claims of, it’s a media business that does what it needs to grow and survive. That said, Cenk probably still has his heart in the right place. Hence a platform like Rebel HQ that has very little business rewards, but gives a platform to hundreds of uncorrupted grassroots candidates and activists. Cenk is a businessman, who helps in good causes as long as it doesn’t go against the growth of the business. It could be better, but that’s a pretty good role too.
    So if you have stuck to TYT for so long for some of the same reasons as I have (stay in touch with and help good candidates through money and phone calls), I hope you won’t let this come as a distraction to that good cause. The ways of the world are imperfect (and so are we), even when the good comes as a second priority, we’ve got to take that while we look for better options.

  28. [NOTE: I was traveling & only saw the comments before watching this episode tonight]
    I kinda hate this, right from the Drop. 5:33, Interrupted Anna. You Don’t do that! Carol Costello should have been booted at the 1st break if TYT was True to it’s “Values”
    Is the B -Team of CNN on the A team of TYT tonight?
    15:29 She Interrupts Cenk! & what did he do about it, on HIS SHOW, HIS Network… Nothing.
    19:05 Call in Ben to set the TYT ship straight.
    22:33 Interrupting Cenk to defend Trump? Saying he wrote that speech!
    26:41 Bitch Interrupts BEN!
    30:05 Breaking a Cenk rant Again!, All cower to the HLN Host. Yeah, WAY Too Strong.
    34:28 “In Fairness….” Carol Costello defends the Right Wing Again.
    40:06 Et Tu Ben…? “Carol, you know better”
    40:16 “When you talk to Guliani off air he is a great guy” OK Think about that one.
    49:55 Cunt calls Cenk a Snowflake!
    53:56 Can’t you take a joke?
    Not the TYT I fell in Love with. RAW! Real Language! “Donald Trump Is Fucking Stupid!” WE WANT THAT!
    Fuck Carol Costello, & I say No to the YouTube TV thing. Sorry :/
    I hate to say it but this is NOT an example of “TOO STRONG”
    This is not a sell-out, …It is a buy IN.
    But at what cost?

    1. your inability to calmly take in opposing viewpoints makes me think you’re authoritarian left… cut that shit out… u are allowed to disagree in America… granted she is an idiot but you sound entitled

  29. Hi TYT Fam,

    I just wanted to say congrats on all the new content you will be putting out on YouTube TV. Ana, Brett, and John, are a few of my favourite hosts, so I was thrilled to hear that they all have new shows!

    Here’s my issue, I’m a Canadian member so I’m not going to be able to watch any of it. This news has left me very disappointed, and questioning if I really want to keep supporting TYT. I’ve been a member for a year now and with the exchange rate I’m paying over $13 for my membership (which is more than I pay for Netflix!) It was my understanding that members built TYT and that my membership fees were going towards supporting the organization, and helping you guys grow and produce more stellar content. I guess what was lost in translation is that, yes members get more content, but no, I will not benefit from the growth of the network. And now non-members will get all the member content if they have a YouTubeTV subscription. Understandably this has left me feeling exploited and greatly disappointed.

    So my question is, what are you going to do to make this better? I’ve been talking to other members and it seems that I am not the only one feeling this way. You guys go on and on about how awesome it is that you have international viewers and members, but then you leave us out of your new endeavours? Not cool TYT, not cool!

    I understand that with your new partnerships and everything, my $13.44 a month membership means very little to you. But as a member I still care about TYT even if you guys don’t care about us lowly members anymore. I know you guys are better than this, please figure out some way to make it up to us. in the meantime keep up the great work!

    Remember when you used to be held accountable to your members and your members only? Yeah me too, I miss those days!

  30. Do not have this Carol woman on again. Cenk explaining the difference between moderate and non-insane republicans and she says, “That’s so awful! I live in Georgia, not all Republicans all insane.” What’s awful is her appearance on the show. Can you get a guest who actually listens instead of desperately tries to steady the rocking boat?

      1. I’m very disappointed in this too, but mostly its because the turks didn’t call her out AT ALL!

  31. This cnn lady was the worse guess ive seen on tyt. Support for using only two doors. that is insane. That is a fire hazard and ifyou had a stiuation like columbine where there was multiple shooters you create a choke point. So then the group has the targets come to them while controling the exits.

  32. after the first segment, i had a hunch people will be pissed about CC and i was not surprised.

  33. I’m happy to see all the comments frustrated with Costello. Seriously, woman, read the room! She seemed totally blindsided by Cenk’s honest harshness (especially when Cenk made the comment about brainwashing), which I found quite entertaining. It’s like she dropped her monocle.

    TYT usually has such amazing guests on. Like really awesome progressives with interesting perspectives and ideas.

    Yea, she didn’t really add anything to the panel. I have no desire to check out her stuff at all.

  34. Here is Carol Costello pushing the Bernie Bro nonsense on CNN in 2016.


    And this is the person chosen for the first YouTube TV Power Panel? I feel so betrayed. It’s the same feeling I had when Daily Kos told Bernie supporters they weren’t welcome.

    I suspect that the new TV friendly progressive-lite formula will work out about as well as progressive-lite has for the Democrats at the ballot box. Another guest like Costello and you can’t count me out. I’m not paying money to hear about what a nice guy Giuliani is or that is the doors that are the problem, not the guns. Painful to listen to. It sucked 100% of the joy from the show. CC was like a turd in the pool.

  35. Since I ended up actually crying earlier, it took me a while to finish the video. Carol really thought she was a babysitter talking to some kindergarteners about sharing their toys. Her entire tone was that of someone trying to explain a simple concept to an unruly child to calm them down. The “well, actually” bullshit was particularly annoying because the holier than thou attitude was followed up by apologist trash spewed by a whiny, privileged woman with zero concept of empathy. This isn’t your show. You’re a guest. Interrupting the hosts in order to condescend to them and the audience about a murdering psychopath’s feelings about his pit stench or Rudy Giuliani’s nice guy facade (that only a status quo sycophant like herself would appreciate) is NOT a way to behave. Ben looked pissed, and I don’t blame him. Between his career and his dad’s, Carol shouldn’t be breathing the same air as Mankiewicz if she thinks anything she said or did was acceptable. Cenk has a law degree from Columbia and a resume as long as I am tall. Ana’s background I’m less familiar with in terms of specifics, but she clawed her way to her position through sheer determination and capability. Carol doesn’t hold a candle to these people, and her disrespect to them and us is not something I ever want to see again. I’m extremely disappointed in the entire panel for not shutting her down completely, and I don’t pay to be a member to be talked to like I’m too stupid to see what’s going on. I just lost my job, and since money is tight, I might consider cancelling my membership if this is what I’m going to be paying for. Sorry for both of the rants, everyone, but why the fuck am I paying for TYT if I could just watch MSM instead?

    Oh, and guess what, Carol? I was bullied quite a bit growing up. I have a mental illness. My parents are one step shy of being white supremacists, and they’re kind of abusive. Somehow I don’t shoot people, and I don’t make excuses for elected officials who wallow in the pockets of big business. What’s your excuse?

    1. Thank you for pointing this out!! I was super turned off by Carol’s tone, she sticks out on this panel like a damn sore thumb

    2. Carol Costello does not match the show. She is a stay in the middle, don’t rock the boat, bring them back to center, commentator. I have begun to be disappointed in the he guests that have been on the panels. She is a perfect example of a non-progressive talking head. Republicans are NOT trying! One Republican is not the party! If I want to watch msnbc or cnn, will watch those and not give my money to Young Turks. I support the show because I don’t want that centerest view point. Come on… Rudy IS a liar! Trump is a liar. Don’t allow your guests to get away with lying. If she wants to say, “he has always been good to me . I want him to come back…” He will just continue to lie. It just keeps getting worse. I will not watch the show if this woman is on again. Sorry guys, Cenk, Anna, and Ben are my favorites, the only reason I am still watching now.

    3. Scaly, thank you for sharing your feelings so clearly and openly here. As a fellow TYT member (and I am just 30 minutes in already checking the comments because I’m shocked by this guest), I feel the same. I’m getting very frustrated with TYT over a few different things, but they are still my only way to watch news on a daily basis. Carol can go back to MSM and talk there all she wants. We don’t need to see someone going against facts, “well actually”ing the panel, and reinforcing mainstream views here. Where are the socialist, anti-fascist, left-leaning hosts? The most left host they’ve ever had on was Owen Jones, but where our own homegrown leftists and why don’t they ever bring any on the show or search them out? If they have someone like Carol on the panel, they need someone further left who will call her out. I understand everyone wants to be respectful, but by its nature her dialogue is not respectful and she obviously thinks she is more of a journalist than anyone else on the panel. Very sad Friday Power Panel, and as “the first on YouTube TV” (too capitalistic for me, but I digress) it portrays TYT as something it is not.

    1. Yes! He’s commented before about reading You Tube comments. I wonder if he ever reads these comments.

    2. I strongly agree.

      The post game discussion should be about the journalism disease that to be “fair” the journalist should have no opinion at all about what’s “good” and “bad.” They must simply report “facts” no matter how obviously intelligent or obviously stupid the political commentator is, and just agree that they all may have approximately equal merit..

      It is a serious question: What is the role of the journalist in taking some reasonable stand on what is “sensible” and “not sensible” while still at being honestly fair to everyone. I think Cenk and Ana, not to mention at least some others at TYT , really try to do this. It’s rare these days. Perhaps even they occasionally they wander slightly one way in the direction of what is supposed to be a “true progressive.” Easier to just be always radically opinionated one way or the other, or pretend to have no opinion one way or the other. This is be the territory of standard tube journalism these days.

      Cenk has used the term “no man’s land” or something similar, which is why I’m here. Not journalistic robots.

  36. In the past TYT has done stories where they have dissected and destroyed similar talking points the Carol was spouting. Whether it be a politician or “news” person they would mercilessly take them apart, but as soon as they invite her into the den, they just roll over and take it.

    This is really disheartening and infuriating. If you’re gonna have the “Carols” of this world on the show, either destroy their stupid arguments to their face, or better yet DON’T have them on. Damn it, where is that famous “stick” Cenk keeps talking about.

    This is my third comment so far and if TYT keeps inviting Carol or other similar MSM drones on the show, my angry comments may stop because I’ll have no choice but to cancel my membership. The last time I was this frustrated with a guest host was Dave Rubin and we all know how that turned out.

  37. Who can argue with the logic of sealing up every school in America tight as a drum, with only one unlocked door?

    What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

    1. No shit. Even when looked at through the spectrum of combat strategy, one exit is a huge benefit for the attacker. People will pile up at the one exit and would become easy targets.

      Also, Carol derided the kid that pulled the fire alarm and then said “when you hear gunshots, you can’t imagine the level of panic”. Neither can you Costello. You use these shootings to get ratings and further your career. Fuck you and your theatrics and stupidity Carol, fuck you.

      You know another building that has only one entrance and exit? Prisons.

      On Trump’s statement: where was your “god” when the shooter was killing kids?

      And finally on my rant, it’s time for anyone that is for gun control to respond to the NRA argument of “they’re going to take our guns away” with “Yes, yes we are”. It has been proven that there are weapons that should not be available to the general population. Those need to be taken away and other weapons need to be heavily regulated. That’s what happens when a product becomes obviously dangerous to the general population. If only we could apply the same stringent requirements for guns that we use for drug control…hell, even the level of control there is for DIET PILLS would be a huge step

  38. Cenk has astutely observed in the past that the reason CNN anchors are unquestioning of the status quo is not because CNN gives them orders to be so, but rather, the reason they were promoted into those positions is because they are, by nature, unquestioning of the status quo.

    Carol Costello is a perfect example. I don’t watch CNN so I have been blessed to be unaware of her existence until watching this hour. Her comments are stunningly clueless. Her knee-jerk obsequiousness to the status quo is self-evident. (Especially hilarious was her shocked reaction to Cenk’s suggestion that someone else puts words into Donald Trump’s mouth.) Her brain simply is not wired to be a free thinker.

    Please, no more MSM puppets.

    1. Yes, I agree. There are already to many establishment voices in the MSM, so we don’t want or need them on TYT.

  39. I think there was a problem with the format of today’s show:

    I’m assuming that Carol was in the production meeting, which means that she knew how TYT was going to present their stories; particularly the first one.

    The first story presented the shooting in Santa Fe and it provided information about Nazi and right-wing information related to the shooter. TYT mentioned possible political purposes as supported by Nazi and Trump information found on the shooter’s social media.

    Carol then ambushed TYT’s attempt to link the story to gun-violence and right-wing activity saying “don’t you think he’s simply a troubled young man”. She smoothly and soothingly undercut the TYT hosts with a simple possible explanation (while figuratively smiling and at the same time stabbing a knife into Cenk and Ana’s backs making them look like false alarmists)

    She then went on to commandeer the panel with her gruesome details about the shooting testimonial from a witness student. This approach was the mode in which all the other stories were discussed in the first hour.

    In Cenk and Ana’s behalf, I think they realized that they and a “ringer” on the panel and their rebuttals and interactions with Carol became stronger as the first hour progressed.

    The Power Panel in the past has often been a rousing discussion by progressives tackling every angle of each story presented. Often a power-panel member will build upon another’s comment to further delve into the various perspectives of a story that might have been lost in a two-minute headline presentation of that story.

    I think the mistake here was using this same format with someone from another mainstream network.

    Carol was never part of the “team”. I don’t think she is the enemy, but she certainly is not a friend or a progressive.

    The details here depends upon TYT’s goal for including mainstream hosts on the Friday show.

    A) if the goal is to contrast the progressive position with the mainstream media’s interpretations of a story, the format should change.

    Perhaps the story should be presented from the middle chair with TYT hosts on one side and mainstream hosts on the other side.

    The presentation of this event with Carol in the middle was simply confusing. If you thought to “sandwich” her between two TYT hosts, it failed as she was too experienced a pro to fall for that setup.

    In addition, I’d like to see a rousing contrast between the mainstream’s view and TYT’s progressive interpretation of the story…no smiling and kumbaya hand-holding until all the stories are presented and thoroughly debated.

    B) if the goal it to continue to simply gain “access” to mainstream visiting hosts, then by all means continue on your current path. This presentation presents a muddled view of the story without much contrast and very little of the progressive passion that I’ve come to expect from Power Panels.

    BTW: if “access” is what you are pursuing, isn’t this goal the type of compromising decision that leads to bias in your stories? Isn’t the “access compromise” for politicians the compromising decision that leads mainstream media to go soft on political stories? Are you not then doing the same here in pursuit of mainstream visiting hosts; i.e. go soft on them and be polite in the hopes of getting future access to other mainstream hosts?

  40. Ugh. I don’t watch MSM because the vacuous talking points and lack of serious analysis drives me nuts. Having a vacuous MSM talking head on doesn’t “add to the debate” or “puncture the progressive bubble”, it just adds vacuity to an otherwise serious discussion. If I wanted to listen to that bullcrap, I’d be watching the MSM. I don’t, because it makes me angry to listen to. This is the first time I’ve been that kind of angry listening to TYT since finding them during Bernie Sander’s primary campaign.

    I love TYT not because they debate between right and left, but because they operate in a reality-based environment and provide insightful analysis I don’t here elsewhere. They are the money who are willing to say that political donations are bribery and determines politicians’ viewpoints. They’re the ones willing to say that Trump is a moron and only sounds ‘smart’ or ‘humane’ when he’s reading from a teleprompter. They’re the ones who call out right-wing solutions to gun violence as bullshit posturing that won’t do anything. I love that TYT has panels of people with different perspectives and analysis on real problems facing the US. Having someone who doesn’t acknowledge the reality of those problems is just painful, because it means they’re spending time debating facts rather than how to deal with them.

    When she suggested that Trump ask the NRA to pay for the armed officers, or the federal government, that was basically saying that a nonsense right-wing distraction should be implemented. WHY??? It won’t stop school shootings, and it will probably end with minority students shot by resource officers – a point TYT has brought up before but not this time. They were too busy debating whether or not sealing FIRE EXITS was a good idea. So disruptive.

    If you want to have a MSM voice, get some of those other ex-MSNBC hosts you bring up now and again on, to talk about the serious issues that got them kicked off the air. Get me a little Phil Donohue to discuss war or Melissa Harris-Perry to talk about Black Lives Matter or Ed Schultz to talk about progressive candidates, and I’d be all over that. Don’t have another access journalist on and make nice to them. The ads you’ve been running on the member’s livestream keep telling me you’re making war on the MSM, let’s get back to that business.

    1. Excellent point, progressive_biker.
      Phil Donahue would have been PERFECT. Ed Schultz. Melissa Harris-Perry. Even that Krystal Ball woman.
      Put on the ones who were OSTRACIZED from mainstream media because they were willing to tell a little bit of truth. Not propagandists like Carol Costello.

      John Lucas

  41. Jesus Christ Castello is stupid! She actually entertained the idiotic idea of getting rid of doors in schools. Why did no one challenge her one that? We have multiple doors in schools because of fucking fire codes!!!! If a school catches on fire with one or two doors all of the kids have to try to get out limited exits. You create the the conditions for stampedes and kids being trampled to death. Not to mention if a school shooter does get inside they can trap the kids inside much easier if there are no other exits. This kind of mindless idiocy from MSM news anchors is why people started watching TYT in the first place.

  42. For fuck’s sake, Costello manages to be on the wrong side of every issues. Please don’t have her on again, ever. Or, if you do, she must be called on her idiot views. Put her on with Jimmy and see what happens.

    1. Jimmy would DESTROY this woman! Hahahahahaha!
      Jimmy would have unleashed the beast on Carol Costello!
      NO WAY, would he let that stuff fly. NO WAY.
      Even when he’s in his more subdued TYT form.
      At the VERY least he would have hit her with some necessary snark. Some facial expression showing incredulousness.

      There’s a reason why they quarantine Jimmy Dore on Aggressive Progressives.
      ‘Cause he would shut that bullshit DOWN!

      John Lucas

  43. not surprising that there is record number of comments. This is a sad day. The changes rolling out over the last few months have been increasingly questionable for this so-called “independent” news channel. The regular commercial breaks, the cursing ban (sorry, “suggestion” to cease), the crappy tech–i have yet to catch Dan Rather live… the utter lack of integration of the reporter team….. and now this. Instead of increasing your PROGRESSIVE panel members, you bring on CNN??????????????????? They don’t have enough air time? Clearly the network is bending to monied pressure, and I will no longer try to deny this disturbing trend that just keeps expanding.

    You seem to have plenty financial support from people who have a great deal more influence than your supposedly cherished members, so even though I only pay my lil’ $10 for membership, I am now canceling. I am quite certain it can be better spent in direct support of people not compelled to shapeshift for money. Sad day. Please take good care of Mariguana.

    1. @mars54 Well mars54, we gotta keep in mind why Cenk thought of getting into media in the first place.
      This guy was a lawyer in the 1990s. The 1990s was a time when there was a Talk Show Boom going on.
      E! Entertainment Television even had a show called Talk Soup to capture all of the talk show insanity on TV.
      So with Cenk dissatisfied with the “stable job” he thought he should have (immigrant parents), seeing all the talk shows on TV gave him an idea.
      Cenk: “I wanna be a talk show host!”

      This is what he tells his parents who offer to keep him afloat as he chases these media dreams.
      Cenk starts the ORIGINAL show called ‘The Young Turk’ in the mid-1990s on public-access TV.
      And as is usually the case with the public-access TV format, it was a wide-open free-for-all.
      Unbound & barely organized. The show can literally go anywhere because of the nature of the format.
      Perfect for a talk show format. Anything & everything can be discussed within FCC limitations.

      ‘The Young Turk’ was perfectly named because Cenk was in his 20s & definitely jingoistic.
      He was LITERALLY a Young Turkish man looking to stir up the scene.
      And it celebrates aspects of his Turkish roots which he takes pride in.
      The name has ALWAYS held multi-layered meanings.
      But ‘The Young Turk’ wasn’t EXPLICITLY meant to be political. This was simply Cenk being the talk show host he wanted to become even if it’s on a small scale in Arlington, Virginia.

      Cenk’s media journeys between ‘The Young Turk’ of the 1990s & ‘The Young Turks’ starting in 2002 didn’t have him present any political material. He was pitching shows & writing on local news networks (WAMI in Miami).
      All of that work was meant to lead to him being a talk show host on a larger stage.

      I believe that if ‘The Young Turks’ of today debuted any earlier than 2002 that it would be more like ‘The Man Show’ than what you’re seeing here.
      Cenk never had any intention on being this political renegade fighting the power.
      All of that came about due to the happenstance of the times.
      Cenk’s political views wouldn’t have even changed if not for the happenstance of the times.
      9/11 & the aftermath of 9/11 changed everything.

      The Young Turks just sorta fell into this political thing & rode it to victory.
      As they rode it they got linked up with ACTUAL fighters from different walks but that was never the original intention of The Young Turks as a media organization.
      Cenk simply wanted to be a talk show host.
      And by extension Cenk simply wants to be a media mogul.

      We all got swept up in what we THOUGHT this place was instead of what it was always meant to be.
      A Talk Show.
      Not the grounds for Revolutionary Change. Not the torchbearer for Independent Media to make that change.
      Just…A Talk Show. Merely…A Talk Show.
      All of this other stuff just got snagged on in the rise to the top.
      Well now, they see their shot at the top & they’re gonna take it.

      Place is just returning to form. Cenk always wanted to be on the TV screen talking it up.
      And now more than ever before he’ll get his opportunity to do just that.
      No need to get too disappointed about it. We just have to remember the original purpose of this whole project & that makes it easier to come to terms.

      John Lucas

      1. Interesting thesis, but I was there when Air America launched and I didn’t get the impression of anyone “falling” into it. It was a risky venture for all involved. If Cenk wanted to leverage politics into a talk show, he could have gone right and trod a much easier and quicker path.

        1. @KarinK But it was crowded on “The Right”. Radio had long been taken over by “The Right Wing” ever since Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine. And Cable TV was commanded by “Right Wing” Fox News with CNN & the new MSNBC defining themselves through Fox News.
          It’s easier & more lucrative to become a big fish in a little pond vs. a little fish in a big pond.

          Arianna Huffington thought the same thing when she suddenly “abandoned” her “Right Wing” views to start the “Left Wing” Huffington Post with a host of co-founders ironically including Andrew Breitbart.
          The “Left Wing” media representation was in shambles so it was a fertile field to build a name & an empire.

          Ideas like Air America Radio & Al Gore’s & Joel Hyatt’s buyout of a Canadian news channel to create Current TV came about due to the loss Al Gore suffered at the hands of George W. Bush in 2000.
          It was a scramble to put out a ‘Democratic Party’ mouthpiece in a quickly consolidating media landscape due to President Bill Clinton’s passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act (egg on Al’s face right there).

          It’s not a surprise that many alumni from Air America were quick to back Hillary over Bernie when the rubber met the road or even when it didn’t.
          It’s no surprise that many alumni from Air America are quick to promote that go-nowhere Russia Hysteria.
          Are they “Left Wing” or merely “Team Democrat”? The 2 categories aren’t necessarily the same.

          And besides Air America debuted in 2004. Well after 9/11 & its immediate Orwellian aftermath.
          Like I said, if ‘The Young Turks’ debuted in, say, the year 1998, it would have been an entirely different show reminiscent of Adam Carolla’s ‘The Man Show’, maybe ‘Crank Yankers’.
          There’s a reason why many TYT shows like The Point, ThinkTank (formerly TYT University), & such tend to devolve into frivolous Tits & Ass style content over time. Body parts & sexual stuff. It’s embedded in the roots of the show. Nothing wrong with it but as Ben Mank often said TYT was intended to be “Half J’Lo’s Ass”.

          But things were too serious to escape into fun content like that alone after 9/11.
          The times change the culture. Same as how the counter-revolutionary spirit of the 1960s seems to have ended by the time we get to Nixon’s Watergate resigning in 1974.
          After that, nobody was talking about “WAR! HOOH! GOOD GOD! What Is It Good For?”
          Everybody wanted to escape & chill their brains from the politics.
          They’re having “Love Hangovers” & focusing on being “Dancing Queens”. Some even wanna try that “Disco Duck” while they “Boogie Oogie Oogie” ’til they just can’t boogie no more.

          And then all of THAT was seemingly done with overnight as soon as Reagan won in 1980.
          Afros & other longhair styles disappeared along with the medallions, bellbottoms, & butterfly collars.
          No more brown, orange & lime green color schemes.
          The music got more technical with all the electronic synthesizers as the technocracy of NeoLiberalism ended what was left of Social Democracy.
          All of a sudden you got shows showcasing the wealthy like Dallas, Dynasty, & Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.
          Vince McMahon Sr.’s World Wide Wrestling Federation with its more low-key low-rent looks suddenly gets an image overhaul when son Vince McMahon Jr. transforms it to the World Wrestling Federation with high production values & expensive looking logos.
          There’s a REASON why WrestleMania occurs at the end of a fiscal year in March/April. It’s all about the Big Business Class with this New York based company near Wall Street.

          The times change everything. And TYT got swept up in all of it.
          But the primary purpose of this organization was always to be a Talk Show.
          I think not realizing that fact adds to the disappointment with TYT’s direction over the past 2 years.

          John Lucas

  44. To me, the biggest problem was not that they had Costello on — it was that nobody really questioned or debated her points. “I hear you” Cenk would have obliterated her if he had a clip from her, but once she’s on the show, he’s stoking her ego like he does with all panelists.

    1. I agree. I felt the same way about Cenk’s interview of Joe Manchin. Why didn’t a firebrand such as Nomiki Konst interview Manchin? Why wasn’t Jimmy Dore on this Power Panel?

    2. “the utter lack of integration of the reporter team”

      I can live with breaks and lack of cursing, but your point above is concerning.

      The member community provided a $2M fund for this service, and I’m uncertain about how this investment is being managed.

      I realize that TYT reached 7B hits by including a number of independent shows under the TYT Brand.

      However to hire a number of reporters and allow them to find their own independent path under a TYT Brand seems to be an underutilization of their talents. Their efforts seem to be too diluted and dispersed.

      1. @OneOfNineteen Most of those reporters are gone from the company now.
        TOTAL waste of money. I contributed much to that Watchers On The Wall campaign hoping that TYT would use those reporters to cover the UNTOLD stories & become a force for progressive change with that coverage.
        They would build their company the RIGHT way & be able to challenge the mainstream media with the necessary bedrock of integrity.

        TYT dropped the ball. Maybe they’re scared of ending up like Michael Hastings & tucked tail.
        Cenk & TYT used to pal around with Michael Hastings in the Current TV era of 2012-2013 before his suspicious death.
        There’s a reason Cenk so conveniently dropped Jordan Chariton when those phony allegations came last November.
        Jordan was actually doing some useful reporting & coverage & you KNOW that ruffled some powerful people’s feathers.
        So Cenk did a panic move thinking he was cutting liabilities & potential threat to his whole organization & staff.
        Probably pressured by that plant the $20 million funders put on the TYT board.

        Jordan reemerges months later with WAY less funding & STILL goes out there & digs up stories on water pollution.
        TYT could have built a legacy off of Jordan’s reporting & they wasted it. ALL of it.
        If they’re too scared to fight The Revolution, just admit it & become Pop Trigger all over.
        No need to fake the funk. Just admit you ain’t cut out for this & move on.

        There’s a reason why Jimmy Dore’s channel is blowing up & he’s making exclusive stories like the one with Randy Credico crashing the White House Correspondence Dinner.
        There’s a reason why CNN smears Jimmy & buddies up with TYT Main.
        Jimmy’s still willing to fight this fight even with his bad back. BALLS.

        John Lucas
        John Lucas

  45. Over two months since TYT changed their video player)JW Player) to one that doesn’t load! Free sites like Democracy Now(though I donate to)I watch every day with no issues! Still can’t believe I’m paying for this!

  46. I honestly thought she was being sarcastic at first before the i realised those were her actual positions…

    1. I thought so too, then I was like “what, wait…she’s serious?”…..She pretty much played out the exact stereotype that Cenk often uses to denigrate cable news anchors “well, the democrats said this, the republicans said this….so who knows, it’s not my job to follow up, I am just a stenographer here to tell you what they said and present it as fact”…..

      ‘You gotta give Abbott credit, because he said it’…..uhhh…..no you dont.

  47. Oof, yeah, adding to the mix that Carol was so corporate it hurts.

    On the one hand, I found it interesting to actually hear those talking points from someone’s mouth, because I’ve long since dispensed with such talking heads beyond assurances that they still talk like that, so maybe once in a while, I guess, okay? Just for the sake of “other people’s perspectives.” But this hour was actively painful to listen to, and I cannot subject myself to it regularly.

    The number of times she said “Actually” and then proceeded to empathize with people displaying no empathy was agonizing.

    1. Yep, that “Rudy Guiliani is a great guy” moment made me cringe. And despair for TYT. There have been some disturbing signs over the past year or so.

  48. Watching that panel felt like MSM body snatchers had struck. It was so disconcerting. Cenk, Ana and Ben were so deferential, it was dreadful to watch them swallow Carol Costello’s tiresome perspective. For years we’ve watched The Young Turks rail against the Carol Costello’s of the world, and suddenly the embodiment of MSM is sitting beside them and TYT can barely get a word in, edgewise.

    One very disturbing thing about Carol Costello is she seemed to know nothing about the TYT audience. Costello was putting a sizable chunk of the TYT audience on blast, and causing a PR nightmare for the network and seemed indifferent and oblivious. Costello disrespected the network, the audience and the co-hosts.

    Finally, there is a strain of comments praising the Costello fiasco as getting TYT viewers out of their bubbles. This line of thought is rubbish. The idea that TYT viewers are not being exposed to MSM media is preposterous. You see MSM in waiting rooms, channel flipping, from relatives, from friends and because we all grew up with it for decades. The idea that Carol Costello is delivering us from our blinkered perspective is absurd.

    1. Incorrect. Your finite thinking is what is absurd. I would never defend this idiot woman, but many of you are of the persuasion that you’re “the most enlightened human being in the room, and everyone else isn’t as progressive as me, so my opinion iS the only one thats true”… you don’t see that this itself could (God I hope) be some kind of strategic move.

      I listen to hannity once or twice a week to get out of my left bubble…. and he sucks too, way worse than CC… but she is pretty awful and its important to see how they re making excuses

  49. What a missed opportunity this was. Can you imagine TYT coming in on day one with an Hour 1 power panel of like Cornel West and Chomsky? Then Hour 2 with like Seymour Hersh and Jimmy Dore? They would have come riding in like the fucking four horseman of the apocalypse and thrown the gauntlet down on MSM’s own door. Instead, we got this vapid cringe-fest with Carol Costello. C’mon TYT. If you put Cornel West on member shirts, put him on the power panel!

    And for everyone arguing that it is great to have conservative/moderate/establishment voices on because we need to be able to have a discussion and dialogue, I agree with you—in the abstract. But honestly, we don’t need TYT to be debate class; we need you to be the voice and progressive perspective on news. TYT’s primary job on their primary show is not to be the place where everyone comes and muddles the message and we have contracted debates about every issue. They can do that important work on the side, in interviews, and in special events maybe. The mainline shows should provide the progressive antidote and rebuke to the tired, establishment and conservative perspectives that blanket most news. To have a panel of purely progressive voices creates a space for a counter narrative to be established and discussed; it’s not an echo chamber (nor is A.P. or Jimmy Dore) when they are practically the only voices out there pushing back against the overwhelming amount of establishment/conservative perspectives. It’s ok, even necessary, to establish a clear outside perspective, especially when the other side is so overwhelmingly represented. As Seymour Hersh has said, “our job is not just to say – here’s a debate’ our job is to go beyond the debate and find out who’s right and who’s wrong about issues” (https://www.theguardian.com/media/media-blog/2013/sep/27/seymour-hersh-obama-nsa-american-media).

    If the Carol Costello’s of the world are the exception to the rule and are rarely on, then great. No harm in that. But on the first day? What kind of terrible timing and strategy is this? Holy smokes guys. Unless this is the new normal? Which would be an absolute shame, as it would mean we have lost some serious firepower in the progressive revolution. We want the four horsemen of the apocalypse, not another CNN.

    1. Could the timing of the Costello-fiasco be a coincidence? Maybe? It would be funnier and easier to digest if it was a blunder. You made some great guest suggestions.

    2. I find it…funny… I guess, when other members have suggested that it’s important to have more moderate voices on the show to balance out the far left TYT hosts. They have a point…. Mr. “I Love Capitalism” Cenk Uygur is so far left he might as well be a Marxist. ?

  50. This episode was a lot better halfway through when I started fast forwarding through Carol’s words. The only good part was Ana trying not to tell her she’s an idiot.

  51. is it just me, or does the video never play right unless you download it? im sure carol costello is a nice person but i hope this doesnt become the new tone of the show. glad ben is on though. more dore!!!

  52. Carol Costello was a terrible choice for a guest host. I was over her apologist bullshit the second she tried to say having metal detectors at a football stadium is equivalent to turning public schools into prisons. Football games are events you choose to go to. School is something we pay for with taxes that is required for our children to attend (see: truancy laws). I’m almost in tears after hearing the quote from that student. “I wasn’t surprised. I was just scared.” I have to turn this video off for a while until I can calm down enough to watch the rest of it. That’s why the rest of this comment isn’t going to be constructive. It’s just me being angry.

    Fuck you, Carol. Fuck you for suggesting bullying had anything to do with this. Fuck you for suggesting children should give up basic freedom instead of politicians doing their jobs. Fuck you for pretending these politicians will change anything at this round table. And most of all, fuck you, TYT. Fuck you for bringing this woman on here to make a mockery of the “progressive” ideas you try to portray. I’m insulted by her very presence.

    1. Completely agree. What the fuck are you doing TYT?!? If this is the direction the “investors” that gave you $10 million dollars is pushing you, you are NO BETTER THAN THE MSM YOU DEMONIZE (rightfully so).

      Carol Costello from Headline fucking news? Oh yes, that group is the pinnacle of fear mongering and advocating for “bi-partisian agreement” (which equates to being fucked over by both parties). I thought you were better than this TYT. Perhaps I was deluding myself

      1. @TTDM Not $10 million. $20 milion.
        And in the grand scheme of things when it comes to venture capitalists, $20 million might as well be couch cushion money. So that means they bought TYT CHEAP! Hahahahahaha! Amazing.

        John Lucas

  53. John can’t be on because he’s making a new show that I can’t watch. But thank God I don’t have to tune into CNN to see Carol. Do Washington insiders respect you yet Cenk?

    1. I feel your pain! I’m a Canadian member so YouTube TV isn’t a thing here. And even if it was a 400% is INSANE! The whole point of being a member is that you got ALL THE NETWORK CONTENT! I’m outraged! I wrote them a lengthy email and haven’t heard back, and sort of Time to replace #TYTLive with #TYTLies

  54. Carol just now made a fatal error… She said she hoped that Rudy would come back on CNN, because OFF CAMERA he is a great guy! He’s very nice!

    She said it w/o even thinking that it is wrong for a “journalist” or News-Robot to be buddy-buddy with political actors. Wow. Cenk visibly bit his lip and looked downward as she said that.


    Is there some reason that Carol the Corporate Robo-host is even on TYT?
    It would make sense if Cenk or someone was going to interview her…but as a random Power Panel host? I still think her agent probably told her to go on TYT and audition for a show on TYT YouTube TV.

    It just seems weird.

  55. 15 minutes in and I can’t continue. What an awful guest. I couldn’t believe her rebuttal when Ana was talking about not wanting kids to go to schools that had turned into prisons: but they do that at stadiums. Gross, gross, gross rebuttal.

    TYT, what were you thinking? We don’t tune in to watch CNN; we tune in to watch The Young Turks rage against the machine and discuss progressive alternatives.

    This was bullshit.

    1. TYT has 20million+ in investment, a slew of knew executives, and has become a 24 hour tv channel. something – actually a growing list of many things – tells me this has been the plan all along and is the feature, not the bug. i don’t think i’ll be renewing my membership next year.

  56. If guests like Costello become a more regular thing, I will cancel my membership. God, she was awful. No upside whatsoever to having her.

    1. Here! Here! She chimed in to Defend Gregg Abbott, Trump and was PRO metal detectors at schools, criticised teachers and school staff for their actions in a moment of terror, dismissed the parkland kids as only consequential if they affect the mid-terms. and help the Democrats, Said Texas has “different culture” and agreed with the Lt. Gov who said too many doors were the problem. That’s just the first story. WTF TYT?




    1. shut up snowflake …

      you see people – THIS is a MAGA idiot … a corporate cocksucker extraordinaire … pulling out his cock and pissing all over the comments letting everyone know how much he hates progressives … don’t you all feel so enlightened by this Cro-Magnon flinging his shit around telling all of you sane people what fucking asses your being calling out a corporate stooge … SHE’S PROFESSIONAL GODDAMMIT ….

      what a pathetic piece of shit

    2. Speedball ~ why are you always shouting?

      Your like a 4 yo having a temper-tantrum, who desperately needs a nap.

      Grab your blanket…it’s quiet time, Lil’ Choo-Choo train.

  58. I might be a contrarian, but I enjoyed seeing Costello on. It helps pop the progressive thought bubble that’s on this side. She provided an excellent foil as to what some people might think, and then Cenk could crush that opinion with reasons. You can’t fight the good fight if you’re not willing to work to bring people to your side.

    1. now go watch Democracy Now – Humanist Report – Real News and see how far TYT is from ACTUAL left commentary

      1. Democracy Now is not really left. I used to watch them, but they are really only progressive when they have progressive guests on. Amy herself is toeing the Democrat line with regards to the whole #RussiaGate nonsense.

        1. they’re still more progressive than TYT is right now … I have NOT seen them spend the entire show bloviating on Trump and Russia the way Cenk and Ana have … sorry … try again

          1. Sorry, she may be impartial in delivery, but not in editorial. Look at Ray McGovern, the CIA whistleblower and leader of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity). Ray is a 27-year veteran of the CIA and specialised in Russia. He was in charge of preparing the PDB for Pres. Bush 41 and he ran the NIE process at CIA for years. He is a serious person.

            He was also a fairly frequent guest on Democracy Now when they were talking about Bush and Iraq and CIA torture report under Obama and other security related issues.


            So it is clear that they consider Ray McGovern to be a credible and knowledgable source of information regarding national security and espionage.

            But Ray has not been on the show since 2014. Even though he and his VIPS colleagues have been out there valiantly crusading against the #RussiaGate hoax, debunking the DNC’s ridiculous story of hacking, Democracy Now has not had him on to tell his story. They didn’t even have him on when he was beaten up for protesting the Haspel nomination. He is now persona non grata apparently.

            No, sorry — Amy has come down clearly on the side of the Russia-Trump hoax mongers. It makes me sad. She has lost credibility with me because she has not allowed anyone to come on and give an alternative story to the ridiculous hacking narrative pushed by the Clinton campaign, and in order to support the establishment narrative she has had to kick one of her most credible guests and commentators to the curb.

    2. I actually agree, however I think they were too milquetoast on Costello. But that’s the problem with media, you’re forced into a position where you have to be “nice” to your guests.

    3. Jkmyoung says, ‘You can’t fight the good fight if you’re not willing to work to bring people to your side.’

      the problem with this thought is that people like Costello are not going to come over to a progressive perspective because they are paid to hold the mainstream paradigm. Even if deep in her heart Costello actually agrees, her paycheck and handlers tell her which talking points to drive home and where to cast doubt. This is why that statement falls on its face in this context. If she was a free agent and actually did not have a wall of money in the way, who knows, she could make some progress as a human and a journalist. Bottom line, she and her followers will stay in that narrow tunnel, smug in their agreement with her talking point justifications.

      To your notion of ‘progressive thought bubble’ … makes no sense,.. you have to cover all sides to be progressive, and be a critical thinker, from the macro view. The bubbles that are floating around now involve micro views… creating fear and justifying war, justifying guns, justifying hatred and racism, those kinds of bubbles are the ones that need to be popped.

  59. Carol Costello added… contrast to the program, I guess. Unnecessary contrast. Unappreciated contrast, as it took up space/time I expect progressive voices to fill.

  60. WOW…I read most of the comments before watching this and was really hoping they were over the top, but DAMN! I should have known the majority of my fellow TYT members were just telling it like it is. It got to the point that I cringed every time I even heard Costello’s voice because I knew she was going to say something in defense of the bad actors in the news stories, or, in the case of the Giuliani interview by her fellow CNN talking head, gush about how totally awesome she thought it was. UGH! That was pretty painful to watch. I really hope they don’t have her on again, but if they do, I will be skipping that video.

  61. Carol Costello is as Right Wing as Shep Smith, and we know they won’t have Shep on the show. This is another attempt at sanitizing independent media, and destroy any sense of freedom self and rawness. This is the beginning of the end. I have YouTube Red, yet I have a membership to what I believed would be the future of news and programming. Now we’re here again, living out Cenk’s TV dreams, but this time it’s on an app…. that shows television channels. No one wants cable, nor any of the channels that prescribe to a cable format. Dude, you guys are voice of Milenials and still bought into the corporate garbage. This is either he precursor to complete demonetization of non YouTube TV insiders and TYT has the drop, or it’s just a garbage ass money grab. Either way don’t expect money from me June 1st.

    1. And what makes all this shit even worse, you could have probably crowdfunded a lot of the new things you wanted to do… you remember that 2 million you got in less than 2 months… Pepperidge Farms remembers.

      1. God damnit you are so spot on it makes me want to throw up. I sincerely hope that Cenk, Dave, and Steve still actually have the reigns and that they give a shit about the overall reaction coming from what once was their most important asset.

      2. @stunt_mantom Cenk lost his nerve somewhere in 2016. And if he regained it after the election & downfall of Hillary, he lost it again as we got into 2017 under Trump’s ascension to the Office.

        Maybe he took Guile’s advice. Maybe he went home & became a family man.
        He either got scared off or scared himself off. The stakes must be getting too high.
        Remember, Michael Hastings? Cenk used to pal around with him back in the Current TV days.
        Hastings was a top-notch journalist breaking important stories.
        Then all of a sudden he has this mysterious car crash complete with dramatic explosion. Hmm, interesting.
        If the heat is on like this, then Cenk is thinking about his wife Wendy & his kids Prometheus & Joy.

        Maybe this is why he conveniently ousted Jordan Chariton.
        Jordan’s breaking important stories too. Against some REALLY powerful interests.
        Cenk might not want the heat to be on him so he found an excuse to cut him loose.
        If this is what’s going on, then Cenk will perform his rebel role as far as possible without TRULY crossing the powerful to save his & his family’s neck. Not to mention his staff’s necks.

        Cenk could have done all of this purely crowdfunded. He didn’t need their $20 million deal.
        He didn’t need to compromise his organization to corporate interests.
        And he STILL woulda beat the CNN’s of the world if he did it this way.
        What a waste. But maybe he doesn’t want to end up like Hastings.

        John Lucas

  62. If anyone cares about the stories rather than viciously attacking Carol Costello, I found an update on the Transgender @ Denny’s Bathroom Story: https://www.advocate.com/transgender/2018/5/18/after-woman-chased-bathroom-dennys-says-it-supports-trans-customers
    I’m pleased to say that Denny’s has reaffirmed it’s commitment to transgender customers such as myself by saying we are free to use whichever bathroom aligns with our gender identity! At least one company gets that my money (such as it is) is as green as anyone else’s!

  63. I have been a paying member for almost five years, and have listened to every show during those years. This was the first episode that I had to turn off.

    I get that TYT is trying to become more like a 24 hour news channel, but is it worth the cost of alienating members that have been paying for years?

    This show was really boring and felt like they were phoning it in. Please don’t become MSNBC-lite just to appeal to more middle of the road viewers to get ratings on YouTube TV.

  64. Carol was talking about the shooting and I couldn’t help but disagree and thought, “alright, well, no, but I’m not going to be a crank over TYT bringing on people with differing opinions, no matter how much I disagree..”

    Then Donald Trump spoke and she was defending him, and honestly thought he was speaking his own words off the top of his head when it was painfully obvious he was reading off some sort of teleprompter.. Might be the least of the issues with the story, but I’m now seriously questioning if she’s on the same planet as us, as well as wondering what sort of rank this lady has to be weighing in on this.. It’s so effing obvious Costello, you seriously couldn’t realize that was an OBVIOUS teleprompter?? Does it matter? Not in the long run.. But the fact that you thought Trump was the one really saying those things has me questioning everything you say going forward…

    We’re clearly not looking at issues from the same side of the table.. We’re not even in the same room..

  65. Having Carol Costello on is an insult to the great host that are available to TYT. Her remarks are as ignorant as any right wing goon. this is what TYT is coming to I am out.

  66. On the Texas shooting, nothing will change until you repeal the 2nd amendment.

    As for the changes to TYT, I haven’t seen any except the cursing ban which should be self evident. If you can’t convey your point without cursing or shouting then you don’t have a point at all.

    I dare anyone here to show me a progressive position Cenk or any other of the main show hosts had that they before 2016 that was changed later.

    1. watch 10 episodes of the Post Game from say 2014 in a row (not Friday ones as those are fundamentally different on their own) … just straight up – one after another … then pop one from this week and tell me there hasn’t been a seismic shift in tone

      it’s not the positions YET … those are often the last things to outright change … Chris Hayes held his original socialist positions for quite some time on MSNBC … but his tone change – emphasis changed … they’ve going from talking about the issues to impotently screaming about how evil Trump is and how we’re all doomed because Russia bought a thousand Facebook ads …

      watch some Real News – Democracy Now – Humanist Report … you’ll see a stark difference – especially on a heavy Trump/Russia day .. all impotent rage not the constructive anger Cenk USED to have … now it seems forced – contrived because he knows it’s part of his image so he has to yell … so he yells about Trump being evil as if we don’t fucking know that …

      no – the positions haven’t changed much … YET … but in the past six months they have outright shit on members ON THE MAIN SHOW … members who have been commenting on the #tytlive for years suddenly being called Putin puppets because they dared disagree with Cenk and call him out on his bullshit … HOW DARE ANYONE QUESTION THE MIGHTY CENK AND QUEEN ANA … that was the earthquake that woke many up … and the reason for his frustration is now apparent – they’ve been sneaking around making deals with the devil behind the backs of the members (something they NEVER did from what I can tell as I’m going through old shows)

      it’s the secrecy and underhanded nature of this new enterprise that has many shaken … they moved on without including the members – this has never happened like this before … it doesn’t bode well if they keep trying to bash it over our heads either … they still need member support – YouTube TV is NOT paying them – they had to give valuable resources to YouTube (member only programming) to show they had stuff … we were told all of these shows were member shows – I think we’re beginning to realize it was a rouse and now we’re getting stiffed … you fuck with member trust at your own peril

      so – watch 10 Mon-Thu Post Games from 2014 in a row – then watch one from this week – if you don’t IMMEDIATELY see the difference the problem is you … ;-)

      1. If nothing changed then why the complaints?

        Cenk built his business on telling his mind and damned everyone else including people who like him. He nearly lost me a couple of times before but I stuck because I knew what I bought.

        As for bringing the HLN host, Democracy Now brought many a MSM hosts/writers and no one bitched about them, people much more abhorrent than this woman. Plus having a different perspective is good. I remember the days when conservatives, actual conservatives were brought in and the show was much more interesting.

        1. well – apparently if you use more than 2 links you get put in for moderation so I’ll just use 2 links

          no sweetie – read what I wrote again … slowly this time … because if you actually read it you will see that I point out what HAS changed … I DID NOT say nothing changed … try harder dear – I know it’s hard but it’s worthe

          oh and Democracy Now interviews people – they don’t feature MSM hosts as hosts of the show and they do reality programming like this https://www.democracynow.org/2018/5/17/meet_tarek_loubani_the_canadian_doctor – instead of ranting about how Trump is scary

          or check out their web page https://www.democracynow.org/

          give me some links or you’re just pulling shit out of your ass to try to sound like you know what you’re talking about ;-)

  67. Holy shit. I just had an epiphany …
    Did Cenk have Carol the Corporate Robo-host on so that YouTube’s stupid “strainer” won’t demonetize or down-grade TYT vid clips? In searches, progressive shows generally get bottom-slots in favor of MSM “news” clips, for fear of advertisers being ruffled.

    So if TYT has clips with corporate hacks on, maybe The Strainer gets tricked into thinking it’s “safe?”
    If so, well played, TYT… well played.

    1. no – that wasn’t it at all … not played at all

      I think they wanted to show they had MSM cred – now that they are a REAL channel we can have people on and they’d get the respect they believe being a ‘real’ channel will get them and it FAILED miserably …

      they probably lost more members with this fuck up and YouTube automatically demonetizes anything to do with discussions like this about shootings or terrorist attacks etc … having her on wouldn’t help

  68. It’s good to have a moderate host on, but some of Carol takes were just bad. Thinking that schools may have too many doors, yikes!!
    Overall TYT, needs more guest and host that are not extreme far left. Diversity is a good thing folks.

  69. WOW! What wild reactions to Costello on.
    Honestly, didn’t think she was all that bad and actually highlighted how in depth and well covered stories are at TYT compared to her usual routine at CNN.

  70. Carol Costello giving credence to this insane idea that we need more security guards and less exits at schools instead of focusing on the REAL problem of being awash in assault weapons really made me want to vomit. Keep her off TYT, and never dilute your message.

  71. It takes a lot for me to comment, but I have to agree that Carol Costello was the worst host I’ve ever seen on the show. Every comment of hers was like scraping fingernails on a chalkboard. Please Cenk, don’t bring anyone on to host who isn’t a fan, and who doesn’t watch the show because the the naivety of her viewpoints stood out like dogs balls. Has she even watched a single show? She don’t belong here! She can’t keep up. She may be a nice person but she hasn’t evolved enough to see that she’s still brainwashed by mainstream propaganda.

    In fairness to Cenk and Ana, to me at least, the viewpoints they expressed today are consistent, and don’t appear to have been affected by going “mainstream”. It’s unfortunate that TYT alienated all their viewers on day one of their youtube tv effort with such an abysmal panel pick.

    I’ve believe I’ve seen Cenk and Ana acknowledge multiple times that they’d rather talk about something other than Trump, but they are forced to because he is, ya know, important, but at least they give it a different spin than the mainstream news. Cenk says he doesn’t watch the mainstream TV news shows so he doesn’t share our sickness of Trump news overload.

    Please keep it real Cenk. We weren’t interested in what CC had to say. We get enough of her and her type on regular TV.

  72. To everyone here crying about TYT having a centrist (or globally center-right) on the panel:

    It’s beyond pathetic to hear you complain about them having someone on with different ideas than you. GTFO your bubble! These dumb ass centrist ideas do exist and they’re destroying our MSM, and if folks like TYT never have them on to teach them how progressive journalism works than they’ll keep living in their DC bubble and we’ll keep getting Joe Manchin’s instead of Paula Jean Swearingen’s because no matter how much it disgusts me, MSM still plays a significant role in defining the overton window. If all we ever do is reinforce our existing beliefs with others that agree with us then we’ll be no better than these centrist idiots. We have to continually challenge them from the left AND right to reinforce them with affirmation and scrutiny. And of course it allows the debate to happen from the left. Notice that they challenged Carol on her centrism. She’s not used to that. Let them do their thing, because they;’re opening door for left wing voices to be heard, not closing it.

    C’mon, they have hosted/aired MULTIPLE BERNIE TOWN HALLS in recent weeks and have him and other progressive activists on Rebel HQ and TYT Interviews all the time! Bernie was just interviewed by Cenk on Iran this past week! How many MSM outlets have even MENTIONED Alison Hartson’s existence, let alone had her on countless times??

    Folks here really need to ask themselves wtf they expect from TYT and other news outlets they watch. Watching people constantly reaffirm what we already believe has little to no benefit. We have to debate these centrists and show them that their compromising ideas simply don’t hold up under any scrutiny and are, quite frankly, absurd. Less doors in schools?! That’s the debate in a CNN mind?? Geez. We have a lot of work to do.

    But putting up our own bubble is not an effective strategy for change. We have to go around and burst everyone else’s! Let’s step up to the plate and show these centrists and right-wing nutbags that our progressive ideas TOO STRONG to be stopped!

    1. Please name one show that TYT produces, besides Aggressive Progressive, that hasn’t moved toward the center? Probably the only one is the FRIDAY Post Games with Malcolm, Steve & Dave.

      I don’t think it’s “pathetic” to point out in the comment section that members have noticed TYT’s recent changes. I’ve been a member since 2008 or 09, and I’ve only noticed big changes this past year or so… seems since they got the $20 mill investment.

      Do people sound strident & freaked out in a comment section, that much like texting, does not tell the whole story or how people really feel? Absolutely!
      Cenk has told TYT members OVER & OVER that they LISTEN to their members.
      When members are concerned that TYT is making a wrong move, it’s because we’ve been assured that it is expected we do so!

  73. RE: Georgia Gov Race Ads Brian Kemp & Mike Williams –


    These right-wing clowns have shifted the overton window so much that far-right extremism is now “Conservative”! This is insane. When did blowing things up, shooting guns and allowing untrained civilians to have weapons of mass destruction become “conservative”?? This stuff makes my head spin.

  74. I never comment, but what’s with CNN having a voice on TYT? She is exceedingly central and part of the problem, and certainly not someone I’d enjoy seeing in future. Her as a person, lovely and amicable, but she exudes the establishment do nothing approach because she wants to sit on the fence. Also, one door? If there is a fire they’re all fucked and by extension trapped in the case of a more competent shooter.

  75. To all the Carol Costello haters, I do understand that TYT having her on does call out Cenk as totally having sold out at this point (after practically selling TYT to YouTubeTV) – and while she did do the classic “call both sides even/be civil to the evil people too” thing, she is a VERY kind person and a VERY well regarded mainstream journalist and frankly my favorite on CNN/HLN. I want to remind you guys though that she is also (she’s in her 50s now) the oldest person on the panel, and was raised in the MSM model. There was no TYT back when she started or was “millennial age (back then)” – it’s how ALL journalism was. She’s also one of the most caring and empathetic people at CNN/HLN – tearing up with real tears when she’d have to report tragic stories. Maybe having her on TYT though is the beginning of a transition to her and maybe she’ll learn a thing or two about speaking truth to power! If we want to kick the Republicans to the curb in the midterms, we need EVERY VOTE, even those of people who are of an older generation than us. Remember how close we came in AL to Roy Moore winning? We need *EVERY* vote! So please, pause for a minute my friends and remember if those older than us have ANY chance to change and come closer to our side we can’t rip them to shreds when they guest host for their FIRST TIME on TYT. Dan Rather is as MSM as you can get, do you guys hate him too?

    On a different note, I live in Houston, less than 40 miles from Santa Fe, TX and I watched a lot of the coverage with my roommate who travels with me and she was tired (we were at a restaurant that had TV on) and wanting to go but then I made us stay a bit longer to see Governor Abbot speak (figuring I’d hear the “thoughts and prayers” – and then he starts saying he wants to call the TX Legislature to a special session [in TX the State Legislature normally meets once ever 2 years in the odd numbered years, though he as Gov. can call a Special Session] and we needed meaningful change and EVERYONE’S jaws dropped and the man next to us even said ‘Wait, does he know he’s still in Texas?!’) and my roommate keeps prodding me to go and I told her The Goddess would make it clear to us when it was time to go (we’re Pagan)… and then Gov. Abbot says “And now I’d like to turn over the mic to Senator Ted Cruz to speak” and I looked at my roommate and smiled and we both said at the same time “THAT’S the sign! She can’t be any clearer than that – Ted Cruz is going to talk! It wasn’t just us that left then, half the damn restaurant did! So that’s the funny part of the tragedy and I tell you – we ALL hate him here, even the Republicans I know have said they won’t vote for him. So enjoy it while you can Ted Cruz, because Beto O’Rourke is coming to STEAL YOUR AMERICAN JOB! Now as to whether Abbot will actually get anything done for us on guns in Texas, probably not – much of it depends of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (in TX the Governor is VERY constitutionally weak by design, the Lt. Gov. who makes all the Committee appointments in the Legislature is actually the real power player here), but we’ll see. But even for SAYING this, even it is a lie, I do give Greg Abbott SOME credit and have SOME hope; he was a VERY successful AG in TX and is paraplegic which gives him SOME understanding of law and compassion for the killed/injured, but we’ll see.

    Denny’s Bathroom: As a M2F TG (Male-to-Female Transgender) myself, this story truly disgusted me… bare in mind also that Gov. Abbott called TWO special sessions last year specifically trying to make it illegal to use the ladies room, but I was saved twice by our more moderate Republican Speaker-of-The-House (State House who refused to go along with it, in part due to the business community so strongly defending me and those like me), but this tops even that for me! Really?! You’re going to follow someone into the bathroom, ON VIDEO, while they are in a stall using the bathroom and cause a scene? In CALIFORNIA?! It’s really disheartening. I don’t know about CA, but look, keeping it real gang this is Texas here, and we’ve had a lot of inbreeding and such to the point where seriously at least 1 in 10 genetic females could be mistaken for male football players! And half the latina women here have mustaches/beards (sorry latinas, I love you all and I’m not shaming you I’m just trying to make a point that even if you think you can “tell” that a person presenting as a female is “really a man” I’m telling you, NO YOU CAN’T!). And this bitch is Latina herself so she knows that damn well. And WTF is a latina woman, running for office in CA, doing supporting Trump? Honey, you need a back up plan because next week you’ll be the GA Governors “Deportation Bus” and you can put your skills to use to help “Make Mexico Great Again!”. These people are SO STUPID!!! It’s like being a “Log-Cabin Republican (i.e., gay homosexual)” who aren’t even allowed into the TX Republican Convention to have a table with literature; every year they ask if they can come and every year the party says “F*ck off faggots!” and they keep coming back for more. But seriously, for all this woman knows, even if this woman is TG in the stall, how the hell do you know if she hasn’t had the full/total surgery and no longer has ANY male parts? And either way, if you get assaulted by a TG person in a bathroom, THAT’S ALREADY ILLEGAL! If they film *you* or take pictures up your skirt, THAT’S ALREADY ILLEGAL! But I guess this CA lady is a special snowflake who expected the bathroom to be a safe space… UGH!

    Lastly if you’re still reading this I apologize for all my run-on sentences and verbosity – I only got 5 hours sleep last night. I love you all guys let’s hug it out and be TOO STRONG together!

    1. Sold out? Seriously? He just had Senator Sanders on when nobody except Jake Tapper on MSM is doing it. MSNBC doesn’t ever have him on. You seem to appreciate nuance, and I’m partially reacting to all the other ridiculous comments here since I love all your other points (although I don’t care about how “nice” a journalist/analyst is – only their propensity for truth telling and speaking said truth to power…and in that regard Carol Costello is no Dan Rather). Cenk and TYT have paved the way for independent journalism. They were trailblazers. Maybe we can appreciate their role in opening the door for real debate. So what if they aren’t far left enough on every issue for us?? They allow the open debate and don’t set any boundaries on the left. How many main stream outlets have a show where they interview avowed socialists like Prof. Richard Wolff, Dem Socialists, and Justice Dems primarying dems from left (Rebel HQ)? TYT has led me to become involved in politics and to donate to progressive candidates in nearly every state. We have to appreciate their role and not act like every time they have one person that’s a true centrist (or center-right as Costello appears to be) on the panel that they’re “selling out”. Having these folks on allows their ideas to be debated by real progressives and hopefully they’ll shift them left and continue to move the overton window left. Too many folks in these comments want to be in a bubble where only people that completely agree with them exist (not you, dratheart). That’s called “left-wing authoritarianism,” and all it does is make it seem as if our ideas can’t hold up in a debate. They had a left-wing primary challenger hosting a show a couple weeks ago, Amy Vilela for NV congress, and MSM still pretends as if she doesn’t even exist. TYT gives these folks the biggest platform they have, and people can’t appreciate that and understand the role of TYT. You want something further left? Let’s build it! TYT has opened the door for all of us to do so. They also give a huge platform to folks like Jimmy Dore, Kyle Kulinski, Mike from Humanist Report, and other firmly left-wing folks. So there’s that too….

      1. So I see you are in favor of the “Both Sides Do It” crowd.

        Is it SO important that TYT have so-called centrists on? What they really are is CORPORATE.
        I don’t think I’m alone in wondering what the purpose is of having people like Carol on.
        What’s the matter, Corporate Shills don’t have enough air-time?

        Frog at a slow-boil… pick your poison.

        1. Chetzmom , if you hate the show so much then stop watching it. If there are other progressive outlets and platforms that you think are much better then vote with your dollars and viewership and stop throwing your toys out of the pram over here.

          While you’re at it, please start your own PAC to get money out of American politics, then create a counterinsurgent leftwing movement of the Democratic party to primary corporatists Dems, then create a globally watched news platform on which you can advocate for your ideas and promote others doing so and then I’ll come and join you.

          Mate, you’re either clairvoyantly prescient or doing a remarkably fine job of embodying the stereotypical notion of a snowflake – TYT is not YOUR fucking safe place. Grow up and let yourself be challenged by other ideas instead of whinging about folks who are actively taking ACTION to change things; not just by talking about it but by taking ACTION. Your conspiracy theory bollocks about selling out is not borne out in the ACTION the people on this network have taken : WOLF-PAC, Justice DEMs; including creating and broadcasting AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVEs et al. To use your own conspiracist nonsense, you sound like a False-Flag whinger to me. In fact, are you a Dave Rubin plant or his smoking buddy?

          Long and short of it, just stop whining. If you don’t like something on this network, just cancel your membership and stop watching then go and participate where you think your dollars are appreciated. TYT IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL FIEFDOM AND SAFEPLACE!!!

          1. Vnomad ~ seems YOU are the definition of a snowflake. Other members disagree or criticize TYT and you fall completely apart. When the fuck did I ever say this was my PERSONAL FIEFDOM AND SAFEPLACE?

            Don’t think I said anything like that. I’ve been a member and commenting for almost 10 yrs, and no one at TYT has ever been the worse for wear. I’ve contributed for their new studio, for their investigative reporters, to Justice Dems, I’m a monthly paying member of Wolf-PAC and support every JD in Michigan (my state). Every time they’ve requested donations… I’ve tried to help, AND spread the word to anyone who’ll listen. I’m 53yo, and most my age are still attached to MSM. A lucky few have learned to cut the cord.

            TYT is NOT going to fall apart if some of its members are unhappy with their becoming more mainstream and losing their edge. They certainly don’t need you defending their honor.

            Cheer up! I think they’ll be just fine.

  76. Methinks having Carol on was a disaster. While having an “adversary” mainstream media person on seems inclusive or something else I can’t identify, TYT having to crush her unreasonable comments takes time away from the stories presented. Interviewing her seems a better idea to me. She thinks Greg Abbott is going to do anything about guns in Texas is either obtuse or a lie.
    I don’t want to see her here again.

  77. I took all the comments of this episode with a grain of salt. But…umm no, Carol Costello needs to never be on the TYT network. Everything out of her mouth was basically a talking point to play the middle. That is not what TYT is. Please do not become centrist or you will, as many others, lose my subscription. I hope that someone is tasked to scroll through member comments and move it up the chain.

    1. She may be auditioning for a slot on TYT-YouTube TV.

      Guarantee that even if SHE is not on TYT Main again, there will be more like her soon enough!

      Who knows?
      They may be “lucky” enough to get Erin Burnett or Don Lemon on?
      I think I just threw up in my mouth a little,,,

  78. “When you talk to Rudy Giuliani off air he’s a nice guy, well he was nice to me.”
    – Carol Costello
    The reason CNN sucks so bad…

  79. so i’ve only been watching aggressive progressives and literally nothing else on this website for a long while now due to an increasing laundry list of reasons as to why myself and so many others are starting to feel TYT is slowly but steadily sliding down the wrong path – and then i show up here today to see A FUCKING CNN ANCHOR ON THE MAIN PANEL. WHAT THE ACTUAL BLOODY HELLISH FUCK. nice to know you’re still riding that 20 mill investment and you’re now becoming a TV channel because lord knows that’s the way of the future and the way of the progressive.

    i guess you guys won’t be missing my membership money when i don’t renew next year. this is fucking SAD.

    1. @lars b amble I tried my best to give them the benefit of the doubt when that $20 million deal hit back in August of 2017 but by November when they conveniently ousted Jordan Chariton I had to withdraw that benefit.

      I had long discussions with robertjordan18, a longtime member of this site, about that deal.
      I kept saying to him TYT has already BEEN corporately funded. I referenced the late 2011 deal with Current TV which gave them much boosted production values & more robust staff.
      I even counted in Cenk’s appearances on MSNBC in 2009/2010 as well as his full deal with MSNBC in 2011. Cenk’s advances from that MSNBC deal gave him the money to invest in the company & buy that sleek black set we saw debut in late 2010.

      They have quiet investors & more prominent investors & seemed to keep as much integrity as a media organization can keep. I was skeptical like robertjordan18 but gave them leeway based on their history.
      It was in November of last year when the scales fell from my eyes.
      And as bad as all the fallout from 2017 was, this stuff we’re seeing in2018 shows JUST how far TYT is willing to go to become the new CNN. Not in the way of mass impact & resonance but more in the way of controlled corporate confusion spread to the populace.
      They’re turning corporate FAST!

      All this talk about dethroning the TV Titans in this Internet Age yet he CHASES TV???
      Chases TV in THIS way??? At the VERY least he should come at it like he’s hijacking the signal & make it like Internet is invading TV. No, he wants to BECOME them.
      They have co-opted The Young Turks.
      We didn’t get an Armenian Genocide this time, this time we got a Turkish Mediacide metaphorically killing the impact of The Young Turks.
      Just like the original Young Turks from 100 years ago, this Young Turks of media seems to have broken down at about the same time 100 years later.
      The original one broke down due to betraying the spirit of the original revolution with paranoid massacres of helpless people.
      The new one breaks down due to betraying the spirit of the original revolution with fearful capitulation to people in power.

      Cenk may not get to be his own Atatürk the way he’s going.
      Credibility is what TYT is built on. Once they lose that, they got nothing.
      In the aftermath of the original breakdown of The Young Turks, a guy named Mustafa Kemal Atatürk emerged to unify the fractured nation within a single vision.
      He transformed his entire society & became legendary as a leader.
      Cenk could have rewritten the parallel between both TYTs by keeping TYT in line with its founding spirit AND THEN going on to become legendary once The Revolution was complete.
      Oh well. His loss. Maybe he can correct course before it’s too late but it’s looking doubtful at this point.

      I hated admitting that robertjordan18 was right about that money changing them.

      John Lucas

      1. John Lucas, amazing how prescient robertjordan was, isn’t it?

        It started small and has been snowballing ever since.
        Cenk is STILL convinced he can keep control of his baby, TYT, even while taking $20 mill “investment” money.
        I think he still wants to bring a progressive message to a larger audience, so he is making his deal with the devil.

        Except for the fact that slowly, slowly the devil is dealing him!
        Carol “Both-sides-do-it,” Evil people are not ALL bad (the Hitler Loved Dogs Theory), MSM hack is only the first of more to come. That is a GUARANTEE.

        1. @chetzmom He knew because of how long he’s been a member here.
          He used to have the avatar TYT Army. Cenk uses this term less & less these days but back in the early radio & YouTube days Cenk would go on & on about the TYT Army.
          He would refer to Aaron Wysocki as the Commander of the Armies of the East like this was some Genghis Khan/Conan The Barbarian shit.
          Cenk used to really play up the wildman angle with TYT so an audience can’t just be an audience, it has to be a full-fledged TYT Army. The soundboard with the Wild Turkish Barbarian & the grunty chant.

          By robertjordan18 having that as his avatar means he was here in TYT’s earlier builds when it was firmly RENEGADE. Loose & wild yet real. Sometimes wrong but real.
          It’s a reflection of the show’s radio roots. And on radio your voice has to ring because the audience can’t see you.
          Bombasticness is how you help the audience “see” the show through their ears.

          When Cenk brought TYT to YouTube in 2005, he pioneered Internet Media by bringing the feel of radio to a video medium. He basically just did what he always did in radio but just put a camera to it.
          But when he did it now you can SEE him hit the fist on the table when he gets heated.
          You can SEE the angry expression on his face when he’s furious about a story.
          You can SEE the passion & emotion in his body movements & body language.
          TYT brought the RAWNESS of Radio to Video. And since YouTube videos were cheap-looking & blurry back then, the show had a pirate radio/pirate video feel. That DOUBLED its status as a RENEGADE organization.

          The RENEGADE nature of the show is what drew robertjordan18 in & he saw them keep most aspects of this nature even as they got the bigger money, the bigger production values, & the bigger audience.
          They slowly faded the most extreme aspects of this nature as the show got more established so Robert was much like me. Reluctant to give up on them due to their long history.
          He told me so when I discussed the $20 million deal with him. He said that he once sounded just like I did at that time. The $20 million for him was the final straw. Capitulation to Hillary probably shook him but the big money deal in 2017 crumbled any hold he had on the TYT he once knew.

          Cenk ain’t no rebel no more. No matter how much he insists that he is.
          He’s fully Grandpa Cenk now. He gave up the fight because he’s thinking about his family.
          When The Establishment pushed back after Hillary was rejected, he conformed & bowed down.
          He got in line because the consequences might have been too severe.
          Like Danny Glover said in the Lethal Weapon movies “I’m getting too old for this shit!”

          Carol Costello’s moderating calming smug tone is designed to neutralize the RENEGADES.
          It’s to make you calm down & conform. To squelch dissent, passion, & energy.
          That’s what you need to fight the system.
          The fact that Cenk allowed himself & his company to be subdued like this is a disgrace.
          He’ll make more excuses & more compromises & still try to sell himself as the RENEGADE but deep down he knows that’s not true. He’s been de-nutted. He’s been neutered. He’s been pacified & put to sleep.
          Cenk’s thinks he’s a player but big money outplayed him. A pillow of soft cash to put him to sleep.

          He tried to sell Chris Cuomo’s lame interview with drag queen Rudy Giuliani in this piece.
          What do you bet that he’ll try to sell his brother Andrew Cuomo for New York Governor against Cynthia Nixon?
          You’re right. Carol Costello WILL NOT be The Last.
          This place has TOTALLY changed & robertjordan18 knew it from day one.

          John Lucas

  80. who are all the corporate cock suckers that think Carol was a good addition? who are these soulless dregs that are just fine with the moral collapse of this network?

    amazing – either they’re using interns to try to give SOME positive spin or TYT is attracting swamp rats with their new corporate smell … either way … hope they sink with the rest of the traitors – when Jimmy leaves I follow him – he’s the ONLY real progressive voice left here …

    1. Xeno ~ once again, AGREED.

      I only had to listen to 5 first minutes to know Carol is a MSM hack w/o having to see her credentials.

      She seems almost arrogant in her “even-handedness” when forcing Ana & Cenk to say, “Well, yes…but…” If TYT wants a seat at the Big Kids table, they are on their way. YouTube TYT will be a thin broth of what old school TYT members are use to or remember from years past. John is BEYOND desperate to be a mini Michael Shure. I use to think Ana was more progressive, but she has begun the slide to “respectability,” as well.

      It’s depressing, cuz I remember the TYT of old.
      I have to think the people who are defending TYT’s becoming “pragmatic grown-ups” either never knew the old show or are still infected from watching MSM.

      1. that’s the really frustrating part – THEY DON’T SEEM TO SEE IT … I think they truly believe they haven’t changed – the interstitial that they play about not being able to get out of your own perspective comes to mind … they are not only unable to but are vehemently fighting it when we throw it at them (which is why they attack members lately) …

    1. OMG yes. I’d pay extra to never see someone like that again. I don’t mind differing opinions and seeing things from the other side but there was just something so off about this one. I did not like it.

  81. The Osmington shooting in Australia involved the deaths of the extended Miles family, including Peter Miles and his wife Cynda, their daughter Katrina Miles and her four children, shot dead by gunshot on 11 May 2018. Police are currently treating it as murder-suicide, possibly stemming from a custody battle.

  82. I actually thought it was a good exercise to have Carol on, because she exposed how vacuous “normal” hosts are. They make a “good point” about too many doors in schools? WTF. There are rules about how many exits a building has because of other safety concerns like fires. Not to mention that a shooter could just shoot people outside the school. These are all bandaid solutions, and that she would take it as a good faith suggestion is laughable.

    Nonetheless, I think it was educational to show the bankruptcy of CNN middle of the road, “neutral” reporting.

  83. ◄Part 1►

    When I said as recently as last year that TYT would be competing with the CNNs of the world……um……this display here isn’t exactly what I meant.

    Carol Costello. Another Mainstream Media automaton. On The Young Turks. What.

    I found TYT during the 2008 Election Season & have been with them ever since.
    In 2016 as they got behind Bernie Sanders in coverage, I decided to finally pitch in more than YouTube views & got myself a yearly subscription in March of that year.
    I saw them grow over the years & wanted them to become the REPLACEMENT for the garbage mainstream media that exists today. My $100 subscription was intended to help them achieve this goal.

    I thought back to TYT’s founding & evolution. How they transform & change in minor ways every 2 years & major ways every 4 years. How they expand by leaps & bounds with every evolution.

    • 2002 – Cenk’s living room & dining room table. Doing it Sirius XM Satellite Radio style just him & Ben Mankiewicz.
    • 2004 – The tiny little radio office with the cramped table. The one they did the 99 hour filibuster with pals like Jill Pike, Michael Shure, & Wes Clark Jr. & interns like Jesús Godoy & Jayar Jackson.
    • 2006 – The basic studio with the big brown table, widescreen TV, & blue curtains. The version of TYT that made its debut on YouTube & showcases Cenk Going Ballistic.
    • 2008 – The famous gray panel set with the broad gray table. The one that rises in the coming age of Obama & gathers all sorts of fans & friends like Ana Kasparian. The one brave enough to go it alone once the Sirius XM deal fell apart.
    • 2010 – The new sleek black set with the sleek black table that Ana shows off on TheTopVlog. The one that houses the emerging TYT Network of related programming & funded by Cenk’s advances from his short-lived MSNBC TV deal.
    • 2012 – The corporately-funded underground sewer brick set of Al Gore’s Current TV with the little crystalline table. The one that has gathered key personalities in its TYT Network from comedian Jimmy Dore to John “Johnny Pie” Iadarola of TYT University to Lauren Windsor (the 1st TYT Reporter) of The UnderCurrent. The one doubling its presence cable TV with broader staffing & better production values.
    • 2014 – The Big Blue set with the enormous silver table in the transition from the collapse of Current TV to the crowdfunded Indiegogo campaign to build TYT a new home studio. The one that deepens its TYT Network presence & shows the promise of Internet Media being a truly viable career path (right Dave Rubin?).
    • 2016 – The DELUXE multi-screened super-studio with the giant space-age table funded by the TYT Army. The one which rode the rocket-rise of Bernie Sanders’ campaign straight to the top & truly presented themselves as a THREAT to Mainstream Media as a force of persuasion. The one that restarted its internal journalism arm with the hiring of Jordan Chariton & the channel he built, TYT Politics.

    I was proud of these people. I remember the hokey sets. I looked online to see the even MORE hokier locations they did this show in before the hokey sets. I saw the change as they got bigger & bigger.
    How they got more comfortable as hosts & presenters. How they pioneered a whole new presentation in media.
    They were STILL a little rough-edged & that was their charm.
    Their website was STILL a little glitchy & hokey. But that was the magic of it all.
    Amateurs doing it THEIR way authentically & earnestly. Becoming more professional without becoming “professional”. Wearing the jacket but with a T-shirt underneath or at best an unbuttoned shirt with no tie.
    They have come a long way from those blurry YouTube videos I saw when I found them around 2008.

    But what did they do in 2016? They turned sharply towards Hillary Clinton almost universally after she robbed Bernie in the Democratic Primaries. The Young Turks HAD to realize that this was not merely another ordinary election. There was no ‘Vote Team Democrat’ THIS time around especially with who he had in Bernie Sanders & how Hillary & her cronies acted throughout this entire race.
    Jimmy Dore (and to a lesser extent a handful of others) bucked on this sharp turn & said “HELL NO!”
    He would not bow to Hillary no matter WHAT the pressure. It was HE ironically who most embodied the motto Rebel HQ not the core Turk, Cenk Uygur. Jimmy kept it RAW when TYT started to get MILD.

    People have differences so we could chalk this sharp divide in sentiment as honest viewpoints.
    Maybe Cenk & those in league with him were truly too scared of Trump becoming President.
    It didn’t HAVE to mean that they were compromised by Haim Saban, owner of Fusion—a channel that TYT had a short-term election-related show on. But the suspicions were now out there right or wrong.
    Sure, there were rumblings from the Sam Harris groupies & the Dave Rubin loyalists about TYT not living up to its presentation but these can be easily shown to be disingenuous arguments from antagonistic political operatives. If TYT has clout, OF COURSE they would make political enemies. Alex Jones fans show this often.

    So Jimmy extends his Jimmy Dore Show into TYT proper with this olive branch called Aggressive Progressives.
    Him & Steve Oh maintain their independence in viewpoint while not sacrificing their unity as an organization.
    We might not like Cenk putting out those lame #LoserDonald segments & Ana worrywarting her fears on Trump but at least we still have SOMEBODY who wouldn’t put up with that robbery within TYT.
    Everybody came back to the fold on Election Night & Jimmy’s call was made obvious when Hillary Clinton got humiliated by Donald Trump in front of the entire world in defeat.

    Almost immediately it seemed that TYT was shaken back to its senses & was ready to fight to the THUGGISH RUGGISH BONE! THAT’S what I’m talking about, TYT! Stop being scared. Fight The Power!
    Cenk said “WE’RE AT WAR with the Democratic Party!!” “WE’RE STILL AT WAR!! WE’RE STILL AT WAR!!!”
    After pulling back from TYT Main from the Summer of 2016 until Election Night, I thought TYT was ready to CRUSH not only the political establishment but also the media establishment. I was READY to back them up!

    Right before the end of 2016, Cenk announces The Watchers On The Wall campaign to fund MULTIPLE journalist teams to add to the existing one with Jordan Chariton. We get many people like Nomiki Konst & Ryan Grim in this crowdfunded squad. Each covering a widely different but important beat. Jordan on the road, Nomiki the insider opening up the Democratic Party to the outside, Ryan living on Capitol Hill, commentators of all kinds from Shaun King to David Sirota to Dylan Ratigan. We have a FULL Media Network now!

    THEN we heard word that TYT is starting an organization called Justice Democrats to hijack the Democratic Party from the inside out through primary contests. ACTION! That’s what I’m talking about. Just like WolfPAC.
    We got a vehicle to get big money out of politics, a robust media network with worldwide appeal, a journalism squad ready to showcase all the untold unsung stories, & even a political faction to wrest power from the establishment. TYT will lead Internet Media to the next level. They can challenge the CNNs of the world now.

    ◄Continued in Part 2►
    John Lucas

    1. ◄Part 2►

      That’s what I thought in the beginning of 2017. But then reality struck & I noticed that TYT was still MILD.
      All of a sudden they’re playing into the Russia Hysteria while Jimmy Dore & others within TYT Network keep it real. All of a sudden I’m seeing bank Aspirations promoted on the site. All of a sudden millionaires & billionaires are being defended. All of a sudden the most REBELLIOUS members of TYT seem to get squelched or at least minimized on the main channel. The legacy of the lame #LoserDonald skits still flavors the presentation.
      But hey at least Jordan gets to speak his mind uncensored, at least Jimmy gets to speak his mind uncensored.
      I can tolerate TYT Main’s bullshit so long as this remains. But it’s getting hard to square this circle.

      Then in August, TYT’s sudden shift towards MILDness makes a little more sense. Venture Capitalists pooled together $20 Million to influence TYT & put someone on their board. Cenk denies that this will affect TYT’s approach & coverage. Many were skeptical & some of those skeptics (like me) remained hopeful.
      After all TYT isn’t new to corporate funding ever since Current TV at the least. Some fans left, some rode it out.
      There seemed to be a pause in the TYT Politics reporting but maybe they were just restructuring.
      Jordan runs TYT Politics & Jonathon Larsen runs TYT Investigates. OK, I can deal with this.

      Then all of a sudden the magic scandal in November that shuts down Jordan Chariton & gets him booted from TYT. The witchhunt sideeffects of the #metoo campaign conveniently seemed to take out not only Jordan but Cenk, Dave Koller, & Kyle Kulinski as well. So now we no longer have Jordan in the field covering important stories live but we ALSO no longer have Cenk & Kyle captaining Justice Democrats.

      We enter 2018 a bit more demoralized after we see the fruitlessness of Nomiki’s Unity Reform Commission outcomes as well as Nomiki suddenly buddying up with one of the Democratic Party cronies Donna Brazile not long after Jordan’s convenient ousting. While the TYT satellites got stronger & stronger, it seemed that the core TYT got weaker & weaker. Was this REALLY Rebel HQ or is this just Diet MSNBC or Diet CNN?

      At best I figured TYT Main could only be useful as a Bernie Sanders video platform. At least they still did those.
      So long as they kept promoting those town halls I could begrudgingly tolerate them. But I no longer trust them in full. They seem to be buckling in the midst of The Revolution. Everything built at 2017’s start has dissipated.

      Reupping with TYT was a hard decision this time around. In 2016, it was a no-brainer. In 2017, it was an easy decision. But in 2018, did I REALLY want to spend my money with an organization that may be compromised?
      Through my indecision, the decision was made for me. Renewal was automatic. At least I could use this time to call out the organization in the comment boards for the less aware members.

      Nowadays I spend more time on TYT satellite channels within the TYT Network & other non-TYT-affiliated channels than I do with TYT Main. The 16th Anniversary celebration seemed more of a holding together of the organization than a celebration. Everyone knows there’s a giant split in the company that resembles the one within the Democratic Party. Ana gets called out constantly for pushing the Russia mess as well as downplaying media suppression from the elitists (the YouTube apocalypse). Cenk looks tamed when pushing those endless Trump stories instead of covering them in a way that results in solutions to the problem. Meanwhile Jimmy grows by leaps & bounds by never cooling his fire. It is HE not TYT Main that gets slandered by CNN.

      It’s not hard to see why. TYT is all of a sudden censoring cuss words & tamping down on the visible outrage Cenk made himself famous for in “Cenk Goes Ballistic”. I heard Steve Oh say once on Aggressive Progressives that TYT is not “The Left”, it’s “The Mainstream”. And while you can take this comment the benign way suggesting “The Left Is The Mainstream Of American Public Opinion”, you can ALSO see it in a sinister way suggesting “The Left Is Passé, We Now Court The Mainstream Moderates”.
      The more subdued & controlled TYT seems, it makes you wonder which take is the correct call.

      Now we have Dan Rather Nightly News on TYT. And now CNN HeadLine News’ Carol Costello on the panel.
      When I said that I wanted TYT to challenge & takeover CNN, I meant it in the way that TYT should replace CNN’s place & power as a media outlet. I didn’t mean for them to LITERALLY BECOME the Next CNN.

      • 2018 – The DELUXE multi-screened super-studio with the giant space-age table funded by the TYT Army……and co-opted by the Elite Establishment who slowly but surely take the bite out of Rebel HQ to entrench their control over the American population.

      This is one 2 year change I didn’t ask for & wasn’t expecting.

      John Lucas

      1. BINGO

        I too saw this coming … but I was NOT as hopeful as you were … I’ve been watching TYT for years from the outside because I couldn’t afford the $10 membership fee … when they brought on Jimmy for AP and then hid it behind the membership wall I knew they didn’t want to fly their freak flag openly …

        I knew the moment they put the first ‘commercial’ breaks in the Post Game that they were going to make a cable style channel and openly rang the alarm bells … only to have the lot of commenters call me hysterical and a troll and a Jimmy Dore troublemaker … I’ve taken great pleasure in telling everyone here I TOLD YOU SO …

        I notice they’re trying to walk some of this back with the ‘Update from Member Services’ – stating they’re going to make the Post Game members only in ‘a few months’ … and the ‘for now’ in front of the explanation about the new shows only being available on YouTube TV … but they are probably tied to a contract … idiots … will stick around until Jimmy leaves – then I’m going with him … have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to stay now that Cenk has completely sold out the heart of this enterprise for his own egoistic purposes …

        1. some of us have seen this shit coming for a while now. though even i didn’t expect it to suddenly hit so blatantly. it’s pretty clear that jimmy dore is just controlled opposition here at this point and as soon as he realizes this and starts working against TYT instead of for them, the better. as for me, i’m unlikely to renew my membership next year.

  84. Oh my. Well this was a new one. This first hour was hard to sit through without stopping for breaks. Carol, while offering a different opinion, so many times just made me cringe. I told my son tonight, that while I know they talk like that on CNN, I had no idea they actually talk like that all the time. Like she thinks and believes in the very center. If you’re going to have a mainstream person on, which is fine, please make it only once a week or so because I don’t think I could take more of that.

    Also, that trans story, in particular, thank you so very much for talking about it. My son saw it today and was livid. I can’t tell you the number of times my son goes into the restroom and I worry the whole time he’s in there. He’s trans and is still visibly female. All of those people who did nothing, I would never ever be able to sit and not say something. I would have been compelled to go in and help that trans woman. Shame on that candidate and shame on those people who just let it happen and did nothing.

  85. I think having Carol on is a good thing because she is being challenged and a broader audience will start to see how her mainstream “universal appeal” style is not going to cut it for informing American any more. I have so many friends and family who don’t realize that being “liberal” is not like being conservative or “moderate”….being liberal just means being educated about a topic so that you can see shades of gray on topics that are usually seen as black or white and hear stark truth on topics that usually get muddled.

    I love that Cenk dropped the truth on her when she charitably, and incorrectly, figured the Texas governor was being sincere about wanting to hear different voices and open to different voices. She’s so used to having to play nice due to access journalism and it was refreshing for her to open up and take a stance. She evolved mid segment when she realized she can actually speak her mind and even took a shot at Ollie North.

    I want to change hearts and minds. I want to see Repugs and conservatives (and partisan Dems) to see that their ideology and institutions betray their purported ideals by exposing them to frank, fact based punditry and reporting.

    That happens when you invite them into the discussion via interviews and panels and push back on weak sauce. This is GOOD. Kudos to Carol for challenging herself in this arena and to Cenk and Ana for showing her that truly effective journalism comes from owning and defending your perspective… not from pretending like you don’t have one or that you have to always call things even.

  86. It’s been great watching TYT grow. If this truly is a turning point – the Carol Costello moment – delivering you to mainstream reporting, we’ll be bowing out.

  87. I can do without Carol Costello e er being on another show, if she is a regular I will cancel my membership.

  88. The argument that schools have too many entrances/exits is ridiculous and again the US politicians want to do nothing about the real problem, GUNS.

    I think the fire department want schools to have many entrances/exits in case of a fire, to ensure you can evacuate the school building as soon as possible.

    The only way the create an open, free and safe school is too ensure the school is located in an open, free and safe surroundings, and that in turn you only can have if you create an open, free and safe society. That means you shouldn’t arm everybody.

    Americans should ask them selfs: “why isn’t this happing in other developed countries around the world on a weekly basis?”

  89. If the experiment was to have a naysayer/contrarian on the panel consider the experiment a failure. Carol Costello kept bringing the reporting to a halt by opposing and contradicting what everyone else said. Too much time was wasted by her negative reactions to the other panelists brilliant points. Still love the show.

  90. Don’t you already have Michael Shure, Ben Mankiewicz, and Mark Thompson for your moderate counterpoints?

  91. Carol was a bit too much in trying to be even handed. I myself winced several times at what was coming out of her mouth. However, I thought that the other 3 did a good job of pushing back at her.

    Were they supposed to yell at her? It’s one thing to rant about people who are not in your presence. It’s another thing to disagree intelligently with someone who is sitting next to you.

  92. Carol was entitled to her opinion, we may disagree with her but she is not a bad person, she is just a CNN person that is all. She does not understand what a kill zone, which if you blocked most exit and only left two, you have just created a kill zone, block one door funnel all others to you and have a field day, get my point? hopefully the powers that be will see that and shit can that idiots idea of blocking exits. Man Texas Republicans are idiots. Gun control is on its way. Republicans and NRA may try to stall it but it is coming, people will demand it and each state will enact their own strict gun controls, and it will be from the mouths of babe that make it come to pass. So you 2nd people, you are shitting on your own plate with you’re insistent on no gun control, please keep that up for it is the fastest route to strict gun control… yee ha!!!!!

  93. What’s next, Anderson Cooper? This is the only time I’ve ever been disappointed with TYT. Chomsky, Cornel West, Chris Hedges, Peter Beinart, Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibbi, Stieglitz, etc…They’re all out there! I see ‘em on Democracy Now and other places. But, they should LIVE at TYT. Carol Who? Why?
    Please don’t let this be a trend.

  94. I have to say (like a lot of people it seems), I was really really unimpressed by Carol Costello: not only were none of her arguments compelling, but she seemed genuinely childish in her naive, simpleton viewpoints.
    To be fair to Cenk, he rebutted her whenever she spouted nonsense talking spots and he did seem to be frustrated by some of the things she said, but in my opinion he should avoid having guests like this in the first place.
    I’m actually not opposed to giving establishment-type characters a chance to come out of their bubble and talk like a real person, but I think it’s fair to say she is firmly stuck in that world and added nothing but BS to the panel today.

  95. It’s so subdued. Will this be the future of TYT? Where is the ranting, the ‘I’m sick of it, it happens all the time’, the ‘oof coooourse’, the shouts and the anger? Are they going to become “civilised”?

    1. carol costello is a CNN anchor. i think it’s abundantly clear at this point the direction TYT has been and continues to be headed. i’m pulling my membership next year.

  96. Carol Costello is annoying to say the very least. If I desired a contrarian I desire someone who has factual evidence and reason to the contrary. I was just waiting for her to be gone from the panel; she’s as painful to watch as a drunk uncle at a family reunion.

  97. I’ll give CC props for coming on the program. I couldn’t believe it though when she commented that the republicans were “trying”.

    I really hope that cenk, etal, are very careful about the direction they are heading in.

  98. Man, Carol is trying to bend over backwards every single story to be a “centrist”. Why? Oh crazy Republicans let’s give them a break…. So hard to watch.

  99. I never expected to hear a host on TYT suggest the NRA pony up money to protect the schools and no one stood up to that. Some power panel.

  100. Guys, there’s plenty about TYT you can legitimately criticize. Having Carol Costello on isn’t one of them. I thought the others did a great job refuting her MSM-think and demonstrating the difference in styles of news presentation. As others have said, it would also be great to have more far-left representation sometimes. One of the things I love about TYT is that panelists can disagree, sometimes vigorously, even within the progressive spectrum. AP is great and informative and therapeutic, but it’s also an echo chamber. There is a place on the network for both kinds of programming.

    1. i second that.. cant have a constant echo chamber on the main show.. why not have disagreements, and talk about the issues substance. it refreshing to see honest debate

  101. If I wanted to listen to people like Carol I’d watch mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC. Heck I’d bet she’d even fit in at FOX. There is a reason I tune into alternative media like TYT and it’s NOT Carol Costello.

  102. I think it’s good to have people like Carol on bc it gives an opportunity for more debate on the show. I tend to agree with Cenk but it’s nice to have the back an forth, even if one side is super mild, uninspiring and politically correct

  103. In fairness he has a point ?!!!! Cringe worthy. It is so hard to listen to Carol. This is why the establishment left keeps getting its ass kicked. They bring hugs to a fist fight.

  104. How long before the Georgia deportation bus has its exhaust run into the passenger area? Their ignorance still stuns.

  105. Carol’s commentary on story one is positively cringe-worthy. As another user put it, she is a great example of the compulsory “even-handedness” so commonly seen in the MSM. And this is exactly my concern, and one shared by many other members. The pushback against such even-handedness can be civil. But it should not be civilized to the point of weakness. You guys should be tigers, not Persian cats. What I see here is an incredibly muted response compared to what I imagine might be said (and with what degree of force it might be said) if Carol were not on the panel. I am underwhelmed by everyone’s responses. Also, I don’t think it’s necessary to fellate Cuomo like that. I also enjoyed his interview with Rudy… but what’s going on… will he be on the show on Monday?

    1. PS, Ana’s face in the freeze frame is how I feel about everything wrt you guys in the last 36 hours.

      1. I wish they had thumbs up for comments here because I’d thumbs up the fuck out of this … that face … it does say it all doesn’t it?

  106. Carol did seem like a duck out of water. Towards the end of the show I think she started picking up that she act like a colour other than beige.
    If they bring on someone from MSNBC then that would be going too far.

    1. I used to never watch MSNBC, but in the last year, it’s been a lot like TYT (or TYT has become a lot like it) — except that MSNBC covers breaking news, instead of 1-2 day old news.

  107. Warning: slightly gross comment.
    I like using the “ladies room” – men’s rooms have different equipment for a good reason. Sharing a bathroom with boys means pee on the floor and on the toilet seat? more often.

  108. Having CC on was great! She reminded me of my mother – who thought OJ was innocent, but then again,
    my mother wasn’t interested in access.

    The doors were the cause of the shooting , OMG , I was astounded. He’s the Governor, so he must be right….. and Rudy is such a nice person, etal Wow MSM on TYT — I thought Cenk and Ana and Ben were awesome and the contrast in POV told the story.

    Ana! Impressive dancing!

    Yikes, I’m still laughing — and yet it is sad and pathetic.
    With all that, I hope this doesn’t become a new trend.

    Thank you TYT

    1. It was sad how TYT would have savaged CC if she hadn’t been on their show. Get ready for more of this MSM BS as TYT goes mainstream

  109. If they want to bring someone on from mainstream news, that is fine- provides a bigger discussion in points/counter arguments/etc. However, I’d first like to see them bringing further leftist hosts on. More radical voices!!

    They [TYT hosts] are progressive and leftist, but I’d love more DSA, socialist, anarchist, etc voices on the panel. Someone who will challenge some of the views as well, but not to be hesitant they are “too extreme”– like it seemed Carol did pretty quickly into the story– but instead that they just aren’t radical enough.
    Again: More radical voices! :)

    1. Ok…I take back being fine with a MSM voice on. That hour drug on with her “but, but” “Let’s be fair” “he has a point” type comments. Plus the inability to fully report/breakdown a story because there was so much time having to let her explain why it is or isn’t ok or whatever. I’m sure she is a great newscaster and has opinions that people really appreciate; however, it is definitely not going to be the TYT audience. [well, I would say that is my guess. could be some of the audience that has similar views to her?]
      Please do not make it a new habit, TYT.

      Still- More RADICAL leftist voices!!!

  110. guys. Why in the ever-living fuck would you invite Carol Costello to be on the show THE DAY AFTER you drop an announcement that has pissed off half of your (paying viewership)? Why?

    So we can all bear witness to the fact that all the hosts, Cenk and Ana included, have been completely neutered by the new corporate overlords? So we can all see just how quickly the show is going to change now?

    Like, are you kidding? MSM is not popular and not trusted because it is not responsive to the needs and desires of its viewership… so… good luck I guess. I am starting to agree that this entire move seems to be heavily based on Cenk’s ego and the oscillating inferiority/superiority complex he seems to harbor in relation to the MSM.

    1. Can’t disagree, and it’s painful. If Costello is being trolled by having her on, that’s one thing, but it’s more likely that TYT is going the MSNBC route by “moderating”. The language thing was a tell. This is a bad look, and I’m afraid Cenk’s insufferable ego is compromising the TYT brand. YouTube TV is what we’ll be left with once net neutrality is dead and buried.

  111. New NRA slogan: Guns don’t kill people. Too many doors do.
    So let’s fix it and get rid of the doors.

  112. How often did the TYT panel hold their tongue wanting to bite corporate media where deserved because they instead wanted to be polite hosts to their CNN guest?

    Hoping they just need practice to continue to be aggressive when they have this scenario again.

    1. If they continue to have “both sides do it” guests on they will either push back harder (but then why would those sorts of guests agree to be booked?) or they will hold their tongues and take the company further down the path of MSM.

  113. This is just deputizing every a**hole with an issue to round em up and bring the animals to marshall. Initially laughable , but horrifying in it’s implications for recruiting volunteer vigilantes.

  114. I don’t think any of the comment here are trolling Carol. They could reasonably be a lot more negative. Just because someone is civil is no reason to disagree strongly. I think Carol is a good example of this MSM tendency towards “even handed” as opposed to fair. So Gov Abbott is having a round table “and that’s got to be good, right?”. Like cheap photo ops equate to real action. Couomo gives Giuliani a serving of his own statements and that’s not fair, and isn’t it a good thing that he comes into CNN to put his side. Press releases are for putting his side. Live interviews are for being challenged. Rudi shd have got a fisting so bad he couldn’t sit down for a year.

    1. Yeah, I really don’t like her trying to be “fair” to Abbot. This is why I don’t like MSM, because with most progressives it’s “Fool me once, shame on you, full me twice, shame on me.” With her it’s like, “Fool me once, awesome, fool me twice, cool, fool me for the hundredth time, maybe a little shame on you?” I hope they don’t invite corporate media people on too often, because I don’t want the environment to become more MSM like.

      1. Agreed. Her deference to Abbot is very thinly veiled signaling for access. She’s doing the TV reporter thing, it’s a bad fit for TYT and I appreciate her giving it a go. I didn’t like it but the shake up was fun to cringe watch.

  115. Part of the reason for many exits has to do with fire hazard. Forcing everyone to exit from the same place is a disaster for bomb scares and fires. Of course you could have iron GATES like prisons do and some razor wire on top. Great learning environment. Eeeeesh…

  116. I think its ok to have Carol Costello types on so we can hear what the main stream folks are hearing, and hear TYT responses.

  117. Sooooooo who do we have for next week’s Power Panel? Jake Tapper? Wait, is it Chris Cuomo? Is that why you talked him up today?

    1. Having Jake Tapper or Chris Cuomo on would be absolutely amazing. Sadly, I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon, but Carol Costello is just as amazing in my opinion! Wasn’t expecting her, what a pleasant surprise.

    2. Chuck Todd, and Cenk will respond…”I totally hear you about not wanting your kids to hear anything bad about Trump”

    3. I thought I had subscribed to a more progressive viewpoint not a sappy lead from the middle CNN point of view with Carol Costello. Bring back Jimmy Dore!

  118. If they needed a MSM mook to parrot MSM talking points, causing the show to come to a screeching halt while everyone else refuted them, demonstrating to new viewers the difference between TYT and the MSM, well . . . they got that.

  119. Personally, I absolutely LOVED that they had Carol Costello on! And I really don’t get a lot of you guys in the comments here, we always complain about the right being irrational in their distaste for certain people, but a lot of the comments here are just as irrational if not worse. Just because Carol works for CNN doesn’t make her a bad person at all. In fact, she seems like an absolutely lovely person. Even if some of you won’t believe it, but you can actually work for a big news company and still be a decent human being. Sad to see so much hate in the comments, you guys are really spreading poison and turning what used to be a lovely comment section very toxic.

    I really hope she won’t see the comments in here because they’re just deeply, deeply tactless, vicious and nasty.
    Some of the comments here I’d expect to see from Alex Jones fans but not TYT members. I hope some of you think about the things you’ve said. Stay classy!

    Thank you Carol, I enjoyed your appearance a lot. I really hope you’ll be back soon.

    1. Albert, based on the order in which comments are posted at the point in time you made yours, the remarks about Costello were: she’s milquetoast, mainstream, and a bad fit for TYT. You consider these to be hateful, nasty, vicious, and classless? At what point did someone say she’s not a decent human being? I don’t mean to make the comments section toxic, but I don’t understand why you interpreted the comments before yours to be so awful and unnecessary.

      1. Calling her a ‘mainstream hack’ for example isn’t very nice to a guest on the show. Also, it was mainly the piling on, there were 5-6 comments just saying how bad and milquetoast she was. I just don’t think that’s very nice to a guest. You may disagree with her, but come on, calling her a hack and milquetoast and just everybody saying TYT sold out and how she’s on a day after the YoutubeTV anouncement, questioning the timing as if she’s some horrible bad person and you shouldn’t have her on, I just don’t think that’s right. I take your point, maybe I read too much into them and there’s worse comments out there, but I know if I was her, and I saw those comments, I certainly wouldn’t be a friend of the show anymore if 90%+ of the audience just talks about how bad she was and what a milquetoast establishment hack she is. I think guests of the show deserve more respect, and I think it’s great that we’re seeing some very influential people on the show recently, and it really just bothered me to see how everyone seemed to agree that she was just some establishment hack. But I take your point, the terms hateful and vicious were maybe a bit too harsh, so I do take your point on that, but I still feel as though they weren’t very nice.

        1. Awww…very nice to a guest? That sounds exactly like the MSM….you have to be nice to the people in your circle, no matter how much they promote people and policies that hurt and/or kill others.

          No, we don’t have to be nice just because they appear on the show. Just like we shouldn’t be nice to people like Dick Cheney or John McCain just because they are members of the cocktail circuit. There are real issues that affect real people at stake here….

    1. Ojala
      I think that Carol Costello is a bit clueless. Close more doors, build bomb walls and these terrorists will become arsonists and shooters. What’s wrong with her?

  120. Regards recent shooting in Australia. It was by a family member on a farm. The reaction? Not to put more guns on farms, not to fortify family home. Additional gun buyback just announced. Not rocket science.

  121. Carol Costello seems like a nice enough person, but her analysis leaves quite a lot to be desired. Judging from the body language of the other hosts after some of her points on the school shooting story (Ana looked like she was just barely able to hold it together), I don’t think Ms. Costello is going to be back on any time soon. I hope TYT doesn’t make a habit of bringing on milquetoast guests now that they’ve made the jump to cable.

    1. First day on YouTube TV and there’s a MSM opinion writer on the panel, who keeps throwing out bullshit MSM talking points. Weird coincidence?

        1. What the hell was this MSM hack doing on TYT? “Gosh, maybe there ARE too many doors in schools.” Seriously? Is this the new face of TYT? Not enthused.

    2. Why does every panel have to be a circle jerk? A more moderate voice so much enriches the show. I loved Carol being there!

      1. Nothing wrong with a moderate voice, and I kept trying to keep that in mind. But it was a moderate voice…on CNN’s payroll. Money out of politics, money out of media, please. Including TYT. Gotta join the chorus of thumbs down here. This was very cringe worthy.

        1. btw it occurs to me: “Why don’t they have less entrance/exit points???” Well…how about not creating a FUCKING STAMPEDE as people rush out for whatever reason? Never mind a school shooting, how about a fire? Aren’t there codes regulating this, established because 1000+ people trying to leave only one or two exits in an emergency leads to people literally getting trampled? I was watching the discussion and kept waiting for Cenk or Ana to point this out.

          1. Yeah, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire – no fire escapes, 160 people died. A HUGE watershed in American labor history. So let’s claw that back to prevent potential entrances for school shooters. Yeah…sounds like a nose I want to cut off in spite of my face…


          2. Yeah I kept waiting for them to make that point too… (crickets)… MSM idiot news anchors are infecting TYT now.

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