Cenk Uygur and Ben Mankiewicz. A story about a man who got angry about two people talking in Spanish at a restaurant in Manhattan. Stats on the money that undocumented immigrants add to this economy. Have Democrats made a mockery of “Resist”? Trump seems to have taken a bribe from china. Democrats voting for Gina Haspel. Ben Mankiewicz onscreen appearance. How the Met Gala is magnifying the current state of the country.

what would it take for me to be in an old school episode?
“I got news for you, my mother ain’t here”
Me, dipping my lollipop into a chocolate pudding cup, my lasagna still in the oven: Words to live by
Cenk + Ben = very stereotypical Jewishness without being Jewish.
Yikes, Bens making feel slimy trying to soften Hillary Clinton and still supporting her by saying she’d be “50 Billion times better..”
Really Ben? C’mon.. Would she be? Would she really be “50 BILLION times better” than Trump? She has nothing to offer, and plenty to take away, yet she’d be so much more sneaky about it. At least everything Trump does is brazen and grates on the average voter.
Keith, couldnt disagree with you more. Trump is getting away with murder. The GOP congress is providing cover while he is destroying the country. Hillary would be 50 billion times better. Heck, so would Kasich and he sucks
Your hatred of HRC is typical of a lot of progressives and conservatives. She would have been 50 Billion times better. I didn’t vote for her and I didn’t support her but this notion that people on the left keep perpetuating that HRC is basically the same as Donald Trump is ridiculous.
The way they said “Quavo” had me in tears ???
How about “unhinged masculinity.” And that isn’t confined to men. Maybe Haspel had a problem with unhinged masculinity.
I think the power trip comes from our evolutionary past, and most do not want humanity to evolve to be more well-rounded.
I think guys are more accepting of the term ‘toxic masculinity’ than ‘white privilege’. Even after it being explained most people still lash out against the idea of white privilege, they need it proven to them over a long period of time, and even then it’s still a shit name (I still don’t understand why that’s the name for it), but from my experience once you simply explain what toxic masculinity is, almost everyone goes “oh, yeah, that’s a thing, I agree”. It’s also particularly helpful in reaching out to the anti-feminist, anti-sjw types that think the social left is all about man-hating, because it points out something that predominantly affects men.
I think white privilege being simply explained as and called Unearned Advantage leads skeptic whites to be more open to the convo as well. Like biking with the wind at your back. You still need to petal hard but it’s easier.
The word “toxic” is what turns everyone off by going over the map to poisonous and lethal substances. It’s irrelevant the actual description is a thing.
Great hair yet again from the Manx. Always love old school with these 2!
The ‘of migos’ bit was funny … great show … more Cenk and Ben on old school!
I’m not going to the TYT YouTube network… Not that it is too pricey; but my technical skills are still confined to MS-DOS and floppy disks… I have a desktop — no laptop or iPad – I use my android phone for calls and an occasional picture which I email to my AOL account, ’cause I don’t know how to text it… Having said all that, as long as Ben Mankiewicz shows up on Old School and WTF from time to time, and Cenk, Anahit Kasparian, (and John) show up on the main show I will take TYT.com far into the future…
An Oxford Comma could have cleared up that whole “of Migos” thing. I totally read it like Ben and Cenk did.
Hey Cenk,
Set your IP address on your WiFi adapter to automatically set. Oh, you don’t know how to do that. Ask IT Department to check it for you.
So glad to know that YouTubeTV subscribers will also have access to THIS previously members exclusive show! /s
Toxic masculinity is douchebaggery.
As a proud owner of a number of TYT t-shirts that does NOT look like FDR! Sorry!
I am so proud of the left in Australia. They are extremely aggressive and hawkish and they have never been apologetic to the right. They never ever sing their praise or give into their pressure. They never keep their powder dry, they never capitulate. They are literally militant by the US definition.
The stories you hear of the so called left in the US are just mind blowing to people like us. I have been a member for such a long time, but after all these years, it still amazes me to see how weak and pathetic the left in the US is, and yes, maybe Cenk is right. You probably don’t have a left representing the people. I agree with Cenk, they are just there to keep the show running.
Do you really think the 6 or less corporations (that control the media) would EVER allow an eloquent and AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE a platform? Unfortunately, in the home of the free, and the brave, we have to do a web search or watch: TYT or RT …it is disgraceful!
i thought it was kevin spacey as frank underwood on the shirt.
@Cenk Get a new computer with a better a Wireless network card, your current laptop probably has a shitty wireless and get’s oversignaled/smothered by other laptops in the area with stronger cards.
Pretty sure your tech guys can find you a laptop with a really good wireless network card instead of the junk you’re carrying around now.
I thought it was H.P. Lovecraft on Cenk’s t-shirt.
I thought it was Woodrow Wilson on Cenk’s t-shirt.
I also thought it was Woodrow Wilson.